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Thief and Thief 2 aren't RPGs but fit some or most of those requirements.


Holy shit I forgot about Thief series, gonna play that when I get home nowšŸ˜‚


There was a mod made recently out of the first and second games engine thatā€™s literally just a new Thief game called ā€˜The Black Paradeā€™


That sounds sick!


For your criteria, I recommend Arx Fatalis.


Loved that game! Such an atmosphere! I once started to build an underground city in Morrowind just to create an Arx feeling. Never finished the mod unfortunately.


No "atmosphere" technically there :D Planet covered by ice :D


One hell of a setting and world building.


Take care. Building underground cities in TES world can get you teleported outer space :)


A fantastic game in its own right


Oh that game was cool. Magic system was great


Combat was strange but fun in its way. Somehow reminded Daggerfall.


Dark Messiah of Might And Magic. Ā  Eternal Ring for PlayStation 2 if you can find it is a first person fantasy game. But Morrowind is pretty unique, not much else out there like it. Might try out Morrowind mods like Tamriel Rebuilt to just get more Morrowind?Ā 


I'm disappointed we never got more games like Morrowind but fortunately the mod scene is very healthy and you can find almost endless high quality content online. Recently been playing Secrets of the Crystal City and it's blown my mind. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/51932


Oh that looks awesome, Iā€™ll have to check it out! Always wished there was more Twin Lamps stuff.


Dark Messiah was super fun. I think you can make it through 90% of that game just kicking dudes into things


Tamriel Rebuilt is a Stellar mod, i read earlier this week that Project: Cyrodiil is getting closer to release, they're reworking Stirk Island and adding Anvil/Abeccean Sea cus atm there's a data archive error.


Iā€™ve really been enjoying TR, just amazing work. Thatā€™s great to hear about Project: Cyrodiil too, I did a playthrough of Province and Home of the Nords a while back and loved it. Iā€™ve seen people point out that at this point the mod community has worked on Morrowind more than the original team did and you can really see the experience shine.


so many more games would fit this criteria if not for 'first person'. nobody is really doing the bethesda-style first person action RPG besides bethesda, but there are a lot of great CRPGs that have the qualities people love morrowind for.


Well, quit holdin out on the thread lol


it's always the same stuff with CRPGs. Baldur's Gate 1&2&3, Neverwinter Nights 1&2, Dragon Age Origins, Planescape: Torment, Pillars of Eternity 1&2, the Pathfinder games, etc.


I would also suggest Caves of Qud as a game that captures the mechanical feeling of Morrowind. The writing and world-building are great (but less accessible than Morrowind), and the variety of wacky builds you can create scratch a similar itch


Similar to some of those I'd suggest Dungeon Siege, especially since it was from the same year as Morrowind.


Ultima Underworld This game has been largely forgotten to time but it was one of the most influential games ever made. If youā€™re familiar with System Shock you can imagine a similar game with a fantasy aesthetic. The game does not hold your hand at all; itā€™s friendlier than most RPGs of the time so a guide isnā€™t essential but youā€™ll only ever be given hints by NPCs in the world, and vague hints at that. This game is super cheap on GOG.com, Iā€™d check it out for sure


Truly epic game still totally immersive imo. Played it for the first time long after it's released and as a fan of so much that it inspired it was clear to see why.


Except for the first person, Gothic2 is very close. Over the shoulder camera, not isometric if that helps. Plus it has a new top quality (and free) total conversion recently released.


Gothic has a first person mode, but itā€™s mostly for exploring.


Might not be what you're looking for but maybe Pathologic. In terms of cool lore, atmosphere, rude locals and a lack of map markers it can easily go toe to toe with Morrowind. The game is set in a town in a fictionalized version of the Russian steppe. You play as one of three possible main characters, who each have their own perspective and means of interacting with the world. The town gets hit by a supernatural plague and your character has to deal with the situation as best they can as things fall apart more and more. Just like in Morrowind, it's a very strange and alien place and part of the game is learning to navigate the local customs. Unlike Morrowind, it's not a very chill game and it's not really about character empowerment. You're always under time pressure to complete your quests and you have to keep yourself from starving or catching the plague. Playing pathologic is tense, but also very engaging.


Dread Delusion, still in early access but it really hits all those vibe points with the exception of Dungeons, there's not so much combat in it yet.


There's a lot of combat in it, it's just not very complicated. But yes dungeons are usually tiny and don't have much to find. Also you can't grab any item lying around. Otherwise it's a great game and it keeps getting content updates.


Yeah, i guess the combat is so simple i kind of just completely passed it by mentally speaking :)


Dread Delusion is a first person action RPG with heavy Morrowind vibes and a very unique world.


I think about this game like once a month and never remember the name




Its great but VERY oldschool.


Play the Unity version, completely redone in Unity, super stable, lots of mods, lots of UX improvements, graphics if you want. Fully done [https://www.dfworkshop.net/](https://www.dfworkshop.net/)


I played it times it was ok. :D


So for me its still ok, its like you know meeting a girl you remember 15 when she's 45. But you still remember her 15. :D


Kenshi is a different beast but full loot. Imagine morrowind + Rimworld i guess


Kenshi reminds me of Morrowind in a lot of ways, when it comes to the world and the mystery. I only play it occasionally, but I ALMOST have a character that can fight mobs, lmao. Very interesting, I'm basically making a city to support having at least 1 character who can actually be a competent explorer. I like it, you have to fight to earn every little thing.


Dusty bug samurai


\+ Dark souls difficulty!


Sort of. It very much has morrowind's whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger/crippled/both vibe.


Kingdom Come Deliverance but itā€™s more grounded in reality, cool vibe and mechanics, reminded me a lot of Oblivion, but the story is kinda meh


I second this game, great experience


But, you can wash yourself as much as you can in a trough.


Came here to recommend this as well, obviously not a fantasy setting but it does feel really morrowind-inspired at times. Also it's just damn fun


Dread Delusion


Gothic series but they are mostly 3rd person.


Outward. I got the suggestion from a post like this and recently started playing it. I haven't felt so immersed by an open map game since Morrowind. And I think Outward does a lot of things better, and is a much more balanced game, with real consequences for your actions. Morrowind beats it in lore/books though.


Came here to say Outward. As I always do when these threads come up. And to give this example: There's so little handholding that the map doesn't even show where *you* are.


Chcek Lunacid.


Arx Fatalis


People have already recommended some games, but I thought I'd add some that weren't mentioned; they don't fit all of your criteria but none will lol (apart from other TES games) so I'm going to list games and say which criteria of yours they don't match, and what they do especially well. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - 3rd person and has map markers. + awesome spells, challenging gameplay, doesn't hold your hand. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines - isn't set in a fantasy setting. Also reeeeally janky and requires an unofficial patch. + Lots of intrigue and learning about a new way of life, like Morrowind. Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga/Developer's Cut - 3rd person and has quest markers, However, a lot of quests have multiple outcomes so it isn't as simple as running toward the marker. Lack of cool spells for the most part. + lots of puzzles and secrets. Legend of Grimrock - I can't recall any stupid/cool spells but I might be misremembering. No quests in the traditional sense. + Fun dungeon crawler with puzzles. Avernum: Escape from the Pit - Top Down/Isometric perspective. Not sure about spells as I'm only about 4 hours in. + Story rich indie RPG with an interesting concept. One worth keeping an eye on is Avowed. It's not out yet, so maybe it will suck, but it's looking interesting so far.


VtMB is great, but its linear RPG that doesnt concern to OP requests. Grimrock is Eye of Beholder clone. Still nice but not matching :D


Yep! OP didn't mention open world, but thanks for specifying, more info isn't a bad thing :) though, even if the structure is linear, it doesn't feel as such when you're wandering around not knowing what to do LMAO. That DOES remind me of Morrowind haha. I basically looked at the points, minus some and thought of slightly more niche RPGs that fit the bill haha (all the others that fit more have been mentioned). I tend to find these recommendations always include the same games, which is boring imo.


He mentioned open world in comments, when i asked what genre he looks for :) But anyways, these are great games you listed :D


Gosh darn it, Reddit formatted my plusses and minuses into bullet points -_- oh well hopefully it still makes sense


Put a \\ before the character to escape it and prevent Reddit from formatting it. \+ asdf \- asdf


Morrowind is unicorn, good luck finding a game that ticks it all imo. Enjoy other stuff and just start a new character when itch comes šŸ˜…


Try Kingdoms of Amalur or Divinity. Both very solid games.


Kings Field 4 is fantastic if you want to try a dungeon crawler. If you want something more modern but in the same vein try Lunacid.


Are Fatalis is exactly the game your need. All features you have listed are there.


the only game I can think of that comes close to your points is Oblivion (some games that are close-ish but don't really qualify might be Shadow of Mordor or Deus Ex 1.)


If you're going to go as far as the og deus ex, also check out EYE divine cybermancy.


Ultima underworld 1 and 2. Might and magic 6 or 7 or 8


Check out [Ardenfall](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154960/Ardenfall/). It's not out yet, but there is a demo out on Steam you can download. When I played through it I got a lot of the "Morrowind" feeling.


Dragon Age Origins is pretty good, the sequels....hmmmm, not my thing, shall we say.


Iā€™ve been hesitant on starting DA:O because I had a feeling I wouldnā€™t like it. Does it play like the other BioWare games from the time? Jade Empire, ME1, KOTOR?


The combat is pretty hit or miss depending on what you like. I really enjoy it because I like the tactical aspect and utility abilities actually have weight - too many games just become a damage race and nothing else matters. As far as the RPG side goes, itā€™s damn near perfect. Itā€™s an older game with more linear story so it doesnā€™t match up to the sheer scale of something like BG3, but the choices you do have available are all interesting and compelling. Your party members have their own opinions on everything you do which adds another layer to the decision making The closest game to DAO is Pillars of Eternity Iā€™d wager


It plays the most like Kotor I suppose. Has real time pause combat with some chance to hit mechanics. I'll tell you right now though the story and characters are well worth it regardless of the gameplay.


DAO is golden age bioware. Great story, good gameplay, nice DLCs. Like been said - combat wise closest to KotOR. If u like old bioware first dragon age won't let you down either don't worry.


Kotor is for completely different setting. Great but absolutely out this world


Yeah, most like KOTOR. I actually enjoyed it a lot, and it does have some really interesting ideas and characters in the game. I just wouldn't bother with the sequels.


really loved the darker fantasy in origins, 2 was decent for what they had at the time, inquisition is more like a standard AAA rpg that might have some darker aspects but not as much on the surface as origins was. the lore can have some depth but i dont think it hits like morrowindā€™s does (nothing does though tbf). thereā€™s enough lore material in DA for there to be elaborate fan theories that have a good amount of substance.


I havenā€™t yet played it, but how about the Unity version of Daggerfall?




* You have first person and 100% intractable environment at the top of the list. This limits a great deal of games with a good amount of the other items on the list. Some even done better. * All the other Elderscrolls games. * Fallout games starting with fallout 3 * DragonAge games Not Req: 1 or 2 but all the other requirements are there. * Mount and Blade * Gothic games * Risen games * Arx Fatalis (look at some videos to see if you like) * Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (not the new one) * Two worlds (I have not played this but I see it recommended a lot) * Witcher series. Read up on 1 and 2 as they are less open world. Look these are not as much environment interaction as Bethesda games. But the lore, sotry, dungeons, and spell/combat are great. Subnautica (original not below zero) This is NOT like morrowind but it is the best survival, crafting, game out there imho. So I suggest it to everyone, all the time.


There arent other any games that have all of that. All you need is Morrowind.


The first game that came to mind was **Arx Fatalis**, because it has everything you're looking for. But if I can exclude the ā€œfirst personā€ criteria, my recommendation would be **Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magicka Obscura.** The game has a cool story and atmosphere (a fantasy world meets the Victorian era), interesting spells (mind control, turn people into sheep, create undead armies) and incredible missions. In this game you take on the role of a person who is apparently the reincarnation of a powerful elf, in a world that currently struggles between magic and technology, tradition and industrialization. Furthermore, NPCs have a strong opinion of you depending on the race you choose, and there is also a race of ultra-tech individuals who suddenly disappeared. Very **Morrowind**-y if you ask me.


Well obviously all the Bethesda RPGs, except some when it comes to quest markers. The Gothic games are similiar to the genre you want but they are not first person.


Appart from the spells, my game Myrne: The Quest works like that. Don't expect the amount of content of Morrowind though, this is a tiny game^^ You can also check all games from Arkane: Arx Fatalis, Dishonored... They check a lot from your list but appart from Arx, no game is truly like Morrowind. If you're not against retro, check Ultima Underworld 1 and 2. Oh and take a look at Monomyth! It's not finished but looks like it's shapping up to be a great game in that genre too.


Outward is pretty fun. It's got some more survival elements with camping and stuff, but overall I enjoyed it.


I highly recommend anyone who loves Morrowind to check out kingdom come deliverance. Itā€™s not fantasy but is an rpg with many of the best features from Morrowind expanded upon.


Noone still offered ESO? Its not that hard with PC requirements, base game now includes visiting Vvardenfel 800 years before "Morrowind" events stopping Baar Dau and stuff like that. Lore is great. First person is playable almost everywhere, its just some DLC dungeons where you really need to see everything around you at the same time. And base game is just 6 bucks atm (base is 10 zones each with its own questline, sidequests +main story to kick molag bal's arse). And though its MMO you dont actually need to enter PvP activities, you can just play PvE, do quests, enjoy the world.


1st person? what are you beta-gamer? majority of my recommends are isometric xD Original Deus Ex??? its 1st person and kind of puzzly


personally never found anything like it, just do some modding. tamriel rebuilt, morrowind rebirth, the hundreds of damn good quest mods out there, mods are why this game is alive.


Elden Ring.