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youre psycho putting Gizmo anywhere but S tier, even after his nerfs. marvin is also like, A tier, and reindog is somewhere in B. harley is VERY high A tier, arya is mid A tier otherwise the list is aight, tho id probably drop superman a few pegs


Gizmo is pretty good but i think the S tiers are a bit more broken currently he's probably A tho


Gizmo has made top 8 at almost every big tournament so far. Gizmo's busted and deserves S. Better than shaggy or bugs imo but worse than WW or Joker


His size alone gets him in A, and his moveset easily pushes him to S. Iron Giant would be A, he really isn’t that crazy to go against compared to some others. Also I don’t think many players are losing to Banana Guard anymore (they figured out how to avoid a straightforward move😱), he’s fairly average nowadays I’d put him in B Honestly I’d just merge D and C since there isn’t much difference, and I’d also put Morty in A, he’s criminally underrated right now


Arya is way better than Harley (who is B tier at best)


arya gets an inconsistent ladder that can kill if she catches you high up. harley will just juggle you lol tbh basically everything arya is good at, harley does better


That's why there's a 10% winrate difference between them huh. Go ask Void (a smash pro that now plays multiversus) which character is better, he even made a tier list recently https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2177931833?t=04h02m19s Arya one tier above Harley


Check playrates. Harley has a lot of new players pick her up, suck at her, lose a lot, and tank the winrate. Pretty much every Arya player has been playing her since the beta. They’re all more experienced.


Morty is not C tier. His kit wires into itself too much to be called as such. Maybe A or B tier


I have lots of experience with morty and he's kinda weird he has some moves that are currently almost useless and some moves that are broken like dirt but i think once dirt gets nerfed he'll be a very low tier


If this is 2s you’re off on Reindog, Morty, Jake, Gizmo, Stripe, Superman, and more


What would you change if it's 1s?


ww not high enough


Ikr 💀💀 a fish could be trained to win with ww


I’d put Marvin in A tier tbh. He’s strong right now.


He's sort of between A and B but you maybe right


He’s always been strong tbh


I dare to say Marvin could be even be S Tier in 2v2.


Marvin in A, joker is B, Tom and Jerry in S, iron giant in A/B without exploits. Superman in B, rain dog in C, garnet in B. The list is pretty in accurate in my opinion


if this is 2’s, i’d move velma to C or B, gizmo to A, and black adam to S because of his nair. idrk about 1’s tbh


Yeah i think all your adjustments are valid for 2s tbh


I've concluded it's very hard to make a universal list


Given how this game is tailored towards duos, it would be best to make two separate lists for 1v1 and 2v2.


For 1v1? Yeah, pretty accurate. Although I frankly don't think Iron Giant is S Tier; with the nerfs to (99%) of his inifinites he's A Tier at best. But Gizmo and Stripe are probably S Tier, though. Even with the nerfs Gizmo still is a menace, and Stripe has 100% kill confirms with his gun that are lock-on hitscans. I'd say Morty is at least B Tier; the amount of stuff he can pull, especially in 2v2, is insane, on top of having the second best recovery in the game after Rick. For 2v2 this list would probably be very different, though.


Nah dawg IG still has zero to deaths off Nair and rage up special literally kills at 0


Jason being low is just a matter of the current balance. Once they fix his boxes he’ll jump up a few tiers. If they buff him beyond that he may get to A or S.


Is it me or does B tier look a little cramped?


It's funny that people seem to think Garnet is so much worse than Superman when she easily competes.


every assasan is in B teir


Morty, Black Adam, Finn, Harley, Marvin, Reindog and Gizmo up a tier Shaggy, Iron Giant, Banana Guard, LeBron and Stripe down a tier.


Shaggy is op bc he has a kill confirm at 70. But Superman sniper punch can kill at 55 mid stage. Superman has got to be S tier. His combos are rly good, he’s insanely heavy, he has got shit tons of armor, his edge-guarding is rly good, and his kill power is crazy.


I would drop Iron G to A tier. As my main I understand that he rlly isn't that good and alot of times I have to work hard to not get combed into oblivion. But I also understand that due to hit weight he's hard to ring out, so he should be solid A teir. Other than that, gizmo should still be S tier


You might have to work hard to not get combod (just bolts tbh) but you also have the most broken rage up special that kills at 0 and zero to deaths off nair


Bolts take 29 seconds to charge once, so I can stop one combo in half a minute, really useful 😐. Rage up special doesn't kill at 0 😂 idk where you got that from. And they removed all of his easy 0-death combos if he still has one and you get caught in it then you're just bad lol. His n-air isn't that good either it hits too low alot of the times bc of iron giants huge body


It literally does kill at zero though. It teleports from below IG feet to above his head prior to any knockback occuring so with extremely mild setup of green bubble or them approaching you in rage mode it's a kill lmao. You have have to be moderately close to the blast zone If you think a person is bad because they got hit by several moves that lead into the same zero to death idk what to say. There's a reason why most tournaments have IG banned ATM.


There are other characters that can kill at zero too if the requirent is being fairly close to the blast zone 😂. It's not a 0-death lol. You can go into training and try it, I promise it's not. >If you think a person is bad because they got hit by several moves that lead into the same zero to death idk what to say. I know what to say, DODGE. Or hit back since most of iron giants moves have low priority. >There's a reason why most tournaments have IG banned ATM. They had him banned back when his grab was broken, now they don't. His grab was broken, bc he could emote then grab again infinitely, and he could carry other players off the edge for a real 0-death which they also removed. It's funny how much you're saying is plain wrong lol.


I literally just went on the pro discord tournament announcement thread and saw he was banned in 3 tournaments recently. That points moot. The only recent one I've seen with him legal had 3 in top 6. So yeah s tier I've got clips of the Nair zero to death and rage killing at 0 but I'll have to upload them when I get home and not on my phone. Just simply "dodge" every combo starter ur right my bad ig sucks. You say I'm plain wrong but it's ackshually you


>I literally just went on the pro discord tournament announcement thread and saw he was banned in 3 tournaments recently Recently doesn't give an accurate time frame because recently could be within the last 3 weeks (when he had everything nerfed). >I've got clips of the Nair zero to death and rage killing at 0 but I'll have to upload them when I get home and not on my phone. Again, not a zero to death bc you can dodge it, zero to death combos are guaranteed. Otherwise EVERY character has a zero to death if you don't dodge. I will try my best to find either of what you're explaining even though Ive already looked for it. > Just simply "dodge" every combo starter ur right my bad ig sucks. >You say I'm plain wrong but it's ackshually you Sarcasm helps nothing, and you can dodge most of his moves his Nair only spins multiple times if it's charged and his up special has to catch you in the middle to keep you in it. Both can be dodged, you can dodge the Nair any way you want, but to dodge the spin it's better to either dodge away or dodge downwards to prevent the other spins from hitting, if you dodge through it, it will hit


The 3 tournaments I checked were in he past 7 days. My man Nair combos into itself 3 or more times and then an up air if you dodge cancel it. All true and can kill at any percent. Thats why you can't dodge it. I'm being sarcastic because you're saying I'm wrong on literally everything lmao.


NEVER LET BRO COOK AGAIN 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️❗❗❗❗❗🗣️❗


Taz S, Gizmo S, Stripe A, Rick B, Banana S


Is this a 1v1 tier list? I would argue Reindog and possibly Garnet get a decent bump in 2v2 as long as you know how they work.