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Sometimes people don't want to call other out. Though I will say that in my case I'd been transitioning for over 1.5 years on HRT, and despite the significant appearance changes my mother didn't realize anything until one day she ended up with a tape dispenser that had my name on it. So yes, they can also be very oblivious to the situation too.


how did the tape dispenser made her realize?


It had my name written right on it. She only connected the ideas together when she saw I was going by a new name.


ah this makes sense to me now! :) didn't realize the name gave it away not the tape.


I'm thinking of one of those scotch tape dispensers from holiday season and am also very confused.


They can be cartoonishly oblivious. People see things through the filters they're given to see them through. If they believe something is a certain way, it will take *a lot* for some people to notice a change.


I live with my parents (unfortunately). Been on hrt for almost a year. Dressing way different. Getting acrylic nails. Wearing makeup. They have no idea. They’ve even seen my new name.


Sometimes they’re just in denial, like they don’t want to believe your something else


I think you might be thinking about yourself a lot more than other people think about you, and that’s what the “obliviousness” comes down to. People don’t really look for changes in you like you do in yourself, they have no reason to


My family was completely oblivious. Completely. My friends however all were a spectrum of "we knew". Most had suspicions for a few years. My best friend and my spouse are both trans and they *definitely* were not oblivious. They knew before me. Apparently for almost an entire decade my spouse was very sure Im trans but kept to the prime directive. My best friend suspected for less time but her reaction was "about damn time you get with the program chika!" Sometimes it seems like I was the most oblivious. Like I lived my entire life with blinders on.