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>!I liked it. My interpretation of the show was that is was a relationship slice of life with a spy backdrop and so I honestly felt like in that vein it wasn't even a real cliffhanger. The central question of the show was "will john and jane be able to be honest and real and work out their issues" and I felt like in the truth serum scene and in that last scene they had worked through a lot of their issues and decided to be together. Jane asked him for a plan and valued his opinion, they were honest with each other, john was way more competent and serious. They laid bare all of their secrets and chose to be together. Even though the spy plot is open ended I feel like we got a serious emotional resolution to the romantic plot line.!<


Hey question, I know she asked him his plan, but she decides not to follow his plan. What does that say? That she’s still anxious?


Why does everything need an unambiguous ending? Why do we feel the need to be perfectly satisfied? I like how the ending makes me feel. It’s challenging. I mean, the interesting question is >!do you think they made it out?!< That’s up to each viewer. And with that, the show doesn’t really end. We get to interpret it however we feel. >!I think they do make it out, because I’m a hopeless optimist.!< But the story is all there. Eight episodes of some really, really good fucking TV.


I don’t have a problem with the ending. I just didn’t enjoy the feeling of emptiness it gave me, actually i think the finale is genius. I’m not disappointed. Endings like The Sopranos will be talked about for years since they left the ending open to interpretation, peak television. Yeah I feel empty because 8 episodes wasn’t enough, Eskire & Glover are so talented, I could have watched them for multiple seasons. They’re either >!dead or they come back!< but either way I’m ok. Just empty. Go watch BEEF 🥩


I love BEEF. It’s an incredible show. I would have loved to have more of this show as well. But we got what we got. And what we got was pretty incredible. Maybe it’ll get another season? But if not, I’m okay with that.


Fair enough


On the flipside i feel like anytime a movie or show wants to be deep it goes for the typical and easy "leave it up to your imagination to know what happens next" ending. Sometimes it comes across as pretentious. Although funnily enough i don't think this ending is that ambiguous when you think about it. There were three shots. Jane only had one bullet. The way i see it she and john are dead. But even if Jane somehow won and got her and John out of there where are they gonna go? It would just be a stay of execution. They're pretty much doomed now that company wants them dead.


If the show was about "realism" John (or both) would've been fatally shot in the first mission. It's escapist entertainment, and so like every other episode, that ending could go either way. Jane could've grabbed the gun. Some other character might have turned up. Maybe the neighbor, for example. Not a lot of the action stands up to close scrutiny, and that's fine. Plus we haven't really been told the true nature of hihi/supe. The first couple had been running for a while... I don't think it's pretentious, it's prudent. Especially today when shows are cancelled at the drop of a hat. If the cast and crew decide to do more, it's as believable to me as the rest of the show. Which I thought was great.


It makes you wonder if this guy who had all their pictures is really into real estate or an agent My belief: like ANY billionaires. Real-estate and using cash from illegal gains is a hell of a hustle. Can pay cash. So while “hi hi” has agents running around (making money from foreign governments. Kidnappings. Whatever). 3 strikes and your out is INEVITABLE. Buy property’s cheaply. Use black ops style teams to build these homes up illegally and under someone else’s name. (Remember the permits issue?) You just made a 3-5 million dollar brown stone into as the real estate guy said. “25 million for just ONE addition to the house!” So. Illegal $ + 3 strikes and you’re out = real estate (under someone else’s name. So once they inevitably fail and die, you made a fortune off them and whatever they did to surpass permits etc was illegal on their end. Not your own) It’s a never ending money wheel. I believe the guy in the end may be a higher up in the company because he has all the surveillance photos of them as well and he lied it off as being a real estate guy amazed by their additions to the home, and such.


It's possible they signed contracts they didn't read, just like with the psychiatrist always recording them. You many be on to something


>!Bruh, they place guns all across the house, but don't place one in the damn panic room where all necessary supplies are supposed to be? Lazy writing.!<


Maybe they grabbed a gun they never mention from the panic room, since there’s multiple shots. The ending is up to you. I think it’s silly they never had a gun in there but it doesn’t make the show “bad” or anything


I said out loud “worst panic room ever” haha


I think the whole purpose of the panic room is to trap the smiths when the high risks show up to kill them


The panic room looks unfinished to me though with these cheap wooden walls.


Oh, I didn't think about that, but now that you say it... they are kinda alike. Beef definitely had a better ending though.




I disagree entirely on it being a waste. I think the show is about the journey of 2 people with clashing personalities, forced to marry & do high risk shit, they eventually fall in love & in the finale >!they share a beautiful moment before their possible end!< they knew what they signed up for, >!a lot of Smiths/most smiths don’t make it out of this shit so we got to see a normal story of how the smith’s lives usually play out maybe? Maybe it wasn’t about them. Maybe they were just a smaller part of the story?!<


That is exactly what went through my mind as I was watching this final episode. I really didn’t notice it until then, and I wanted to like it so much more. Even though I overall enjoyed the show, the writing in beef was on another level which made the ending worthwhile


Good but not great. Felt rushed. Not at the level of the Americans. It could’ve been if they didn’t rush through everything.


Absolutely loved both shows and was thinking the exact same thing as you. I think they are both beautifully done and explored some of the same themes from vastly different angles- the ordinary vs. the exotic.



