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Lmfao the projectile shield is such a garbage mechanic bros just menacingly walking forward then gets smacked


The "projectile shield" is bait. It doesn't work on Jerry either. Basically if Jason cannot dash attack through it, then good chance the shield won't work


Yea it doesn't work against heavy projectiles but the game never tells you which projectiles are heavy so you just get to figure it out when they hit you


Was playing against T&J last night. I really think projectiles should get cancelled out by attacks or at minimum Jerry falls to ground after being hit by anything. I hate how I can hit Jerry with an attack, the game does its signature slow/freeze frame, then Jerry continues forward and hits me. I'm not saying auto kill Jerry but take his momentum at least. I hate how attacks interact in this game honestly. *see Jason dash attack vs Supes side special grab and any other attack vs the same grab. Everything is a coin toss


Jerry stops Iron Giants shoulder Tackle. Explain to me how that makes any fucking sense. He’s a god damn Mouse.


I. I mean. On game logic I shouldn't be surprised but still. I'm shocked. Wtf man. Might as well be shooting him with the rocket.


Hahahaha. (I main IG).


I think the safe counts as a major projectile so the shield doesn't work against it.


Crazy to me there’s multiple projectile types and the only way to defend against them besides dodging doesn’t even block all projectiles


2 types: normal and major. More info in the in-game glossary. You can access it from the start menu. Majors are more durable but are usually slower and easier to see coming.


Ay pop down from that high horse when you’re done champ. I know.


Weird but ok. I was just trying to help.


Lmfao assuming someone doesn’t know how to navigate the main menu is a tad presumptuous


Maybe but you'd be surprised how many miss such stuff or are so new they don't know how to do it.


Ya I just don’t assume stupidity I guess, if someone was able to find this sub I’d imagine they could navigate the main menu but hey that’s just my thought process


All cool.


The worst thing is this shit can hit you multiple times, it literally makes your hp go from 0 to 100 for nothing


Like on a scale of 1-100 on how carried Bugs players are, it's a Yes


I’m starting to really dislike this game.


Which is why the LeBron nerf was so crazy. This safe is objectively better even with LeBron always having the ball in hand. I don’t understand the balance to this game sometimes


Or you can kill it in a few attacks, put it on a long CD and remove most of Bug's KO power.


It only hits you once per activation (hit). So if the safe hits you, it won’t hit you again unless somebody hits the safe to reactivate it.


Tell that to bugs spin move or when its two safes resetting each other, every time I find a Bugs duo in 2v2 they always try to pull it off and when they do its an instant K.O.


Bugs spin move plays by the same rules each hit of his spin is an activation. When you get hit it deactivates. Because it’s a multi hit move, if you are in the multi hit zone, you deactivate the safe each time you get hit, and hit multi hits are reactivating it. I play bugs lol. There’s this one full proof move that prevents you from eating any damage from the damage though. It works on any character. It’s the secret “get out of the way” move.


All of that just to say "don't get hit", jesus.


Yeah but also don’t like people speaking with authority on mechanics they don’t understand. You were literally just passing complaints based on falls information on a tech/interaction in the game.


Yeah I suppose that all the times a couple of Bugs have pulled of the tornado safe combo and got me to 100+ damage in less than 10 secs I must have been dreaming I guess, lets hear what the expert has to say about it.


lol no, that part is true. The part where they and you say the safe can hit you multiple times just off one hit is false. If you get hit by the safe, its hit box deactivates until an ally hits the safe again. Literally just trying to pass knowledge on this sub and yall mad about learning lmao


Look dude I don't want to argue in reddit of all places but I think we misunderstood each other. * (I think) You probably thought that I meant that vanilla Bugs can pull off a one move type of scenario in which the safe can "hit" you multiple times on its own, you are right and that is not the case. * For my second comment I thought you meant 2v2 in which the combo I was telling about happens when they pull off the spin move or two safes just reset each other raking up insane damage, which we know is true. All in all I think people do complain a bit too much about the characters instead of learning but with this developers idk, I doubt they will fix anything unless people raise their voices.


Any enemy's attack > Jason's dash, or any other attack in his kit honestly.


They need to vastly increase the base knockback of Jason's dash attack (knockback scaling is fine as it can kill around 80%). At low percentages using it gives advantage *to the opponent.* It's crazy.


Bugs is the WORST matchup against Jason. Like “just jump off the map” levels of bad. His nair is literally inescapable, he can put you in a loop with dair > nair easily, and you don’t have any armor breaking moves (I think?) to break his safe which is his most powerful tool BY FAR.


I'm pretty sure Jason has none and I keep gaslighting myself into thinking his stomp is one. You gotta sacrifice a perk slot for armor break dash attack. Which isn't the safest method of armor breaking. Good armor breaks are WW nair and black Adam nair. WW is quick and a multihit with good mobility. BA has a deceptively wide range and can easily hit the enemy without trading. Jason...runs at you like a getaway train, is limited to the ground, and leaves himself wide open after the attack.


Yeah, Marvin is a really good pick cuz his armor break is ranged so you can break the safe before Bugs even lands. I’m a Bugs main myself and my toughest fights are always against Marvins and WWs because they basically destroy my full dmg potential.


Marvins terrify me. Had to turn on every brain cell as black Adam last night against one because the projectiles kept getting me. If it wasn't for me thinking to use his own projectiles against him I would've lost cuz I barely won. Last stock literally lasted two whole minutes


The safe is strong, and bugs as a whole is strong, but honestly if they are going to nerf bugs, I would much rather them keep the safe the same and hit some of the normals. I feel like his identity should lean into the more wacky bits, because bugs bunny is a wacky character. On walled maps the safe can be a bit oppressive, but honestly a large part of that is that bugs has great normals to go along with his projectiles, most notably his up air and neutral air. I think if they gave a small nerf to both of those or a larger nerf to one of those, he would probably be fine while still maintaining his shenanigans that should define him.


He's strong as a whole, for sure


Some would even say the Safe is Safe alright I'll see myself out. Btw as jason armor when he goes into tunnel and follow him to punish it. This is the only time we have advantage


The camera really, really needs to treat some things as things it must show.


This character has been stupid since forever. He clearly has mascot privilege.


Unrelated, but you had a lot of chances to charge neutral special in this clip. Probably could’ve saved you a couple times.


-It damages me -He can run until it goes away (gigantic map) -It goes away after 1 attack, so I better not miss People conflate his neutral special with WW armor. It is not


Taking a little damage is a okay trade for utilizing what is his best tool easily. In 1s if you utilize his neutral as a baiting tool, along with the drastic movement speed increase, running won’t be that big of an issue. I’m a level 17 Jason just for some perspective, so I’m not completely talking with no experience here.


It's more of a stage issue. That doesn't happen if there aren't walls.


The safe is ridiculous


He was always flawed, and I seriously want to know how it would be if it was balanced


The Plumbus can defeat the tunnel. The Plumbus is unmatched.


I would suggest not walking into the safe while it’s still moving


Better nerf Irelia!


Reminder more people bitched about Harley doing her playstyle over Bugs’ bullshit, as well as Joker, WW, and Adam’s attacks in general. *Even Bat Boy has a dumber slide than Harley’s and his has way more knockback than hers ever did at lower damage.*


Bugs bunny is much slower and much weaker than he should be (compared to the beta) and his kit has been almost completely modified, I remind everyone that the cake had a cooldown and the safe as well as being faster and heavier (for knockback) it also had the ability to spawn bombs and Rick and Morty's weapons. Now it's very mediocre and needs a lot more effort to play, for example the double jumping kick and the hammer (now that they've put in the delay it's the programming of the moves) it's much more difficult to hit since it's no longer possible delete the animation. PS, I also remind everyone that bugs for a good 3 months managed to spam the missiles like, I personally managed to fire 3 in a row (bug obviously and it was fixed, but you could have done it)


But Finns gem was the problem.... I really hope this people learn to nerf without removing the creativity from characters


Bugs safe is ridiculous and should just be like LeBron’s ball where it can only hit someone once. I think bugs is a fair character with that nerf to safe. There are way stronger characters in the game.


Absolutely insane that bugs hasn't received any nerfs yet.


This is really only a problem on maps with walls which will probably be illegal once ranked comes out. Safe in the air is very easy to punish and you can get the bugs away from the safe easily if they use the grounded version. Safe is probably one of his least problematic moves.


We have to look at the big picture here. Maybe if I was WW, Joker, or anybody else who doesn't run at 3 MPH, have the aerial mobility of an Anvil, the priority of an ant, or the Hurtbox the size of Texas, safe would be easily avoidable and a non-issue


Projectiles will always be a bigger issue for jason than the rest of the cast safe isn’t special. Also jason has a move specifically for tanking projectiles. Jason can still deal with these things it’s just harder like all other bad matchups.


Look everyone is tripping about the safe, but you literally walked into it. The safe is fine. Maybe it should be broken easier but what I saw in this clip was great neutral from you in the beginning and then he dropped his safe and it fell apart.


It's almost as if the safe is that polarizing in this MU on this stage.  At the beginning you saw me making all the correct reads. Once I got one wrong (super jump up air) he was free to play the game and reset neutral, and Bugs neutral vs Jason neutral isn't even in the same universe 


I mean, the stage obviously helps bugs due to the safe, so you could argue in a competitive setting this would be a good counter pick for Jason, and I think Jason needs his hit boxes fixed, but you start the clip at like 60-70% higher than bugs. The fact that you get him to 100%+ on this vid just shows you were playing right. It just made absolute sense that the safe knocks you out and for your final hit you literally dash dance into it. Heavies are always going to play like what you described. Otherwise they would be too strong. You have to play mind games and read the other player constantly because your attacks are slow, and to balance that playstyle you hit way harder and are harder to kill. I just don’t think the safe was the issue in this clip. The stage had a bunch of walls for it to bounce off of, otherwise it would’ve just flown off the map.


See, that's the issue with his design. Heavies in any other game would play as you described. Jason, on the other hand, arguably doesn't hit much harder (if at all) then characters like Bugs, minus the speed/combos/kit


Stop lol, this is a horrible hill to die on. You are just bad.


At least remove the Bugs Flair before posting bait 😂 carried Bugs players salty in my comments 😭 you're the minority man, sorry not sorry


I’m not the minority when there’s multiple people in here telling you that this clip showcases that youre just bad at the game lol. No one besides you is in here saying that what happened to you in this clip was OP. Not a single one. But there are multiple comments saying you screwed yourself repeatedly in this clip


Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you I didn't count Bugs player's opinions on a Bugs criticism post... duh. Obviously you're going to side with Bugs... hello? I'm looking at Bugs/between me & Bugs because, Idk, you keep your eye on your opponent in fighters (20 yrs exp). But you probably wouldn't know that let alone anything about footsies 101 being a Bugs player. The safe spawned behind me, from thy sky, 10 years later. The fact I even responded to you is impressive, most of you people are either new to fighters, sucked at other fighters, or would get bodied if you're character got even remotely nerfed. Have a good day.


https://preview.redd.it/7xftok6dyq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f3d489a620efbb24f380a3d187f9bfe11a7474 Literally go to this timestamp and rewatch your clip and tell me it’s because bugs is OP and not because you just stood there like a punching bag waiting for him to hit the safe. Get real.


Omg talking to scrubs is so mentally draining. I wouldn't expect you to understand any neutral concepts or mindgames. -Here's a free lesson. I play Jason, Jason is slow, Jason Sair has end lag, Jason has hard time chasing down rabbit man. I whiffed Sair, I retreated to not land on the safe and get hit (which would've happened if as Bugs literally side attacked the safe right after), I make wrong read in the corner, I get hit. -Later on in that same clip (a few seconds later), I jump over the safe AND dodged Bugs up air (both would've killed me. Safe comes back (why is it still here), Safe gets launched at me full speed, I cannot dodge attack safe (doesn't count as regular projectile) or parry Safe (Bugs is approaching) so I dodge safe, Bugs hits me with forward air right after because I was recovering from dodging the safe (I should've dodged up, but that's not intuitive, and hindsight's 20/20 when you're looking at a replay). -I get hit, send center stage, and I told you where I was looking before and why I was caught off guard by the safe... I just gave you a free coaching lesson on how to analyze decision making to adapt and do better in the future (which I have). You remind me of those people that watches sports and criticizes the athletes from your living room, even though you'd get folded like a sack of potatoes. Remember: Hindsight 20/20


Wasting your time talking nonsense lol teleport at the 19 sec mark, bugs gets knocked in the air, you up air, bugs KO, you’re safe from the safe and this clip is never posted. In non of your posted clips do you ever teleport with Jason. That’s your fault for not knowing your main and his advantages but go ahead and keep crying wolf


>Remember: Hindsight 20/20 Reading comprehension is an important skill, Couch Coach.


Wait you can sideswitch with the up axe?! How'd I miss that? Does the game tell you? Also Buggs can rot in hell, agreed.


No the game does not tell you any character interactions or movesets lol


I was gonna say "This game doesn't explain shit!" but I was scared it totally did tell you this and I would look like a fool claiming otherwise.


They need to reduce the safe's durability and make so Bugs (and allies in 2v2) break it by attacking. And also make so the safe can only bounce a couple of times through the stage before breaking by itself. And also also prevent the safe from hitting multiple times in a row; you can literally go from zero to +80 in one single interaction, it's insane. It's crazy how they massacred Velma with nerfs and Bugs is pretty much untouched from the beta.


Salty Bugs mains probably read the title and are disappointed that this whole post is not about buffing the safe so it kills you in one hit.


There's no point, dude. Bugs is S tier since the game launched in Beta, he was an menace at EVO. PFG won't ever make this character fair to fight, give up on that. You either get him and "learn"(there isn't much to learn, he is pretty braindead) or accept all his bullshit and move on. He's pretty much lore accurate.


If you play bugs bunny, you’re the scum of the earth


This is probably the worst example to use for a “reasons why bugs is Op” post. The amount of times you screwed yourself by trapping yourself in a corner, watching him spawn AND hit the safe towards you and not dodging, then trapping yourself again and then dodging into an attack, then walking into the safe the clearly shows it still has momentum is laughable


>Bugs Bunny Flair Checks out. I'm not even gonna insult you, it's human nature to be defensive when you feel attacked. Maybe you don't know how slow and wide Jason is, or how fast and wide Bugs attacks are (you should). I cannot just "leave the corner" or ride my gigantic rocket to mid stage... ...But all that is besides the point, my issue is why was the safe hit about 3-4 times & even hit OFF SCREEN and still there? Why doesn't it experience attacks decay the longer it's out of the more "damaged" it is? Why does he even need something like that in his already loaded kit? Tell you what, if they gut Bugs Bunny I hope you'll still enjoy playing him. I wouldn't wish Jason's current state of play on any other character. It's an absolute atrocity.




Bro sits in a corner and watches bugs spawn and hit the safe towards him and doesn’t dodge but blames bugs being OP for why he died. This entire post and OPs responses are a joke


Im not going to insult you either, considering you don’t use bugs, I can’t fault you for not planning ahead or thinking strategically. I do know about Jason, he’s my second highest character at level 3. Maybe you don’t know about Jason’s teleportation? Or his dash? You literally shuffled back and forth for 2seconds and then let bugs spawn a safe, you didn’t even try to jump or latch on the wall. You could’ve easily walked towards him and teleported which would’ve hurt him or dashed and hurt him or he jumps over you and now you have center stage. Instead you sit there and get abused then blame the game. Why does his safe bounce 20x ? have you ever watched bugs bunny? It’s only right that it does Why does he even need that in his kit? Because he would get destroyed by everyone without it? Dude dies at 70, his abilities combine for like 25 dam, his attacks are 6 dam while there’s WW, Batman, Morty, gizmo, who are broken in their own way as well? Tell me how he fights any of those characters without the safe and rocket? What’s he gonna do? Throw pies and punch people all game? I will play bugs 95% of the time good or bad like I have since the beta because I genuinely enjoy him as a character. Jason since the update has been whooping my ass. I played 2 of them in a 1v1 and went like 3 for 9 in stocks against them. And still think he needs some buffs. I actually have some clips from them whooping me. this is not an example of a character being OP, this is a clip of OP getting OP and anyone unbiased against bugs can see that


I'm not gonna say you suck but please post the clip of your Bugs getting whooped by Jason 😭  "Why does his safe bounce 20x ? have you ever watched bugs bunny? It’s only right that it does" Oh brother we're being lore accurate now? Let's not do that 😂 Jason's teleport, along with literally everything else he does, is extremely laggy and telegraphed. If That's one of the ways that those Jason's were beating your behind then it's genuinely just a lack of MU knowledge on your part. You should be destroying Jason's 


I’ll post some highlights and bloopers soon. I don’t want to make one whole post just for that. It doesn’t matter if they telegraph, they still work, especially his teleport. Use them properly and it won’t be an issue. Tell me what would’ve been better? Teleporting and knocking bugs to center stage or standing there and getting pummeled in a corner? I saw you ask on another comment about how you didn’t know that a 2mph safe is supposed to do 100% damage. You know it can hurt you by the the edges. There will be a drag on one of the edges usually in the direction it’s hit. When that goes away, the safe is safe.


Your second highest character is level 3? Lmao


lol yeah bro, pretty much all I’ve used since beta is bugs


Ikr but better complain and deflect any reasoning than learn, classic scrub mentality.


Someone understands ![gif](giphy|1sSfhxzWHJ4vC)


We're a rare breed but we do exist.


Do you people want characters brought up to the level of and A and S tier characters or do you people just want to nerf everything that's good in this game? Make up your mind.


Either one would be fine, the issue is the gap that currently exists in this games character balance


Yes because everyone should be brought up to the level of bugs. This might just be the dumbest take in the world. Do you really want a game where every character has free 0-deaths that are inescapable?


Are you new here? That's like 50% of this subreddit


Only upside to the safe is you can insta destroy it with an armor break if I'm not mistaken. I forgot if Jason has an armor break though. But yeah bugs in general isn't ok


His armor break is a command grab


Naw clearly he is fine thats why no mention of looking into nerfs for him


Easily one of the most annoying characters. Fuck Bugs


"This thing is OP because I facetanked it like a rheumatic sloth".


Oh, my fault, I assumed something that hit the ground and is moving 2 MPH wasn't going to have a hit of let alone hit like a truck. Who do you play? 


You learned something today, then. The slow safe is the deadliest.


The point was why is that thing still one screen after taking a beating and being thrown off the map. I need to remember most of you guys suck and are carried so you'll defend this crap, when it's a blatant balance issue. If this crap was any other legitimate fighter, let alone Smash, it would've caused a riot that it's still in the game. But most of the people in this community are either new to fighters or couldn't make it in other fighters. I keep forgetting that so that's on me. You got it


Because it's an entity with its own HP that you need to kill or it needs to fall off the map. In this case you did neither. I'll disregard your word salad under that for your own sake. Things aren't OP just because you don't know how they work.


You missed the point that I made in the 1st sentence on purpose. Now that I understand who I'm debating with, I'm done. Have a good day


I addressed that. Maybe only in the edit. I said you did neither which was true. You didn't kill the safe and it didn't fall off the map, it bounced back from the walls.


What I'm trying to get across is why can Bugs hit/use the safe 3-4x before it's not in play?


Wdym not in play? As long as it's moving it has a hitbox, constantly.


It just visually doesn't make sense to hit me that hard moving an inch per hour


And yet everybody complains about WW 🤔


So two things.. 1) you're playing Jason who's pretty bad right now 2) you're also a bad player from what I can see in this clip You're gonna lose to anyone, tbh


Dang, I was able to keep the game competitive with a bad character against an overtuned character, but I'm bad and would lose to anyone. Did you just ignore the entire clip?  Who do you play anyways?

