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Sounds fun tho


I was like, “is… this a bad thing?”


So… trans people(and probably other gender queer people) tend to group together, even if none of them know they are at the time. I think that, maybe, they’ve seen your feminine behavior and, maybe, feminine behaviors feel more natural to them than masculine ones. There is a known phenomenon, where eggs form a friend group, and, when one of them realizes they’re trans and comes out, that can cause a chain reaction that causes the others to realize the same or similar things about themselves. All of them cracking, all at about the same time. I think that something similar may be happening here.


For real, a decade ago my two best friends were also eggs, now all 3 of us are out and actually happy for once. There was even a 5 year disconnect where we found ourselves then searched each other out after coming out.


I dated a guy in high school when we were about 16. We stopped dating but stayed in touch and would catch up and fool around a bit every couple of years. Basically, until I met my ex-wife. I hadn't heard from him in ages when he called out of the blue to tell me he was transitioning. Told me his new name, that he was using male pronouns and everything. We had a good chat and went back to only touching base with each other every couple of years. This time without the fooling around. About a decade later I got divorced and the egg shattered. So, of course I told him first. He laughed and told me that he already knew. We're back to seeing each other more regularly but he's married now, so still no fooling around, but I've been wondering if we've managed to keep our friendship despite absence and distance because we had this in common? Even if we didn't know at the time. Well, I didn't know but he's smarter than I am.


That’s actually so beautiful 🥹


One of them a few weeks ago came out as bisexual


One of my friends designated himself as "the guy all the trans girls from our high school class come out to." He's not trans, but he is very unintimidating. The funny thing is none of us knew each other but have him as a common friend. He is not trans. He questioned and quickly came out the other side as cis het.


i used to raise chickens... and the eggs would tend to crack pretty close together in time...


This happening to my long time friend group. Ive had 2 best friends since 7th grade. We were and are as close as friends get. Now we are 28. One of us came out as trans 3 years ago or so. I came out in March of this year. I'm sure the other friend is *definitely* an egg based on how fast they got on board with the femme stuff/how much they genuinely seem to enjoy it, also based on the fact that they relate to my descriptions of what dysphoria and gender euphoria feels like and what triggers those feelings and how they feel about their gender themselves, though they haven't cracked the egg completely yet.


This just happened for my friends, one told us they were trans, commence the chain reaction…. They are trans, I’m trans, and another friend is too. What I found most interesting was we all already had decided we were trans in isolation, and all it took was one person openly mentioning it for us all to feel comfortable


I think I was the first one to come out in my "all cishet" friend group. Then someone comes out as demi. Then someone comes out as aroace and later genderfluid, then someone else comes out as ace and bi. Waiting to see if we get any new recruits


Personally I'd call that an egg clutch myself


One of my closest friends moved away, and when we met up like two years later, she came out to our friend group. I shot her a text from across the table asking when she started hrt. I beat her start day by like two months.


The crackening has begun! More chicks to come 😆


I call this Fagnetic Attraction.


Femboy is the peak bloke of tomorrow! And a flowy sundress will the ideal outfit of choice for the ideal man! The future is a fem utopia and you can't tell me otherwise! 👗💅/J Joking aside this was pretty funny! Thanks for making me laugh while I'm eating my brekkie! 😊


I just wanna say that I've seen u around a lot and that I'm an aussie too! 🇦🇺 hope u had a good brekkie 😋


Nice! Always lovely to see other Aussies around these parts! I do be hanging around here a decent bit, and I'm flattered someone has noticed me! :P My brekkie was good, just coffee, a bagel and a banana. It's Sunday so nice and slow paced. Hope yours was good too! 😌


I was also about to point out that I've seen you a few times and I'm also Australian! It would seem you have a bit of a fan base building?


I'm not an Aussie but I love the idea of having "a good brekkie". I think I'll start using that term in the future. G'day, m... er, sheila?


Go nuts! Have all the brekkie! English breakfast tea is just English brekkie. But a breakfast consisting of eggs, beans, toast, sausage and bacon is a full English brekkie. Yeah, nah means no. Nah, yeah means yes. Yeah, right means I think you're an idiot. And people say we don't have culture. Oh, and it's not a shrimp. It's a prawn.


Haha, nice! I’ve had quite a few other Aussies on this sub point themselves out to me! NGL I'm flattered that I’m starting to be recognised on here and have followers! 😳😄 Just means I'll have to make sure to stick around! 😊 Also I love your flair! Such a simple but powerful message and a good reminder! 🫶


You make it very obvious that you're a Skip 🤣 And you should defo stick around. Us Strayans need to stick together! I'm glad you like it! If I can spread a little positivity, I will 😊


Ah, fellow aussie here. Femblokes or femboys are definitely the blokes of tomorrow, indeed 🥰.


Hi from over the ditch in Aotearoa/New Zealand (Tasman region to be exact)...


Wouldn't be surprised if literally every person in that friend group later comes out as trans.


Conversely, they might all just be straight too. Men need validation, support, sensitivity and camaraderie too.. but they're often taught it's inappropriate. You might have just normalized vulnerability with them.


In high school, I had one on one talks about my feelings with my guy friends. Nobody had ever seen us and told us we weren't supposed to, so I could unload my fears of rejection, my loneliness, talk about the girls we liked...


The way I would’ve absolutely loved this back in high school


We have the power to create femboys. With gest power comes great responsibility. I'm gonna make an army of femboys.


And then conquer the world


Isn't that what batcrab/Alice in Wonderland (a kiwi trans girl) wants to do? 😊


It sounds like thigh highs and cat ears would be good Christmas presents this year. 😸


That’s actually great idea


I did that but mine are cow ears actually




I Accidentally Feminised All My Male Friends! the hit new light novel coming soon to that website they sell light novels on


And to anime streams a few years after.


may have given them their safe space ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


This sounds like something from a comedy show, or similar. Lol.


Absolutely adorable!! I hope that one day you can be your true self around them, and maintain adorable moments!! Very funny and cute


This is good for them.


Maybe that's a good thing, you have given them the key to express their inner-feminity 👍


This is good and healthy for them I think. Good job!


Boys will be...femboys? Jokes aside, that's honestly kinda wholesome though 😊

