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Pro tip: You'll enjoy the game a lot more if you don't listen to anyone in this subreddit Play the tutorials and learn 1 character very well, and it will make learning other characters easier in the long run


As a lifelong MK player, I said 'fuck the tutorials' but I think I might have to open those up now.


They really are good. I highly recommend doing all of them even if the early tutorials are really simple and basic. The character's tutorial is also a good warmup before playing that character.


I know it’s not popular to compliment NRS, but I feel like they’ve always been very good about tutorials. It blows my mind how many fighting game devs just expect you to figure everything out on your own.


Except for the ones that have frame perfect timing for some fucking reason. I swear there’s a reason I haven’t finished li mei’s even though I’ve been trying since I got the game


The issue I have is how random their timing can be out of nowhere. I wish they’d slow it down to a crawl and have the controller front center somehow so you can see the action and when to input.


I make it a practice to complete all the tutorials of each fighting game I play as I gain new insights every time.


THIS. I cannot stress this enough. I LOVE this game and the subreddit begs me to hate it. Sure there are valid points about Invasions being weak, skins being paywalled, etc. but this is normal and the game is early. Things will improve, and they always update things like invasions or the krypt very soon. Like this comment says, pick your favorite character and start learning how to kick ass. The animations and gameplay of this game are very fun imo


Dude seriously though - it’s far from perfect, but i’m also not expecting it to be and am having a LOT of fun playing it. We’re so early on in the game’s support and i’m excited to see what the future support/DLC releases brings.


This sub is casual as hell, evident by their love for MK11. There's practically no use trying to have any meaningful discussion about MK12 here


Actually everyone typically hates on 11 and can't stop talking about X, which personally weirds me out because I liked 11 a lot and thought X was hands down the worst of the NRS MK games.


no, paywalled skins in a full price game aren't normal


Not what i like = / = not common


Best tip imo. Both i mean. Its annoying hearing everyone talk shit bout this game when in all honesty its still a great MK title.


Hey, congrats! Make sure to do the tutorials if you’re gonna play online - some of it is really complicated at first but the practice is essential to understanding


Turn off messages from anyone not on your friends list, and turn off all microphones. Also - if you mollywop someone to the point where they send you a friend request, wait 48HRs to accept it.


Why ?


Why the friend request thing?


They wanted to send you a nasty message because of the salt, but couldn't since you set your system to receive messages from friends only. So they send you a friend request, hoping to get into your friend list, and then send you nasty messages.


You can send a message along with the friend requests on playstation. So i had to block friend requests as well.


Interesting. I'll do the same. Thanks for the heads up


Why is this generation so butthurt about trash talking. None of you would have survived the early cod days. Gen z as a whole would have imploded


First off I’m not part of “this” generation and second off i got tired of the “butthurt” as you call it, messages from “this generation” everytime I beat them.


There’s also a difference in normal game “shit talk” and straight up racist homophobic screaming and crying while losing shit talk. Hence having their mic muted. No one wants to hear that


I did survive the early cod days. That shit was funny af. With mk1, it's just sweaty and pathetic to see


why the fuck would anyone want to hear the most vile shit being slung at them when they have the choice not to? its not so much not being able to handle it but choosing to remove a source of toxicity from your life


I’m thinking it’s a DDOS thing but it doesn’t really make sense tbh lol


Apparently it’s if you have your console set to only messages from friends


look, i understand that KL can be toxic and all; but this is a bit much. why care so much about someone talking shit? it’s the internet and people are way more edgy and abrasive. as long as you don’t have your real life identity tied to your account; nothing should actually hurt your feelings lmao.


Because if given the choice to either hear it or not hear it - I'm gonna choose not hearing thinly veiled racism disguised as "shit talking" all day long. It's not my fault you're ass on the sticks, but that doesn't mean I wanna hear what comes after me stomping someone's dick in the dirt.


to each their own i suppose. i mean if i clap someone online and they start raging and shit talking, i think that would amplify my feeling of accomplishment. doesn’t make it any less childish on their end though, regardless


Ignore this entire subreddit and have fun


Ignore this subreddit? I'd love to know what yall mean by this cause honestly this subreddit is pretty tame and funny occasionally.


This subreddit has turned into purely hating the game because I think it gets more attention than anything else…


This subreddit hates MK lmao.


Every sub has people hating on all the new shit its not that hard to just ignore it.


That’s true, but this subreddit has a serious issue with that. As scummy as WB or even NRS is, I feel like in the end of the day, it won’t affect my enjoyment of the game itself.




To add on to this, MK1 Shang Tsung is one of the toughest characters to go against. He has one powerful lower body combo that's nearly impossible to dodge, look up "MK1 Shang Tsung power bottom" for tutorials.


Facts! There’s a good website for it rule34.org and it’s got all the hottest tips


Just the tips?


The most helpful rule. (You're evil asf dude)😂


There’s absolutely nothing evil about fulfilling your Sindel fantasy


Girls?! I wanna see MEN!


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Have a blast


Don't be afraid to experiment with different characters and kameos. When you have a full three meter, hold block and forward to combo break. it even breaks fatal blows. ​ Don't mindlessly throw out your fatal blow as it's easy to miss leaving you wide open


It’s interesting, they made fatal blows both easier to react to, and slightly safer on block (some have crazy pushback). But I like it this way better than mk11 because it encourages you to combo into it rather than wake up fatal blow


Right. I've been playing as General Shao lately, just to try to get the feel of something different. I keep missing his fatal blow unless I land a back 2 first.


You can combo into it from B2, B3, and DB3~DF4,DASH~1,FB. There may be more but I know a lot of shao players run motaro, he can combo into it from a LOT more stuff.


How do u do the down+2 that launches u in the air with the opponent so u can air kombo them?


Enjoy the game for yourself and don’t listen to the chronically online


Plug it into the wall, plug the hdmi cable into the tv(back or side, sometimes front or bottom) and press the big x to turn it on


The other subreddit is better imo r/mortalkombatgameplay


Prepare to be greedy for better skins for every character


first step is go straight into ranked. no tutorials. sink or swim


Trim your finger nails


Hey, bro! I feel the first step you need to take is finding the receipt, then taking both of them back to the store, and buying all that again but with a PS5. I’m kidding. Seriously though, immediately start playing the character tutorials to learn their basic combos; it will help you out online and in Invasions.


As someone who’s owned both, I’ll die on the hill of xbox lol


I’ve had Xbox my whole childhood, playing with my brothers 360 then getting my own Xbox one up until I got a ps5.I prefer the PlayStation objectively but man nostalgia hits hard and nothing beats that 360 intro when you turned it on.


I wouldn’t go as far to say I’d die on the hill of PlayStation, because I love both consoles, but I prefer the PS in most areas to Xbox like the controller, exclusives, etc. I truly don’t understand the people who will go nuts about someone else hating on another console unless they’re doing it ironically.


Twitter in a nutshell. They review bomb and send death threats


Yeah, same man, but I prefer Xbox. I was a die hard Xbox fanboy when I was like 8 and that stopped when I turned 13 or something (I'm 17 now) and it baffles me to see grown ass men calling either Xbox or PlayStation ass because they like the other one better. I've always liked Xbox better but rn I'm really trying to get a PS5 while I see shit like "I wouldn't get a PS5 not even if it was for free" like tf? How childish can one be?


Add me sk8er37#7135 xbox


You got it boss.


Return it


Wait until the game is completed in another year or so




If you ignore mtx and invasion it is pretty good game.Don't mind the comments from here.


Skim through the character tutorials to find moves that launch and combo off of eachother, don't bother using it for actual combos


If this is your first fighting game, don’t be discouraged when you lose, it’s gonna happen. Play who you want to play and have fun with it


This is one of the only pieces of advice I'll use. While others are having a debate arguing for me to return it, you've been nice enough to give actual advice. Thanks man. I've been really nervous because this actually is my first fighting game so I'm scared I'll never master it, but thanks.


Learn a character or two well. Complete their towers, take them through invasions, and stick only to Kasual matches first. Once you feel confident in your abilities, take them into ranked mode and kick some ass!


Practice. Do the tutorials. And stay off this sub. People love to bitch.


Learn 1 combo route and abuse it to death


Plug it up and play?


Keep your receipt


Find a better game


Sell MK1 because it’s a terrible mortal kombat game.


First off ignore is sub. Find a character that you think looks cool and learn their moves. The main tip I can give you is to learn your characters moves before you worry about combos and don’t worry about the optimal kameo unless you take the game very seriously


Fuck this community man..look at these comments.They're so mad that they actually have to play the FIGHTING GAME now instead of letting ai grind Towers of time.


If you like playing fighting games especially online, this one's a blast. Take to the tutorials they really made me interested in better tactics to actually play kompetitively.


Get a seagate extended 2 TB hard drive. These new generation games a big as hell, that 1 TB will fill up quicker than you realize.


Brah just play it no need for tips


Trade it in for a ps5


Refund now




Wow, good job. He was downvoted. Doesn’t matter though, the game is ass and he should refund it.


Get game pass, there are a lot of quality free games on there too




Get ready to learn LOW HATenese buddy


Don’t die


Beat the story and play Havik, we need higher numbers


people hate every character in this game for their own reasons and this sub has very “unique” attitudes so just play the game, have fun and pick whoever looks coolest


Master one character instead of getting kinda good at every other character. For example, instead of playing scorpion and sub zero at the start, just play scorpion until you master him. Also use the d-pad


Just play a character that you think looks cool or fun to play. It’ll take you a long way.




Welcome! I hope you enjoy the most powerful console ever! Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat 1 both look amazing on it!!


When starting a new character, find and memorize their: * launcher * low string * overhead string If you can grasp these three things while also remembering to block you’ll pull ahead of most of the player base.


#1 advice to not go on mk subreddit or listen to what people think of game


If you enjoy the game, then you enjoy it. Don't let people on the internet tell you otherwise, cause this sub always talks shit about MK1 and will even be toxic about it sometimes too, but I still enjoy it. Learn your character! Learn your opponents moves as well so you can be very great at kombat!


Learn how to love online, or just return the game. Single player is severely lacking. Disappointment of a fighting game ngl.


One of the main reasons I got it was because I heard it had a great story?


It's entertaining, ignore other dude.


No duh it’s entertaining. The dude is mentioning how the story mode is like 6 hours of playtime and then there’s just invasions every month & a half. We all know what we think about that mode.


The story mode is good imo but it definitely follows up off 11 dlc a bit. So if you haven’t played that then you most likely won’t get wth will be going on in a certain part of it. I just don’t think it was worth the $100 I paid for it. Like you will see what I mean when you play it


Should’ve saved the money and just watched it for free on youtube. It’s just a 3 hour cg movie basically. Street fighter 6 would’ve been the better bet here all around.


Sry to disappoint you pal


You are better off just watching all the cut scenes together on YouTube. The voice acting is good, the cinematic visuals are great, but the actually story and characters themselves suck ass. Baraka is ruined, utterly. His retcon has destroyed him. The Tarkatans are completely gone, replaced by a disease that makes them victims instead of monsters. Proud culture and lore replaced with victimhood, it’s not good storytelling, it actually shrinks the universe too, I don’t see what people like about it.


story mode is terrible, and cheesy. basically just repeats the setup of the previous trilogy (Mk 9-11), but in a really bad way. And the previous trilogy was just a repeat of the original games.


![gif](giphy|p64D9o2vL95pFqWO5l|downsized) all these downvotes for speaking facts, time to get caged.


Yes! I’ve been saying this for a while now. The story mode is a fun play through, but all we end up with is a watered down universe pretty much identical to the last one with worse characters Everybody is just kind of a pussy now. Baraka especially, he was a proud monster in MK11, now he’s just a sad, misunderstood victim of circumstance who doesn’t mean to be a monster. I hate it. I absolutely fucking hate it. It isn’t good story telling


MK1 may not be great and the community has turned on the studio. But I have fun with Invasions. Definitely check it out when you’re finished with the Story. It has helped me learn new characters and have something tangible to grind for while practicing.


Return MK1


Take breaks. It’s gets stale quick


Return MK1


Sell MK1 and buy SF6 instead :D


I was gonna say


Sell MK1 before you redeem that code. The game is terrible. From the neutered retcons of every character to the garbage kameo focused gameplay, to the lack of single player content, to the invasions mode so terribly boring that it’s practically broken The game isnt worth $70 dollars even in its premium edition. It isn’t fun to even play. We are so brainwashed to consume that the community has forgiven all of this Don’t waste your time with this garbage title.


You don’t like this shit game? Nah, just chronically online smh 🤦‍♂️


Don't play it 😃 it's genuinely one of the worst games I've played. So boring and tedious with invasions, the micro transactions are practically unavoidable if you want a skin that doesn't look like generic garbage thrown together. And the story is laughably predictable with 75% of the dialoge just being "oh they said da thing from mk9 oh woooowww" It's up there with golem and Kong as worst games of 2023 for me.


Off topic (on topic) are u still playing MK11? Is the online still alive?


I believe the servers are still up. But frankly I don't like to play online because people are so toxic in this community. Just constant down 1 down 2, takes 0 skill. I'd rather spend my time not getting pissed off ngl.


Tell us you’re bad without telling us you’re bad


My point exactly instead of giving actual criticism and counterpoints to my statement u hit me with the DUUUHHH U JUS MAD CUZ UR BAD grab some braincells and come back to this convo


Says the one who can’t block low lmao


Again no good counter points


My point is that u can’t block low


My point is your still a part of a dying fanbase


You need to play more games if this is one of the worst


do NOT play ranked if ur a beginner. ur gonna rage like crazy if u do


Leave this sub


See if you can sell the game code online to buy a different game that’s worth your time


Get a refund and put that bread back till Tekken 8 drops, get Game Pass and download either of the previous MKs, or get SF6.  If you got this for single player content, you're in for a bad time once you finish the story.  


Throw away the game


Find a good efficient way to grind in invasions after you've done the story and and whatever else you wanted to do besides earn gear. You can get a lot of cool gear from leveling and even dragon krystals from character mastery. Also playing online vs will still give you xp so you can build mastery with out grinding but Invasions to me feels like a decent grind too get through but totally worth it if you like the skins


Sell them both


You should actually confirm if that code even works. I suggest scratching the back and uploading a picture of it to this subreddit, or you can dm it to me and I'll verify it. Edit: idk why I'm getting downvoted, my uncle works at Nintendo


Nice try


It was a Joke comment fyi, I thought it was obvious lol. I play on PS5 I own the game.


Nice excuse


Did I really need to put the stupid reddit /S to get idiots like you to see I was joking, good lord lol.


1v1 mk1 lil bro


I don't even like interacting with you in a comment section, let alone would I play video games with you.


Learn english and come back :D


Nothing about my comment was spelt or formatted wrong. I'm actively losing braincells in this thread, goodbye 🤣


Just accept the fact that all your losses will be because NRS sucks at making games and all two of your wins will be because you’ve transcended NRS. Oh yeah, and never have fun.


Sell it for money towards tekken 8


Throw the code in the trash. You're just wasting your time. The game is boring and pointless. Worst MK installment ever.


Can you still return the game?


Return all that and get a PC of the same value. Leave MK1 out of the equation and get X.


Spend money on dragon Krystals




Trade it in for a PS5! Other than that? Enjoy!


He doesn’t know


Return it and buy a ps5.


Yeah I got a tip, cut your dirty ass nails


Send me that MK1 code


throw it away and save yourself the pain


Sweep the leg


Tutorials first, dont worry about losing online if you are new. I came into mk11 with no fighting game experience at all. Considered every loss online a lesson and ended up pretty damn good after a bit of time. The mindset that you improve with each loss really helps push me to improve without ever tilting.


Here’s a tip, don’t expect anymore good DLC! Ha! Kidding, kind of. Really spend some time learning a character and trying different kameos. Some characters might not click unless you have the right team


Pick up Johnny Cage if you only like to play top tier characters for easy wins


Return the Xbox series X and get a ps5


Sell it and get a playstation


Go back and refund mortal kombat


Drop mk1 in trashcan and buy t8


See if you can trade them for a PS5 & SF6 or Tekken8.


You could sell it considering it’s garbage 🥱


Refund MK as soon as you can!!!! Please don’t waste your hard earned money like many of us did, don’t listen to the shills here I’m telling you you’re gonna wish you never spent that 100 bucks! The story mode is great, and the graphics are great too but everything else is rubbish, the more you play the more it becomes painfully obvious that this game is only meant to take more money out of your pockets and into WB’s grubby corporate hands. The online sucks and there’s no Krypt, just a stupid shrine with a bunch of ai generated color palette swaps while all the “good stuff” costs real money. Even extra fatalities cost money. Please, refund this heap of monetized shit and buy something else that’ll make you feel happier and more satisfied than this.


Yeah go return them and get a PS5 and the PS5 Mk1


Prepare to be disappointed if you loved any of the previous mk games.


Sell the game lol


Sell it


Get a refund


MK1 sux...refund before it is too late.




Return this comment for a Nintendo switch And Pokémon.




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skip the story mode..boring ,flat writing only play it to get havok jump directly to training , subzero is satisfying and fun but low damage kenshi is thd highest damage output in the game in the right situation enjoy 👍👍👍


Street Fighter 6


Sell Mk1 and use the money to get a years worth of Xbox Game Pass


Return the game


I went into the game completely blind a few days ago and completely disappointed in the game, it’s fucking awful in every way, no main characters like Sonya or Kaino. Kameos are just bad and feel like a wish.com attempt at tekken tag. Combat is geared more so towards juggling and cornering (waaay more than the last few games). Game is a 6/10 imo, should be less as the main bad guy is locked behind a paywall. Stick to MK11, much better game and better player base imo.


Have fun in the cesspool that is MK1


Return it and get a different mortal Kombat


The game is dead l, you wasted your money on the game.


Don’t mash down 1. Do the kombo tutorials. Learn which strings start with a high for other characters. Glhf


Main Johnny and Smoke if you wanna be Toxic. Learn literally anyone else if you wish to play for entertainment purposes only. And avoid Kombat League unless you wanna break your entire setup


Use johnny cage


The proper way to experience the story is to play through story mode and then play through arcade mode with everyone


Pro tip: punching holes in the walls will help you improve and calm down after losing


Best tip i got would be to decline any match where johnny cage is on the poster thing


Don’t pay for to much of those skins. Also have fun.


Don't listen to anyone's opinions until you've had a chance to form your own


Learn high level combos and reverse engineer them to learn your full toolset(I’m a weirdo so that might not work for you).