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Corolla, NC part of OBX. Quiet and ideal for families. It’s where we used to go when the kids were under 6 and under.


LOVE the OBX and am planning a trip to the 4x4 in September. Such an amazing area.


I love the Outer Banks but something to be aware of is that hurricanes are more likely the later you go in the season. We avoid trips in August for this reason.




Ridiculous. There’s sharks in every ocean.


Idk if the other commenter meant this, (and if they did it wasn't explained), but there's been 2 juvenile great whites seen very close to the coast within the last few months. Personally, that just makes me want to go MORE, but that's just me 😂


Ocearch tracks tagged sharks. There’s always Great Whites and others passing through the OBX as far as New England once waters warm up. Attacks are rare and if the OP is concerned they can set up or stay on one of the beaches with guards. I’ve been going to beaches from Bethany, OC, OBX since childhood and now my family. I’ve never seen a shark (one small one caught after lifeguard hours on a rod) in those waters in all those years, although I absolutely know they’re out there. [Ocearch](https://www.ocearch.org/tracker/)


Personally not that worried this time around as I will be spending little to no time in water higher than knee deep. This is cool info though!


Look at a map of the eastern seaboard at Hatteras NC and at OC Maryland and look how close the continental shelf is to Hatteras. Bull sharks are no joke, my friend.


I get it. They’re out there.


I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the 4 just comes down to personal preference.


Sandbridge. It's smaller, usually more families there &, while it's not Deep Creek close, it's closer than the OBX & you will pass it on your way to the Outer Banks. It's not far from VA Beach if you want things to do & a place to go. You're not far from the ,[Virginia Marine Science Museum](https://virginiaaquarium.com/) too.


Another vote for Sandbridge. I’ve been to all of these places and Deep Creek is a little boring, OBX traffic is the worst both getting there and getting around, Wildwood is fun but super crowded (but Wildwood/Cape May would be my second suggestion). While some parts of VA Beach kinda kinda suck, Sandbridge is much nicer and more lowkey, but has access to a bunch of restaurants, shopping, and attractions if you want to go into VA beach or other areas nearby.


We don’t have kids but we enjoyed our last trip to the Outer Banks so much that we just booked another trip in September. There’s a lot to do—there’s the beach of course, but there’s multiple towns within OBX to explore. We took a trip up to Duck and Corolla one day, did the lighthouse, and walked around different shopping areas. Another day we drove south through the National Seashore. We went to the National Park/Monument dedicated to the first flight and the Wright Brothers. Our next trip we plan to go to the state park with the large sand dunes. There’s also multiple mini golf courses which might be a bit more little kid friendly. There’s a commercialized side to OBX that’s similar to Ocean City and the DE beaches, but overall we were pleasantly surprised by how wild so much of the land and beaches seemed. And the more money you have, the better beach experience you can probably buy with beach front rentals.


Deep Creek Lake is very built-up and touristy, so if you prefer nature and solitude, I would recommend somewhere else (like OBX). It has a lot of amenities, though, if that’s what you’re looking for. I would also consider Chincoteague Island in Virginia, which is not as far a drive as Sandbridge and has both amenities and a gorgeous national wildlife refuge with miles and miles of beach.


Cape May is good but there’s not a lot to do for kids, you have to go up the shore like Ocean City. there’s nothing like kid entertainment, and Cape May itself. Unless that’s changed over the last four years.


I went to Deep Creek and did not enjoy its- there duck poop everywhere, mosquitos, the lake had a little bit of a smell. A boat would have made it more enjoyable but was out of my budget.


I've been going to Sandbridge since the 80s and it's a wonderful place.. We book through Siebert realty and have never had an issue..


While Sandbridge is relatively small, any advice of what areas are preferable to stay for someone looking for a relatively quiet spot?


My Brother and his family prefer the North end because it's not as busy while I prefer the South end because it's closer to Little Island Park.. We've stayed all over and even in the RV park Bayside at the South end and honestly it's all relatively quiet.. It's really a unique place.. Also if you are looking for something quiet and laid back you couldn't really go wrong with Deep Creek Lake as an option..


Used to love Corolla in the OBX, but it started to feel like it was being taken over by MAGA hillbillies, so we haven’t gone in a couple years. I miss it.


We go to OBX almost every summer. Stuff to do for the kiddos and nice and quiet on the beach :)


OBX is great, went with our 2.5yo last month and he had an absolute blast. Duck and Corolla are excellent quieter spots, with a ton of stuff to do.


This will be our 35th year going to obx, all the way down past cape Hatteras. We go for the undeveloped and uncrowded beaches. Cook in every night, play all day in the surf or sailing/paddling on the sound. It’s 7+ hours and rental contract signed at Christmas time. There are hotels and efficiency condos with some nice restaurants but we generally buy fish locally and cook in


They are all lack luster compared to Bethany / Fenwick. OBX is fine but that drive is SO long you will be re thinking your choice by the end. All the rentals down there are Sat-Sat so the traffic is just absurd unless you are able to get an Airbnb or hotel that will allow you to check in on a weekday. Also there is really nothing there you wouldn’t get in Bethany other than a longer, tougher drive. Deep creek would be the only thing on your list that’s “different” so I would say that could be the only other decent option.


I’ve never been but a ton of people love cape may. OBX doesn’t have lifeguards and it’s called the graveyard of the Atlantic for a reason


This is false, some beaches in the outer banks with lifeguards. Duck for certain.


Yes. And that reason is the shipwrecks, not because swimmers drown at a higher rate there. https://graveyardoftheatlantic.com


Pretty sure that’s not an area a lot of people swim. Maybe not allowed even. I’m not 100% sure though.


OBX is called the graveyard of the Atlantic because of shipwrecks. OP is not planning on sailing there in their galleon full of Spanish gold.


Ok tell that to my niece


They absolutely have lifeguards in season on some beaches in the OBX.