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So the speedo being a bit higher than your actual speed is pretty normal and also true in most cars. It gives you an invisible speeding buffer, basically. I’m on a 2014 Bonnie and when I got it’s front sprocket changed out I went down a tooth, and noticed the “speedo vs actual” difference went up a bit on the high gears, and the bike acted a bit punchier on the low gears, but we’re talking mild differences at best.


So from factory speedos always slightly read over what you're actually going. Usually only by 2-3mph but may vary by manufacturer. This is because it's an offence for them to read under the actual speed you're going but not over. (so it cannot say 45, if you're going 50, but can say 50 when going 45) Otherwise this leads to rather large punishments for the companies. This is why if you use a gps it may say you're going 30, but on your speedo it may read 33-35 for example. This is also the reason i believe speed cameras tend to have the %+2 to allow for the difference in different manufacturers speedos. There was a video where an officer confirmed this, if i can find it, i'll edit the post. **EDIT -** [Here's the video by GCM with the Officer - Owen](https://www.tiktok.com/@georgescarmedia/video/7377475007737351457) **(It is a tiktok)** It may also be exaggerated on yours due to the varied sprockets. Technically if you change the sprockets you're meant to re-calibrate your speedo, but realistically no one does. In regards to Q2. The reason for struggling to accelerate above 30 may be the sprockets but it's probably because it's a 125. **A bigger rear sprocket/ smaller front sprocket will give you an increase in acceleration but decrease your top speed.** **A smaller rear sprocket/bigger front sprocket will reduce you acceleration but increase the top speed.**


On a lot of my bikes the speedo sensor has been on the front wheel so the gearing wouldn't change it. Best just ignore it. Its the same for most vehicles and good to have a buffer incase you slip up.


Hello fellow sporty. Is your speedo bang on? ‘Cause mine is


Not sure bud! I don't ride with a satnav often enough to check!


Calibrate against a satnav or phone GPS at constant speed. I had a bandit that was way off. Turns out the front sprocket was a tooth small. On stock gearing it was still 10% off though. Absolutely known what a true 30/40/50/60/70 is. You don't wanna be that rider that hauls up to go through motorway sped camera at 50


My speedo can't be adjusted, from what I've gathered.


you may be able to buy a speedo healer. If it's an dial type, some little vinyl triangles are your freind. Otherwise you have to adjust the nut behind the handlebars.


Yeah, the regulations are designed to give lots of leeway to speedometers that over-read your speed, but almost no leeway for speedometers that under-read it. Police equipment is actually calibrated correctly so in general if you’re reading 30, and doing 27-28, and the officer won’t bother unless you’re doing 33 or more, then there’s very little chance of you getting a ticket doing the speed limit.


As others have said, this is true of 99% of other cars and motorbikes. I'd never rely on that _always_ being true as sometimes it's definitely not, but it's nice to have that little margin of error in your favour.


That’s how it works. Cops have calibrated speedos. Meant to save the manufacturer from bother & you a speeding ticket. Use Waze, gives you all the camera vans & static cops too.


Standard mate.


Yeah my bikes out by 5mph consistently. Idk why yours varies it's a lil odd but try to stick to GPS if you want to be sure


is your speedo getting it's reading from the front wheel and did you / did past owners replace the front tire with a new one that is sized slightly too small for some reason?


I've changed the tyre, I don't know if the wheel was changed, however they do say Keeway on them although its a SFM supermoto.


Did it read ok before you change the tire?


This is normal. That's your safety factor. Don't abuse it.