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If you're in the UK and you are seeing this: Vote Green tomorrow. The green party have some LGBT candidates and their leader has stated in numerous interviews that protecting trans rights is important and something she will make sure to safeguard. Again, if in the UK, vote Green on the 4th and spread the word.


I agree. I’ll be voting green. 💚 Especially after what Kier Starmer said today about bathrooms. I can’t on good conscience vote labour.


im just hoping Australia doesn't follow suit since you guys over influence us.


It will. That's kinda the problem. All of Earth is fucked if Trump wins.


yeah. i just hope my homeland wont. A lot of people i know (including kids at school) think Trump is a fricking idiot. So hopefully that attitude helps us keep our rights


Same feelings from Canada.


Especially since Australia (or New Zealand) is my back up plan.


id probably think of a Western European country (maybe Sweden) if Australia decides to follow America. Edit: I dont hate America, i hate the over American influence in Australia But i have higher hopes for Australia as the government was talking about funding Gender Affirming Care like 8 months ago so hopefully we keep on this path towards a more accepting society for fhe LGBTQ+


Western Europe has always been my plan, I'm just worried about how far right some Western European countries are turning right now.


Vote Blue to save Democracy!, it really is that simple.


Unless you're in the UK elections. Then, for the love of fucking God... Do NOT vote blue!


If your in the US and vote red. You might as well give up now, voting red in the US is about like standing on front of a firing squad.


Some much needed sanity. The constant fear mongering is starting to get grating.


Thank you. Yes it is, very much so.


Make sure if you are in the situation that you cannot leave, get some basic rifle training (just in case for the worst)


Not in the UK ffs




This js very easy to say but not easy to accomplish. Things will only be okay if millions of people around the world suddenly start to like us. Which will not happen.


Thank you so much for this. I really needed someone to tell me this, I absolutely am registered to vote! We’ll get through this one way or another. We have to.


Between one wanting to be a dictator and one that has nothing going on and is a literal puppet who allowed roe vs. wade get overturned im glad my hrt meds allow me to drink because this is gonna be a shitty 4 years regardless


>one that has nothing going on and is a literal puppet who allowed roe vs. wade get overturned You... blame Biden for Roe v Wade being overturned? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? No really, what, in your fictional made up universe could Biden have done to stop it? Either way now is not the time to be posting about a fantasy world.


I’m almost positive Biden had the power to overturn the decision since it happened in 2022.


The...president can't overturn decisions that the Supreme Court makes. That's like kind of the whole point of separate branches of power. It's the same reason Biden couldn't overturn the student loan decision. The president CAN issue executive orders that get things done, but those can be challenged and reversed. Congress can also overrule a presidential veto by a 2/3 majority. Girl you need to learn a bit about basic civil process. The president is not a king (and no, not even with the ridiculous decision from the supreme court the other day is the president a king).


Well, he could've packed the court


I still think that no matter what there will be trouble. If the angry oompa loompa wins he'll be a dictator pushing project 2025 forward, if he loses he'll try to take over the government again.


That and our economy is definetly not the greatest. I compared prices from before Covid and it’s definetly not good and my paycheck barely moved.


Yep, our economy has been crap since before the '16 election. The politicians keep trying the same few things and then wondering why is nothing changing. We need somebody other than the Replicans and Democrats in power pushing to keep it striving for greatness and leafing by example instead of being hateful or just not protecting the rights of its people.


As long as you do not touch their money, they do not care about you. Both parties are the same.


Yeah someone that’s more in tuned with our society


You can tell the transphobic bots are here by your comment being downvoted. Maybe they are Biden Bots. Can't tell the difference these days.


Hey I think I’m registered to vote. I’m not. IDK. I am clueless about anything going on with political system. I don’t know how to vote. I don’t have time to read articles about each individual to make informed decisions. Idk anything


Weird reply, but okay. 👍


I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t know what to tell you


Apparently you don't know much beyond the fact that you don't know much. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, so long as you see your ignorance as a reason to learn, rather than an excuse to do nothing.


I am not being ignorant. And I’m not using it as an excuse


>Hey I think I’m registered to vote. I’m not. IDK. I am clueless about anything going on with political system. I don’t know how to vote. I don’t have time to read articles about each individual to make informed decisions. Idk anything What would you call all this then?


asking for information and help. guidance


What part of that was a question? All you did was state your ignorance and say you didn't have time to learn and make an informed decision. All I'm seeing is half arsed excuses.


let’s just leave it


I’m sorry


Why waste time being sorry? You should use your energy to learn more so politicians cant take away your rights without a fight.


Ping me on DM if you want help, it should be pretty easy.






One guy is a traitor, a fellon, aspires to be a dictator, wants to make concentration camps, destroy democracy and promises to roll back trans rights. The other is none of these things. I wish it was Elisabeth Warren or Pete or Amy but that's not an option. Not voting is voting for the guy that wants to destroy it all, plain and simple.




Not choosing allows the greater evil to win, choosing the lesser evil opposes that. There is no option to not pick an evil in politics because not picking anything is exactly what the greater evil benefits from. I hope your beliefs bring you comfort because your lack of action does the opposite.


If that's the case, what you believe in must be stupid, sorry


Your stand is literally getting people killed. Everyone like you who refuses to vote to secure our future for a short while longer, all because you can't get your head out of the sand and actually listen to what others are saying when we say we hate Biden as much as you but the orange turd will be a fucking trillion times worse. And guess what? Not voting is literally giving a vote to that turd pile. Hope you're cool with knowingly endangering lgbt folks' lives by not voting.


Endangering LGBTQ floks and immigrants legal and illegal and anyone that's not white and biracial couples (the Supreme Court would be super charged even more to the right and they seem to have no limits on the racism they want to inflict on the country) and women and children and Palestinians and Ukranians and actually the whole world, because this orange imbecile for sure would rollback all the CO2 emissions standards that cause global warming or this time succeed at starting a nuclear war with North Korea.


Doing nothing to help your community while it is actively being attacked is a choice to stand for, that's true


The other trans people next to you will thank you for your moral superiority when hrt gets banned. you can vote for a genocidal idiot or an even more genocidal idiot. Of the worse option is elected , you will be responsible for those actions too. Hope you can live with that.




Look, the difference is between voting for a rotting ghoul who still enacts transphobic policies but slower and the "we like hitler" party. Both choices are utter shit. Both choices are pro genocide. But the republicans last year litteraly said they wanted to exterminate trans people. Actual calls for admitted genocide. Moral purity wont do shit for you in the camps. Vote, its the most basic step in taking action. When the dems are in power, protest against them. But its easier to protest when the gestapo does not exist yet. Either way i am not american, i can only wait for when your shitass countrys impact has an effect on mine. Dont come crying to me when the chtistofachists take over. Dont expect sympathy because your moral purity.


Every single election is a voting of lesser of two evils. There is no presidential election that had a saint running. It's a pragmatic choice between who will advance your agenda and who won't. It's pretty clear that Biden is the one advancing progressive causes here.


Think about it like this, you aren't just voting for the individual president. You are also voting for the white house administration & the Supreme Court Justices. When Trump was in office, he appointed 3 justices and that is literally the reason why we're in this situation right now. In the next 4 years, 3 Supreme Court justices are going to retire. Securing these 3 seats are more important than any other position in the government. If the conservatives get a super majority, I guarantee you that the Supreme Court will dismantle any form of democracy in this country. The Trump immunity ruling by the 6 conservative judges the other day is my proof. Not to mention the fact that the GOP plan is to get rid of all DEI protections, a total federal ban of all abortions, to dismantle the department of education, & to reverse any & all progress towards fighting climate change. So while Biden was no one's first choice (he was my fifth back in 2020), we have to hold our nose & vote for him anyways to protect ourselves & everyone we care about.


I don't have to do anything, and at any given point if Biden wanted to restore balance to the Supreme Court he could appoint more justices. At one point there were a total of 13. Yet he chooses not to add any, why? Who knows, it's within his power, to fix it tomorrow. As far as dismantling the board of education, over 50% of its funding goes to the pushing of paperwork, and not to the schools, not to the keeping of classes, nor to the teachers. They want the funding to go straight to the states, thus doubling the schools budget..... sounds long over due. It would be great to see the shop class back in schools. I'm not going to get into the climate change. There is an issue, but strip mining for lithium is not the answer. Nor is switch everything to the power guide before in can handle it.... unless you want rolling brown outs. They won't be in your rich white neighborhoods. No, it's going to be in places of color and the areas of higher levels of poverty that get the brown outs. That is controlled black outs for those that don't know. It is to lower the stress of the power grid. It happens, it will get much worse. So Biden chooses not to fix what he can, and tries to brake what isn't ideal for something that will fail, and thus make life worse for those on hard times. Afterwards he be like, who could of seen that coming. Then to try to fix the new issue by jack up inflation more, thus making these that struggle worse off. So yeah, withholding my vote sounds like a good idea. Biden wants to create all of the above issues, he doesn't sound to wonderful. Now to withholding my vote from the guy that claim to be about law and order, unless that law is looking at him. Then he cries over it. So neither of them earn my vote. In the end debates of politics is why I got off of Facebook over a year ago. I really should stop trying to worn people what there choices can do. No one listens, until it's to late. Then they looked at me shocked for my predictions coming true. Only reason, I get on reddit is for the trans sisterhood. And to give congratulations on how well they are doing on their journey. So sorry for getting in this thread. But in sum, much love everyone.


> ...if Biden wanted to restore balance to the Supreme Court he could appoint more justices. At one point there were a total of 13. Yet he chooses not to add any, why? The president does not have the power to add more seats. To appoint a Supreme Court Justice, you need a majority (51 votes) of the Senate to approve the appointee. And to even do this you need to get rid of the filibuster, which again takes a majority vote, otherwise everything from presidential appointees to bills need a two-thirds vote to pass. As of right now there are 47 Democrats, 4 Independents, & 49 Republicans. Two of the Independents, who are Sinema (AZ) and Joe Manchin (WV) are barely aligned with the democratic party. These two will not vote to get rid of the filibuster nor would they approve of packing the Supreme Court. >As far as dismantling the board of education, over 50% of its funding goes to the pushing of paperwork, and not to the schools, not to the keeping of classes, nor to the teachers. They want the funding to go straight to the states, thus doubling the schools budget..... sounds long over due. It would be great to see the shop class back in schools. >[Federal enforcement of civil rights in schools would be significantly curtailed, and such responsibilities would be transferred to the Department of Justice, but the DOJ would only be able to enforce the law through litigation. The federal government would no longer investigate schools for signs of disparate impacts of disciplinary measures on the basis of race or ethnicity. Project 2025 explicitly rejects the "pursuit of racial parity in school discipline indicators—such as detentions, suspensions, and expulsions—over student safety."\[14\] A federal fund worth $18 billion for low-income students (Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) would be allowed to expire,\[14\] and those responsibilities would be transferred to the states.\[15\] Public funds for education would be available as school vouchers with no strings attached, even for parents sending their children to private or religious schools.\[14\] Free school meals and the Head Start program would be eliminated.\[15\] For the backers of this project, education is a private rather than a public good.\[14\] Project 2025 also criticizes any programs to forgive student loans.\[93\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) Yeah, that totally sounds so much better than our current system. >I'm not going to get into the climate change. You won't, but I will. >There is an issue, but strip mining for lithium is not the answer. Nor is switch everything to the power guide before in can handle it.... unless you want rolling brown outs. >[Our estimates of future power sector generation material requirements across a wide range of climate-energy scenarios highlight the need for greatly expanded production of certain commodities. However, we find that geological reserves should suffice to meet anticipated needs, and we also project climate impacts associated with the extraction and processing of these commodities to be marginal.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2542435123000016) So your claim that Lithium mining is just as bad as oil, coal, & natural gas is completely bunk. >[Project 2025 advises a future Republican president to go further than merely nullifying President Joe Biden's executive orders on climate change.\[41\] It proposes abandoning strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change, including by repealing regulations that curb emissions, downsizing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and abolishing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...The blueprint declares that the federal government has an "obligation to develop vast oil and gas and coal resources" and supports Arctic drilling.\[24\]\[61\] Under this blueprint, the expansion of the national grid would be blocked and the transition towards renewable energy stymied.\[41\]...Project 2025 would reverse a 2009 finding from the EPA that determined that carbon dioxide emissions are harmful to human health, preventing the federal government from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.\[24\]\[41\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


With this, we're going back to the days of corporations dumping literal poison back into our drinking water with 0 consequences. I'm not going to bother replying to you again since you've clearly made your decision, but I wanted to give the tools to answer your questions to anyone who comes across this thread. These are common talking points by the opposition & they need to be squashed. But in sum, much love everyone.


I agree with you. US politics have become so scary and sinister. I agree that Joe is just a mouthpiece if a terrible one at that. I wish neither was eligible, and I hope it turns around.


I agree. It really has, the last good us president was Bill Clinton. Obama was OK and that me being nice, but that's it and it has simply done down hill from there. I wish their was a different dem.... but who at this point kamala?. That thing talks in word salads and laughs about everything..... pass on her. Someone give me a decent pick.....a real one, please


Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act which pretty much directly lead to the 2008 crisis, signed the Defence of Marriage Act, and abused his power over an intern and then scapegoated her just to name a few. He sucked just as much as the rest and was fortunate to be in charge when the internet took off.


I know…. I’m just trying to remain positive, hoping it will rub off on other girls. We can’t let them win. Even if they ban gender affirming care, that doesn’t mean we can’t stay visible. Showing them we refuse to be silenced.


The Supreme Court just ruled that it was unconstitutional to ban gender-affirming care for minors in FLORIDA, so even though the SC clearly leans conservative and a lot of shitty things are going on, it may not be as black and white as everyone is thinking currently.


Yeah, I think we’ll be okay. I had the same thought. I think that even in conservative circles a lot of people including the SC st least realize that everybody has a right to live their life.


Issue is that we *can't* take that risk. The mask slips further and further every day from the SC, and if conservatives control all 3 branches again? It'll be open season. He'll even just the executive branch would be a hellish nightmare.


Trump didn't band it when he was in office last time. If the Florida guy got in office then we be in real trouble. But he dropped out a while back. Keep on smiling ladies. And as always much love