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The brothers who died left no siblings... Those parents don't have any children anymore. I can't imagine how distraught they must be.


I can’t imagine the pain they are going through. Their whole family gone


I heard the mum on the radio last night. The heartbreak in her voice was unmissable. It’s an awful situation.


I wouldn’t be surprised if one or both don’t live all that long.


Oh if I lost all of my kids I would have absolutely zero plans to keep living.


I mean, same. But I don’t want to put that out there so. I


Yep, they're one of the two reasons I'm even still here. No way could I go on if I lost all of them.


User name a giveaway? Or am i way off?


I just made it up, but maybe subconsciously 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't think highly of myself at all, so...


All the drugs man. What else is there


Kind of insensitive thing to say about a family that’s lost children


You’ve never lost a child or super close family member, have you? And I’m guessing you’ve never seen your parents lose a child either? I have. It’s not insensitive. It’s the only thing a parent will want after losing a child. Losing ALL their children? I wouldn’t blame them if they chose it or their health couldn’t keep up with the heartbreak. I’m not hoping for anyone’s ill health, fyi Losing a child is literally the worst thing that can happen to you in this world out of all the normal, mundane terrible stuff that happens to people.


As a dad, I would want to go and revenge on the local cartel. A death wish, but still…


Bruh, if this happened to my sister, I'm going to try and drag as many of them with me to hell so they can apologise to my sister.


But.. wouldn't that mean your sister would go to hell?


He said what he said!


I'm Chinese. Everyone goes to hell.


😭 is that like a Chinese belief or something


Get ready for some [crazy shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diyu)


See you in hell, I guess!


See y'all there


I think not. A stray troll.




That Rev. Lovejoy line from the Simpsons: “See you in hell (from heaven)”




What's interesting here is that whoever did this, they probably aren't locals (though obviously theyre there and working now). The cartels are so big that the recruit people from around the country and send them to their different hot spots to be soldiers, and the young guys who get sent into these areas are usually the ones committing indiscriminate violence. The primary reason that the Zetas are thought by many are losing their power is because it was just a group of defected spec ops soldiers who started off working for the gulf cartel, while basically all of the other cartels are ran with families who have historic ties to the regions they work in. (The zetas are also very famous for their shock and awe brutal tactics of basically just wiping out whole towns of innocents, something that the knights Templar and familia michoacana have since modeled themselves on, but still not to the same level.) They were super effective worked for a while, as the zetas kept pulling recruits from the military, but as they grew and started recruiting random civilian shitheads, they lost the military structure and organization that had made up for the fact that people weren't connected to the area and had no historic and family loyalties, and it basically turned into a trump cabinet. Not quite to the same levels, but the other, old big cartels (sinaloa, gulf, etc.) are doing the similar thing of sending recruits around the country, they just have a little more oversight, enough to keep the actual cartel from collapsing in itself. This is actually seen to be one of the main factors for the femicide crises there: a lot of violent out of towners seeing local girls as the spoils of war


I feel you dude. If this happened to my wife that’s what I’d do. Wouldn’t want to live anyways


That is so awful. I feel horrible for their parents.


Mexico is terrible. Went to Cabo about ten years ago Aisha w a group of friends and the police took us out to the dessert, took all our money, and left us there. Shady corrupt and dangerous country.


Work with a guy that grew up in a farming community downstream of Juarez. Went to visit back in 2012 for two weeks. Came back and said he is never returning, dirty and dangerous - his words. 


I’ve heard so many stories like this. My husband refuses to go and he’s Mexican.


I wouldn’t write off all of Mexico. It’s a big and beautiful country. Most normal tourists will never have an issue in popular towns.


Nice try, cartel, we’re not falling for that.


I’m most definitely not a Cartel member lol but I have visited Mexico dozens of times as a white american woman. I’m not going to act like it’s the safest place on earth, but Meixco does *not* want to fuck up their tourism industry. If you’re an American and not doing drugs, drinking, or acting out, generally you will be left alone. If anything, I bet the cartel would be angry about the deaths in the original posts because tourism is *extremely* valuable to the area and the cartel. Ensenada is a beautiful place that has US cruise ships entering/exiting all the time. These random acts of violence hurt them all economically.


Fuck that noise, my family is from Mexico and they absolutely refuse to go there. Those folks are horrible. If you go trust no one. Seriously.


And in the tourist towns you can be targeted for being a tourist- or more likely- get sick or die from the ethanol spiked booze at the resorts. 


thousands of people go to resorts in cabo every single day and thousands of people come back totally fine if not sunburnt


Stop coming here, it's that simple, and cascade the sentiment to your "digital nomad" countrymen.




Go back then


I love Mexico but I don't go to the super touristy spots and I treat the big cities there with the same caution that I would treat big cities in this country.


This is terrible advice, the touristy spots are probably the few safe areas


It's so unimaginable


I love how initially the cops were just investigating their deaths as suspicious. Uhh, their bullet-riddled bodies were thrown down a well a short distance from their burned up pickup truck. Foul play is rather obvious, no?


Detective Jump To Conclusions over here


Pretty pissed I can’t change my user flair to that, ngl.




Thank you for calling me out on the stupid little flourishes I add to my comments haha


Whoa whoa whoa! They could’ve fallen on those bullets and tripped down the well, thus sparking the gas can that burned their truck. It’s obvious


Obvious suicide.


what did they have on Boeing? 🤔


You know what? You’re so right. These poor gents were just the victims of an unfortunate accident, just like Michael Peterson’s wife. That damn Owl.


Probably an owl attacked them, sparking the whole chain of events!


they found an owl microfeather in her hair


Elaborate Suicide


Maybe the knew stuff about Boeing maintenance practices :)


Only 7 more whistleblowers to go


I’m curious if they just meant, was this a random crime against innocent tourists, or were these men participating in something illicit that went wrong (drug deal, etc). It’s unacceptable either way, but it seems like they were softballing it a bit because the optics changes if it turns out that they put themselves in harms way.


Local news is stating the criminals wanted their truck.




I’m wondering the same. Were they taking drugs across the border? Or did their killers think they had drugs in their tyres or cars? And yes, still awful. Just the execution style killing makes me wonder.


It's a tourist area, so the pressure is on. I just hope they caught the right person rather than framing someone to get an arrest. 


We all know that within a couple days there will be some random, beat to hell, low level operators hogtied outside the local federale post with a note pinned to them that says "they did it. As you can see, we are as mad as you are".


What if they had a mechanical failure and their truck happened to have a bunch of ammo in and when the truck exploded the bullets riddled them and they were thrown down the well by the blast


New fear unlocked


You must be one of those pre-cogs from Minority Report, or you're one of the culprits to come to this conclusion. Which is it?


“Three suspects are being held in connection with the case, which locals said was solved far more quickly than the disappearances of thousands of Mexicans.”


It seems crude to say, but a lot of these local units will be aggressive on anything threatening tourist dollars. Three international surfers talking about how this was their dream trip and this is how it ended? Not the image they want.


In that area “Baja” there are a lot of racing events with huge American dollars backing the events. The Mexican authorities have it in their best interest to solve tourists being killed there very swiftly.


Yeah, i’m sure if they didn’t find those responsible they’d still find those responsible if you know what i mean?


Yeah, that's pretty common. Depending on how corrupt the local, state, and federal law enforcement working in the area are, there is a good chance that they at least have a pretty good idea of who connected to whom is responsible, but they won't touch them and so for the sake of PR they just scoop up some random saps. They are likely to be related to a large cartel since this kind of indiscriminate violence typically occurs when foot soldiers are recruited from another part of the country to work there, and they have no ties to the area.


I honestly think half of it was because a girl that was associated with the crime was brought in on drug charges like a day or two after it happened. The cop ended up going thru the phone and I think stumbled on pics of what happened. Basically just handed them the case.


For people who don't know, it's sadly very common that quick arrests are not the actual people who did the crime, and are just "disposable" people. It happens a lot with local crimes.


But it's also true that they take tourism way more seriously. My local bar has many deaths because of the cartel and it's still running. A local idiot shot some tourists at a club, and that club never went back to business. It's the truth of places that value tourists over locals.


It's obvious why. Random Mexican citizens killed doesn't have an effect in tourism. Mexico is safe for tourists as long as you stay in the tourists area, if you venture outside of that you're tempting fate.


They WERE in the tourist areas. Rosarito is a well known surf spot that has lots of tourists. And Tullum another tourist area has had lots of violence lately


They were an hour south of Ensenada (Santo Tomás), in a secluded area only accesible by a dirt road. Not a tourist area at all. Not defending the actions of these criminals but it’s definitely one of those places where you are specifically told to not go if you are a tourist (or a local, for that matter).


Ah I missed that. The first article I read said they were in Rosarito


They were not in Rosarito, they were 40km to the south of Ensenada.


Those areas are safe until someone(s) with violence on the mind decide they aren't anymore. Pretty thin guarantee of safety there.


Killing foreigners will always get more attention than local crime. It makes the situation an international issue.


Bullshit, nothing is solved, 3 randoms arrested and will be convicted and secretly released to calm down the gringos. Narcoland is right across the border.


This is what I think too. Most of my family lives in Mexico and unfortunately pinning crimes on innocent people in order to placate the public is a common practice.


I doubt these are innocent people, but many of these’suspects’ certainly act as the fall guys for crimes that need a quick resolution


Yeah they could be small time criminals that the cops don’t care if they get punished for a crime they didn’t commit. Who knows really?


Was it cartel?


We gonna bury the lede and not talk about the fourth body found in the well?


Nah, because he is Mexican. He doesn't matter. /s ( I am mexican btw)


Australians dying in Australia also “don’t matter” or make international headlines.


Still quite a big difference. As an American I know about a lot of crazy murder cases that happened to Australians in Australia. Mexican on Mexican crime in Mexico is something I actually never hear about. Similarly, in North America, indigenous people getting killed isn't in the news or investigated much if at all (to the point that the canadian government even wrote a report saying that univestigated crime against natives meets UN metrics for genocide) , look at canadas highway of tears. I imagine it's very similar with the aboriginals in Australia


I don't know how the news in Australia are. But when Mexicans have a gruesome death we heard it in the news, in social media; it's just that there are so many that you can't tell them all. A normal death is not news worthy, but when tragedies like this happen, it's normal to make it international news.


They shared the body had long been there so probably unrelated to this specific case.


So, they murdered them for the truck, then burned the truck?


Just for the tires apparently. Some high IQ individuals out there… 😅 They could’ve just taken the vehicle, but I dno, maybe that’d be easier to trace. Still, so tragic to waste lives for car tires. Brain dead sick people.. I think the only thing to do is to call in military and weed out those vile cartels. As in an actual war on drugs.. But I have no clue, it’s just sad how a whole country can be corrupted as it is the case many places in the Middle and South Americas.


It's definitely way worse than I remember. I use to go to rosarito Beach every other weekend about 20 years ago. It was the federales you had to worry about robbing you. The cartels wouldn't touch anyone who wasn't local.


My brother was recently in Mexico with his girlfriend. One night she turned in early and he stayed at the hotel bar. He got roofied and woke up the next day on the beach, robbed and beaten up. The girlfriend was worried sick and contacted the police but they wouldn't investigate without receiving thiusands of dollars. Corrupt and dangerous indeed. Never going there.


That website is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


My sister just got back from Mexico. She said if you go to a resort and use their travelling service you are safe. She didn't do that because she had to meet one of her friends in another town. She drove about an hour from Cabo to another location and got pulled over twice. The first cop shook her and her boyfriend down for all their cash which was around $200. The second cop tried to do the same thing. My sister's boyfriend said he didn't have anything, so the coop threatened to take his license and car keys and then arrest them. He showed the cop his wallet and how it was empty so the cop let him go. Hell no will I ever set foot in Mexico.


Its time we label the cartels as terror organizations. 




I can’t wait until the US military obliterates the cartels & liberates the good people of Mexico.


Keep the US out of it. They aren’t needed or welcomed.


May not be welcomed, but they sure are needed. Mexico has next to no ability to govern itself.


Then I recommend to check if they are hiring.


Well the Mexican government certainly isn’t doing a very good job on its own


I’ve always given a fuck that there’s gangs filled with cockroaches living south of my border. Fuck Mexico’s inability to fix their problem, fuck the fact we have to spend OUR tax money to solve the border WE SHARE and YOU EXPLOIT. Fuck your stupid ass logic, and go educate yourself on world politics - or hell, even common sense is in short supply over there so maybe gather some of that first. You’re from a broken nation with ass backwards reasoning and corrupt infrastructure so you can’t even fix it on your own. Infantile “country” that can’t stand on its own two legs. You’d join the ranks of Haiti, Venezuela, El Salvador, etc.. if it weren’t for the intervention of other, better, nations. Go fuck yourself for insinuating that Americans only care about Americans. We also care that your country is run by a bunch of fucking turds and you’re slowly replacing China as our manufacturing base. If your country goes to shit, then so does ours. It’s not fair that you all do jack shit to help yourselves though, and everyone else has to constantly bail you out due to corruption or plain old ignorance. Edit: I’m also a prior Marine. I would have LOVED nothing more than to be deployed to Mexico and show those cartels what a real professional fighting force can do. I pray that your cartels get labeled as terrorist organizations so that the president can call in the Marines without congressional approval or a declaration of war. The USMC has been studying, watching, planning, for years to be unleashed on the cartels. The only thing holding us back is a silly little designation as “terrorist organization.” I know that everyone I served with has been chomping at the bit for a decade or more just waiting for the order to slay every last one of those bugs in your cartels. It brings me joy knowing that it will likely happen in my lifetime. The Coast Guard knows all about the movements of drugs in and out of ports, and hastily built submarines used for the same purpose. I promise you that they are tracking those movements, and are purely waiting for a time and place which is most convenient for the USA to strike. The cartels only have the illusion of control, at best.


Dammit! The only one in the photo that looked worried was the dog.


I've been to Cancun and the Riviera Maya multiple times staying at all-inclusive resorts. I was well aware not to stray from the resort areas because it can get bad fast. There is extreme poverty literally everywhere so three white guys driving through remote areas in a nice truck would attract attention and is extremely dangerous. Gangs and cartels control those areas and are free to do want they want. These guys were probably having a good time until the moment they were confronted by armed thugs who killed them.


Mexican here You are more than welcome to come here, but PLEASE be careful, you cannot act the same way here like in your country


I employ around 4-5 Mexicans every year. Every single one of them tell me how beautiful and amazing Mexico is, the culture, the people. But every single one of them also told me to never bother going there unless I want to never come back potentially. Unless you're going to a tourist resort, it's a crapshoot if you're gonna be profiled as a rich American, or even just an easy mark. Even when my workers go back to Mexico for funerals or vacations, they're extremely concerned of being extorted or murdered because they've been in the states making good money for the past 5 years.


That's terrifying


They are probably from poor areas and don’t know how diverse Mexico is


What,minding your own business, vacation on the beach in a nice vehicle and EXPECT to go home in the same condition you arrived in?


I understand how it sounds, its never the victims fault, but please be careful, its horrible the level of violence and crime that we have here, is unfair what happened to these people, but this is our sad reality here in Mexico.


I get your sentiment, be careful, but your phrasing is a bit off. They were minding their own business and were robbed and executed by thugs, it’s not like they were flouting local norms, they were just ill informed how truly dangerous and gang controlled parts of Mexico are.


"bUT I wEnT tO MExIcO aNd HaD nO pRObLem, iS toTAlLy sAFe" 🤪🥴😵‍💫😖🫨 Let me find this comment in here....


“Three suspects are being held in connection with the case, which locals said was solved far more quickly than the disappearances of thousands of Mexicans.” Well yeah, Mexican authorities don’t take kindly to people f***ing with the nation’s tourism income so they actually solve these crimes. Mexican on Mexican murder they usually don’t have the same urgency, typically because of who the victim or perpetrator is connected to, and they don’t wanna end up on one of those gore websites. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just listened to Callum's voice message to his girlfriend, shit's heartbreaking


Where and what did it say


I saw it on tiktok, I can't remember who posted it but if you google/search "Callum Robinson voice message" it'll come up


Mexico is dangerous, we know that in Europe and people go there on their own?


It’s not Haiti or Sudan. Most of Mexico is extremely safe, especially as a gringo.


Per the article Baja California is considered one of Mexico's most violent states as local drug gangs fight turf wars. According to official figures, the state had Mexico's second-highest murder rate in 2023. But yeah I agree MOST of Mexico is safe


It's also one of the major tourist states right next to the border with San Diego. That article says their last stop was a beach I looked up is popular with tourists. Sounds like now safe is interspersed with danger which sucks.


Murder rate is a statistic which means nothing without context. Most of the people dying are either cartel members or locals. It is bad business to kill gringos and foreigners.


Yep. I've know two people who have disappeared in Mexico. They were both Mexican immigrants who lived in the US, not gringos or foreigners. Both disappeared while visiting home. One was somewhere in rural Nuevo Leon, not sure about the other. They think the guy in Nuevo Leon was probably robbed for his new truck, which also disappeared. Probably same for the other guy.


The crime in Baja you're describing rarely spills over to effect the tourists. This was a freak occurrence.


I feel like this statement downplays the international response that will result from this event. This isn't going to go away with a little "whoops, sorry these foreign citizens got murdered. Won't happen again."


I feel like there’s usually a big headline case or two each year no? Might have a short-term dent on visits but it has been a perennial issue for a while now and most people seem to be aware to stick to the tourist areas and to use lots of caution when venturing out of them.


Which is why they have suspects in custody already while thousands of locals' murders go unsolved. Tourism is big money for Baja, they're not going to let this go unpunished.


Nahhh, this happens every couple of years. It's almost always near Tijuana too. I overlanded Baja last year, and did the research before hand - it's statistically unlikely to be you, but there's a murder of an American almost every year (sometimes random, sometimes less random). Baja is two of the safest states in Mexico, but the forums will warn you to get away from the border zone as fast as possible. The further south you go, generally the safer it gets.


Where they were camping was very remote and if you google you will see at least one or two people were shot at there before. If you stick to the known safe tourist areas and don’t go remote you should be fine.


This place isn't remote in the least, though? Although sparsely populated, Ensenada is definitely an international destination for surfers. How about not blaming the victims.


It’s 90 mins down a road with no cell service. There is a surf shop in the area but they were not camping there. The local authorities have talked about how remote their camp site was in literally 99% of articles I’ve read. Definitely remote.


Those don't apply to tourists really. 120 of 5.7M visitors died last year. Most deaths involve people who are associated with cartels, that includes visitors. Cartels do not target tourists because you get something like this; a lot of negative attention and by extension, a loss of profits + USA investigations. They don't like people getting in their way. I grew up in cartel land (zetas) and they also dont just mess with innocent civilians either. With that in mind, if you take away cartel related deaths, the murder rate is similar to the rate in the US. Idk why this happened to these specific tourists so Im not speaking about them but unfortunately, some tourists go there for... bad reasons or dont do any research on what places are safe, dont have guides and wander around into non tourist locations OR they are simply caught in the middle of drug related fights. Sad either way.


As if Chicago or Detroit are safe


"Most" would seem like an exaggeration, given the cartel actions across the country.


I swear every mexican province is the most dangerous


>"Extremely safe"  Please don't lie about this, it could get people killed. 


Bet. Mexicos homicide rate is about the same as Mississippi. Would you consider it safe to travel to Mississippi?


Mississippi? Depends on how dark their skin is, probably.


check out the State Department Department travel advisories for Mexico by state before you say anything else. Campeche and Yucatan are literally the only states considered to have a 'normal' level of danger https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html


Ok fine. Be deathly afraid of Mexico and claim it’s dangerous. Millions of people travel to and from Mexico every year and 99.99999999999% of them don’t get murdered.


Except 4 these 3 gringos


Places in Europe are dangerous….people go there on their own?




Europe isn't as safe as it once was


Wich places you refer to?


They’re trying to say “because of migrants” without saying it.


That would be ruling out a lot of other contributing factors. But the sad reality is that despite all of the majority being good people coming to build their lives in another country, a lot of criminals come with them as well.




All of western Europe


Its extremely uncommon for this to happen. Mexico is extremely dangerous for mexicans. Not tourists.


People in the south can cross over pretty easily and do so often so there’s areas by the border especially that have regular American visitors


cartels or the neighbourhood gang 100%


Cartels are the neighborhood gang.


Great, they solved the murders. Mexico is totally safe again. The cartels need to be cleaned out.


A long time ago probably around 1985/6 I used to work in Mexico, it was relatively safe back then even for a “gringo”.I imagine things have gone downhill since then, I used to vaycay there all the time. I once drove a Gazelle kit car from New Orleans down through Mexico to Guatemala and back again. It was a unique experience but something that couldn’t be done today.


Definitely can’t do that drive through the country now. I would say though that historically white people are more safe there than locals or other Latinos. At least the organized criminal groups don’t want the attention from killing Americans.


Cops: "now how can we charge the victims with a felony?"


Why go surfing in one of the most dangerous places in the world?


I guess they fought back


Absolutely awful and another reason I'm scared silly for my children to grow up and fly the nest. I can't imagine losing both my children in such a horrible way. Rest in peace all 3 of them.


All three looked genuinely so sweet and kind. Taking three lives over a damn car is fucking insane. My blood is boiling.


Americans need to stop funding the cartels by buying drugs and to stop selling them guns. We have endured this for decades and you have to realize what your drug addiction has caused. This is a consequence of your own acts.


Lots of stereotyping and racism on this posts comments. Ppl who have never been to Mexico don’t know the reality of it. There are a lot safe beautiful parts. Meanwhile you have kids getting shot at schools in USA but whatever


Don’t go to Mexico!


Why people ever travel to places like Mexico or India always confuses me. Like bro, you’ll find me in a nice Italian resort or something where my biggest fear is getting scammed by some African Gucci-Shade seller


What’s up with India?


Couldn’t imagine thinking Mexico is a trip of a lifetime. They don’t like Americans for starters. You’re 50/50 to spend your trip pissing out your ass from water/food contamination. No thanks. Edit: downvote all you want! Few comments up is someone who hails from Mexico and states its dangerous and that the violence and crime is high.


It was a surf trip, the surf in Mexico is world renowned. Lots of people do surf trips over there with no hassle


i don't agree, but this comment made me laugh


Oh, and don’t forget all the poop toilet paper in trash can because of poor plumbing


Food contamination ? It isn’t India.


Uh Montezuma’s Revenge is particularly common in Central America.


Uhh Mexico is considered North America not Central America bud


It’s okay buddy you learn something new everyday.