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People forget that you’re all still getting wrecked by pinoys or viets who plays with no mousepad and with some dogshit wired mouse where its cable is about to snap any moment. It’s not the hardware, it’s just you.


I felt that


i just buy things to feel comfortable. I'm using a horrible 4 dollar 5 year old mousepad and am just trying to find something that's usable and fits me more. I've felt a massive improvement when getting a new mouse and genuinely felt limited by my old roccat burst pro (now vxe r1 pro). I'm not saying it makes me better, i'm just saying it helped me with my hand posture and allowed me to be more precise. All the people owning multiple expensive/similar things are just wasting money. If you have something you're pretty happy with, don't search for more. Be happy with what you have. :)


hahahaa yesterday my opponent taunted me geting carried by a pinoy :( and its true that mfs with level 0 account in faceit was beatung the shit out of everyone and laughing like a bobo


What pad is best for mine sweeper?


I bought Artisan FX ninja pad is this the best artisan I heard type 99 was too slow to microadjustment?????? Which pad should I get GSR 2 Qck Heavy I play tacfps I want a smooth pad what is the SMOOTHEST for Apex?,??? Guys I’m looking for a MUD PAD but if you recommend me actual mud pads I won’t engage ty - decided to go with the ZERO thanks everyone!


Facts. If some pros can play at the highest level using crusty 10 year old mouse pads, you too can get out of Silver with your Artisan NinjaGaidenHayabusa69++ mousepad. For real though, some pros play with the most horrific mousepads I've seen but they do just fine. It's really not your pad, its you. hahaha


Artisan NinjaGaidenHayabusa69++ has me dead


You want end game? Spend more time RMBing a woman and maybe more than 2 hours on one pad before switching.


Artisan should copyright this... Day one purchase for me


Tbf there should be a pinned mousepad guide in this thread: *oversimplification mileage may vary* CS GO/ Valorant (tax shooters) - type 99/ Zero soft/ Saturn pro / GSR2 Apex/ CSGO (tracking games) - Zero soft/ Hayate Otsu soft/ Hein Soft/ Raiden soft Speed pads - Raiden Mid/ All glass pads


I saw a guy saying that you should always get a glass mousepad and that artisans are shit because they r not as fast lmaaaaao 👽


I bet that guy’s potential is being limited. I sometimes play on fast pads, but I don’t delude myself into thinking they’re best for accuracy. They’re most for fun


its like people asking which sensor is best on the mouse reviews sub all the newer sensors are so close to each other in performance that no one is going to notice the difference between them mouse/mousepad's have gotten to the point where the only things that matter is shape, feel and looks and those 3 things are always going to be a personal preference what works for me wont work for 95% of other people and vise versa


Yup, like you mentioned I believe ergonomics and posture are 100% more important. I have like 10+ "meta" mousepads but I can perform on all of them to the same level. Getting a proper ergonomic chair and a desk improved everything.


Buy a pad. Like? Get used to it. Keep it. Do bad in a game? It’s you.. not the pad. Continue on and get better..


I've said this all along. It doesn't matter what works for someone else, you're a totally different human being.


People cant search its so annoying lol.


This is literally a mousepad review sub…wtf else do you want people to talk about


There is already a wealth of knowledge in the form of reviews instead of noobs posting same question everyday or can’t even bother to look at mousepad spreadsheet (even if it’s outdatd af)






Doesn’t search for any pad related questions < searches for stop making posts about pads


Which pad is the best for r6 ?


How can you assume everyone in this sub is looking to quick fix their aim buying a new mousepad? Maybe people just want a nice mousepad? After all this is a mouse pad review sub? wtf are you going on about?


Allow me to reiterate the title of the post for you, because you clearly have issues reading. "Please stop making posts asking which mouse pad is best for which game" If you can't figure it out from that, get an eye test, and then knock yourself on the head 3 times, maybe some common sense will come rushing in.


If people asking about mousepads in a mousepad sub is getting you angry, you’re a complete dumb ass who probably has depression. Get help.


I'm not angry duplicate posts are just cringe lol people don't know how to use the search function. EDIT: Furthermore shut your illiterate ass up.


New mousepads are released and discontinued…and different people give their opinions on each unique post…your suggestion to stop new conversations on these topics is 100x more detrimental then appeasing your inability to scroll past a post that doesn’t interest you.


Well said. Plat 2 isn’t considered dogshit at Val though


What was the point of this post ? To tell everyone you ranked up good job mate sound like a flog


Well said sir!


What's your opinion on best OW2 pad?


Good copypasta adding to my cringe collection On a serious note, you're not wrong. I don't quite get the correlation between hardware and skill. tox played on rubber and intellimouse for who knows how long before he got the initial Skypad. Just hone your skills.You will improve if you don't overthink trivial aspects of play.