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I like to use some sort of charging up move to say like "ready for round two let's go" but I Guess it could be seen as "flexing" on people and it might be bad sportsmanship? I think it's better than bagging


Anything is better than bagging. Sometimes it’s used as a “let’s go!” type message when both players do it. I had a good match against a fellow WW and they kinda miffed a move and fell off. I jumped off intentionally to even the match and we both crouched but it it was more like a symbol of respect.


I did this to a shaggy and he chose to just jump off again and end the game, homie I wasn't BMing you I was making it even 😂


I like running back & forth in place really fast. Feels like I'm celebrating my win rather than taking it out on the opponent


PFG added a “Salt” emoji/taunt lol. Toxicity is in this game no matter what


Mine stopped working since last patch, still dont know if its intended or not.


IIRC they temporarily disabled all emoji taunts because of a bug with Rick.


Wait wtf is that about, that sounds hilarious.


It made Rick flash his salty balls at the camera when used


Ah shit, that needed a hard nerf ![gif](giphy|9JrmvF05GqGMC5GZZ6)


And removed the default emote with harley while they were at it...making her have no emote unless you bought one


Is bugged


When someone taunts or teabags I tend to just brush it off but when someone uses the salt emote it gets me tilted. I don’t know why. For some reason I think the taunting/teabagging feels kinda silly but the salt feels more deliberate.


Probably because anyone can t-bag but with the salt taunt you have to go out of the way to equip. It *was* deliberate.


Why do the devs of any game support toxicity is beyond me, but either way we all gotta take responsibility over ourselves. They gave you the option to use it, but if you choose to, that's on you.


The second I saw the salt emote, I knew this game was gonna be toxic. Made me not wanna play honestly. Every game has toxicity just can't get away from crappy toxic humans


Atleast I would get to see emotes or taunts instead of each character crouching a thousand times


It's also a thing in other fighter games like Brawlhalla, with a salt shaker emote. Toxicity sells really well apparently.


Anonymity is powerful.


My 2v2 partner desynced immediately. I gave up andbjumoed off. Then black adam from the opposing team started tea bagging vigorously like he earned it.


It absolutely sucks when your teammate disconnects at the start of a match. I always toast my opponent when that happens, as a "sorry that happened to you" gestue.


When your partner desyncs it pretty much destroys the match. I usually just kill myself and then rematch hoping ir doesn't happen again but ita.certainly annoyong.


This has GOT to be just me but it’s always the Black Adam mains that think they’re the best simply because they tbag or spam the CRAP out of up ground neutral


It's not just you. I feel like BG/WW players know they didn't earn their wins, but Black Adam players really seem to think their character is skill-based.


“Skill based” when it’s really camping out and relying on up ground neutral, even angers me more when they use the rock skin


What about the BAs that don't do that?


I had an Arya Stark dash dance after exactly this scenario. I had to turn off the console before I started saying silly words.


There really do be people out there who teabag after every every single stock, justify it as "its just to weaken your mental state" even though it's an unranked game, AND they teabag after the game is done and refuse to rematch making that "weaken your mental state" argument completely irrelevant, then complain that the Steam Player count isn't super high and this game is at risk of dying because new players are allienated. Seriously guys, I know you all LOVE your teabagging, and will defend it to the death in your comments as "just crouching", but you know goddamn well what effect it has on people and are doing it because of that. But sportsmanship will go a long way, if you're seriously concerned about this game's longterm player health and having new players stick around.


It’s wild how triggered people can get when you ask for better sportsmanship. I chalk it up to they are angry kids in their early teens or they just never matured. Yes, it’s not that big a deal in the big picture but like who are you trying to show off for??


mentioned this before too tbh, even in other competitive games you can win without being an ass about it.


I wish parents took more of an active role in their kids lives. Sheesh, I recall when I was that age. If I was acting a fool and being "Toxic" as it's called now, I wouldn't be allowed on the internet for at ***least*** a week. During that time I had to use manners akin to a formal dinner with ***everybody*** I interacted with if I wanted online games back.


Well put. Like, at the end of the day people are playing this game to have fun. If you're actively trying to lessen the fun your opponent is having, even when there is no real evidence that it gives you a competitive advantage (e.g., "gotta break their mental xD") then you are just putting negative energy out there that lessens the community you hypothetically want.


The "it's just to weaken your mental state" people are so weird. this is not death note my guy. Your skill at the game will be enough, what is this anime ass "I must reduce his mental fortitude to gain the edge and use his anger against him!" Like Shaggy side B will deal 2x the knockback if your opponent is thinking about your crouch animation when you go to do it.


you dont understand it is my god given right to teabag after killing you at 60 percent with WW because my pp is bigger than yours


I completely get and understand why some would be annoyed at that sort of thing. People should be respectful. At the same time though, I feel like it gets into a lot of people's heads way more than they should be letting it. If someone is doing it to try to tilt you, then you're giving them exactly what they want and there's far more disrespectful things than just t-bagging. If it's just childish self ego inflation or bad sportsmanship, it's just even less reason to even waste any energy on being anything more than mildly annoyed. Some people probably don't even mean anything by it and might just be doing it for fun or think it's a friendly gesture. Funnily enough, the older and more experienced I got, the less that taunting and t-bagging actually affects me. I'd only actually start feeling upset enough to affect my enjoyment of the game if my opponent just straight up stopped playing the game in some capacity and just trying to waste my time. Toxic people are gonna be everywhere in online spaces and there really isn't much worth to dwelling on some forms of it. It's not that I don't acknowledge that behavior can be shitty, but it's gotten easier for me to tune that sort of thing out and not let it get in the way of my enjoyment. The type of people who would do tbag with ill intent probably also get a rise out of seeing these types of posts and their opponents getting ticked off.


Fully agree here. Must be because I’m older too and don’t let other peoples behavior control my mental state or actions; but I feel like people only get mad at t-bagging because there’s a definition behind the action. If people didn’t know that up and down repeatedly == t-bagging; would they get upset? If they didn’t know, I’d imagine they would be distracted and possibly think “what is my opponent doing?” Thus affecting their focus for just a slight moment which in turn, “weakens their mental state” / focus just enough to take advantage. It’s done in all competitive sports.


People only tbag because they know it upsets others. The sole intention of it is to be insulting and make the other player upset in some way because they get a kick out of it. If it didn't have that effect, literally no one would be tbagging, ever. They can make all the excuses they want, but at the end of the day it's just another form of trolling/bullying, that is it's intention. This goes for ANY game. I hate the direction gaming communities have been going with with this. If you go against the grain and complain about toxic behavior like this, people will come in droves to blast you with insults and call you a "sensitive whiny snowflake". Happens to me all the time as someone that hates toxicity.


As if "tO wEaKeN yOuR mEnTaL sTaTe" was a legitimate excuse in the first place. You practically admit that you're so selfish and shitty you're willing to sacrifise someone's fun just to have it easier to win. Not to mention that i personally consider such "strategy" as cheating because if it works, it means you didn't win due to being better at the game, you won by ruining the game for your opponent.


What blows me away the most is there’s no real “positive” emotes like a “GG”. I’m all for sportsmanship and would love to spread positivity even though I play competitively.


No GG emote, but yet salt shaker is one of the first battle pass rewards


Gotta love all the Jokers who will ko and bow taunt like they worked hard for it.


I did taunt as Joker a few days ago but that's because the devs decided a weekly to taunt 10 times was a good idea.


Taunting is okay, he moreso means the people who teabag or flick their stick left and right after they stock you once and you've 4-0'd them 😂


What's wrong with dash dancing?


Dash dancing after a knockout? Stop playing dumb.


Dash dancing makes people mad? I genuinely don’t think twice about it.


i worked hard swinging my crowbar that covers my front, above, and back options :P


but its ok when harley and black adam can do it right? the selective bitching in this game never fails to amaze me😂


oh i'm saying it as a joker main, I know it's stupid but it's about the best aerial he has


As the joker I usually crouch when I kill because he looks cool moving the deck around His idle animation comes out in the winner screen it’s satisfying enough. I will only bow taunt on a wonder woman or a Harley or another joker. OR if it’s a 2 stock comeback.


i hate it so much LOL it's so obnoxious, such a great taunt


Taunts are fine, tbaggers *will* dwindle the community’s numbers.


Yo that is so annoying. I played a Batman who laughs joker who kept doing that after scoring a ko in our match. Felt good to beat him. In the second game he stopped taunting lol https://youtu.be/jTA7x2_MOss?feature=shared


That dudes name was "Fortnitelover1486" lmao


same problems from smash bros and really any FG, it's a sign of low confidence and uncontrolled anger; a symptom that's huge in the community lmao. just gotta buckle down and let your skills do the talking, nothing feels better than emerging victorious after being down 2 stocks and getting mercilessly tbagged after every significant strike haha. humble players only tbag when they're been tbagged first.


I tbag because funni, the animation makes me lose my shit every time in every game. If it turns you red I will avoid it, if you do it to me I will laugh and do it with you. The only thing about tbagging that makes me mad are the assholes who do it maliciously, they ruined this silly animation and made it the apotheosis of toxic and now everyone hates it, screw you ugly bastards, I just want to make Batman and Superman do squats.


I would never tell you to stop whining..it's a valid issue. I either get the teabagging or the dashing over and over again which essentially a different teabag. Also half the players doing it only won by doing the same spammy bullshit over and over again. They act like they're Gods at the game, but they just do Banana Guard's up helicopter bs or Black Adam's up neutral attack and then make you seem like you suck at the game or something. It's annoying. I actually do combos and mix up some moves and try not to spam one move, but it doesn't matter how good you are with some of these spammers. I agree with you, it gets old.


The way I see it is, imagine you're at a bar or something and play a game of foosball or pool. You're getting ready to play the game and a random guy ask if he could play. You play, he wins but after he wins he flips you off, you're probably thinking "screw this guy, I don't really want to play against someone that's rude" Most people would agree it's justified not wanting to play against someone like that, but when it comes to videogames it's now "iTs nOt tHaT dEeP, mAn" or "yOuRe tAkIng iT To sErIoUsLy".


I honestly don't play because of how sweaty and toxic people are in UNRANKED, maybe some of them will switch to ranked? I just want to play a casual game without all the toxicity.


The devs have decided to make room for BM. I'd really like to hear from them as to why, because there is a pervasive toxicity that runs through everything that I don't feel in other fighting games. It definitely carries over into the online community of the game too.


That's why I tend to not rematch people that teabags me ... It feels so childish and toxic to do so ... in the meanwhile, I tend to either do nothing, letting the walking/running -> idle animation of Garnet run ... or use her Neutral-B for dancin a bit (y'know, as a setup !). For the last one tho, I do the heart taunt, cause it's so long the game actually ends WHEN she's emoting the heart. So it gives positivity :) And only under some circumstances, I use the 'Mad Cause You're Single' taunt cause it's a really fast taunt : the respawn time is usually way longer than the taunt itself haha And it's less toxic than a teabag cause, y'know ... even if it's a sarcastic one, at least Garnet's smiling \^\^ All that just to say : follow what the OG post says : don't teabag. And don't SD at the very end as well, it's just as annoying-


that's the purpose of tbaggers. they lower the players' self-esteem for whatever reason and this ends up affecting the game itself more than the players. for me, they're parasites.


Had to be said.


Just standing there on the stage humble after a win is the best after beating these players. It also just looks better, like a ya your not worth my emotional energy type of stand


Teabag after a knockout or at the end of the game just means you're 12 years old or mentally 12 years old.


Agreed. Not to mention the amount of spammer’s I’ve seen that act like they’re absolutely the best at the game. It irritates me and the only reason I play online is to do the daily mission stuff.


I turned off DMs from non-friends on PS4 because of those people. The final straw was a 1v1 with a Steven Universe who teabagged after EVERY KO, and then after he bailed, messaged me with “lololololol”. I was like, “Nintendo was right. Fuck talking to strangers.” And I turned it off 😂


Sanest Steven Universe fan


Players teabagging after a knockout actually makes me laugh because you know the other side of the screen is a absolute waste of sperm and egg, who briefly feels like a god... Imagine the state of that 😅 The fact they think it'll offend me or something adds to the humour.


That’s how I feel too. If I see a teabag I laugh, because it’s someone thinking that their crouch can emotionally affect me. I know OP is saying they’re getting older so want more sportsmanship, but I’m the opposite. We’re playing a silly platform fighter where Bugs fights Lebron James. I’m not going to let some 10 year old teasing me online create any sort of lasting reaction. OP is doing exactly what the tea baggers wanted, the opponent to care.


I have never and will never tea bag someone. I tend to get instant karma. Worst I do is usually after a win, I will do harley's emote (basically praising the sun from dark souls) and then swiftly jump off the platform.


I only teabag my friends in customs. Don't even usually emote in regular lobbies tbh.


The problem with teabaggers is I just assume they are kids. I know that kids will always be part of the matchmaking, but id rather avoid matching up with a 10-year old if I can help it.


Sadly it’s far from just kids. I wish it was only kids but we got some toxic adults in this game, and lots of them.


The teabagging in this game is absolutely out of hand. It's juvenile nonsense. I want to enjoy the game (my favorite entertainer did voice over work for this, and she's not really typically in games), but I can see the toxic side of fandom running rampant already.


I only teabag when they teabag me first. They typically lose. Classic case of all bark no bite.


people who teabag are just excited because it's so rare that they win that they can't control themselves


If you teabag you get no toast and no rematch


Well said.


I love when people playing meta picks do this to me when I'm playing a FUN character who's just okay in 1v1s. Like good job beating my LeBron as Joker or Harley Quinn. You must be REALLY proud of your hard fought victory


People T bag in this game so much. A match yesterday my partner in 2v2 desynced so it was 2 v 1. The shaggy still only spammed side special and the proceeded to T bag when they won because of a desync. Like what kind of fragile human being. Then got another against a banana guard where it was neck and neck despite him spamming side special. He spammed t bagged after winning. Sometimes I have to remind myself that children play this video game, as well as really really childish adults.


Yeah it’s really bad. I’ve had games where the opponent tbags and taunts after they take the first stock only for me to reversal and win the whole match. Then we rematch and I beat them again. But I toast them, and they don’t toast back. I know they are salty. That’s why I rarely toast now. And to make matters clear, I don’t reciprocate the tbag or taunting, so it’s like, sorry I outplayed you and thought we were having a fun match with our cartoon characters???


I despise this playerbase’s incessant need to taunt spam and t-bag. Especially when it’s a Superman who spent the whole match using his massive grab hitboxes to no end.


Unfortunately any online PvP game will have toxicity. It's just inevitable. If you let it affect you then you already fell into their game. Yes, I admit it can be mildly infuriating to get teabagged by a Bugs Bunny after they pull a Neutral Air loop into Up Air and kill you at 40%, but letting yourself get triggered won't solve the problem. It takes some real mental fortitude to not get irritated this kind of taunting. Heck, I've seen people get triggered even by the post-match suicide and/or dash dancing. My advice is to just take a deep breath and try to ignore the toxicity. It's not worth to get angry at that. I honestly think the devs could add some more positive message taunts and emotes. A simple "GG" emote would make wonders (though some people get triggered at that too), or a "Thanks for the match!" emote. I usually use the hi-five emote after a good match to show respect for the opponent.


Doesn't help that the game is more or less toxic by design


I report every t bagging event to my local police department as a “cyber rape”


Stop molesting me with your combos, I did NOT consent!


teabagging makes you look bad. Like, you are playing a game where bugs Bunny fights batman yet you take it so serious?


cant the opposite be said? l”tbagging as bugs bunny is goofy af and youre the one taking things to seriously if you get mad lol its funny af when shaggy tbags me after kicking my ass


This reads like that one wojack that’s angry sobbing behind the smug face mask lmao


I don't toast anyone who fights without honor. That's how I deal with it.


I only have like 3 toasts so I couldn’t toast even if I wanted


I don't understand how people tolerate the amount of toxic behavior in this game. So many one and dones, teabagging and just straight up BM. I get people want to gloat but it feels like toxicity wins on a landslide in this game


It is sooo hard to NOT teabag as Jake. The animation is just so satisfying


bugs teabag is pretty funny too just reaching into the box over and over glkfdjj i can't really ever get upset about that one


Lol true. I also feel like when I go into my shop people think it could be bagging. Mortys is definitely the best lol


Marvin's animation is also hilarious. I never mind when a Marvin teabags


Much love to you though I only do it after I get bagged. It’s definitely the best bag in the game by far


Banana Guard's is just outright *filthy!*


Growing up on the OG Halos is the reason I teabag, 0% to do with toxicity, losses or any of that, 100% to do with trauma.


I loved it because it interacted with the ragdoll physics


I like to make use of my emotes, like if someone rings out in a cool way or gets a double I like to give a friendly stickers. I also think tea bagging has sort of just become a celebratory dance you can do since your neutral moves are pretty sparse.


Ngl I kinda wished that if you taunted during the end of a match it forced you to rematch and if you won again you get a reward or something


Its. A bit much to ask for tbh. We live in a time where showboating is almost mandatory. basketball and there stars aswell as American football are to blame. In general most sports are full of showboating, which is effectively just sore winning. Then you get people like sonic fox who actively just enjoy rubbing it in the face of people that they're better and try to actively win as disrespectful as possible. Theyre insufferable human beings and probably need to get theyre ass best bloody one good time, swollen eye and all.


Just accept that teabagging will always be a part of gaming and laugh or shurg it off. This dude was teabagging tf out of me today because my teammate was disconnected and I got bodied 2v1.


I don’t get it either. I tried to find a way to show respect or acknowledgement when they got me good. After they blast me into the blast zone, I give one single crouch but RARELY two. Two crouches is a sign of cockiness and constant use is just disrespect. I only teabag sometimes. As a Finn main, I also use a high-five as a sign after the match, especially to other Finn’s. I hope the symbolism of crouching once and high-fives are seen as disrespectful like teabagging is


I only ever get tea bagged by harley, i don't think I've ever toasted a Harley


I go for the more wholesome route and after a A I just pit iron giants art piece down and have him crouch admiring it.


I might just be getting old but teabagging bothers me to my core and just makes me so angry that the person is such a dipshit lol. It is satisfying to win after they do that, however.


My experience is mostly the ones that are getting outplayed and finally get ko. When they tie it up it's insufferable. Makes me play with a vengeance ..


I find it funny especially if I’m up two and they finally get a knock they decide to taunt. Like I just stand still after knocking them and wait for them to respawn so we can keep fighting, they finally get me and celebrate it as if I’m not about to get that final knock




Do the bots still teabag?


Children who act like Children...and adults who act like Children in games...say it isn't so 🤣


Theirs an unspoken rule in fighting games. If you tbag before match is over you better win


That’s the first and pretty much only way you won’t get a rematch or toast out of me. Hopefully by not giving rematches this dissuade these idiotic behaviors. Only time will tell, won’t hold my breathe though. Lol


The only reason I don't tea bag is because there could be another guy on the receiving end and I'm not gay


I prefer to get even, Overcome then teabag/taunt back then leave them without rematch. Even better if they dominated the first set , and tea bagged/taunted like crazy and they are brave enough to give you a rematch. Then if you end up dominating the second set you give them a dose of their own medicine then leave.... lol .... I don't feel like such a bad guy if I'm just returning the favor. If i am in a respectful mood I will run back a 3rd set , but only if I feel like it. Also works if just in one set if teabag/taunt occurs after first KO instead of post match, instead of across multiple sets. But yeah most of the time it simply isn't worth thinking about. I have to be in the mood to even bother returning favours for tea bags.


Unless it's a Banana Guards. Then it's fair game


If tea bagging bothered me I soundly be able to play online games lol Like I don’t even notice even when getting stompped


The art of the teabag. I remember its early days on Xbox / Halo 1 when we played “LAN” via the internet.


these people dont understand


These people honestly suck they wasn’t around during the MLG days of gaming and fr this is why online gaming sucks now everyone is a wimp 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bragging about winning in a video game will always be a weird flex to me lol.


Teabagging is just embarrassing.


I just decline to rematch and immediately block them. Not wasting my time with toxic players.


I miss the beta the community was so friendly, toasts after every match and teabagging wasn't even that big of a thing. I hate toxicity in competitive games. It's mostly why I don't play many competitive games.


Teabagging is the an automatic no rematch for me. I don't feel like playing with those people.




It's funny that the same people that teabag and taunt after fights leave after 1 game and don't give the run back. What happened to the 2 out of 3? People play like bitches lol


I only do it if my opponent was playing obnoxious


The toxicity in this community is insane. People just want to get easy wins and then “flex” on people while abusing broken characters. I mean, I just had a match where as soon as it started, someone tried to bait me into attacking them. I dodged, hit them ONCE, and then they immediately rage quit by killing themselves three times. Most of the people playing this game are exclusively playing it to be toxic and ruin other people’s fun. And you can tell immediately that’s what their doing from the character screen. I think, long term, this is going to be the BIGGEST problem for this game. Once all the technical and balancing issues are fixed, we’re still going to have a disgusting, toxic, violent community that hates itself.


I’ve never been one to gloat after a win but come on dude. It’s a competitive fighting game. Stop him from doing that or get over it.


Damn. You a truly a man’s man.


As a Gizmo main, the only times I've ever teabagged is when using his singing move, with the one perk if you hit them with enough notes they'll freeze and start dancing for 3 or so seconds. It's an instant knock out in most occasions so I'll just run up to them, tbag, and then run back so they can continue fighting Just do it as a joke, I find it hilarious watching a Jason moon walk while I breakdance underneath him


As marvin main, my taunt is ass, but his silly little duck is cute... I definitely don't mean disrespect when I do it.


Multiversus is the least competetive from all fightining games.. well okay, maybe games based on Anime Like storm series is even more less competetive. Anyway, yeah teabaging is stupid af. I can handle salt emote but teabag could be banable


"I don't care." Yet this thread was made. If someone quits for good because they got teabagged... yeah... whatever.


Just making a point that it’s a trickle down effect.. if you are really good at the game then act like you been here before. No need to push your opponent down by smoking them then taunting on top of it.


Is just got tea bagged by a spamming jason launch so fucking stupid




I generally try to avoid disrespecting my opponents but this is something that's existed since the dawn of fighting games and games in general (it probably has existed all throughout human society). It will never change.


It’s even more anger fueling when someone is a spammer that SOLELY relies on one move. Superman super armor, Shaggy side special, BLACK ADAM NEUTRAL UP ATTACK!!!!


I do it because it's better than doing the default emote (I refuse to buy emotes thar are exclusive to 1 character in a big roster fighting game)


If I get bagged on, I lock in and tbag after every knock back for about ten knock backs, then I know I returned the mind game and can proceed to play normally again


Taunt: i sleep Teabag: REAL SHIT!


I only do it back if they do it to me first. They usually end up being shit at the game


I only teabag spammers.


I’ve dealt with a ton of teabaggers thankfully there’s some genuinely good people


Completely agree. Let us replace the teabagging with a nice piece of toast!


You don't but I do.


Lotta self reported assholes ITT


I always liked just walking off the stage at the end because its funny


I guess for me I’ve been in FGCs for almost 20 years and I gotta say I’m just used to taunts in matches, from players, from the crowd. Guess growing up with local multiplayer helped out with that.


I only T-bag as the Iron Giant to be friendly with another Iron Giant, plus, he looks ridiculous doing it and I love it


If anyone teabags, I sweat the rest of the game and teabag after I win. Then, if they rematch I make them wait the whole timer. Ran into a bugs that'd just run from one side to the next just spamming rockets, and he teabagged after one stock. Low and behold, he wants to rematch after he realizes that's not a valid playstyle.


It’s still funny. I know this is an unpopular opinion but if someone tbagging after a match is the reason you quit a game, the game probably isn’t for you. Just like you can play CS and or cod and the other team may shoot bodies or something, it can be infuriating but at the end of the day it’s just a game.


I personally hate when they only do it at the end of the match and then don’t rematch afterwards, if your gonna be a toxic pos at least keep that same energy the whole match so I know what to expect.


What if I be crouch walking from edge to edge with Marvin, I can’t help that it’s a funny unique move


Been playing fighting games a long time. I don't get tea bag. Teabagging was more of a hi/lo psyche. Lol Like am I supposed to be mad? We do have taunts.


i teabag bc it looks funny… hi i am your local tax player


Love beating a crouch spammer. So satisfying.


As a Lebron main, I like to crouch after a knockout (not teabag) cause he ties his shoe. Hope that’s not triggering.


I think a little bit after a clean stock for both players can be okay but when it's after everything it does just become annoying


I don't mind tbagging it's them dang dash dancers I despise Go back to smash melee with you wavedashing


I don’t really care about teabagging, it’s been a staple in video games since I started playing, really has no effect whatsoever anymore. There’s a lot more toxic bs that goes down in this game, like if you happen to be on the same platform as someone and you either win to fast or lose to fast you know you’re getting messages for at least the next ten minutes or more.


I teabag when i notice someone's play style change into toxicity(such as spam) when they were comboing a minute ago or they play FAR TOO PASSIVE where i'm basically chasing them around the map even though i'm at 80 and they're at 20 (WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? YOU ARE WINNING!)


Dash dancing > teabagging


Teabagging > salt emote I literally crash out everytime I see the salt…


I would say I teabag People who spams the same move over and over again because they cant learn more than one move 😭 (banana guards)


Idk doesn't bug me but makes me fight harder and when I win it feels great or if I'm winning I will bully other players but not taking them serious by killing myself just to even the game and still beat them but I have definitely gotten my ass kicked because of it too lol


Man I don't even get mad at teabagging, I just get sad, really sad. Like, these guys are bullying me because my teammate went AFK and then have the guts to teabag me, even if I put on a fight. It's like they're saying "lol you're trash". Or maybe I'm just paranoid?


To be honest anyone who insta tea bags like that I just laugh at. Are they that excited about a KO? Usually if someone tea bags me like that I posture up and go sweat mode and best them. They have to be some little kids or something with nothing going on for them so much so that they get so excited over a KO lol. Iunno man I get you it's dumb but it also gives a great opportunity to humble them and I'll take that any day if it means making some little punk rage because he got embarrassed after he tried to flex on me


I only bag low skill characters that spam (B.G, S.M, H.Q) you get it


Not only that, I laugh so hard when they tbag us after winning. Even though I die once and get 2.5 KO's, because teammates be like this


I will tbag against shaggy WW and bugs bunny spammers idc


I only ever teabag if my opponent is attempting to troll me like spamming emotes, teabagging nonstop or spamming the same move. After I win the match I gotta BM a little bit just because you were trying so hard to tilt me just to get slid anyway.


I just use the Rick emote


I’m probably in a minority here but I was absolutely slamming in 1v1 earlier and I didn’t Teabag or Taunt a single time. Legit felt bad.


Only way to communicate


I think it's more to do with it being spammable cause all the poses and taunts are dumb and boring. The second I learned I could use trumpets with my taunt I spammed that. There just needs to be better emotes and taunts.


If you’ve ever played a sport you know this post is wild


I don’t typically teabag but I absolutely will if they do it to me first and LOSE. Had a few people also teabag even when being behind by two stocks and ringing me out. They lost swiftly after. I’m not too affected by excessive taunting but man the number of one and done games my opponent has where they beat me, vigorously teabag, and then decline a rematch has me a little bit irritated. I’ve used WW since and had no regrets using possibly the most busted character.


Yeah I think there needs to be more interacts like how in one match with a garnet player I just knocked them out and then just for a bit we both decide to just crouch and taunt for a bit before we got back to fighting. More things like that need to happen.


Best you never play Mortal Kombat with Mic on then


I only do it if they do it to me.


Ngl people being toxic does induces some toxic behaviors out of me. Even if it’s next game when the guy did nothing to deserve it💀. I hate when a mf just sit their post match after I hit Yes for a re-run. And then they exit out right before the meter fills. ![gif](giphy|E2WEi5K1QzPxK)


Who cares if they teabag, just win and do it back


I taunt because I like the fun animations and voice lines. They're in the game, I want to see / hear them. If people lose their minds over it, that's not my intention and I don't take any pleasure in it, but ultimately it's on them to take it so hard. So I also don't feel particularly bad about it. Sometimes I crouch instead for a similar reason. See an animation you don't see too often in normal gameplay. Just once, mind, not repeatedly, so hopefully people aren't taking it as t-bagging, but... Eh. I'm sure some do.


If I don't teabag how are they supposed to know I knocked them?


im supposed to be affected by people doing this ? i just thought it looked dumb lol , didnt know it was representing teabagging xD


I "T bag" but it's more me hyping myself for the kill. It's a little BM sometimes but for the most part it's me going "fuck yeah" 🕺