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clinch more, takes experience to learn to not tense up clinching


My coach has us clinch and has one partner “pretend you’re a drunk passed out person and your friends are trying to get you home from the bar”. So basically the drill is you just slump over on the other guy. And damn it works so well lol.


Lmao brilliant


I've found using less body tense/strength in favor of using my head to break my opponents posture/head position to make them easier to move helps from gassing out and relying on pure strength


Sabai Sabai


longer runs are good but it’s also helpful to do intervals. one min on, 2 min light repeated for 6-10 rounds. and more time in the clinch ofc


Best advice I was given is if you're trying to constantly "power" your way out of a clinch you're most likely doing it wrong and will only tire yourself out. Be like a loose heavy blanket. Let your weight do the work. A good clincher can be devastating to your opponent's stamina.


Yeah i tried to rely on power because getting your opponents head down was a good way to get points, he have like 20 matches so i thought the best way was to rely on raw strength for not getting my head down or swept. Guess didnt work. He was the only one at my weightclass, actually him and a regional champ


Why do you think your cardio was the problem?


I was so exhausted that i couldnt throw knees and even a little spin would have sent me into space


I’m not saying cardio is not important but clinching is so much technique. A “good” fighter can rest in the clinch even when trading knees. Again, I’m not saying that you are not good or anything like that. I’m just saying that technique is insanely important when you are clinching.


Yeah, I also suspect this is an excitement/stress problem and not a cardio problem. Being able to stay calmer and not over-tense is probably going to make a huge difference, whereas more sprints might not make any difference. And it's just more time under pressure that allows that calmness.


Your cardio is probably fine, it's your breathing technique while in the clinch. Staying calm and not breathing inconsistently is super important, never hold your breath in clinch, same as when taking body shots.




Clinching is hard work, I remember getting ready for my mma fights I'd ask the coach to add stand up clinch work at the end of every session just to ruin myself. To get better clinching cardio, do more clinching


don't use your power in clinch, try using your weight. Become heavy so your opp has to carry your weight, and it keeps you from gassing out real fast.


Your coach will tell you technique wins and that is true. But here are some things that can help: for clinch endurance, get a heavy medicine ball 25kg+ wrap your arms around it and hold for time 60sec+. For strength chin/pull ups. For cardio the rower and the assault bike are your best friends. Keep up with the skill training too mate best of luck!


Any grappling is a whole new world of cardio. I've competed in Judo and BJJ but took some time out to focus solely on Muay Thai, and after a year, my grappling cardio went out the window.


It's also very dependent on where you are in the clinch. If you're loosing the clinch it's infinitely more tiring for you


It was probably not cardio that was your issue. I cant tell without a video. But you should be able to clinch a whole rd without gassing. I think you're probably inefficient with your technique. You just need to clinch more to learn how to use frames properly and use your bones, head and body weight to put yourself in positions where you have good leverage and you don't have to exert major effort to have a good effect. Being strong is good yes but no one can muscle past someone's humerus bone. If you're trying to muscle through your opponent and they are using good technique you will gas before they do. If you have good technique a good clinch fighter can clinch for an hour straight and not get gassed and actually recover stamina in those positions.


1: control your nerves 2: do more of the thing that made you tired lol. Tf you asking about running for? You got tired from clinch, not running. The person who can work harder, longer, in clinch can also make up for a significant skill deficit. Clinch more, be relentless.


^ he gets it oh thank you .... Number two is spot on


It’s likely that you gassed out from the stress of being in an uncomfortable for you situation rather than cardio itself. Just keep working on your clinch, get really comfortable with being in that position.


15 minute clinch round end of each session and you'll be fine, no rest for 15 mins straight.


Clinching engagement is wildly unlike any other kind of cardio because your muscles are constantly under tension. Drill clinching over and over. Practice swimming without sweeps. Stay in your toes and square up. If you have any friends who wrestle or train BJJ consider rolling with them as well. I learned so much about how to breathe through clinch work from taking BJJ because unlike when striking you need to be a lot slower and purposeful or else you'll gas tf out.


Go to Thailand amd learn how to clinch properly as well as become comfortable there. Most gyms in the west teach no real clinch and if they do its shit


Clinch match only ? Never heard of that .Do you got footage ?


Clinch more, but also eating before training and more importantly fighting, so many people don’t eat and it’s why they gas out need to get them carbs or atleast some sugar in you


Dont try to utilise your whole body, take some time to feel your opponent’s weight dispersion and make use of it


Sharktank clinch sparring worked wonders for me! new opponent every time i managed to sweep my opponent or he sweep me. Did this for 40 min straight