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Mk1 gameplay with air combos is more enjoyable imo, totally worth


And Wayyyy more difficult unfortunately


what unfortunte about that? i dont want mk to be like tekken when you can spam press a button and get a full combo, not a very optimal one sometimes but still a working combo from spamming one button


*laughs in Baraka*


have you actually played Tekken to make this statement lmao




so you haven’t played it. that’s a string, and Eddy is the only character with a string like this for the record - it has gaps/very very simple counter play too. Tekken is significantly more high execution than MK, character to character varies obviously but the ceiling on combos is way, way higher on Tekken when it comes to difficulty. Especially when you factor things like axis and walls.


Tekken is not really high execution, IMO, save for a few characters like Mishimas. Most Tekken combos are actually quite easier to do than MK combos for me. What makes Tekken hard is all the different options you have and the matchup knowledge you need. The knowledge checks in that game are serious.


Man fuck them numbers. If you like what you see then get it. Don't let them player numbers determine if you wanna get it or not.


Lemme just say that it’s a enjoyable game


It's good if you want to play online against others. If you want to grind single player content than not so much.


It’s worth it I have both the combos are a bit harder tho if you can get them down you’ll be able to fatality no problem I’m currently in invasions like level 10 got another game doing seasons as well so I’m splitting time grinding to 40 on both


To me it doesn’t matter I just enjoy playing the game idc about the numbers




Bad? Debatable. Gameplay’s a massive step from the snooze fest that’s MK11(not like it’s a high bar to set). HOWEVER. It should be fair to warn you that the game is dangerously lacking in content compared to previous titles.


That's because MK11, X, and 9 are completed games that have ran their full DLC cycle. They're obviously going to have more content like characters and customization and modes because they were out first and all those things were added over time. MK1 is still being supported and likely will be for as long if not longer than MK11 was supported. It's not fair to pit the games against eachother when one of them is still receiving content as it is the newest title.


I disagree. Even before DLC cycles began in MK9-MK11, there were still content the games had before DLC even dropped. Most notable of them being the Krypt, available at Launch across all titles. MK1 just has story mode and whatever tf Invasions is. We are 10 months into this game with the last DLC character around the corner and this title still lacks the variety previous games had at launch while costing $10 less. Oh yeah, and we still have no is wtf the Warrior’s Shrine is supposed to be because NRS forgot about that too.


MK11 was not a completed game and did not run its full DLC cycle. The full plans for MK11 were unfortunately cut due to a mix of COVID and the merger, where WB and NRS ultimately decided to cut that content in favor of working on MK1.


Its a really fun game. But it isnt as noob friendly like MK11, so there are probably more people that drop the game early on.


If you're basing the game you play/buy by how popular it is then get anything in the steam top 100.


It's enjoyable, but if you're mainly looking for casual singleplayer content 11 is absolutely the better game. People post these steam charts a lot but MK11 is a 5 year old game that goes on sale for dirt cheap (with DLC included!) often. And people who get this game late are gonna be people who don't put much stock in playing competitively, so of course they're gonna buy the game packed with singleplayer content. On top of this, obviously the vast majority of the playerbase is gonna be on console. Steam charts are not a reliable gauge of the health of a game. They can certainly reinforce what other signs are telling you, but in a vacuum they don't matter. MK1 was consistently in the top selling and most played of the month games on Playstation for months after launch. From this screenshot I'm assuming you're buying the game on Steam. Steam has a super liberal refund policy so long as you play under two hours. Buy MK1. If you don't enjoy the gameplay, refund and get 11. If you don't care about gameplay and just want a fun singleplayer experience with a ton of stuff to grind, disregard all that and just buy MK11 and you'll be more than satisfied.


Bro this is only Steam, which is not popular for fighting games.


The picture is a comparison of MK1 on steam vs MK11 on steam. If steam "is not popular for fighting games" why does MK11 still have so many players YEARS after release?


don't know bro, street fighter 6 has been doing pretty good for a fighting game and it was the first of the big 3 to launch https://preview.redd.it/32kl18bfcnad1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=23e94124a68865523224c9d2f7b26bbb33956724


i dont think i know a single man that has mk1 on steam for one of those reasons 1. the game was in some kind of steam discount (which happens a lot) 2. he wants to play the mods also everyone that uses mk1 on pc are connecting a controller


Mk11 is basically free whereas Mk1 is still full price…hm why would the numbers be skewed? Also no body good at fighting games think Mk11 is better in anyway.


Mk1 is awesome what even is this stupid chart




Less content but combat is a lot more fun in 1


Don't buy NRS PC ports, they are utter dogshit. I burned myself with the MK11 one and had a horrible experience. as for MK1 itself the game play is fine (debatable) but the true problem of the game is the lack of content compared to previous titles


It has more active players than Tekken on PSN. And has had for months now. But sure, show the Steam charts for a game traditionally played on console. Makes perfect sense...


As an MK fan since the day they wheeled in the original MK 1 arcade machine in, this aint it. If you just want to jump around as MK people, I guess it does that well enough. If you like you get into fighting games for the competitive portion, and like a nice pool of people to go up against, this isnt it. People will keep defending it, "its thriving on console." and steam numbers dont mean anything. Check the evo sign ups, https://www.evo.gg/news/evo-2024-competitors-by-the-numbers Just to put it out there, 1st place is SF6 5,265 players, 2nd is Tekken8 4,646 players. Down at #7 out of 8, is MK1 with 645 players. You can also check out https://fgcharts.com/ for a quick comparison of other games. MK11 is OFTEN having more players than MK1. People will defend it and say because MK11 is always on sale. So is Tekken7 and SF5. No one plays those games because once the newer one comes out, only a few hardcore fans stay behind. Not for MK. Its like a totally different game and you dont necessarily just jump to the latest, like nearly every other franchise.


Much better than mk11 gameplay wise


Fun game but the PC port is total dogshit. Picked it up for PS5 and the experience is so much better on it.


I know then launch was rough but Tbh I started on ps5 and switched to pc 3 months ago or so and havent had any issues on pc


If you only want to do single player, it’s not worth it. If you wanna do online, then you’ll have no issues finding games. The biggest turn off you might find in that aspect is the meta, there’s far more annoying play styles and players in general than any other fighting game I’ve ever played (other mk’s included). But that all depends on your threshold for that kind of stuff, maybe it won’t bug you.


Test it and make your idea. Charts mean nothing. Now it's got the 60 fps patch.


fun game but the main gameplay system which is Kameo system chased a lot of people away plus the game launched pretty incomplete and never recovered


This is nonsense. Mk1 is in a great place and has been a blast since launch


i know i love the game but I'm just saying that a lot of people drop the game because of the kameos and the game was light on content on launch


The gameplay and story mode are the biggest improvements over MK11. But anything else MK11 does, MK1 isn’t entirely perfect at. The Krypt and Towers of Time is replaced with Invasions which is some RPG board game style thing like Pathfinder and it’s kinda confusing. Customization is a but less than MK11 since it’s only one gear piece you can change instead of 3. There’s also complaints about the PC version but I’ve not seen any major issues on PC yet so it’s hard to tell.


Buy it. MK community is fu**ing disonest and toxic for the most part.


Did not enjoy the Kameo system. Storyline drove of the road into a swamp 3/4 of the way. Not big on how Sub Zero and Scorpion were tackled. Too little solo content and unlockables. Lacks char customisation and quality of life stuff. Invasion mode could have been awesome instead it is a low effort drag. Basically feels massively rushed, undercooked and overmonetised from the perspective of a dirty casual like me. But from what I read, the competitive players are less than pleased as well. I actually favor SF6 atm... never happened before.


First off who the hell only goes off of steam charts, because tbh it has way more players on Console than PC so yeah, as a die hard mk fan I’ll say wait till takeda comes out, but if it’s a now or never situation for you, than I’ll say buy it


Chart doesn't really mean anything. The game runs well and is fun to play, and has a good roster and character designs.


It is indeed a very bad game, the fights are really boring with poor defensive options, constant chip damages and even chip kills, repetitive and long combos killing the opponent in two openings, tons of useless kameos, no customization, a greedy shop, etc.