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This was well put together. Good job, chief!


Thanks. It's not bad, and I probably could've done a better job, but I just needed to show just how jank Jason's hitboxes are.


You can go into training mode and show off just how awful his side attack hitbox is, the machete will phase right through them.


This might be because the majority of his jab's hitboxes are on his arm, with a few being on the actual blade. And while a got amount of these hitboxes can be shown in training mode, I think it's more impactful when it happens in a real match since you don't know which moves your opponent will do that'll collide with your hurtboxes. I mean, how was I supposed to know Finn's backpack was going to magnetize to my axe and drag me up?


This is the reason I stopped playing. Day 1 I was doing 1v1s with my nephew and complaining about the hit/hurtboxes, and he thought I was crazy.


oh yeah Jason 100% has priority issues on almost all of his attacks every time i try to axe someone they just hit it and kill me instead


I feel like most of these problems would be solved if they just removed his arm and hand hitboxes when using certain moves.


The priority issue is that this game has no priority. Overhead axe has a bunch of hurtboxes over his head because arms. I feel like the limbs there should've been made invincible. Then there's also an issue with the attack itself. There is no hitbox on the axe at the very top. Uncharged, it's got 3 hitboxes: One at the curve of the swing around at around the height of Jason's head, then two at the axe landing and inside his body. The curve one is delayed, the actual hitbox and animation aren't in sync. This sync problem is even worse when charged Even if the game had priority, it wouldn't matter as the axe hitbox hadn't come out yet. He got hit because the dev team thought his pinky being bigger than his head was not going to give him issues


Yes, in fact it's a lack of hitboxes and overexaggerated hurtboxes, lack of armor, and maybe even some poorly designed attacks.


I just wish his hand and arm hurtboxes were disabled when using his Fair, Jab, Grounded Up Attack, Grounded Neutral Attack, and Grounded Up Special (while also giving some of them armor).


Do other characters have that? Is bugs arm during bat or Arya’s arm during jab not have a hurt box? Seems to me, the disjoints on Jason’s machete just sucks


Far as I can tell, nobody's limbs are invincible during an attack in this game. You'd think your arm turning into an axe would a mace would prevent damage but nope.


Jason is really amazing he has the strengths of superman w Being the ability to ring out around 50-70. Then I'd say he has the weaknesses of... but he has the weaknesses of Jason. No character in my experience gets punished as much as he does in situations of priority. Yes he has his armor more. But since the hit box is already huge and buggy anyway. PFG hook our boy up. Honestly. When he was announced I was confused as to why they made his model bulky when Jason is more on the slender/ tall side. But he really is fun. It's just fighting using him feels like your playing the game on hard mode.


D-air is also wtfs


DAir is extremely misleading. You'd think its a Shaggy DAir with how the animation plays out. Nope, it is a stomp disguised as a fist. It hits ONLY straight below Jason and nowhere else.


lol I love this


They think him machete and axe is part of his body like jake ahh hit boxes


Fix his hit boxes and add armor to his natural axe attack and he would feel so much better.


It just seems like the hit/hurtboxes are atrocious across the board.


Nah that Finn clip is crazy


How'd you turn on seeing hit and hurtboxes?


It wasn't something I turned on, it was a video that showcased the hitboxes themselves. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHi4tu2Chvc


Next patch NEED to buff him


if I'm correct Mvs doesn't have a priority system, so it's just that every character has bigger hitboxes than Jason, on top of him having a big hurtbox


It's simple, while they need to generally fix things, Jason needs disjointed hitboxes on his weapon attacks. The recovery frames on them should be fine enough of a downside. But remember there's always a bit of online shenanigans as well.


My secondary is jason, and i swear the machete has a hurtbox. Ive been hit on the machete and died to it like a fucked up smash mewtwo’s tail scenario.


The character has no positives whatsoever in comparison to the sheer amount of negatives. He has all the downsides of being a big dude, with no upsides to being a big dude. Like none whatsoever on paper anyway. Also the fact the sleeping bag move is just...nevermind I don't feel like thinking this hard about this terrible game, much less this terrible character my god.


True tbh


Actually looking at the hit box I think even having a hitbox on the hand would be fine but I don’t know why they made it so massive when his weapon lacks range .


Thank you for finally putting together the compilation of fuck-ass hit boxes that I keep telling myself I need to make lmaooo


0:44 Because there is no priority system in MultiVersus. It really is a case of whoever hits first wins and broken hitboxes. If there is one thing they *must* copy from Smash Bros. is the priority system.