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Probs being cynical but I'd guess it means they save money by paying for fewer unsociable hours?


What's twilight shifts in your store? Ours finish before midnight anyway, extra pay is only between midnight and 4am. The sneaky devils moved a lot of the nights roles to 4am starts for that reason. It was mentioned that Rami fella wants more staff in the store at busy times during the day when they were on about moving the fresh code check to the mornings recently.


It's 1000% this. It started with night shifts going, now twilight and now it's about cramming in as much as they can 


We got briefed on this yesterday, seems the whole company is changing the way the deliveries are worked to make it mor effective and to maximise products on shelf during the day


But if the deliveries are worked the evening before, they would be on sale for the following day. If we wait till morning, items may take time to get on sale, if the replen staff are dealing with more customers earlier in the day, the delivery may not be finished


Until there is a late delivery, then you have staff not putting anything on the shelf.


The way I see it is we'll be working the previous afternoon's delivery unless they send grocery deliveries in at 5 am.


At my old store we used to get a delivery about 10pm and one around 5am. You still have night shifts in your store? We used to handle both deliveries on nights (and back stock as apparently they didn’t have the staff on days and twilights to get it done) but I would assume they don’t wanna pay you night rate and want that second delivery split and worked which needs to go out at the time as it’s mainly fresh and stuff for the counters so can’t really wait till the evening


They got rid of our Nightshift at the back end of 2021, we were put onto a twilight shift.


It’s that 5 am delivery they want you guys in for then but it wouldn’t surprise me if they leave you the night load and expect you to work back stock on top of the 5am load.


There's no night load, the delivery comes mid afternoon and we work it in the evening. Finish at 12. I think they'll move that delivery to early morning


Sorry dude left the company over a year ago now and we used to get a delivery around 9/10pm and another around 5. You only have one delivery a day? You don’t get a morning load with your fresh and counter stuff?


Yes we get a morning fresh delivery with produce. Then the frozen delivery. Grocery comes in the afternoon and long life fresh comes around 6pm. Grocery deliveries come Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


Fact: Staff work faster without customers in the store, so this change will reduce output and by having empty shelves will reduce produce sales and lead to a loss of customers.


Our store is doing the same. It makes zero sense to me. Splitting the twilight shift so you won’t get “if you’ve no beer to work can you help out veg int” seems crazy. We have nearly all fresh working the 5am shift so nothing gets put on shelf after about midday. When I come in at 5pm the shelves are empty some days. I imagine there will be quite a few staff that won’t want to work a 5am start. Going to bed at 8pm isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. The senior management team just seem to be throwing a lot of shit at the wall and see what sticks.


Aye that’s why I left. Not the start/finish time but because they kept cutting the staff and trying to find more ways to get 50% of the staff to do the same work they used to do with double the staff. They don’t wanna pay night rate and the 5am delivery for fresh and counters needs working when it arrives. The reason the shelves are often empty when you start isn’t because the morning delivery hasn’t been worked it’s because there’s been a day of trading since. I’d just get out pal the companies gone to crap and it ain’t gonna get better.


I’m here just to pass time until I retire. I can walk to work in 2 minutes. It ain’t ever going on my CV. I earn a quarter of what I used to in my old career but I simply don’t care. I am living my best life and they know I have enough “fuck you” money to walk out whenever I want so they pretty much leave me alone.


Like most supermarkets who’ve ran similar models, it’s all about saving money. I was with Tesco for 10 years as a night shift manager and then my store (Superstore, no dot com) moved from Nights to Twilights for most areas with Frozen becoming a day fill and I was offered redundancy - which I accepted almost as fast as the word “redundancy” was spoken 😂 I’d imagine that it’s 90% financially driven, and 10% for the Optics - that being that if customers see lots of staff in store filling shelves then it looks like they’re employing more people and selling more stock


There is no money saving moving twilight to 5am start, you can’t possibly get the same amount of workload done when customers are in simple! Yet the powers that be think it’s beneficial