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They went to help a poor city in the north that is about to be attack by an army of orcs and goliath (pitch in a couple of orgre) all lead by a green dragon (they dont know about the dragon yet). They are on the way back from a rescuing mission (an ermit living alone) and comming back to the town while the army is almost there, they know they wont have a full night of rest. The empire doesnt want to help, they have help from a pirate ship, a thieft guild with some artificiers boat, some sorcerer (50) they've help escape from a sorcerer prison (magic is ban), the royal guard that have been disbanded (40), the war priest of the city, a dragonborn paladin (a race they never saw) . They have help to setup the town defense and train the civils. The battle will beging wednesday and it will be a battle of 50 sorcerer, 40 guards, 3 special NPC, them (5) and 200 underqualified civilians VS 50 Goliaths berserker, 200 orcs, 2 orgres and 1 dragon... its going to be epic. The reason the orcs attack, they have learn the battleaxe from their god is hold at that town. Where is the axe ? In one of the player bag of holding. So why do they think the axe is being held there, a evil god want to kill the war priest since he his the last that can speak with a good goddess (its mother). So that evil god or demon, manipulates the events.


Pathfinder 1e. The bbeg has finally been revealed to start my theme of this campaign. (We've spent probably 10 or more sessions just goofing off and dealing with backstory stuff.) They recently visited his old castle to find out what it was that was going on (suprise, the once dead bad guy is not so dead anymore) During this investigation mission, they found out that he is actually not dead anymore, and a journal revealed a location that he may be headed to for an unknown reason to them. I'd love to talk about it more if anyone is interested, i just don't want to go off on any unwelcome tangents.


I'm currently running a Dark Heresy 1st edition game, where I upped the lethality of all weapons because I like guns to feel like the harbingers of bodily destruction they are meant to be. The game takes place on a rogue traders personal ship, which unlike many other rogue trader ships is a converted cruiser with vast amounts of space dedicated to the production of basic good like food, water and weapons. The player characters are part of the ships security and so they have been sent out to one of the agri clans to help them out with their problems. Since this is 40k, instead of having actual modern hydroponics, the ship uses good old soil farming on fields that take up a huge amount of space on the ship. So they got to the clan and have recently discovered that it is besieged by a cult of hedonistic worshipers of Slaanesh, the 40k god of excess, pain, pleasure and perfection. The cult wants to use the agri fields for emperor knows what and they are using snipers to counter the agri cults ratling snipers. So now the group has to go into the actual rice fields and clear out about a hectar of land from heretics while under fire by cult snipers that take pride in their aim.


5e - After becoming Material Plane heroes through Levels 1 - 10, the Level 11 party's Feylost Trickster Cleric has been called upon to find his sister who has gone missing in the Feywild. He doesn't remember his childhood and didn't even know his twin sister existed. Before they left for the Feywild, he was told a little of his family history by a beloved NPC, who our Cleric suddenly realized may or may not be his father. Once in the Feywild, he met his Auntie, sister to his mother, Arch Fey of the Autum & Mother Tree Domain in the Feywild. She is the one who summoned him. He also had an encounter with his forgotten mother, who is now the beloved Mother Tree, the Autum Domain being the home of Orphans and Stays. The Tabaxi Ranger PC, descendant of the Last Dragon Lord/Dragon Rider on the Material Plane, went with the Cleric to the Feywild. The Warforged Paladin stayed behind to deal with other pressing issues on the Material Plane. In the Feywild, they've been joined by Sprite & Imp PCs, who were bonded to the Cleric in a ritual by Auntie Arch Fey. They are also Familiars of the missing sister, and are Warlocks of Auntie Arch Fey. They are also joined by an Alicorn NPC who used to be a Dragon on the Material Plane, True Polymorphed and sent to the Feywild by the BBEG of Part 1, A Red Dragon, who is still at large. The party are currently searching for their bag of holding, which was stolen by a mean Feywild Fairy while they were searching for a missing "Bell of Protection." That started its life in the campaign as just a bell, a narrated piece of the environment/background/social setting, until my players latched onto it, without seeking a single clue about the missing sister. The bell has now become an ancient artifact, a major McGuffin they need to recover, which will be revealed to be related to the missing sister. They have some solid clues about who stole the bell and are following the hottest one. But... they are stalled by the loss of their Bag of Holding, which has gotten pretty full. In the midst of their (temporarily) top priority search for the mean fairy and their BOH, they were just invited (summoned ?) to meet Queen Titania. She sent a small airship, crew, and a group of Fairy Dragons to retrieve them and bring them to her. Another McGuffin has been stolen - and Coincidence is not native to the Feywild! They are currently experiencing a few days of downtime travel to Titania (under friendly appearances) until our next session. Scheduling challenges - GRR!!


Spelljammer 5e campaign with a healthy dose of homebrew. The galactic equivalent of the illuminati more or less ran us off of the Rock of Bral, so we've taken our 'ship of theseus' Bombard "The Reforged" to my Paladin's ravaged home planet of Dundee to fulfill his quest to end the sorcerer Zargothax's reign of evil (see Tales from the Kingdom of Fife by Gloryhammer. My Paladin is Angus McFife). We got within orbit, sorcerer tried to bring our ship to him, took our celestial party member instead (who was a different/past version of him) and became even more powerful by fusing with him. Had to repair the ship...again. also find out there's a dragon civil war between metallics and chromatics, pay off the metallics with gold for safe entry. Found a jester-assassin stowed away on board (same player) who is nonstop chaos. Imagine cicero from skyrim combined with the Warners from Animaniacs. Land at a port town, open up the onboard restaurant & brewery for business. Galley run by a very Italian beholder named luigi and his pixy cook, Rex. Jester, named Vex, hands me a disguise and we go street performing to try and gather bits of intel while our hyper charismatic and religious half-plant warforged goes on to build a church to help restrengthen the pantheon (part of the quest objective). Ends up converting a child ghost into a pretty effective priest and building a congregation within a day. After street performance, Angus (me) goes to change clothes in an alley but is followed. Vex and our half-dragon captain corner him, tries to convince us he's a trench coat wares dealer, then jumps through a magic door. Other 2 follow in, I try to misty step in but miss...end up falling through the air, landing in a small pond right in the middle of the new church, clothes in hand. End of session


Player here, We just finished a season of our campaign (we do seasons for each characters backstory) and we decided to do a canon one shot as our companions/familiars and our goal was after leaving a small island was to take out the head priest of some dragon God (the big bayamahat guy idk how to spell) but we infiltrated this church and I was a raven, we had a “baby” mimic, most stats halved, we had a giant rat, and a flying snake, now the raven has mimicry but that’s not important just yet. But once we got in we did the unthinkable, we split the party, the snake and mimic went one way the rat went to the kitchen for food because it couldn’t stand the rations or dead people any more and the raven belonging to the rogue of the group (me) decided to go to the middle of the church in search of shiny things, now my rogue says die a lot around this raven before stabbing people and getting nice “shiny” treasure so basically it thinks by shouting die it will get shiny treasure so there were two giant statues to go behind and my gm flipped a coin on which one I would go behind, I went behind a lawful good one, and I used mimicry and there were rows, instead of rolling each individual person (there was like upwards of fifty) he rolled for each row to see if they first of hear the giant statue shout “die” everyone heard the raven, but next is the fun bit, to know it’s a mimicry of something they need to pass a dc 10 wisdom saving throw, they somehow all rolled lower then that, fourteen of the followers who dedicated there life to this worship killed themselves for their God, (we rolled via row, there was five rows, and the priest was his own d20) and well because the party was split they didn’t know I did this but that’s what I did well get back to that later though, the mimic and the snake made there way to a mailing room where the mimic just sort of shifted into a scroll on the floor hidden while the snake tried to sneak past these four cobalts, the snake failed and lashed out with bite, and poison, killing one (our entire world is home-brewed) and the mimic lashed out and was able to take out another before the cobalt tried to run which gave an opportunity attack and he died, the last one was also killed so they ate the bodies and continued on their way, but the rat, oh my good old rat Toby, remember this rat is a giant rat and is 2.5ft tall so he’s a big boy, but he made his way into the kitchen and so much chaos happened he destroyed a thousand year old adventurer soup and was given dex save after dex save to avoid getting grabbed and stabbed by the cooks he avoided getting grabbed seven times, it was comically funny in the sense of two of the cooks just to grab him and smack into each other or throw a knife at home just to hit someone else from the rat jumping off the counter to finally being caught and stuffed into a barrel after some time the rat broke out of the barrel and ran as fast as he could out of the kitchen right to the chapel hall where the mimic and snake hadn’t found anything good in the mailing room also went to the chapel where they found 24 dead people and many others struggling to stop others from stabbing themselves, now the priest witnessed all of this and was wondering why his god had instructed them to die, so he prayed and got a nat flipping 20, his god seeing the blood spilled under his name came to life in the form of the statue and witnessed the carnage and he shouted to all, “who dare kill them under my name, who dare use it for such malice!” And now this is gonna sound dumb but my crow being around the rogue a lot who is so charismatic decided to say “die” again, this gave enough time for the rat, snake, and the mimic to run off while I tried to fly out a window, with the gos wanting revenge he decided to smite this raven and absolutely demolished this crow with a blinding light that turned the night into what looked like mid day for about half a minute with this Devine smite, so ya that was the one shot I went to school the next day and talked to the dm, he doesn’t know where to go from here because all he wanted us to fight that entire time was a single giant rat, which should have been very easy, now he’s trying to figure out if the statue will stay alive to protect the people or other consequences to give to the party for angering a god at level six, so anyway how is everyone day going?


The party is nearing the end of my first campaign. It hasn't been perfect, but they have been having lots of fun overall! The main antagonist has been building up an entire EMPIRE of cultists who worship a universe-consuming hivemind known as "The Nightmother" due to the fact that one of the first signs your universe is in danger of being consumed next is shorter and darker days. His past is extremely unfair and tragic, leading him to believe that everyone being part of a giant hivemind would be an improvement. Right now the party has climbed through a dungeon that takes place on and in a giant tree that sprung up near a friendly town which was promptly attacked by the cult's army. Any citizens who surrendered were taken to the top of the tree, according to a captured cultist they interrogated. While climbing, a major villain they had in a coma on their airship awoke and stole said airship, taking the unarmed crew hostage and killing the armed ones. They saw their own ship heading to the top of the tree and had an OH SHIT moment. At the top of the tree, they unexpectedly met the MAIN ANTAGONIST HIMSELF! Not to mention the lieutenant who stole the airship and... only a few cultists oddly enough. Many NPCs were held hostage near a giant freaky flesh pillar that made up the core of the tree, including the wife of one PC who was desperately trying to warn them of something. After a brief discussion, the BBEG snapped his fingers and an absolute ARMY of cultist mages, archers and more made themselves known, peeking over the large "wall" of dead bark that surrounded the tree's top and the session ended there. Next session is gonna be NUTS.


There is this tree just past the small town of Maple Haven called the Eldertree, and the commoners here worship this tree like it is an effigy that has blessed the lands for fruitfulness and good fortune. It is a petrified tree that stands frozen in time after it was struck by lightning many millennia ago. Its trunk is lined with amber resembling veins that coarse through the tree. Our warlock tiefling decides that he doesn't like this tree being here any more and casts shatter on the tree. So I made the tree have a high AC 30 to keep the chance of it happening slim but not impossible. Well what does he do, he rolls a NAT 20! Bringing his total roll to a 31 after bonuses are added. I try to be quick with one of the guards that is on patrol. He notices this and tries to cast counterspell and fails. This then causes the emerald dragonborn paladin to think fast and cast a thunderwave spell to try and stop the tree that has now been turned into a mega scale claymore. The paladin rolls a NAT 1. Now, in the feywild there is this thing that if you roll a nat 1 on any spell cast, you instead roll on the wild magic table, just to add a little spice to the adventure. Well he rolled a 99, this makes everyone, including NPCs, within 100ft roll on the wild magic table, that's 20 people. Now keep in mind that everything that is about to happen is all instantaneous. Here we go, The tabaxi monk casted mighty fortress and summoned it just outside of town. There is a feast spawned in the middle of town that teleports everyone to it to enjoy the feast. The genasi barbarian casts mass suggestion on everyone around her and they say the last full sentence that she spoke. Everyone at the table proceeds to say,”I didn’t do it.” in perfect unison. A unicorn randomly appears. One of the villagers is secretly turned into a vampire. A rain storm begins. One of the children grows 6 meters taller. Another of the children receives knives for hands. The warlock almost polymorphed itself into a Death Slaad. Three bolts of lightning reign down from the sky and eviscerate three of the villagers, including knife boy. One of the wild magic scenarios is that it summons a portal to the Feywild. I reflavored it so that it opens a portal to anywhere in the multiverse. This happened not once but twice so now there is a portal open to the Shadowfell and to The Swamp of Oblivion. For those that are new, this is essentially like giving front door access to a mortal enemy and giving backdoor access to any lovecraftian horror child that I can think of. One of the villagers begins to levitate away, another is teleported to the astral plane, one is blessed with not being able to get drunk for 2 days while a child is cursed with perpetual intoxication. The players switch bodies for 3 minutes. Now the paladin is the monk, the monk is the barbarian, the barbarian is the warlock and the warlock is the paladin. The warlock then tries to use the paladin's breath weapon that does psychic damage to everyone at the table to try and kill off the abominations that are still there but is thwarted when he opens his mouth, pink bubbles begin to shoot out at blinding speed. After all of this chaos takes place the entire town is sent into a panic. The party members at this time are only lvl 6. Tl;dr Party didn’t like having a tree near their path, now they started the war of all wars and a lovecraftian apocalypse


DM here.  At the moment the session has stalled out due to too much rl scheduling conflicts.  Hopefully this irons out soon.  However I'd like to share the story so far.  5e homebrew setting, homebrew campaign. The pcs are on a mission to find and recover kidnapped citizens of the city they're currently based out of. It started out as an emergency request to the Adventurer guild made by the University of the city.  It was made known that several faculty members and students made up this kidnapped bunch in addition to your standard npcs. Several Adventurer squads as they're called are dispatched to investigate last known sightings or leads of suspicious activity in the nearby region. A dmnpc rather forcefully joined the group (mostly due to being short on players and she's a concept I've had in the wings for months) and hired/bullied some local cannon fodder (read: town guards) to accompany them.  They reach their destination which is a mostly buried and abandoned castle that has slowly been warped by cultist magic into a prison/ experiment lab. Now comes for the intriguing part.  They all separated their own ways; one staying to secure the main chamber and the other two search different parts of the dungeon. A magical musical trigger was discovered and disabled the torchlight and Light cantrip for a few moments. Then animated monsters began to attack. In addition, one of the pcs has discovered two prisoners on that floor; additional dmnpcs to assist in the investigation, should they survive. The session stalled right as I was about to introduce the boss of this leg of the campaign.  I would elaborate further about this boss, but shall not just in case any of them are members of this subreddit.


Another peek into the Humble Beginnings campaign. I’ll do my best to keep this short so it's not bogged down by unnecessary stuff as I tend to ramble on these post. 4 out of 5 players are currently trapped in the memory of our Ranger, Foxglove. Reason for this would take too long to explain, so lets just go with a spell gone wrong or something. When this incident first began Foxglove and our dragonborn monk, Hemlock, had traded places in each other’s memories. The fluctuations grew, capturing two of the other players. Now the elven druid Galadan, Gear, the human bard and an NPC friend were trapped as well. Everyone was reliving one of Foxglove’s key memories. Her death from a giant. Appearing in the land about 20 something years ago, Giants were beastly monsters, their faces were hooded from whatever fabric they could find: a tent, a ship’s sail, massive flags and such. The colossal cannibals were misshapen, dangerous and hungry. Foxglove had confronted the giant because of some kids trying to prove their bravery. The party went after the kids to keep them from being slaughtered, she saved the stupid teenagers at the expense of her own life. Or at least until she was healed by a stranger. Heading through the forest was more difficult than expected as each player began to experience their own memories in front of everyone. Galadan witnessed one of his old teachers scolding him for improper druidic stances, (and a clown don’t worry it's totally fine). Everyone walked through Gear’s old city home, meeting one of the orphans he looked after. Foxglove had met a cloaked figure she didn’t recognize. Hemlock kept hearing the biting words of his tribe’s leader. Even Foxglove’s grolithe, Pyrrhus (pronounced like ‘pierce’), was brought back to an Onix that had broken his leg. After reaching the ruins where the giant slept the group was thrown into a very distant memory of Foxglove’s. A sprawling metropolis shrouded in rain and thunder. They party chased two cloaked figures into the sewers. One of them had smashed Hemlock with some glass bottle. Afterwich they set the Dragonborn ablaze. Hemlock had been coated in oil. Eventually they cornered one of the cloaked figures. They were a Hobgoblin Mercenary named Big Gobo, who was played by the fifth player. Since his character wasn’t a part of the memory trap thingy, I gave him an NPC to play. Foxglove had continued deeper into the sewers searching for the other figure, Gear attempting to follow. The cloaked woman was hushing a newborn baby at the lowest level of a sewer pit. The party had met this figure earlier in another brief memory. It was Foxglove’s mother. The woman was terrified, causing her to be very untrusting of Foxglove, despite her having the same heterochromia as the baby and the woman. When Gear found them, he kept watch on a higher level. They players had seen me roll survival checks for an unknown being. Foxglove refused to let this second ‘meeting’ be as futile as the brief one before. After some very close roles ‘Momglove’ admitted she was trying to keep Foxglove and her two unknown siblings safe from something evil. Something Foxglove was better off not knowing about. The evil was related to Foxglove’s magic and perhaps elves, like Galadan. Her mom did reveal she was of noble blood and Foxglove’s father, who had left when she was 8 to adventure, wasn’t her biological father. While this was going on Big Gobo was being a therapist to the other players. Hemlock had just informed Galadan how much he hated the elf. They spent maybe 2 hours in an impromptu couples session with this random mercenary while Gear and Foxglove had vanished. XD (Just FYI Hemlock and Galadan’s players LOVE this one sided rivalry their characters have.) Now they're back to the sleeping giant and, as Momglove put it, “finish the story” to get out of these memories. Welp I failed at making this short. Sorry. I guess I get excited talking about my players and campaign.