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I think it's 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure you have to sign something to say that you're okay with the changes too. If you're not happy with the changes, reply back saying that you can't do the new hours because you've got plans on all of your original days off.


Thank you. I'll give that a go and report back here


It didn't go well. I was told to cancel my plans and work the new hours


This is what the union (USDAW) say about it for Morrisons staff "Ideally your schedule should be available three weeks in advance, and at a minimum two weeks. Any changes after this point must be agreed with the individual colleague and signed by both the colleague and the manager to indicate a discussion has taken place and the change(s) agreed to." [USDAW - Morrisons - Know Your Rights](https://www.usdaw.org.uk/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=64fdded2-67fa-4462-a3e0-6b19e514c4da) It's on page 9 of that.


Are you in the union? Get in touch with the rep.


Unfortunately not


Do they have legal grounds to make you work them? Doubt it. I would just say sorry I can't do that.


I tried that. He said I either come to work or they won't need me anymore


He's bluffing. He doesn't have a leg to stand on here, he's just hoping you'll give in to the empty threats and do the shifts. I'd personally fight it just out of principle. If you let them do things like this now, they'll keep pushing their luck further and further in the future.


I got to be careful, I really can't afford to lose my job




Im not a member of the union unfortunately but I will speak to HR. Im also looking for alternative employment Thank you for your reply


Im not a member of the union unfortunately but I will speak to HR. Im also looking for alternative employment Thank you for your reply


I get you. I think maybe you'll have to work it in that case, unless there's a serious reason you need those days off


The fact that they weren't meant to be working that day and have me plans is enough reason. They can't just let this person break company policy and get away with it. They should have asked the op first before they changed the shift.


I fully agree with you and I'd do the same, but if they can't afford to lose this job, it's probably just not worth the risk for them.


Wow, call head office like NOW and report him. They have to ask you if you are able to change shifts way before a few days before changing them. Screen shot all your newly produced rota next time. Do not give a reason as to why you can’t come in. He’s blackmailing you


I say this as someone who used to work for Morrisons, but when I threatened to contact Head Office about issues I was having, management got off my back


Report his ass don’t even consider going in and if they end up firing you, sue them for wrongful dismissal


Nah defos can't change it with that short notice... You're manager is clearly under pressure from their manager and is taking it out on you.. Go straight to store manager or personnel, just call the store and ask to speak


Whatever happens keep the text messages.


Why dont you just accept that the shifts have changed and its unfortunate that there is not enough notice, just work out which days you are able to do. It might work out where you get some time off that suits you, too. If you have other commitments that stop you from doing certain shifts, then let your manager know, and they'll work out cover on those days. Theres no point fighting and pushing back against the boss as that doesnt get you anywhere.


Because they shouldn't have to do that. It's bad management and they can't fire you for it. If they just roll over and let it happen they will think they can do it all the time? Are you their manager? If so you need to be fired. I suggest the op finds out their area manager and contact them about this


Im not their manager but I accept that things sometimes change and am adult enough to be able to accept that. Just work out what shifts you can work and meet them halfway. Confirm what you can do rather than what you wont do.




I know. Im just a number too, Ive been shit on by Morrisons on many occasions. Looks like we all deal with problems in different ways. Maybe I'm too soft. It depends on how often this type of thing happens, I suppose. However, I also get my manager offering up different options and proposals to things as I work with them rather than against but I dont work in the shop so its probably a different boss/employee relationship. I had friends who worked in the stores and none of them stayed too long as the bosses were awful to work for.


You are either a manager or a sycophant. In fact, you could be both: a manager who ingratiates himself with his own superior. Forget covering the shift if they didn't even ask you. I'm sure 90% of people would agree to do it if asked, but when they think they can throw their weight around, forget them.


What ?? 🤣


So just roll over for them? Give owa