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Y'know, maybe Smash was right about giant characters lmao


Iron Giant may be the only large character we get lol


I really hope not, I hope it's like a capcom fighting game where you have the main roster and then two to three giant ass robots.


That would be neat. Do you think all the giant characters will be in the tank class?


Optimus Prime would probably be a tank and I'm hoping him or Megatron could appear as fighters.


Godzilla was leaked, he would probably be a big boi


But those you usually pick 2-3 characters and picking a giant you only get the one


Me too. I kinda hope drogon gets to be a playable character.


50/50 chance they might add (King)Kong as well, so we'll see.


Well probably get Godzilla and King Kong eventually


They’re iconic, but I feel like that will be too ambitious for the devs


I kinda think it's dumb they made him that big to begin with. Just keep all characters the same-ish size. IG should've been the size of Jason and Jason should've been slimmer.


It’s a shame because iron giant looks so good at this size. But he’s been a nightmares for the devs and players


Unless Walter White gets added and WB starts thinking about adding other 3rd party characters ^Just ^let ^Sergueï ^return ^Ubisoft. ^He’s ^a ^cool ^character


They made Ridley eat a poison mushroom just so he could be in Ultimate (even though he was the perfect size in the Melee opening video).


It wouldn’t even be a problem if they actually made decent maps. I don’t really like any of them. Only 1 map is decent for tourneys and regular games.


Larger characters kits suck but the devs should just make weight more important. Imagine if Bowser’s weight (highest standard character) made it so he only died at 300 to a smash hit instead of 150. It’d take much more for heavies to die and they’d still be combo food so both sides win. More comboing allows heavier characters to have more opportunities to turn the game around


He was fine before the re release lol


And by that I mean the beta


What if giant characters forced the blast zones to be further away when they're picked? 👀


Iron giant mains always figure out a way to make him broken


They gonna get this man nerfed into the ground again lol.


It's the map's fault for having the edges so close lol, you can't have a smash brothers clone with an extra dash and have the edges be like twice as close.


No fax, PFG really thought making the models bigger on these small ass maps were a good idea. Fumble of the year


They also need to make 2v2 maps larger than 1v1s, supposedly Smash does this on some maps when using 5+ players


Yeah, but the difference is you can choose a big map either way and the maps are a good size for all the characters. I don't feel like the game was made with consideration.


The game is a bunch of really neat, fun ideas just slapped the fuck together.


And complain when it happens.


As an iron giant main, if you can get to this point youve earned it cus hes just a slow moving massive hitbox that cant afford to miss any attack


Yeah the man’s got grabbed every time lol. How?


We stay, he goes…AWAY!


to be fair the fucker is half hurtbox half instakill hitbox if you are close to the edge which isn't that hard since now character are larger than the maps


This combo was his cheese move in the beta lol


They really need to nerf his horizontal mobility with aerial car. I say this as an IG main, it’s just unfair how easy it is to kill with. Let people dodge out of it again, and suddenly IG has an approach option and a combo extender, not an insta-kill. Plus, it would add some of his movement from the beta back, and that was always my favorite part of the character.


*Sigh* they're gonna take Iron Giant "back to the lab" again won't they.


Most likely not, the main reason he was taken offline was due to his infinites.


0 to deaths this easy to do are as good as infinites lol. Even better, maybe, because you don't have to worry about input buffer screwing it up 0 to deaths are supposed to only be doable in rare situations where you've either got a huge setup for it or the enemy is really high up. Even then it can still be a bit too much. A 0 to death from one of IG's better moves, that needs no setup, kills on everyone and works anywhere on the screen? Needs to go ASAP Man I wish IG was actually balanced properly. He's so fun to play as/against if you don't get janked on


I'm not defending his current kit or how easy he can kill in 1v1s, I just meant he was only taken offline because he could hold games hostage via infinite grabs.


Yup. The issue is so much of his kit can easily become stuff like this, so they'll probably have to test to see whether or not there'll be another IG ez 0->death or infinite that'll come out as soon as they patch this up.




Yes. He does get comboed easily. He does take 80 damage in a single engagement rather often. He can just kill you. IG is big and bulky and though he does get hurt hard he can take a few engagements wrong without dying instantly. If IG wins 1 engagement, which is rather common if they're skilled, they win a stock. They can just do what this video shows and instakill. Thus, he is imbalanced as he currently is, and needs to be reworked so that he kills in a few openings instead of in 1. He SHOULD be able to kill early, to kill easily, because he dies easily. That doesn't mean he should be like this.


you can di out so like yeah


imo they should make him even fucking bigger but dont increase the hitbox sizes. 1. it would be funny. 2. it nerfs him by making him a punching bag and has him naturally wiff more due to punching higher then more people stand


Double IG in 2v2's would have a 99% winrate


I had 300 hours in beta and double IG was always the easiest possible win, my duo buddy and I would laugh when that came up.


idk i still feel like if he was even just slightly bigger you are going to juggle both of them with any fast attack, while he is going to miss you because you dodged (id assume he'd get some frames on his attacks to match slower-enlarged animations) or ducked one of his abilities. i think IG is always going to suffer from being broken/trash tier so might as while be trash but fun being the size of the map


Iron Giant is just impossible to balance...he will either be stupid strong or insanely bad


He was OK in the beta , for me the problem here is the stage which is way to small .


In the beta he was used as a punching bag for players to showcase insane combos lol


I told you we’d be back


Steven can kill you at 30 with a good up-air or just fuck over your chance of recovering with shields


Steven always pisses me off lol


I picked him up cuz I watched the near entirety of his show when I was young


Also I was interested about his passives


Yeah I watched a little of him when I was younger, he's definitely a beast when someone good plays him which can make him very annoying. I'll probably end up playing with him more at some point


Only if you don’t dodge, assuming you’re talking about either the up air up special x2 up air or up air up special up air x2. There’s a giant gap between both of those where you can dodge sideways. Harley can do the same thing with 3 hits and her up special has a wider hurt box


Yep, in my really early stages of online, I was a victim


Nah that down air is his craziest move. I’m a main and my god I’ve gotten so many people off stage and killed them below 30 with 3 dairs or got them to 80+ with dair strings on stage. It’s character dependent but yeah that move is disgusting.


You must not have played many fighting games then haha


This is an incredibly fucking janky game.


Yeah the hitboxes and hurtboxes are all messed up lol


What? Is bugs not supoused to have prio on up air while above you? Shocking!


Can’t wait for them to fix his up-air


You just reminded me of Hokuto no Ken the Fist of the North Star Kusoge


I feel you fellow storm player 💀


[PFG right now](https://youtu.be/aCV0pHjtxes?si=L-DyDXGL-nIO1lPu)


He's kazuya but just without a cutscene combo


you must not play many fighting games then


Iron giant is so fun it reminds me of when you could play master hand in smash


This is once of Arya's best matchups lol


That little spin move early ko got me today when I had him at like 150% Feels bad


Don't be fooled, 150 on IG is like 20 on others.


fr lol


Compared to smash, it seems the boundaries are small


It's always 1 v 1. They honestly should just slap the expiremental banner back on 1 v 1 and tell the players that the game tweaks are for 2 v 2s. None of these moves can easily land in 2 v 2s.


This, Anyone saying he's broken again have never played Iron Giant vs any comp consisting of ww with either harley, bugs, finn or herself lol


It's the dodge. Once I'm up in the air I'm K.O. The dodge is useless for the giant. I can't tell you how many times I dodged bugs bat, only to get still hit with it


That Arya had no idea what to even do. Play against someone who actually knows how to play their character instead of a bot.


She just jumped into IG combo several times. 1st time she fast fall TWICE to get hit by the combo. Then she basically walks until IG can grab her.


you just got outplayed hard


OP is the Giant, he's the one doing the outplaying


oh lmao


Yeah I didn't see it like the first four or five times I watched the clip


Ops video isn’t even his video this shit has been in the sun twice and on twitter three times already. It’s buzzing like most shit does. Crazy part is this is a skill issue, and it’s being treated as a character issue, on top of the fact that this isn’t even the current game version of these are true combos


Ah, figured it was OP because they also have an Iron Giant flair. And yeah I'm hoping they stop shitting on Giant, he's decent in 1v1 but 2v2 especially on tight maps like the haunted mansion are so rough with how large Giants hurtbox is and a lack of armor.


Facts. People have a hate boner for him, and don’t want him in the game even if he’s fixed. I’ve never experienced a more hated character in a fighter in my life.


Real, I think Finn in beta is the only thing that comes close


Facts, and people still just wanted him fixed not outright removed


L for Giant, can't wait for them to nerf his overall size and knockback resistance followed by a complete rework


He’ll get the Ridley treatment for sure. But not til three years into the game


Fuck I forgot all about what they did to my Ridley https://preview.redd.it/2nfn7xyj5q6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9159dcdaaeb04a9797c35af9a2dee314dee97a


Harsh but true


1v1 is trash


Sitting in hitstun forever in 2s is much better!


can't wait to fight another WW + harley spamming active moves on top of each other so nobody can ever approach without losing neutral wooo


Just came from a ww+ harley combo and i can confirm, even if you dodge the other dude just spams on top of the other and you are forever trapped between a sword and a hammer


so like... work together with your team mate to counter? you guys are basically complaining that your enemy works together synchronizing attacks and you loose challenging it solo. do you see the flaw in your argument?


As god intended


Thank you, someone is talking about hit stun 2v2. I won't ever shut up about it until they remove it. It is unplayable.


Ever heard of street fighter 2?


The game balance is really starting to piss me off and the little fucking baby patches other than a few systemic changes have done fucking nothing. I'm so fucking sick of how unbalanced the game is and how hard the game is leaning into 2v2 to carry how unbalanced the fucking game is. Playing 1v1s as half of the cast is completely fucking insufferable. The game isn't balance around 2v2; 2v2s just provide the game a crutch because individual weaknesses are less apparent. There is a reason no one likes playing against most of the cast. The game is just annoying as fuck to play right now and so many characters have these super linear and fucking incredibly hard to beat playstyles. They need to start making some big fucking balancing changes and way fucking faster than they have been. I legit might need to take a break and go back to sf6 because of how fucking unbalanced the game is right now.


And his hurtbox is almost non-existent despite being the largest character in the game.


Hurtbox, fyi. Hitboxes are what do damage to others and hurtboxes are what take damage.


Thanks for the correction.


You’re straight lying lmao, I can just mash neutral special with Marvin and it just hits no matter what. His hurtboxes fit the character bro


This is literally just a skill issue. Multiple characters can do this on edge and do it easier. If you get caught by a grab by the slowest character in the game, and don't somehow get dragged off the map, that's literally your fault


Stfu with “skill issue” the maps are so small that either way iron giant will touch you eventually how can you never expect to be hit with such a big character taking up the whole map that can also soak up a lot of damage? Most of his touches will lead to stuff like this just like it did in the alpha. There’s no shield, he’s huge along with the rest of the new character models and the blast zones are way too small. The fact is none of these characters should be doing these combos that easy stop shilling for bad design holy shit.


Yeah, the second death the Arya just walked into him...


"skill issue" can only be a joke


These aren't infinites and pretty much every character has a 0 to ringout combo. They're not going to put Iron Giant "back in the lab" over a video of the "***Top 5 Giant in Beta***" styling on a new player.


Idk if ur talking to me or not but ian ever say Giant needed to be removed again or anything of the sort


Nah, but there are other commenters going hog wild.


I mean yeah, that dude getting owned so hard reminded me of a batman player that rematched me 5 times after he kept not dodging the same telegraphed air combo i was pulling on him as joker. im a scrub who messed up plenty of times but players like this just press whatever and pray it works


any character feels broke against a shitter


I got annoyed just watching that.


I mean no other fighting game has a character as big as Iron Giant lol got to commend them for trying at lest. Like Nintendo shrunk down Ridley


I might just become an iron giant main...


I wouldn’t. This shit only works if your opponents are braindead. Otherwise he’s kinda combo food just with good 0 to death setups


Blastzone too small


Godzilla gonna be huge lmaoo


That was honestly pretty amazing.


Someone needs to play Clay Fighter, then.


Just got done a game were I got Superman to 150 twice and he just get spamming his fly button or rapid punching. He ended up wining despite how much damage I was putting. He just couldn’t die


Have you tried tripping in brawl. /s … but not really


it's a 2v2 game and balanced around that, though balance shouldn't really be the focus of criticism right now lol


It’s been nice knowing you iron giant 🫡


My genuine ONLY iron giant complaint is that he doesn't need armor


He does though. It’s crazy how opponent bias takes iron giant to “broken” status, when in reality he’s sick water and mids in almost every situation


Good point. Even a "mid or low-tier character" can whoop ass if someone knows how to use them.


Iron Giants slap me all the way around the screen and back, it’s amazing


Welp, guess we won't be seeing him for another week again.


is this not the equivalent of Pichu vs Ganondorf


Mmmmmm Combo Foooood


Iron Giant is gonna continuously be a problem for this game


i hope iron giant is the last big character nightmare character


Why are you approaching him on the ledge… just stand center stage and pace left and right for him to jab and then whiff punish.


there's worse


Cool video 😎


I think this game needs further blast zones


This entire game fuckin sucks, How do you go offline for an entire year and come back with this garbage and think its ready to go? This game would be a fuckin desolate wasteland if it wasnt free, the devs have absolutely 0 clue what theyre doing and it shows.


Oh yeah, they will never make giant characters again.


You must not play many fighting games then, because all things considered this game is still pretty good. Especially compared to shit like the Nicktoons one.


All platform fighters are jank


I think it is cool to have him as a char, but they need to come up with some white lies about how he was shrunk down for the multiversus tournament rules and shrink him, or just make him a boss only.


Should the blast zone be pushed out near double the size? Stuff like this happens a lot \^\^;


I don't see anything wrong here honestly.


And here we have Multiverses equivalent to Kazuya in Smash


Yeah and they also "nerfed" BG. Just played 2 matches against a guy where I couldn't even get back down to the ground.


That’s disgusting


I think if you hold in you can get out of it. Unless I was just getting lucky.


Its true, might not kill depending on map but it 100% kills at zero on the right ones


When I was holding up and in I was avoiding the last hit entirely.


Opponent giant whiffed then


This is an easy fix, all they have to do is minimize the horizontal speed or distance he can travel while performing that attack in the air.


“Our stories aren’t over yet” *fucking dies*


We just got him back lmao


You've never played "Rise of the Robots" "Wrath Unleashed" or "Yu Yu Hakusho: The Dark Tournament"


Literally would uninstall after that torture


Honestly question can you do the donkey Kong strat of grabbing someone and jumping off the side with any of the characters in multiverses?


Just play Black Adam, he destroys tanks


At this point, I'm just gonna say it: Iron Giant is fundamentally poorly designed.


I don't think you've played many fighting games my friend


Our story isn't over yet....dies




Mages and tanks have everything assassins have and more. Their skills land first, even in a direct clash. They have abilities on top of being able to fight in melee. Assassins are just "fast"; that's all they've got going at the moment. There also shouldn't be moves that have such a long knockback time that it can be combo'd over and over.


Tbh I wish Iron Giant was playable. They actually ruined tf out of him. Try fighting a Tom & Jerry spammer using Iron giant, chances are ya lose


Multiversus would be the best fighting platformer game if every character didn't have a terrible weakness and unstoppable attack. If the game made every character equal, that would fit almost everything because right now people are choosing characters that are in meta and not what's fun.


I'm gonna sound like a hater, so I apologize. This seems like you're fighting a bot, instant walking after respawn, no long range attacks, just walks to you, not a single dodge from Arya. This just doesn't seem like you're fighting an actual person. Is it annoying that the edges are that close and IG is that big? Absolutely. But you're fighting an actual AI or at the very least an absolute dogshit individual.


I hate being a salty loser but I straight up just walk off 3 vs iron giant. Game stinks


OP’s never played another fighting game


There's this funny little mechanic called dodging. I get the feeling your opponent hasn't heard of it 😆


You actually suck a lil. Tf are you just running at him


Im giant


Oh my bad. You killed him legit to me,I feel like that's fair for how slow and huge he is


This ain't even close to jank as hell 😂


Skill issue


Poor arya🥲


That's just a bad player he didn't have to get hit all those times there is a dodge button


Bro its like they didn't even do anything when they took him out to fix him lmao


Clear skill issue


lol take him that gizmo dude and lebron out


Why don't they just reduce his size? Make him the biggest character in the roster but not that big. I know he is a GIANT literally but being so massive is more of a problem than a gimmick tbh


The size of the character isn't the problem it's the size of the maps. I mean the death edges are like 2 meters away from the platform which is dog shit




He’s still broken


Wow, the side attack a few frames after the first dodge was crazy to me, worts part is that I suppose the Arya player was hitting the dodge button like a maniac and couldn't get out of those combos.


Its funny cause this was the first combo that got him taken out of the game in the beta im pretty sure, if not i can garuntee ive seen this before though.


It’s even funnier that this ain’t true combo anymore lmao skill issue for Arya


Im not good enough to beat any iron giants. I just get caught 


Not only that but also seems like hitboxs aren’t accurate, I’d get hit even though I’m behind the attacks. example banana guard (not sure if that’s his name i don’t remember) I like this game but it feels like they didn’t really address any of the issues from the beta and from when it first dropped a year ago.


what problems with the beta? the hitboxes in this game are rubbish now, just like the gameplay


lol this is on you. So many counters and skill could of been used. Oh well get good


I’m the giant dawg




It always feels like iron giant's overall design just doesn't work in this game, large character with slow but huge radius hitboxes, I feel like to fix iron giant they have to go rework his base moves and not just tweak them.


I’m really against spamming moves I think it’s uneducated and trash but if someone starts being a fucking loser and starts spamming a move then I immediately start doing it back to them