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Keep attending the classes. Most important thing is to pace yourself throughout the class so you don't pass out, you will see noticeable improvement in your cardio in no time. You got this kid


Yes obviously, I won't give up this easily. Thanks brother! đŸ€˜


We’ve had some new guys come in recently do every other rep when it comes to sit ups push ups and burpees whatever it is your gym does and make sure to take breaks while jumping rope. When you do pad work pair up with your friend and pace yourself after 3 weeks come back here and tell us how much you’ve improved.


If you don't give up, then you will be fine! The best cardio is the class itself. That's not me telling you not to exercise independently, but just to say your body will adjust, and when it comes to the pace of class, it will adjust fast. Keep working!


I was 260 lbs when I started as a 31 year old who smoked weed for 12 years. I died 5 minutes into a warm up for weeks and weeks. Feel the humiliation, it's fine, let it fuel you. It gets easier


This ^


I do either interval sprints with High intensity or run for 15-30 min, most of the time 15. Gabriel Varga has a few videos on cardio and Conditioning if you want to check him out https://youtu.be/f4FfzemS8n4?si=GG54Zzueak0isxPR


I will mention that the most effective cardio for Muay Thai is Muay Thai itself and this stuff should just be an accessory


Thanks dude, will check this out!


He has a shoulder workout that is only 9 minutes but it is *brutal*. Highly recommended.


the saying 'age is a number' works both ways. Just because you're young is no guarantee for having good cardio.


Yeah I learned it the hard way lol


Welcome to Muay Thai


It's normal. Muay Thai is not like other fitness activities like running or lifting weights. It has different and more unique demands on your body. Just give yourself a few days and go again. Don't eat for at least 1 hour before class


Don’t worry. That’s usually the case for the first day of training. It means you gave a lot of effort and miscalculated. It will get better, I promise.


Ehhhh... Depends on your Kru. Mine made me puke again after he wanted 20 + 20 kicks on the mitts after 2 rounds of mitt work.


Running or skipping rope mate. Doesn't matter how far or how fast you go, just start doing it and you'll be surprised how fast your cardio gets better. My gym we usually always start with 3 minutes of skipping, which is a good warm-up & helped me so much cardio wise. Goodluck


Keep going. Can't expect to do good your first class. Everyone is ass at their first class. I've felt humiliated a number of times. You got this, just keep going


It’s soooooo easy to blow your wad! ESPECIALLY when you’re new, (year and a half here). Take your time, I threw up during my first private with a coach for the exact same reason (23m). The only problem you have—by the sound of it—is being young and enthusiastic and eager to work (like me)! If you want tangible advice I just started running for distance after class regularly. This is the basis of your gas tank. For me it’s about 5-8km, 5-6 days a week. (3-5 miles for my yankee friends). Focus on the war, not the battle. Pace yourself. Stare at the chest and always reposition after your strikes. Hope this helps. đŸ’ȘđŸŒ


30 minutes of conditioning? Damn that place is serious about their cardio. We usually just do around 10 minutes of warmups then get into partner drills -> bagwork/sparring. Let's be clear, it's still a metric shit ton of cardio, but not like 30 minutes of burpees or some shit. What kind stuff did they have you doing?


Jumping ropes for about 10 min Random stretching exercises Pushups Burpees Sit-ups Reverse sit ups (idk what its called)


Thats more than what my gym does. Is it even a muay thai class. Cause that sounds like mostly conditioning and warm up.


My man stumbled into a cardio kickboxing club.


80% of your problem is breathing, not cardio per say. Stop thinking of it like a “gas tank”. Believe me, it doesnt matter how ginormous your gas tank is, breathing wrong for 5 minutes is enough to halve your tank right then and there. And when i say breathing, im counting suboptimal muscle recruiting here too. Flex the muscle inefficiently for too long, and youll consume far more oxygen than you need too. Never forget that muscle recruitement can be measured by oxygen consumed. So its not a question of how in shape you are. It doesnt even matter. Its a question of not having the knowledge required to do this stuff right


Brother relax, it is your first session! Just by rocking up you're doing more than most. Respect. If that light-headedness and black spots happens again, stop, breathe through your nose, and lie down with your legs elevated above your heart. Also, a banana or mars bar/little choccy before training will raise your blood sugar, which should help. If I'm training in the late arvo and I haven't eaten too much that day, I always have either a banana and pb w honey if I have time, otherwise if I'm going straight from work I'll stop by a coles or woolies and grab a mini snickers bar! Makes a difference. Big thing is focusing on your breathing, exhale on strikes and try to breathe in through your nose as much as possible. Cardio wise, slowly build into running. I like anything between 5-7km, sit around a 5:35 pace if you can, and then slowly build up till you can get that under 5:00 but this will take time. Also, the bike thing where you work your arms as well (idk what its called) is good but very hard so don't be disheartened. FYI your ankles / shins will probaby hurt from running, buy some tiger balm and apply after, take magensium every night and JUST KEEP DOING IT. Your body will adjust, just takes a couple weeks/month. Try run 2-3 times per week on top of muay thai. Obviously, if your ankles/shins are killing you, don't run. Rest for a day or two. If you're dedicated, swimming is a really good low impact cardio exercise to do to give your joints some time to recover but still train that heart! And most importantly, keep showing up! Good on you brother


just keep going


Your cardio will improve. Hang in there.


I started Muay Thai at 29 and gassed out during 10 min warming up session (light jogging, jumping ropes) just in the first day. Aside from that, I easily got shin splints, muscle cramps... from performing the most basic trainings. After 1,5 years, my endurance has improved enough to train together with competitive fighters. I've seen young dudes in their teens or 20s (all regular weight) can barely lift their legs after the 3rd round of bag works when I can still move in and out, deliver combos and kicks. Mind you, I have done weight lifting before so I wasn't out of shape nor inactive. It's just that combat sport demand significant conditioning and endurance. So don't worry, especially when you're still young cause it means your body can recover well. As long as you keep working hard, you will eventually improve.


I'm not saying you'll be superman, but you'd be surprised how quickly you will adjust to at least not feel so beat down. You don't need to go train for a marathon, give yourself a few weeks.


This is pretty normal for muay thai. When I first started, I did cardio and weightlifting at least 4 times a week and was arguably in decent shape. The first 2 or 3 weeks of muay thai were still excruciating for me. All my muscles and my shin bones were constantly sore, I could barely keep up in drills after the warm-ups and cardio training. Take some Tylenol, drink water, and keep training. You'll get used to it


Dude i weighed 267 when i had my first muay thai class about 3 months ago, immediately afterwards i went to the bathroom and sat on the floor till the room stopped spinning, That hasn’t happened since. I learned very quickly that i needed to pace myself and work up to the volume everyone else can work at. Your first session will always be the hardest, but every one after that is easier than the last


I started in my late twenties after a decade of heavy smoking. I had dizzy spells and nausea the first couple of weeks. It’s an intense workout. You’ll adjust.


Relax man, be kind to yourself. Your body just isn't used to it yet. It's fight or flight response so there's a lot of adrenaline flowing. You'll be able to relax and breathe soon. That said, running is key.


Also, you might need to fuel better with amino acids, sodium, etc. Bring some GUs or Clif blocks or something. No reason to be humiliated, I was feeling pretty similar after my first class too


I started recently too and as someone with very similar height, weight, and only a year younger than you I had sinilar thoughts but I kept attending and honestly it feels better and better each lesson (though I am also in the military so maybe my grindset is just different), the best thing for us is to just hang in there and start taking our health more seriously I haven't felt this motivated to do something since u've come out of basic so just keep taking small wins as you go.


Bro literally nobody cares if you’re out of shape or getting tired quickly Most people have been there before and it sounds like nobody knows you at that gym. They have no expectations for you and it’s just a hobby. They’re probably just thinking you’ll quit like all the other guys that join for a week and then never come back. You can impress them by continuing to go and getting better


COMPLETELY normal. When I first wanted to get into Muay Thai, I was speaking with my older brother (who was active military at the time) and told him I wanted to "get in shape first" before starting, and he told me there was nothing that was going to prepare me for the kind of cardio Combat Sports takes and that I should just go for it. Keep going! Nothing to feel embarrassed about.


Tomorrow will be easier, and a little easier each time.


Bro, that's normal. I've seen taekwondo and judo practitioners nearly pass out, and marathon runners get gassed during training. MT is highly conditioning-focused, so your endurance and cardio will really be pushed to the limits. During my first few sessions, my body was sore for almost a week. Pace yourself, and keep attending classes. It's totally worth it in the long run.


Bro lower your expectations, even people who are in shape are going to be out of shape by Muay Thai standard. It’s different type of fitness that can only be acquired through training Muay Thai. It’s normal that you can’t do the warm ups without stopping every 10 seconds to catch your breath. It’s part of the process.


>Since I got out of highschool I just stopped doing any sports and smoked vape for years There's your problem. The only real solution is to persevere, your body will get back into shape eventually. I wasn't there, but what the hell is 30 mins of conditioning ? Did you go on a cardio day? Or is this some hyper-competitive gym?


Mate, you could even start with a bit more walking in general. Walk 10 blocks,just jogs across the roads,continue walking,then jog the roads and half every second block,continue and soon you’ll be jogging 10 blocks. Keep going to train pace yourself more. I weigh 260 mate after a life of debauchery and I’m 50 yo. I get through training because I keep going,the extra meat will come off if you keep it up. Good luck mate


Everyone hates running, but you gotta do it. Even if it’s not running you can do beg work or with partner do pad work.


Run run run


Turn your feeling of humiliation into fuel to keep coming back. Also, there is a reason people that do boxing for example run, so in addition to training, put some running shoes and go running mate. Do it everyday and in 6 weeks you will see the difference. Just gotta show up, keep it up mate


Oowee. After my first class I had the worst Charlie horse of my life in my right calf. My girlfriend thought I was dying and I was completely embarrassed. Then I was cripplingly sore for a week because I over trained. Just got to keep going, listen to your body and don’t over do it. Also make sure to drink a LOT of water. That helped me big time, chug a shaker cup worth of water before and have another ready during class to rehydrate as I go. Also started to use those electrolyte rehydration powders, probably not necessary but I feel a benefit. Everyone sucks when they start, it’s part of the process!


Take it slow. Small increments add up over time.


Just keep on showing up and you’ll get better, highly recommend high intensity interval cardio training sessions. I started Muay Thai couple months ago when I was your age and it’s the reason I quit vaping and I’m starting to get a lot more conditioned, always stay after class to get extra rounds on the bag


Still can’t do 3 minutes of jump rope without messing up but I sure am a lot better then I was when I started. don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to previous versions of yourself, and for you that’s trying something new instead of doing nothing in terms of physical activity.keep becoming a better version of yourself and be proud of the progress you’ve made


Keep going, in less than a month you gonna be different.


I have thrown up after a Muay Thai class three times, and a few times my vision went black for a couple of seconds. I would just take a breather and get back to it. Now I’ve been going more regularly and haven’t thrown up in five months, tonight my vision went dark for one second for the first time in as long, but I was really pushing myself to my absolute limit tonight. It truly gets easier!!!! And more fun. Don’t be embarrassed because almost everyone was there once. My coach even will tell us that he projectile vomited after his first ever class.


Muay Thai is challenging starting off. It’s not just a matter of getting back in shape, it’s about learning to be more efficient with the technique. I spar with new people all the time who are bouncing around, overreacting to hits, throwing kicks to where they are fighting against their own body mechanics, etc. You can do twice as much with the same energy through proper technique alone. So while I certainly don’t recommend against running, hiit exercises, and weight training outside of Muay Thai, I do think the best conditioning for Muay Thai is Muay Thai itself.


make sure you drink water throughout the eat and have eaten a good meal at some point (preferably at least 2 hours before you train) just keep pushing, theres plenty of new people that feel like this when they start regardless of age


honestly i smoke hella weed and i don’t even run on my own time. and it kicked my ass one reason i now have one of the best cardio in my gym is i push myself past my limits ex. during warmup 3: 3min rounds of jump rope 1min rest inbetween each round. i do 11mins straight no rest when my pad holder and everyone else is resting i still shadow box what i don’t do is run on my own time. and that hurt me for the first few months but i built a tolerance and eventually surpassed everyone. **4 years in and i still don’t run unless i’m in camp lol**


 I’m a year in and still have a shit beginning cardio then luckily can switch into a another gear but man I gas out so quick due to smoking AND diet, make sure you’re eating your carbs man that’s what’s going to help you last in terms of burning fuel. But don’t feel discouraged I was just coaches dummy tonight and was literally dripping sweat by the second combo. Stick with it, I went from not being able to last 3 minutes running now I’ll extend it to 5 sometimes just to get that extra push. Every little push past your limit helps, especially in cardio.


Some tips from a guy who related to this and joined a year ago: Before class: drink water!!! You need to be drinking a few glasses before class. Warmups: do light jump rope and just every other push-up/squat/whatever exercise During class: sip water or a Gatorade-water mix throughout class. When your tired: focus on lasting another 10 seconds when you want to quit during a drill Find the fun in it! And keep coming back! You got this


Just keep going bud. Take breaks when you need. You will get better.


Do not fret over this man. I suspect a lot of us will have such first Muay Thai training stories. I had to take a break mid-way through my first session else I would have puked all over the floor. As others have said, pace yourself and adjust your intensity as needed in the session itself.


Dude you should feel proud of yourself! That means you’ve pushed yourself. It’s totally normal to experience that dizziness and total exhaustion especially after your first session because you’re not used to or never have pushed yourself to that limit before. Keep going mate!


Man, feeling humiliated on your first muay thai class gives you a far better beginning than feeling confident after your first class. Keep going đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ


This happened to me. My instructor told me this was totally normal, and the result of not hydrating since people don't expect to sweat so much. And the key is to keep at it as the body adjusts to the exercise. If it's a solid place, the instructors will push you to do your best but not over your limit to endanger yourself. Keep going and don't let this discourage you if it's something you enjoy!!


What am I reading


>I just finished my first Muay Thai training and I feel humiliated. First of many


Just keep pushing yourself and you body will catch up in a month or two. We’ve all been there.


We all start somewhere, and if you are pushing yourself, it always sucks a little bit. Keep at it.


I was almost 135 kg, that is, almost 300 punds when I started. I took it a bit slow the first session but I was still completely finished. It was a short session (10-15 minutes warm up, 45 minutes of pad work in a relax tempo, 10-15 minutes stretch) and I was completely destroyed. I came the next week and it was miles better, I went for the "strength" session after. Which was fucking insane (by my standards) and after I was completely finished. I was sore for 3 days. Now, I've been practicing on/off for about 6-8 months, works keeping me out of the country, and I'm down to 105 kg (230 punds) and in the best shape of my life, at 29. I've found motivation to do cardio and going to gym outside of shadowboxing when I'm away, or doing bag work when I'm away, and going twice a week when I'm home. You'll get there. Don't expect it to be easy, but enjoy that feeling. Enjoy your sore arms and especially legs. In 6 months you'll be a very capeable fighter.


Lol, you know I was in the same exact situation as you down to every detail, the vaping, the once a month weed smoking, starting Muay Thai with mate because fans of ufc
 so uncanny
 anyways the key is to just keep going to the gym, and it will change without thinking about it. Push yourself to your LIMITS, FOCUS on BREATHING and staying HYDRATED with 2-3L of WATER a day, and do 2km of JOGGING every day which will take less than A HALF HOUR. That’s all. Eventually you will find yourself less tired over time and you will work harder at the gym and go for longer or faster jogs. That’s it boss. 👍


Be gentle on yourself man, you tried something completely new after a long period of no exercise and some habits that are bad for your cardio health. Also don’t discount the fact that you might have been experiencing some unacknowledged anxiety, what you describe is suspiciously like a mild anxiety attack. Maybe not but folks have all sorts of reactions to picking up the sport, weird things happen in the gym! Keep your chin up (figuratively, not literally!) and keep plugging away. You’ll be in better shape in a few weeks and you’ll feel much better about yourself. Do us a favor and let us know in a month or two how you’re doing, capisce?


Amateur fighter and Novice class Coach here. I have seen many people all shapes, sizes, and ages on the verge of puking/passing out. Even people that look in great shape. If you’re a first timer, there’s almost nothing you can do to prepare you for that workout. Especially if its a cardio/pads day. Don’t be so hard on yourself brotha. Just take it slow. You made it through the doors which is more than most. You’re doing great man


Hey start doing some conditioning at home. Jump rope for 15 mins everyday, do 5 rounds with a 30 second rest in between each round. You will see improvements real quick in cardio.


Take an electrolyte tablet beforehand