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It's not. Just go to a gym and say "I'd like to start Muay Thai", give them money for a membership and hey presto you're doing Muay Thai. No one is gonna care if you're overweight.


How else does OP think people start things? From the beginning, the middle or the end?


Can confirm as an over weight guy everyone treats me the same and I see progress !


I started at 46yo. Overweight with a damaged Achilles tendon (from prior military service). I’m 54yo now, down 50lbs from then and my ankle - while it won’t ever be like it was when I was 20 - is 10x better/stronger. It will suck at first. You’ll hurt. You’ll wonder why you’re doing it…but all worth it. Will you be the champ of Lumpini? Maybe not, but still worth it.


Hey thank you so much, I think that’s the push I needed to get started


Chok Dee (good luck in Thai). Stick with it and you won’t regret it.


That's my story also, I'm 44, overweight, and damaged my Achilles tendon, started 2 months ago! i hope in 10 years to be where u at!


The tendon took time with me. Only this year have I begun being able to rise up on that foot (somewhat) properly when I do kicks on that side. Of course, I’ve trained with sometimes more and sometimes less consistency over the years…so your mileage may vary.


Just start. Trust me, theres very little you can do to get in muay thai shape other than doing muay thai.


If you were 5'10 and 420 pounds I'd be a little hesitant to start off trying MT, but at 220? lmao stop playing OP get your ass down here you'll get in shape quickly, especially if you change your diet.


Just go. Dont do sparring or get into matches at first.


I was 250 when I started. Down to 220 now oooweee!! Your idea is very realistic. Just do it! Have fun!


I started at 297lbs/135kg in my mid thirties. Not unrealistic at all


Anything is realistic if you put your mind to it


After a year of consistent Muay Thai training and sparring, maybe some light gym work and a few minor changes to diet, you wouldn’t even know how much your body will change. I’ve been going for about 7 months and boy has it impacted me hugely


Been doing MT for 10months. Lost 20 lbs. Best thing ever!


Yoooo that’s a solid effort! Keep up the good work


Just get in there. Don't be ashamed to take a round off if you need to in the beginning. Keep your diet in check, go 2-3x a week for the first month and you'll be teeping fools with the best of us! I struggled my first month but stayed consistent. I went from 364 to 250 over the course of a year and a half and I'm still working on improving myself. My flexibility and cardio have also improved 100 fold it feels like. You got this dude.


So what, just start, chiseling yourself inshape will just come with the territory


You will probably lose 10 lbs in the first couple weeks if you train a lot.


![gif](giphy|O8NeKk9MzkBJ5gEYgr|downsized) just do it. Join us. At first it will suck and your family and friends will all have questions and try to dissuade you. Ignore them. You don’t need them or that negative energy. Give more money to your trainer for PTs. Buy the weird looking shorts. Start only eating Thai. Soon you will be Nak Muay and you won’t remember your “old” life. Your training partners will be your new family. No time for friends cos you’ll be busy getting that extra bag work in. Welcome 😉


5'10 and 220 is nothing. Do it.


Just go, you'll be welcome. We all started somewhere. Some fat, skinny, old, young, not flexible, not athletic, short, tall, triangle, octagon.


Start bro. Totally doable. Your coach will guide you. I started 4 months ago at 273lbs standing 5’8” I’m now at 217lbs and my first fight’s in 5 days. You can do it bro. 💪🏼


Im 5’11 and last time I weigh myself I was at 245 I’m not the hardest man in the world bro but when I go train I give it my all but as a big guy my biggest piece of advice is take care of your knees the first week I over did it because I wanted to keep up with everyone else and I sprained my knee. Best of luck my friend.


not at all unrealistic. you have to ask yourself a few things though. what’s your fitness level relative to your age? what is your goal with training Muay Thai? are you planning on doing comps or just training in the gym? are you planning on training locally or are you planning on going to Thailand to train/fight?


6’5 here. Started this march at 290+. Down to 270-275 going at least twice a week. Just go and have fun with it.


then start.


Lol, I live at around 100kgs. Trained for years, no problem.


You go at your own pace


I’m 5’10 and 230 right now, it’s totally reasonable. I’ve worked out most of my life but eating got out of control lately. Just get started.


Go for it, bro. I always hear people say they want to get in shape and then start. Just start and let the sport get you into shape while you learn.


Just start, soon you won't be soft and will lose weight!


trained with a guy who was over 300 lbs, your never too big to train.


You got this bro! I was at 210 when I started. I'm around 175 now. I can't find any other activity or sport that pushes me to burn fat better. Just remember to stretch.


martial arts are great for losing weight. I've seen people in bjj gyms go for 300 pound to 200. The only barrier you might face is mobility, where its pretty important for kicks but you can build that along the way. If it clicks with you you'll be addicted and lose a shit ton of weight in no time. Goodluck buddy


Just start but be mindful of ankles, knees, etc. just have fun and learn


Go for it!


Do you do your hobbies because you enjoy them, or because you think you'll be the best at them? Muay Thai is just a hobby for 85% of people in the sport, and they treat it like any other hobby. They commit as much as they personally feel like, and they do it because it's fun, not because they're some ungodly natural talent. You want to do it, do it. First thing you'll learn is how much you have to learn before your personal physical attributes matter in the slightest.


It’s not in the least bit unrealistic. Truly make the effort in the gym and out of the gym, and in no time you’ll be sharing your story with us.


My current situation been at it almost a month now


More reason to train, that's heavy and probably bad for your health. It's good that you recognize it and don't lie to yourself about it.


not unrealistic. ![gif](giphy|GcSqyYa2aF8dy)


A guy at my gym started out at 150kg(you do the conversion) now down to a 110kg in 8months and it's doing wonders for him


Starting is the first step. The second is understanding that motivation gets you in the door, discipline will get you back 2-5 times a week at some point. Starting is gonna suck. Everything will hurt and you might even feel like shit because you start comparing yourself to people that have been doing this for way longer and look and do better than you. If you ever like that, remember that everybody in there was once a beginner just like you. Some were overweight, some were underweight, some were in the middle but they all started at some point. So go there and try it.


Training makes you less overweight and less soft. If that’s what you want, then you should start asap.


Start slow and take it easy. Get comfortable then start to expand your comfort zone. Establish a heathly level of confidence and then challenge yourself. Fail and try again. Repeat. Congrats youre doing muay thai.


You can do anything you put your mind to- we have a guy who was shy, withdrawn, came to class at about 130kg, he’s been consistent and in less than a year he has lost 35kg and is a different person! Just find the right gym for you with supportive people and coach and you will be where you want and need to be. Good luck!!


Just do it


You’re like half the people at my gym in Texas lol. There’s girls smaller and as dense. Just like everyone else you come in sweat, and slowly get better. But most people even “in shape” people can still over train early on when it’s very exciting. Do a couple single classes, then if you don’t feel that was challenging enough enough for the day do a double, but rest for 2 days after to see how you feel. And stretch moderately, just a little bit, if you over do it or don’t have experience stretching you’re gonna chance making tight things worse off. So just think of stretching as helping your muscles release soreness, don’t try to become Jackie Chan overnight. That’s it have fun! If it’s not for you the. Hope you did something you enjoy


I was 5'6 49 kilos 27 m chain smoker when I joined MT. 6 months down I'm 52 kilos and seriously reduced my smoking. I feel stronger than ever mentally and physically. I used to have problems digesting non-vegetarian idk the science but due to the hardcore cardio sessions my digestion has improved a lot.


It's as simple as turning up


We're all soft, we train to get ~~hard~~ tough


Its good go train just be extra mindful to pick up the technique when kicking fast so you dont put extra strain on your knees.


Just get yourself through the door and keep showing up at the gym that's basically all.


I also started Muay Thai recently with 110kg and 30 years on age. I can tell you it is extremly fullfiling and gives me a lot of joy every week I go to the gym, so just do it!


I'm currently 220lbs 5'10 and have been doing Muay Thai for 3 months (lost 10+ lbs so far), already faster and more technical than a lot of the people in the gym. It all comes down to whether you put in the work and are wanting to learn. You can easily do it mate. These gyms are usually filled with the nicest and most humble people you will meet its an awesome experience and don't think you don't deserve to be there because of your weight.


I'm same height but weigh more than you. I intend to start as soon as my injury is better. I've seen guys larger than me in the classes when I visited. In excited.


Your going to be Better off getting into shape first.


I'd say it's pretty realistic, I can't estimate your body size with figures but I think your just fine to start


not unrealistic at all, just search mark hunt lol


what do you mean by "I'm soft"


Its not. Get your ass up and stop looking for excuses.


100% realistic - do it.


5'10 and 220lb is totally doable! Just find a gym and talk to the coach about your goals :D


Just go! My friend, who is slightly overweight, recently started. He’s lost eight kilos in less than two months!


Dude your only 220. You could lose weight in a healthy and controlled manner and still be at a pretty healthy bodyweight in like 6 months.


I was 6’3 310 when I started now im 259 just go you won’t regret it.


I was 37 and 230ish and started taekwondo earlier this year. I've seen so much change in my body, positive change. My right ankle was weak as get out because I've hurt it so much in the past, but it's gotten a lot stronger. Just do it.