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A 6 month doesn’t need to do much. They will get plenty of stimulation by being with you and their sibling. They will likely be paying attention to watching a toddler play, listening to speech, and chewing on stuff.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear that!


I misread this as “six year old.” And I was going to say that you were a terrible parent for only focusing on your 2 1/2 year-old. LOL But a six month old will get plenty of stimulation. And I think it’s lovely that you are taking your children out and making sure your 2 1/2-year-old gets a lot of stimulation.


Haha! Thank you!


Your 6 month old will get a lot of good time in just observing you and your son doing whatever you’re doing. It’s not totally unlike the mixed ages rooms, just a little bit of a bigger age gap :) since she has a gym and toys accessible, she will be able to explore on her own or observe at her leisure it sounds like. I wouldn’t worry too much about things while out at the zoo or a museum, where there’s so much to observe and explore, even for your 6m. At home, perhaps try to do age appropriate adaptations of what you’re doing. If a craft, what similar materials could be safe and interesting for your younger one to touch and play around with? If cooking, could be a good time for food exploration - put different food purees of different colors on a tray or waterproof play-mat and see what happens. Sounds like you guys are going to have a lot of fun together this summer 🙂


Oh wow, great ideas to give her similar, safe materials to feel and experience while we do the craft activities.


Around that age I would frequently give my girl a lemon, lime, and orange to play with. She loved it. I don’t do any type of Montessori or anything but it she like the different shapes, smells, weights and all that. At 6 now she does love to just straight eat lemons and limes though.


lol! Thats very cute. And prevents scurvy :)


Wear the baby. I used the African style back carry, (tons of YouTube videos how to do this) and wore my 3-18 mos old while doing all those things with my older toddler. The babies all loved it! They watch and learn, in the “quiet alert” phase. Let them sit and play and toddle when it’s safe, but a lot of the time, watching from a back carry is the way they learn. A cloth carry like a sling, the stretchy tube type, or African back carry have a smaller profile and are easier to manage in the house and for many activities. I’ve used every time of carrier, from a high tech hiking frame pack, to the 1.5 yard strip of fabric, and these styles were what I rotated among.


I have one but I usually wear her in the front. I have to see if mine is capable of holding her in the back. I've also been wearing her where she faces me until now. Since she is 6 months old I think I can wear her so that she is facing outwards


Also, just to add, I usually wear her outside when going places. But when she was a month or two old I would wear her around the house


When doing things like cleaning and gardening with my older kids, the backpack was only real way I found to keep the infant safe, and part of the action.


Fyi although this is good advice, prolonged babywearing is not really aligned with montessori which aims for unrestricted movement


It’s the biological norm. I thought Montessori went by best practice and what is developmentally appropriate?


You don't have to take my word for it, feel free to read around the topic. Its also mentioned in the Montessori Baby by Simone Davies.


I was expressing disappointment, as I had thought better of Montessori.


Infant care practices are culturally specific. In the majority of non-western cultures caregivers carry their infant and go about their daily tasks.


Well this is self-evident. I just commented as this is a Montessori subreddit which typically looks at the point of view of the ideal for the baby's development, not tips on how the mother survives the fourth trimester.


I’m a Montessori toddler teacher and mother of two (m19) & (f12) Montessori kids whom I wore until they were both into their preschool years. Wearing your child as you go about your day allows them to comfortably join you while participating and experiencing safely.


Do you have a water floor mat? What about a friend with a baby w a nanny that age? You can take turns exchanging childcare for the infants while the older kids play.


I don't think 6 month olds can be nannies!


Ha ha 😂


Oh wow! A water floor mat. Just looked it up. It's a tummy time toy right? Is there a brand you would recommend? I worry that the ones on Amazon aren't great quality and will burst.


Yes, it's a tummy time toy. I don't have a brand to recommend. However, you don't have to fill it so tight it feels like it will burst.


Oh! I didn't realize I fill it myself. Thank you!


We had a nuby one and I'd fill with different temperature water(sensibly obviously so no red hot/freezing)and sometimes something to make bubbles/food colouring and at 6 months thy would often sit on it and play that way. It works well with older ones at a table too


Legit the best thing you can do for her is just put her down in a safe space where she can move freely with a few enrichments! For me this was a Toki mat with a play pen around it. Keep it clean and switch up the toys and things. Don't feel guilty! This is so good for her brain and physical development. Drop and go! I mean, watch her of course...  If she is content, let her be and restrict the compulsion to go interact with her. There will be plenty of times when she isn't content and will need more attention. :) make sure she can see and be a part of what you all are up to when it makes sense. 


Seconding all the comments saying she's probably getting enough mental stimulation from watching tou engage with the older kid, especially if the older kid is engaging her at all. Definitely try to encourage bringing her into activities as much as you can when she's around, and the older she gets, the more she'll be able to engage herself. Also, this age is pretty critical for learning self soothing & independent play, so don't worry about focusing your attention on the older one for now, she'll get more individual attention as he gains independence!


What about an appropriate age Montessori mobil? In the basket include different textures of clothes Maybe a drum where she can tap tap tap? Music itself Been on the floor is the best so a safe area where she can move around How about funny socks? There are some that comes with pom-poms or make noise when they move their feet A mirror. Soft book with family pics


Great ideas, thank you!


She’ll be with you on the outings and the projects & activities for your son will be quite entertaining to her. (If he’s painting, put paper in a zip lock gallon bag, squeeze a few blobs of paint on the paper, zip it shut & tape it to her high chair tray & let her squish it around. Pinterest has more ideas)


You're fine. I have about the same age gap and similar jam packed schedule and the 6 month old is just thrilled to be along for the ride. She likes looking around at stuff, cooing at people, chewing on stroller toys etc. I just make sure she gets a lot of floor time once we get home


A 6 month old will probably be content just sitting and watching the toddlers do their thing. Being some stacking toys and a crinkle book but you’re all set. They don’t need much at that age.


6 months was prime time for me to teach my son to independently play. I’d let her play alone while doing something special with your toddler. Mainly because your toddler will remember, your infant won’t. As long as she’s content, give all that time to your newborn! Some outside things we love to do are swings, hammocks, bubble machines. All that would be entertainment while watching big bro play! If she wants to be nearby in the kitchen, I’ve learned that kids love red solo cups and painters tape. I always have those on hand. I swear they’re the ultimate parenting hack 🤣 I’ve been using them pretty much my sons entire 19 months of life