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Yep it's called drags, it's a swing manipulation


It's a combat mechanic called dragging. you can drag your weapon to make its attack slower (still deals same damage), throws off the opponent so they block prematurely and subsequently take the hit. There is also an accel if you're not aware. total opposite of a drag, the attack is accelerated, so the opponent has minimal time to register the attack and block, meaning usually they block too late (after the attack)


I had the same reaction at first. "You can't damage me with your sword going at a mile an hour!" Me (beheaded) 2 years later: "Nani?!"


I see a lot of people saying drags. Another lesser known would be late reposts. When you parry an attack and swing, there is a very small window where you can get a slow looking swing. Wait till the last few ms of the repost winow to click an attack button to achieve this. Late reposts are super op and you should always do them if you can. I'd say it's a 50/50 that I either do a late repost or non-repost attack when fighting. Similar logic applies to feints. If you are successfully feinting 100% of your swings, then you are probably no feinting well.


Those are called drags, they are done by turning away from weapon travel. This can be done with mouse movements and with footwork and are part of the games combat. Accels are the same but the opposite, move into the attack instead. In time and with training (playing the game) you too will learn to use it. It may seems frustrating when you are new and still learning, but they are a core mechanic that make the combat more advanced and fun in the end. This game is easy to learn, but hard to master and in my opinion that is what makes the game fun in the long run (currently at 1500 hours)


Except for the fact the weapon animation is completely broken.


Youre absolutly right but I love the wording. Its the same but the opposite XD


A drag, you can start learning it by having the training dummy diagonally right in front of you, then start a right swing, and drag your mouse against the swing So basically, the ending of your swing hits the target


Ppl looking away (dragging) from their swing so their weapon hits you at the last second.


Ppl looking away (dragging) from their swing so their weapon hits you at the last second.


Drags? I’m confused why everyone hates them. I just deal with the punishment and not fall for it next time if possible


Well I don't hate it, it's just new to me


[The infamous drag exploit :\^)](https://youtu.be/1PqlYV1veEY)


stouty 🤢


IT’S. NOT. A. EXPLOIT! Edit: you guys literally miss the point everytime lol, and as expected Stouty is harrassing everyone with his unsolicited tags again. Sure, it may have flaws but it’s literally a core mechanic with a tutorial that possibly *originated* as a bug in the original Chivalry.


Yeah drags arent exploits, but wtf am I supposed to do, if the fucking enemy swings over my head until my block is over and then just hits me with his magical time stop sword that floats over my head, biggest bs I have seen in a long time




I have pretty decent footwork, but if my friend doesnt want me to dodge his 2 meter sword, I wont be able to do it


It's not about dodging, it's about running into drags so you can parry them on your terms


Which I do, but doesnt work half of the time, I can even see the weapon phase through my block and my camera but it doesnt trigger my block and I proceed to die, its just such a good game


keep your parry at head level, if you want to mitigate well begin your defensive footwork by moving in and trying to get the early parry. if they're dragging this will make them pull back more to compensate. if your parry doesnt catch their attack (they pulled back enough) turn and footwork away. try to turn and use w instead of just holding s key as you will move faster. if they pulled back enough to drag you they will often overdrag and miss. crouching and looking up right at the end, or jumping(this costs stam) will make your hitbox smaller or harder to hit for certain drags. the mixup is to be moving away at first causing them to try to turn their attack into you to compensate, then you sprint in to parry. and so on. if they do those big over your head attacks, just crouch when you see it miss your parry, it's very hard to drag it far down enough after they've already dragged it up and over your head. Doing these attack manipulations is complex and takes a lot of practice. mitigating the drags with footwork is also complex but less so than you might think. if you are playing on good ping, you can turn down m.pingextrapolationfactor using console to 0.3 or something. this will reduce the appearance of phasing attacks as the game will not try to "predict" where the sword is going and render it where it isnt yet.(as drastically) 


For a moment, I thought my birthday is early, but its just an actually helpful guy on mord reddit, thanks man


The guy never even faced a good opponent. TLDR its called dragging


sounds like you have a lot of practice ahead of you


Practice what? So my blocks actually block or wtf am I supposed to practice


practice every way to avoid drags including footwork and parry timing


tfw zoomers don't understand ":\^)" anymore feels bad being 60+ :(


I know what it means, but intent can be hard to communicate online sometimes


Yeah, I wish there was some sort of emoticon I could use to clarify my intent


🙄 “:^)” can be interpreted in different ways mate


🙄 ":\^)" can not


To be fair although i dont view drags as an exploit specifically in Mordhau, it is really poorly communicated how to do them and how to deal with them. If the game had a proper tutorial and if Tri gave a fuck they would show how to do them but they wont since they wanna have this illusion about how their fights look like fights.


It’s not a mechanic though, it’s an oversight in the design of the combat system in the same way that all animation manipulations are. Unfortunately if you want to eliminate such exploitation of the animations, you need to go and turn the game into something more like chivalry 2 which even then is far from perfect. I like mordy as it is. I played a lot of chivalry 1 as well so drags don’t bother me and never really have. It doesn’t matter if it’s an exploit or a mechanic, the end result is that you git gud or you go play something else.


It's not an oversight, it was an intentional decision. The AI in the game are programmed to both drag and defend against drags.


Stouty’s video on drags being “exploits” has done irreversible damage. Yes, drags can be easily abused and perhaps also be implemented better (and they were technically a bug in chivalry from memory)… but they’re clearly an intentional mechanic in Mordhau.


The issue is that there is a little bit of truth to it, and there is plenty of quite rightful frustration regarding the mechanics. Some niche forms of swing manipulation are unintentional, in the territory of exploits, and the developers have attempted to resolve those over the years (in particular with Underhands). But the mechanics of drags and accels, of swing manipulation, were all intended and built around by the developers.


It's a core mechanic. Git gud.


not stouty crying and pinging me in his own lonely reddit about this post 🤢 I take up so much free rent space in your reeking head


The dung covered peasants convention is... that way!


Those are called drags and its a bug that hasnt been fixed since chiv1 so they pretend its a feature


It's a core mechanic. Git gud.


I got gud (kinda) and i still think its stupid


How is a core game mechanic stupid? The devs literally say they want to make the game have a high skill ceiling and embrace it like what's stupid about turning your camera to slow down an attack 😢


You'r stupid too bro you're a little stupid mordhau player who thinks moving his stupid little mouse slowly makes him a high-skill gamer


I'm a casual gamer, on console. Plus you're a stupid mordhau player too, never said I was good. I ain't shit even at 100 hours just saying it's actually a good and logical mechanic for the way the parry system works.


The casual stupid mordhau gamer thinks he can teach me about whats good for the game


I can, I'm yet to see any counterpoints you skibidi ohio no gyat no rizz no fanum tax ahh individual


What in the Ohio is bro yapping about frfr?! 😭😭😭


It's a mechanic taught in the tutorial nerd


Go touch some grass


I probably touch more grass than you dweeb 😼


Wtf even is a dweeb, the fact that you use such cryptic internet slang tells me all i need to know


Cuz its not like I help my mum out with my sheep and horses yk. I can do multiple things it's called time management Edit: dweeb is also a term that's older than the Internet, so this isn't about who's more of a degenerate, it's about who has a wider (albeit quite silly) vocabulary. Dweeb.


I dont give a shit about what you do with your mother your sheep or your horses and the fact that you feel proud about your knowledge of ancient and even admitedly silly internet vocabulary kinda makes you the real dweeb here


Not Internet vocabulary 💤💤💤


You sleepy? It already 9pm you should be in bed boyo


Yeah I'm very eepy rn, just got my bottle yk how it is 😝.