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That’s athletes foot bro, get some lotion at the pharmacy and apply it before bed, should be gone in a week.


been applying it every day with athlete's foot spray powder from the Daktarian AKTIV brand on the cuts and still hasn't closed up :/. After it's all healed up though do you do anything to prevent it from reoccuring?


For me it goes away for a few months at a time. If I’m on the mats constantly I get it more often. At this point, I just keep a lotion for when it flares up.




Do you recommend using something called Urea cream? was told that stuff may help. I have been applying athlete's foot spray powder every day for the past 3 weeks and haven't seen any results whatsoever. Will go see a doctor soon


That’s funny that is the exact same problem I have. I’m in Denver and it’s dry af here so I think it’s just from constant dehydration/dry skin breaking while pushing off the mat. I’ve been able to control mine with lotion every day, then taping my toes each practice. Annoying but better than dealing with it. When the do open I put steri-strips and dermabond to keep it semi closed


>dermabond I also suspect that it is from the pivoting off the mat whilst doing roundhouse kicks (which in that case is something I may need to pay more attention to by pushing off the balls of my foot). However, this has been a constant issue so I think it could be a condition that I have. Have you tried using liquid bandage and seen any results with it? I'm thinking of giving it a go but not sure if it's safe to use on an open wound


Honestly I’m not sure if it’s a technique issue, yeah you should be pivoting on the ball but your toes are going to extend regardless causing these cracks. Maybe ask your coach to watch you. But no I’ve actually never tried that, could be something to look into. I’m in the medical field so I just steal dermabond from the hospital lol


That's fair, I'll give the athlete's foot cream another go to see if it will truly heal or not. Do you mind sharing what brand you use for the derma bond?


Also just had that. Disinfect and let it heal. I think it comes from dry skin, could be wrong tho.


Was told it could be either excessively dry skin or excessively moist skin from sweat. I train on the jigsaw foam mats that you can connect and I hate to admit it but the mats are never cleaned up after training is done. Not to mention as well that the weather here where I am (UK) can get extremely dry and cold so could be a contributing factor but again not sure. How has your cut been doing so far? Has it fully healed?


I had the same problem a year or so ago and posted here about it. I think that mine was athletes foot. Using the cremes and limiting movement took care of it, I had to be patient. I've become pretty obsessive about my feet and keeping my feet and between my toes clean.


You need to tape up while training, if thats from training on a dry surface and you haven’t been using any kind of moisturizer to counteract it, taping is the only way it’ll heal through training.


Alright, I'll definitely tape it up next time. I bought kinesiology tape from a brand called Tiger Tapes and also Sports Tape. Not sure which one is better to use for MMA training but heard that the kinesiology tape is better for mobility as it doesn't restrict mobility whereas the sports tape does. What do you normally use?


[This stuff.](https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Athletic-Sports-Medical-Residue/dp/B07KR2PZYK?pd_rd_w=zBWXM&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=AT5N0VMHMN0KRN4YCFBQ&pd_rd_wg=s1G2J&pd_rd_r=b06f2685-746c-4ece-b5bf-426f538e36aa&pd_rd_i=B07KR2PZYK&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_3_sc) Save the KT tape for when you’ve got a muscle injury.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **3 Pack Premium White Athletic Tape 45ft Per Roll for Sports Athletes Lifting Medical Trainers No Sticky Residue Easy to Tear** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Great tape for athletes (backed by 3 comments) * Effective for injury prevention (backed by 2 comments) * Provides comfort and protection for boxers (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Causes pain and injury when worn on the wrist (backed by 1 comment) * Not suitable for sports activities (backed by 1 comment) * Does not meet the requirements for dance (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Off topic kinda: do you have to have comment karma in this sub to post? I had similar posts that were delted. I’m confused why they were deleted. Mods didn’t reply to me when I sent them direct messages regarding that


Soak ur feet in a vinegar, 2 weeks gone