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A quick thank you to the MTVChallenge Champs that bring over the šŸŒ‹ and link it for everyone in the comments. šŸ† I apologize to any I forget: /u/fcmb17, /u/Few-Sort-5643, /u/No-Season-4796, /u/Sportsstar86, /u/TateMarah, /u/angelbrit04, /u/xAthleticism, /u/Right-Difficulty8623 (RIP šŸŖ¦), /u/Ok_Supermarket_3241, /u/FastLane_987, and /u/Samuel855. A special shout out to /u/ChallengeFan2021 who was here on Reddit breaking spoiler news throughout.


Still no trailer šŸ™„


Probably getting it on Saturday


If I were Zach I wouldnā€™t hold back on Amanda when this thing airs. Put that microphone to use šŸ˜‚


If 41 starts filming in September like Bananas and Gamer hinted at, do we think some of the cast miss out on filming the reunion for this?


Zach is gonna have a field day when Amanda goes home 1st šŸ˜‚


I'm mid on both of them, but Zach isn't wrong about Amanda as a competitor.Ā  People trash Josh all the time for not making a final, but Amanda hasn't made one either in the same amount of seasons


Side note to that Zach podcast clip that reignited the Amanda/Zach feud. At the tail end he shades Averey being cast then the clip stops, does anyone know if he elaborates more? I'm wondering if he goes deeper cause Averey ends up being responsible for his boy Tony going home early. Although, she was kind of a dud on AS4 so he doesn't really need to elaborate more.


Thereā€™s a clip on twitter. He says Averey is a nice girl but hasnā€™t accomplished anything on any of her seasons. Not even a one time finalist. Casting her is just giving her a participation trophy. His cohost does say she has the chance to prove them wrong though


Zach's point is that Averey isn't a legend, and the Challenge's promo for this season is "40 legends, across 4 eras". He elaborated more on why Ashley should've been on the team instead.Ā  I adore Averey and I'm glad that she's back. Of course, I think Zach may be reading too deep into it because majority of the Season 40 cast aren't legends but if that's the tagline they choose to go with....it doesn't fit Averey šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Considering that we heard Horacio was really upset that he lost to Derrick.....I wonder if that's one of the reasons behind his "last dance" post šŸ¤”. We have to wait toĀ see the footage/learning more from cast members before we know if he has a right to be suspicious.Ā  I hope there isn't any validation to the rumors, but I also don't want Horacio to look like a sore loser.Ā 


I would guess it was probably more of a situation where the elimination design itself was kind of janky vs a situation where they rigged it for Derrick lol no offense Derrick but I donā€™t think they care enough about him to rig itĀ 


It was stated that they didnā€™t want era 1 to lose more players - I believe it tbh


Derrick isnā€™t a cheater nor would he accept an underhanded win. This sounds like sour grapes.


ā€œI feel disappointed in myself that I couldnā€™t get to a final. I feel like this was my season to win. Based on seeing the vets come in and their vendettas towards me, I think me getting a win on a season thatā€™s not this could be challenging but Iā€™ve defied greater odds, soā€¦ weā€™ll see.ā€ - Micheleā€™s exit on 39 She should be so proud of this season.


In my eyes second place on a season of all champions is basically a win šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


She KILLED it. Won the opening daily against some strong competition, won 3 eliminations, and got second place in the final. Sheā€™s gonna get a win eventually


For Jordan to have seen an elimination, he would have to had been last in a daily or picked by a woman? If thatā€™s true, then I canā€™t say the other guys let him slide to the final. However, Cory did fuck up by not siding with Tony and Amanda when he won the first daily.


I never agreed with the concept of "sliding to the end" regarding strong players. Their reputation of being soo good that people are afraid of them is what gets them to the end. That's not sliding because its built on years of outperforming people. CT is a great example of that. If people were confident that they could take him out, then they would take shots. That type of reputation is earned. I think "sliding to the end" should apply for layups because they are literally kept in the game because they're seen as an easy target. No one is afraid of them, and their reputation is based on seasons of underperforming.


You're not wrong, but if Jordan was somehow so good socially that the girls were all unwilling to pick him (even if they had guy friends who'd be desperate to take him out, like Devin/Michele), that's still pretty impressive. It *seems like* either a lot of the girls had Jordan as basically their number 1, or the guys weren't trying that hard to pressure them into throwing him in. Either way, sounds quite interesting to see play out: Jordan either having a very impressive social game or somehow misting his way to the end with nobody bothering to take shots at him.


I think its interesting because Jordan has never been known for his social game. If he's going to show us a different side of him on Season 40 then I'm all for it. Part of the reason why a batch of Vets get backlash for returning all the time is because they're exactly the same every single season. I'm all for a Vet playing a different game that we are used to seeing from them.


Yeah, I totally agree. Itā€™s probably been the weakest part of Jordanā€™s game his whole Challenge career, so Iā€™d be really interested in seeing him suddenly have a distinctively good season where he turns the weakest aspect of his game into his greatest asset for his most prestigious win.


Not a Tori fan but she won points with me for picking Devin over John haha


I dont like either but crazy that Bananas would think Tori would pick him over Devin. They legit won as ride or dies lol


So what are the chances they will air the Laurel and Cara fight? Will it be a toned down version like the Ayanna fight and viewers will just think Cara is over dramatic? I want people to know that Laurel is still the same the nasty bully she was 10+ years ago.


I would be shocked if it wasn't toned down. I'm curious if they'll edit around Cara leaving for days. I also don't think we'll see the Kyle stuff because whatever production found in the investigation on Kyle didn't make them want to cut ties with him (because why did they show his phone call with Big T on 39?)


Congrats to Jenny for having the best performance but I do still give it to Rachel if Karma was incorporated into it.


Jenny should get the win since she won the final while Rachel came in 3rd.


Question: So end game Derek was working with Cara Tori and Michele. Did Derek target one of Cara/Tori for the final girls elimination? Wouldnt it have made sense to target Jenny/Rachel?


Maybe they were all targeted or something and Jenny or Rachel won the daily. Do we know the exact format after they went individual? I wouldn't be surprised at a nobody's safe twist or something.


I guess i was confused. For the team portion 2 people were targeted, and i guess i just assumed 2 people were targeted in the individual portion but maybe itā€™s different. I donā€™t think it was specified


Are we sure that it wasn't just most of the House vs. Bananas as opposed to this alleged Tori/Cara/Michele/Derek v. Jenny/Bananas/Rachel?? I know people can be very performative on socials but Cara & Tori are showing a lot of love to Jenny & Rachel on their pages..... Edit: Tori was under Theo's comments and someone asked if they worked together. He responded by saying she was his OP. I guess I got my answer....so nevermind šŸ˜‚


I think he was just being playful with the op comment. Heā€™s a jokester. Or maybe he means because they were on different teams/eras. Weā€™ll see


What does OP mean?


"OP" is slang for opposites/rivals


thanks, I was thinking original poster, and could not get that figured out. I'm probably just getting old


No problem :)


[I was told Horacio wonā€™t ever return to The Challenge after season 40 (his choice)ā€¦. šŸ‘€](https://x.com/gamervev/status/1806445743558840438?s=46)




Sheā€™s just saying that because Horacio put ā€œThe Last Danceā€ in the caption of his challenge photo. I never believe retirements, heā€™ll be back next season.


Nia tweet Ohh I may have mistaken what he meant by ā€œlover girlā€ā€¦.I thought it was referring to me perhaps being distracted by the men. If so I certainly gave that lol https://x.com/therealniamoore/status/1806166480138141743?s=46


There is A LOT of Josh, Michele and Olivia hate in the comments for the cast photos. They're about to be real mad when this airs because all 3 of them make it very far, including making a final with Michele šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


On top of Michele winning the first daily, 3 elims, surviving the mini final purge that takes Laurel out, then actually performs above 2 other champs in the final w/o factoring in karma points. Theyā€™re gonna be FURIOUS omg šŸ˜‚


tbh I think a lot of casuals will switch up on Michelle (at least for this season). In addition to performing really strong in the final, she's second to Cory in seeing the most eliminations this season. I think a lot of them find that more impressive than having a strong chokehold on the political/social side of the game.


I am ready with the popcorn! šŸæšŸæ


I'll admit I'm not a big fan of any of the 3 but people are being a bit too harsh.


In what world did Tomatoes think Tori would choose him over DevinšŸ˜­


Michele forming the low budget PG version of the lavender ladies


I just realized if Jenny ā€œwonā€ then both winners won back-to-back seasons that ever happened?


Veronica & Darrell won The Gauntlet (Season 7) and The Inferno (Season 8)


The LoLs really got tag teamed lmao as soon as it goes individual the first two female matchups are Nia v Michele and then Olivia v Michele


https://vevmo.com/comment/3190523#comment-3190523 The house near the end was Cara/Tori/Michele/Derek vs Jenny/Bananas/Rachel Tori chose Devin over Bananas at one point when she had to show her loyalty between the two


Jenny and Rachel making John likable to me suddenly.


These house dynamics are fascinating. Cara seems to be very friendly with Rachel, Aviv and Jenny so itā€™s nice to see that her endgame seems amicable and respectful, for once. šŸ˜­


I wonder where Aviv and Jordan were


Playing a great social game by the looks of it.


...And then some of them went on vacation together right after I think I just have to accept that the days of drama on the show actually having lasting impacts that carries to another season are over.


wonder if it was a game decision that reignited the Devin/Bananas beef or if they just gave up on trying to like each other lol


PR says the Jenny vs Michele/Devin beef was basically alliance vs alliance https://vevmo.com/comment/3190491#comment-3190491


PR posted on twitter that the Derek/Ryan/Olivia/Michele/Nia alliance is called the ā€œladies of leisureā€ https://x.com/challengeteamtv/status/1806100760356176365?s=46


What's the point of making Leroy and Nurys the profiles for Twitter and Facebook when they'll be gone in 2 episodes?


Because they're probably some of the most "relevant" players at the moment and they don't want to only pick people who make it far (because then people might guess/presume, spoil themselves indirectly, and be correct).


Nurys and Leroy being the profile pics for Instagram and Facebook is hilarious when they're the first two out.


At least now we know they don't choose photos based on who is the most successful on the season. But I will admit, its nice to see the show ensuring that people of color are also heavily featured in the promo material.


Well Nurys does look very pretty in that photo.


People are gonna forget Nury's was even on 40


That was already funny to me, but then also Cara is the only face to make it past the halfway point, and she doesn't make the final.


Theyā€™ve always been weird like that, wasnā€™t Cory used as their pfp during Vendettas?šŸ¤£


So what youā€™re saying is Michele actually came in second šŸ™ˆšŸ˜˜




Are we only getting era 1 photos today?


I really reallly need Rachel to be crowned the Champion. Its so poetically beautiful that her Era was taken out first but she survived to the end and won it for them.


Survived to the end? Yes Won? No


She didnā€™t win though. It wouldnā€™t be right if her victory was handed to her.


I mean she tied for first based on the rules of the game. Even if we dont like the karms points, they are a part of the criteria.


Itā€™s a Mickey Mouse win. Not something to brag about, like sheā€™s been doing on twitter.


The storyline of Rachel winning as the last Era 1 person is fun and all, but Jenny not tagging Michele in her instagram post and then beating her with Michele getting second is AWESOME. How does Michele give so much on every single reality show she appears on? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So many comments in the cast reveal threads saying "Stacked Cast, hope production doesn't fuck it up". Like just wait until karma points are introduced and we still don't know whats up between Rachael and Jenny.


Also, production can edit it in a way thats not divisive.


By the time it airs it will be figured out. At worst, they would just wait 1 week between the finale and the reunion.


A couple of weeks ago we were discussing who was gonna be on the poster. It looks like it's....everyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They released the poster? [edit] Omg I saw it. Itā€™s unhinged šŸ’€


Ya, its everyone. Which I think is fair given that its a milestone season


With Jordan winning his 5th and Bananas making ANOTHER final. There is no doubt that Bananas, CT & Jordan are the 3 best. Any order you put them in is right. I think Bananas might have an edge on them bc people talk about his 7 wins but heā€™s also made 6 more finals where heā€™s been 2nd or 3rd. He also has the most daily wins. Jordan & CT have both won 5 but Jordan has done it in half the seasons. Again, you canā€™t be wrong choosing any of them.


No way; Wes is still on a whole tier in front of Jordan. And Landon is if front of both of them.


Iā€™ve never seen anyone in my life think Wes is above Jordan. Jordan has 5 wins in 10 seasons (and 2 2nd place finishes), Wes has 3 in 17. Wes is good but Bananas, Jordan & CT are so far above everyone else thatā€™s itā€™s not close. Itā€™s those 3, thatā€™s it. Itā€™s not even an opinion itā€™s a fact. Wes is great & in that next tier below them with Landon, Darrell, Kenny & Derrick.


The fact you have Landon in a below tier tells me everything I need to know. I believe when you looking at the context of each win Wes is the clear choice. Wes has a much harder path to win than Jordan consistently. For a basketball reference Wes is playing with four scrubs while Jordan is playing with 2 all-stars(Iā€™m not talking about partners in general but other outside circumstances like being targeted, production influence, having a personal relationship benefit you in the show, etc).


>but other outside circumstances Jordan has one hand, my dude. And if we want to compare paths, for what win did Wes go through a path like Jordan on WOTW2 Or D30? Was it AS3, where he was friends with most of the power players and only won one daily/elimination? The Duel, where he won two dailies (at the F4 and F3) and one elimination? Rivals 2, where he was paired with PRIME CT? I give Wes a lot of respect, but to say Jordan's wins were "consistently much easier" is ridiculous. Also, I love Landon, but the dude played in a totally different era and I think it's fair to grade him down slightly to account for context. Nobody is seriously saying Wilt Chamberlain is better than Lebron, are they? (Using my limited basketball knowledge there) And if people aren't taking shots at a guy *that* threatening, it typically means either he's playing a great social game, or people are fucking terrified of him. Or don't you respect Wes' game in WOTW1?


I donā€™t have a ton of time so this will be very short. Yes, many basketball history people of Wiltā€™s time do think that; they are just dead now. Also, CT hadnā€™t won a thing until Wes. And people forget CT basically wanted to go to war with Bananas and Wes was the one who wanted to keep the soft alliance


So? And Iā€™m sure people who stopped watching the show right after Landon stopped playing would be convinced heā€™s the GOAT to this day, but that wouldnā€™t make them right. And even if CT hadnā€™t won until that point, it was clear that he was extremely good and itā€™s especially clear in retrospect that CT in that time was physically near-unbeatable. I donā€™t see what the alliance point has to do with anything, the fact is that Wes was paired with one of the best physical performers in Challenge history in his prime. If he also maintained an alliance to keep the peace with Bananas, isnā€™t that just more evidence that Wes ā€œhad an easier pathā€ in your eyes? If you think Jordan has an unfair advantage because he has exes on the show, why is it that nobody else seems to benefit in the same way? The ā€œExesā€ season is literally founded on the idea that exes clash, so isnā€™t it just a sign of good politicking/social game that Jordan can stay on good terms with them? He does it better than Wes seemingly.


The point about Wilt is people who watched Wilt did think he was better than Jordan. Also, many people who have watched Landon and continues to watch basically agree itā€™s one of the greatest. Undefeated in eliminations and 3 for 3 with challenge wins until Duel 2. Lost a very controversial judgement in an elimination; many believe he wins that final given his cardio.


Yes, I agree that Landon is a very impressive player. Almost nobody disagrees, the fact that he only did 4 seasons almost 15 years ago and is universally considered a top 4 player (at least) is a testament to that. Nonetheless, half of his seasons could be said to be from a different era (they pre-date Wes lmao). The competition was very different for most of his wins (e.g. huge team seasons) and not as challenging as what CT and Jordan have overcome to get many of their modern wins (e.g. more competitiveness). I'm not even saying there isn't a case for him being the GOAT, but to act almost like it's some settled matter and that it's ridiculous/biased for someone to say he's in the tier directly below the players who are currently dominating season after season (who each have more wins than he's played seasons) is very unfair.


Wes above Jordan is objectively crazy


When thinking about it in context it makes sense. If you are assuming all championships are created equal then I understand but they arenā€™t. The majority of Wesā€™s career came at the height of the JEK alliance. Also, Jordan has a significantly easily path to win every time they play. Wes is targeted more and recently Jordan benefits from his previous romantic relationship with Tori.


Agreed. All 3 of them are amazing in their own way. I think the reason why people have a hard time just giving Bananas that top spot is because there's soo much controversy surrounding some of his wins and his success on the show in general. If Bananas had little to no conspiracies like the other 2 I think he would easily be #1.


I think the majority of people still have Bananas as #1. 7 wins is 7 wins I donā€™t care how he got them. Brady had deflategate & spygate but he still has 7 rings. Bananas body of work is crazy & is still one of the best in his 40ā€™s (heā€™s made the finals his last 3 seasons, including a win). He had 7 wins & 5 more 2nd or 3rd place finishes. He has the most daily wins & most elimination wins. Having said all that I couldnā€™t argue with anyone if they had Jordan or CT #1. Those 3 have really separated themselves. Landon couldā€™ve been with them if he had a few more seasons. My top 10 would be 1. Bananas 1. Jordan 1. CT (All 3 are tied for me, itā€™s too hard. For some reason Reddit wonā€™t let me put a 1 next to all 3 but I have them tied.) 4. Landon 5. Kenny 6. Darrell 7. Wes 8. Derrick 9. Alton 10. The Miz or Evan


I mean, the counterpoint is that he's been on the most seasons by far (and was around in the team era), so it's not a shock that he has the most daily wins. And the flipside of having the most total elimination wins is that he also has the most losses, right? Bananas is great (Top 3), but upon close inspection, I do think his body of work pales in comparison to Jordan and CT, especially when you compare win-to-win.


Bananas has only done 3 more seasons than CT and 4 more than Wes so even if you go by winning pct, heā€™s still one of the best. Heā€™s won 7 in 22 seasons & been top 3 in 13 of 22. That would be a dynasty in any sport. Not many teams or individuals have won 7 championships in 22 seasons. Only a couple in all of sports. CT has won 5 in 19, Wes 3 in 18. That means CT would have to win 2 of his next 3 seasons to catch Bananas. Thatā€™s only been done once or twice. Bananas also has 72 daily wins, CT has 56 & Wes 30. Bananas has only done 4 more season than Wes but has 42 more wins. Thats crazy. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, you canā€™t be wrong in saying Bananas, Jordan or CT is the best. I have no problem, all are tied for me but some people dismiss certain challengers if they donā€™t like them or they prop them up even more if they do like them. I happened to like all 3 and all 3 are my 3 favs. Thereā€™s no debate that those are the top 3. Landon couldā€™ve been there with them if he had done a few more. Also, just bc Bananas won a couple with a team doesnā€™t take away anything at all. Darrell won 3 of his 4 with teams & is still considered top 10. I think Jordan would be heavily thought of as #1 if he did a few more. Winning 5 in only 10 seasons is crazy, at that pace heā€™d have 11 in 22 seasons, thatā€™s 4 more than Bananas. Itā€™s hard to keep that pace but if he did heā€™d be #1. Anyway, all 3 are great and itā€™s almost impossible to confidently say one is the best.


The only win I put an asterisk on for Bananas is Rivals 1. For Rivals 1, Bananas wouldnā€™t have even been in that final if Adam didnā€™t throw the elimination. Adam was known for being smart and fast. He made that mistake with the balls TWICE after CT told him not to do it. Then he was supposedly gassed out. Donā€™t even get me started on Kenny and Wesā€™ lead being cut to two minutes. For exes 1 Bananas did go on a path he wasnā€™t supposed to. He was also able to walk in CTā€™s footsteps in the snow. However, thatā€™s more on production than him so I canā€™t fault him for it.


Not necessarily an asterisk, but I am sceptical of listing The Island as if it's just a regular win (along with The Ruins). There are a few seasons where I'd account for inflation(?) and consider them less meaningful "contributors to GOAT status." Like Veronica has 3 wins, but nobody is seriously asking if she's the female GOAT, right?


But Mark threw that elimination in Exes 1 because Bananas promised he would give him a share of his prize money. CT said that Bananas cheated in that last elimination before the Free Agents final. Bananas was caught cheating during the Rivals 3 final. Lastly, there were rumors around Total Madness and if that was really supposed to be a solo win season. Bananas is still great, but there's just too many stories around him.


Wait, what was the rumour about Bananas cheating in the puzzle pyramid on Free Agents? I haven't heard that one before.


CT said that he believed that there was something off about the way that elimination was handled. He alleged that production gave Bananas the answers to help him win.


Oh okay, that's really interesting. Definitely did seem like Bananas became suspiciously good at puzzles all of a sudden.


CT explained further in an interview with The Challenge Fandom. He also briefly mentioned it on Bananas' podcast, but Bananas denied it (of course)


CT said that production gave Bananas the answers to help him win.


Youā€™re right about that and itā€™s not a rumor either. Mark confirmed it to me in person. I also forgot he took medication during Rivals 3. I thought people said the Total Madness rumor was made up?


Regarding Total Madness, Bananas said that it was made up. But Kyle had said some things back then (combined with weird editing) that made people wonder.


I'm already seeing Tina hate online. People asking why she's here. She's here to toss Emily. šŸ¤­


Iā€™m screaming and omg she looks GREAT in her cast photo


The only person I see getting the most hate is aneesa


Tina looks to be in the best shape we have ever seen her in, too.


Really?? I've seen a lot of positive comments about Tina with people praising her about getting into shape. The only person that I see getting negativity soo far is Aneesa.


I saw a few comments saying she's a quitter and a bad competitor. Aneesa is definitely getting more heat.


Surely they wonā€™t keep going with the made up friendship points. I beg. Itā€™s supposed to be a game, I donā€™t care about the friends they make along the way (usually).


fo reall! If friendship was the deciding factor for every champion then Bananas would probably never be a champion!


Right. The social aspect is what made me love Survivor so much because it's such a simple, yet interesting and delicate premise. The Challenge should be exactly about that, the challenges. Whoever performs the best should win. Not everybody should be able to win.


The challenge has always had a strong social aspect. It's never mattered how well you've done unless the rules protected you. Everyone is up for grabs and before you never even got a chance to save yourself.


Itā€™s never mattered how well youā€™ve done? Ok Jay season 39 talking about winning doesnā€™t matter


I don't mind having a social aspect, but IMO, the winner should be decided solely by the final and who's the best competitor there. I don't mind someone using their social prowess to get there, but your social game enabling you to skip two spots in the final ranking is absurd.


The challenge is always changing its rules. Even the finals themselves are a mixture of goofy equalizers with less emphasis on physical games. Let's pretend no star bonuses went out on as4. Congrats to whoever came in first. You're the best at stacking small rocks, building block puzzles and solving pipe puzzles? You didn't get eliminated by chance in some mini game that you performed seconds slower than everyone else. We don't even get times anymore.


Yeah, my problem with them constantly changing formats is that by doing so, they enable this friendship majority over and over because no one knows the format and it disuades rocking the boat as a result, out of worry of a final exactly like this. That's the same problem I had with the Jury twist on Drag Race All Stars 3, because it (alongside how the vote outs are received by the fandom and production) disuades making big moves unless pretty much the entire cast was on board (The F8 of All Stars 8 and the F6 of AS 4 are the two biggest examples of the cast mostly being on board, or at least the people who can vote).


#TeamJenny #TrueChampion




I saw that too. I wonder if it means shell be a sole champion.


Please BMP, do the right thing and give the 1st place finisher the championship šŸ™


Iā€™m gonna need production to see the backlash and give Jenny her solo win. Third place Rachel damn near spoiling the season with all the bragging on social media is just embarrassing. Michele beat you and sheā€™s not even saying anything


Yeah, it didnā€™t make sense to me when I saw that Rachel beat Jenny. I just couldnā€™t believe she was capable of defeating her in a final, but I accepted that Rachel must have transformed into an absolute beast. Now, after discovering the truthā€”that she actually finished the final in 3rd placeā€”it makes a lot more sense and feels like the outcome I wouldā€™ve expected.


I was in absolute shock seeing the outcome but chalked it up to maybe a checkpoint heavy final. To find out that they actually got voted out of their actual placements is the last thing I was expecting


Do you think it's possible that Rachel's social media bragging/spoiling rubbed production the wrong way, leading to the reports that theyā€™re considering reversing the tie and awarding the solo win to Jenny, the rightful winner? It truly would be the ultimate karma, pun intended.


I wish but I donā€™t think production cares about that stuff at all. Josh is constantly spoiling stuff and heā€™s a production favorite


Idk, I wonder if production saw that tweet and thought, "You didnā€™t even get 2nd place in the final, and here you are bragging on social media before the season even airs?" Josh never wins anything, so it's easy for them to brush off his spoilers. Weā€™ll never know, but if Jenny is given the solo win, Iā€™ll always assume that was the reason.


What was Rachelā€™s tweet?


Right after filming for season 40 wrapped, she tweeted something along the lines of, ā€œsomething special just happened, get ready everyone.ā€ I donā€™t have twitter anymore so I canā€™t check her account, but itā€™s probably still up.


Ha - too high off her undeserved ā€œwinā€


She was also trashing another season and telling everyone to just wait for 40. Just embarassing all around for someone who was voted Prom Queen and didnā€™t actually win anything


Instead of having Jenny and Rachel tie, they shouldā€™ve just given Michele first place šŸ¤©šŸ¤© Iconic Queen Winchele


Whoā€™s ready to hear ā€œThis is the BIGGEST xxxx IN CHALLENGE HISTORYā€


....It kinda is. 40 people on a season is insane.


Yes with 40 people though I'm afraid some of them will be lost in the crowd. Like I have a feeling we won't hear much from the quieter people like Aviv and Emily, which is a bit of a loss because we've been hearing from Tori and Johnny a lot.


Yes like spyā€™s lies and allies, it was 36 people and the show didnā€™t even really start until week 8 with the onslaught on rookies every episode


Oh no doubt it is & I canā€™t wait! But I wasnā€™t talking about this season in particular, more so the players, on every season they say some elimination, challenge win, backstab etc is ā€œthe biggest in challenge historyā€


Karma points probably didnā€™t affect the men because the winner *had* the most in my guesstimate. Look at the wind down of this cast- itā€™s hard for me to believe the 2,3 place men could have had more than Jordan who dated 7 women on the cast and has friendships with loads more people


That's just the girls, though. I can't see any males giving karma points to Jordan unless he actively did something to help their game. Maybe some of the Era 3 males might do it out of team spirit. But even that is a stretch because most of the Era 3 guys are closer with Bananas.


I bet DC had the most karma. Heā€™s most well liked out of the dudes in the final among cast


We shall wait and see


We don't know how the karma points are distributed. 7 women out 32 isn't a lot, especially when Tori couldn't give points so really it's 6. Also, there's no way people on the cast are going to help Jordan (or Bananas) win when they're constantly complaining about the same people winning. It doesn't matter if they like them personally.


I think your point makes no sense- one thatā€™s a ton of women on 1 cast. 2- laurel was already the biggest threat to win on All stars and they helped her. 3- people wonā€™t chose someone over their friends just because theyā€™ve won before. Thatā€™s not how life works. You want your friends to keep winning. Someone has to afford the vacations in the alliance


In every season that Jordan & Bananas has been in since their return, there's been at least 1 episode about getting them out because they win a lot. For example, we literally saw Darrell, Mark, Derrick say this on All Stars 3 about Jordan, and they're all on Season 40. They all like him personally but they made it clear that they didn't want him to win. Same can be said about Bananas. Neither one of them are in the vacation alliance. Speaking of them, what happened with Tori then??? By your own theory she should've easily gotten the most points over all of the other women. Yet, she's the only one where the points didn't even change her position. And with Laurel in AS4, they made their decision at the end of the game when the options are limited. Veronica would've never given her star to Laurel if Rachel or Tina were there, and Derek would've easily chosen Ryan or Averey over her as well. If these points were given out in exit interviews, people were giving points to others who ended up not making the final......it's different.


You have no idea how many points she got (Tori) she could have just been too far in last for them to make a difference. And yes that whole group in the last 3 eras hangs out plenty. Now the first era that wanted him out in all stars I donā€™t see him getting any points from but thereā€™s still a lot of alliances and women he has relationships with to give him points outside that era. Iā€™m assuming that maybe Rachel got all the points from her eliminated era, one OG to another type thing as most of them are passed their personal primes


Totally. I think the difference is that the men base their stars off of who played the best game (as seen with Leroy on AS) itā€™s hard to not award Jordan anything because he is such a competitor. I wonder if the stars were sex based? I think that makes sense if Cara had the most before the final then just purged them all to Rachel when eliminated.


I thought karma points were earned from elimination wins?


I think it's something like each eliminated person ranked the remaining people in the house and they got karma points according to those rankings.


Ah I see. Thatā€™s interesting, so the elimination winners were ranking Rachel higher than Jenny. I could see Bananas doing that but I wonder why Kyland and Cory werenā€™t helping Jenny.


No, I believe that the elimination losers are the ones giving out karma points.


My question is at what point did they implement this twist? Also, I would assume Theo gave Jenny a karma point but I 100% guarantee Josh gave his karma point to Rachel. She was singing his praises in a podcast recently. My guess is that his karma point was the difference in her tying Jenny.


The name of the season is ā€œ*Season of the Starsā€* sadly production canā€™t change the name so theyā€™re going to make Rachel the winner. All jokes aside, I hate that the challenge has turned to this friends game and no longer athletic. Been saying this since SLA. Sucked with Laurels win, and this is even more shitty because Jenny actually finished first. What is this really? Give us back the challenge. Production needs to have the fans make a season


I think theyā€™ll end up doing the right thing by giving Jenny her solo win.


You put too much faith in production. I was like you once


If they donā€™t, theyā€™ll edit it so no one outside the spoiler community has a clue that Jenny was the true winner.


Which is even worse because then you have people back tracking because it wasnā€™t ā€œshownā€.. lots of things were stated and happened behind the scenes from previous seasons and many of the unspoiled fans die in the hill of if itā€™s not shown then itā€™s not true


Considering the high stakes of a challenge championship and the substantial prize money involved, it would be very difficult for them to take this win from Jenny without facing significant backlash. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m confident BMP will do the right thing.


What about when Jenny won the solo finale on TM and then they switched it to genders when Bananas was beaten by her?


Was that confirmed though? It always seemed like there would be a male and female winner on that season. 1. There wasnā€™t any sort of race to the finish between Johnny and Jenny and 2. Johnny immediately celebrated after crossing the finish line. If he thought he just lost, I doubt he immediately celebrates like that. Of course, all of this could be edited to appear any way they want. So if they want it to look like Rachel and Jenny tied, they can do that no problem


Do we know what gamer was tweeting about yesterday when he mentioned the investigation ?


I donā€™t think we know- the only investigation I remember being mentioned somewhat recently is the Kyle stuff


Jordan mentioned in his recent IG post that he had to tend to some injuries (plural) before he could start working out again. Maybe he suffered more injuries before the final or as a result from it....


Ya that sucks, I hope he heals up in time for Season 41. We need him out there defending his title.


Nia posted herself watching perfect match 2 and said ā€œmen like this scare me, keep all these curly haired serial killers away from me, if you know you knowā€ I feel like that may be Kyland shade? Was it ever confirmed by PR or gamer that those two ended on bad terms or is it still just speculation


Itā€™s absolutely about Kyland. Her and Theo were kinda shading him earlier in Bali. She also answered ā€œhell noā€ about him in challenge mania. Sheā€™s not fucking with him at all but heā€™s still been engaging with her posts so idk about him


It's just speculation. But based on the fact that Nia is speaking very highly of Josh, yet shading Kyland maybe what we heard about her experience with these guys isn't accurate.


I donā€™t think Jenny is getting invited back on after this season. Itā€™s clear that sheā€™s too good at this. Atleast with Laurel, Cara or Tori itā€™s not certain theyā€™ll win. Jordan is a beast but itā€™s possible for him to get taken out in eliminations. Also, half of the guys are physically stronger than him. Jenny is a physical beast, smart, good at endurance and swimming. I like Jenny, but I had a feeling this is why she wasnā€™t brought back sooner. Production probably noticed that it wouldnā€™t be fair to the other girls.


Tori didnā€™t even win against rookies, or Michele. I think if we had Cara, Laurel, Jenny, Kaycee and even Ashley (due to her running) it could be a better shot. Shocked that Rachel got 3rd and that the she jumped up to first? Thatā€™s not right. Tori still getting last sounds about right but YALL still hyping her up holy hell šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Jenny not being invited back because she's too good makes no sense, nor has it ever been proven by a reputable source. The show has never gone out of their way to protect Laurel so her being named is also confusing. If being physically strong was that important to the game Fessy would've won by now, and Cory wouldn't have just lost his 11th season. Winners of this show range in ability, that's what makes it great.


I donā€™t work for production, so my thoughts on Jenny are SPECULATION. I never said it was factual or that I heard it from a reputable source. I brought up Laurel and the other girls as an example to point out that while they are good competitors, itā€™s not certain they will win a season. Jenny has just won back to back, on a landmark season with heavy competition. It has been reported from the spoilers that besides being physically strong, sheā€™s great at other aspects of the game. Which is what I pointed out in my earlier comment. I never said being strong is the only way to win the game. This is a television show and we know the producers have favorites. It is not far fetched to think they may not cast Jenny if sheā€™s much better than the other girls. Again, this is just my thoughts on the situation. You donā€™t have to believe or agree with it.


The purpose of this thread is to discuss things so I'm replying to you just like everyone else, it's not a personal attack. I have thoughts about this because that's a really shitty thing to do to a person given that there's life changing money on the line. I'm sure you mean no malice in your thoughts, but this is a strong thing to say with no real proof. Also, none of us know everything 100% every single written is speculation to a certain degree but that doesn't mean it can't be backed up by examples. There is nothing to suggest that someone's ability to win leads to them not being cast. I brought up Laurel because the show has never pushed Laurel, especially since she's in the same generation as Cara. Of course production has their favorites, but that is typically about their relationships to the Challengers not their ability to win. If anything, being great has been shown to be an incentive to bring people back, i.e. they've wanted Emily back for years, but she didn't want to do the show. They could've easily replaced Jenny with Amber (who is also a 1x Champion that has been featured more recently) if keeping Jenny off the show was their goal.


Itā€™s not Jenny fault that sheā€™s great


Itā€™s not her fault but I can see it from productionā€™s POV. Jenny would have to be thrown in every elimination to stop her from winning. It kinda takes the fun out of the womenā€™s side. Atleast with CT, Jordan and Bananas weā€™ve seen them lose eliminations.


Jenny has lost elims. She got stomped out by tori and didnt look good against kam in 1v1 either This time around she beat aneesa who is on the verge of obese and midget aviv. I dint think that makes her unbeatable. Tori clearly got screwed going intj the final having to tread water beforrhand for several hours We dont know how close 1, 2 and 3 were. For all we know they couldve been separated my seconds


Wait, when did Kam go against Jenny? I'm guessing a WoTW2 daily? Also, um don't sleep on Aviv just yet. I'm gonna wait for the season to start, literally the last time Aviv won FM2 I haven't even gone through puberty so who knows what could have changed. (also, did we get info it was a treading water elim between Cara/Tori? If so, tough luck for Cara welp)


Iā€™m wondering if Bananas is finally losing steam. Derek beating him without the karma points is surprising to me. Derek is a good competitor but this Bananas. I fully expected Bananas to place first or second this final. Especially since he won those two eliminations. Why the downvotes? Before the results came in, people were debating whether Jordan or Bananas would win. Iā€™m not dissing Derek, but no one was expecting him to place higher than Bananas.


People were debating whether Johnny could beat Jordan in this final? šŸ¤Æ


I had Jordan winning over Bananas but I wasnā€™t too sure because they have never went head to head except for Rivals 2. Like you said Jordan is a beast but Bananas ainā€™t no slouch when it comes to a final. There used to be a time where we all hated players letting Bananas get to the final. Now it seems like itā€™s not such a sure thing he wins if he reaches it.


There was no way bananas was beating Jordan in a final at this age. I wouldnā€™t even honestly give him any even if he was in his prime, unless it was a final on the easier side with a lot of equalizers. Jordan is a way different level beast in a final. That being said, I am shocked he lost straight up in a final to Derek.