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It’s nice to see people sharing things like this to help others and spread awareness. I’m glad Cara is feeling better.


Ugh I have one and I've been having the most horrible cramps of my life every month but my dr won't do anything coz it's small and I'm not bleeding to death.


Is extreme cramping/pain with your menstrual cycle a symptom? I’m trying to get in with my doctor because I think I have one too. My symptoms line up.


Yes! They’re hormonal and many grow and shrink with your cycle. But cysts can also do that!


Thank you! Mine have gotten so bad the last 8 months I’m popping ibuprofen multiple times a day the first two days of my cycle and still feel down for the count. Edit: mine as in my cramps.


Hopefully you can pinpoint it and get relief soon!


Would you consider going to a different doctor? Some doctors don’t take women’s pain seriously:/ 


Shockingly, she's the nicest I've had so far. The first two were abysmal. One was angry she didn't get a break and criticized me for needing a smaller speculum. One told me I just needed to have sex more to stretch out. One told me I had an incurable disease and there were "worse things in life". This one is much nicer but I guess none are perfect.


I have a horrible one. It’s about 3cm but when pregnant it grows to almost 14 (both times)! Since it shrinks down after they never want to remove it. I’m in the north east and go to one of the best hospitals in the country. I don’t get it. But suffer we shall.


She talks about her treatment on Instagram. You might ask your doctor to see if it is an option. It seemed like a pretty easy procedure when I listened to her description.


TY! I think their main concern with mine was the location, but I’m done having babies so they may be open to it now!


I don't understand why physicians won't at least prescribe oriahn or myfembree to see if that helps


I insisted on removing small ones my dr recommended not to remove, and they were back a couple of month later, and were much much worse.


Yeah bc if they’re small they’re not bad. People have their fibroids almost kill them. We can’t stand people like you bc you’re the reason people with life threating fibroids can’t get help


okay, but imagine seeing that first video and automatically assuming or saying she is pregnant… people be tripping. I’m happy she’s doing better now though! tbh her competing on The Challenge with these fibroid issues would be super hard, hopefully she was okay during her filming times


I feel like if she was pregnant the video would be Paulie in the frame taking all the credit lol. j/k...kinda


She's wearing black which is the worst color to show off a lump. Don't think it's that she was extra large or anything, just didn't match at all proportionally.


I had a laparascopic myomectomy last year to remove a 12cm fibroid + some smaller ones. I was not considered a good candidate for the procedure Cara did, but fortunately my surgery did not have a tough recovery. Fibroids suck and unfortunately once you start growing them, they’ll almost always grow back if you have them removed 🙃


I'm so happy for her and I love how open she is being about her symptoms/treatment because issues like this are WAY more common than people know, the more info we spread the more people can get treatment and not live in constant pain/discomfort!! Women are told from such a young age that "painful periods" or anything around that area is normal and it's NOT supposed to be!!


Love this for her. But it seems like this was awkward to film. 🥴😂


Well that’s pleasant


So did she had to have surgery to remove the fibroid tumor or just to fix her fibroid? I'm confused


She had an embolization which cut off all of the blood supply to the fibroid and is causing it to shrink. An earlier post she made on IG she talked about how her doctor told her that surgery to remove it could cause infertility so she opted against doing that.


she says in the clip that she opted against surgery.