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Bugs is too good. Nerf Jason.




Better nerf pig


I got that reference lol


Ahah nerf PH butt šŸ˜‡ā¤ļø


Pretty fucked up of them to do that


ā€œWe at Players First have noticed that some characters have been entirely unfair to play against, so we decided to team up with Behavior Studios to nerf The Pigā€


and reindog


I was gonna say the same thing. Reindog up air killing early with a tight range and easy to avoid? Nerf it now. Bugs bunny with large up air that kills earlier with much better range? Fair and balanced


i think jason spamming the teleport thing is the equivelant to PK fire. its rough.


PFG: Done!


Better nerf Irelia


Better nerf Gangplank




What cartoon is this?


Darude sandstorm






Doomlands on roku (coincidentally, i learned about this show yesterday as i was scrolling one of my many illegal tv show websites)


Have no idea lol


I think you could've dodged right before the bat swing but yeah that nair loop is dumb


That bat swing is also op. It has a wide range and a long duration. Hard to dodge better to go away from it


It also kills at pretty low percentages.


Yeah that fucking bat is insane, needs a little bit of an adjustment


This has been the case all throughout beta. They refuse to make that move okay.


Clearly they are not listening šŸ˜©


I wish the training was better to test these kinds of situations. Iā€™ve been looped like that dozens of times now and I have no way to even practice the timing to dodge it. Everytime Iā€™ve successfully dodged the bat I was still in range for a follow up. I mainly use Taz and his forward was the only thing I could think of to beat whatever bugs would follow up with and I instantly got sucked into another loop. Donā€™t think itā€™s broken but the useless training mode makes it impossible to practice effectively.


This would be so fucking helpful. Like, actually PRACTICING how to get out of situations, like in EVERY OTHER FIGHTING GAME EVER MADE


Not 100% true, practice bots donā€™t stack up to people. Like,a bot probably wouldnā€™t do that exact string. It would be very hard to practice in training to try and find an answer to this exact scenario.


You canā€™t dodge the bat I spam dodge every time I see that jumping reject pull out his bat and to no avail Iā€™m dead


that feeling when youre spamming dodge with a full meter


you can parry but if you miss the 4 frames of timing it's GG


LoL... I feel your pain brother.


I thought they patched him bein able to do it that fast shit is so annoying


i'm pretty sure the smoke harley leaves behind means she can't dodge since it's a true combo, i might be wrong tho


thereā€™s single hit moves that has a active hitbox the whole time the animation plays out so thereā€™s a chance he still wouldā€™ve got hit it happens to when I fight bugs and harley


This is the kinda shit that makes ppl hate the character, users and opponents! PFG after all this time STILL doesnt know what hit decay is supposed to be. It supposed to be like Light Jabs. Fast yes but pushes YOU way from them on hit! NOT FAST AND KEEPS YOU IN!! That's what this is!!


Hope the Bugs players had fun while it lasted because there's no way this isn't gone with the patch next week.


The devs take forever to balance things. It took them weeks to remove infinite loops in the beta, and characters were disgustingly op even after they were removed. Even now weā€™re still seeing 0 to death true combos that should not exist


Joker has one too thatā€™s insane


taz has a pretty nasty ground loop that does like 40+ damage before knocking you back far enough, and can also go into his bite to kill at higher percentages. very frustrating to deal with.


You can DI out of the taz loop, assuming youā€™re talking about the jab > nlight loop.


What way do you DI? Cause Iā€™ve tried DI out but I still take at least 3 loops or until I get to the edge


Yeah idk what he means, maybe it's character specific. but as gizmo, I'm stuck for 3 loops, and he can bite you on the last loop for a ko.


DI towards the attacks not away from them. the way the moves work forces Taz to dodge forward after hitting the first loop. DIā€™ing so you go forward and practically behind them rather that right in front. takes placement away. Only saying this cause after seeing the loop, I played one doing that exact loop. After doing it once I noticed and DIā€™d correctly and they quit.


How, so I can abuse it to make people.complain about it until it's gone.


Yeah I get people early with joker a lot. Surprisingly, at least when Iā€™m Joker, Bugs doesnā€™t bother me anymore. He goes for the bat, I go for down special (also Jokers acid squirt breaks/eliminates all of Bugs projectiles). Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what made me start playing Joker super heavy.


been saying this game needs combo decay, you can maintain a kits strength without the nerfs in neutral that hit decay can cause by just having decay the longer a combo goes on, or when a move is repeated within one combo.


Better to nerf or buff in on big swoop .they study and get enough data on all the characters as people are playing the game and Also they have patching every week (except for the one )so not sure where youā€™re going with this


The guy I replied to said it would be fixed in a week. Considering what you say about changes in one big patch and the devs history of leaving things unbalanced, my point is that thereā€™s no shot of it being fixed shortly


I hear you , I think once we get this next big patch then hopefully everyoneā€™s at a better state and it wonā€™t be a dire need for nerfs or buffs like it is now.great thing that itā€™s only first season so buy second season! We should be great, at least thatā€™s what I hope for


That's wishful thinking, they don't study the data, they just look at it and adjust with no consideration. That's why Reindog, one of the least played characters, if not the least played instantly got nerfed when a loop circulated a little. Not many people play this character because of the underwhelming kit, so only the players that really care about the character remain, leaving his overall win rate extremely high because the only people that play the character know how to use him. Unfortunately the opposite is very true as well, where when a character is really good, they are appealing to everyone. With most of the beginners and very casual players flocking to these characters, their win rates tank, averaging out the stats of a character across the board. That's why it took weeks of whining on Reddit and Twitter for Harley's down attack to be nerfed, and that's why it's unlikely that these really strong characters get nerfed without an uproar. Fortunately Bugs NAir loop is one of the things getting more attention right now šŸ˜­


Fr I hope it is


I've been complaining and making people aware of this crap for months and nobody ever listen to me. They all whined about Wonder Woman and Jason being trash and so much more while Bugs is behind all this character in the shadows hiding from being nerf


Crazy thing is that they fixed in the beta. He could only spin in place. I wonder why they reverted it.


Exactly I said the same thing I thought this got fixed joker has a 0 to death true combo as well someone did it to me yesterday they still have alot to fix with this game


what's stupid is that depending on what side lariat hits, and what direction he is facing the di is diffrent.




the spining air normal


As a bugs player myself I fucking hate it


I loved the character from the cartoon but when I saw how much PFG obviously gave him SOOO MUCH privelage it turned me off! That FTilt is like BRAINDEAD Easy confirm and the GIANT projectiles. and the bat that hits all around him... Jeezus! I want to use his toony moves not break the game!!


Yeah I try my best to not spam his OP moves but they made him way too good. Insane recovery as well




Bugs has been my recent main. I recognized the Nair spamming potential but I try to be above move spam, (Ness pk fire experience) . What I'm trying to say is you played a scummy player, sucks bruh


HAHA PK FIRE! ohhh the memories šŸ˜‚


Ness PK Fire against Jason would be near unstoppable


Ai can remember having such a fucking hard time tracking that Lil fucker and his purple ball and always getting hit by him lol. I've rage quitted a lot against friends who played him šŸ˜‚


I think it actually benefits to avoid spam moves because they will eventually be patched out.


Man said pk fire and took me back to yugioh xD


I hate idiots spamming the same 2 or 3 attacks, I love playing bugs but I use my brain and don't spam


Bugs Nair is ridiculous. The fact the fact he has that on top of moves like Bat and Rocket is just dumb.


I had been saying for months now. HOW BUGS KEEP DOING NERFS TO HIS DAMN AIR NEUTRAL ATTACK?!. This move is so disgusting because it hit front, it hit back, it hit up so doing close to the ground is impossible to dodge. You can't dodge into him because hitbox is behind it, you can't down away because the insane hitbox and dodging up only give him another chances to to loop it again. Then you at his extremely good bat swing that kills on low %. Like HOW IS THIS CHARACTER DODGING NEFS?!. I'm a Bugs main and i hate myself every single day because the character is so much damn fun because all the set ups and tricks, but this 2 moves. This Air Neutral normal and the bat it feels dirty to use. After seeing all of this all i can say is. Bugs is extremely good... We better nerf Quinn,Velma,Jason and LeBron


Players that use that are actually trash . Gimmicky


Bugs has been op since beta. It's always a fun time going against bugs. (I also play Harley)


Itā€™s been rough for us wouldnā€™t say she needs a buff but some of the roster is a lil too strong like Wonder Woman hits way too hard


If Powerarmor wouldnt exist (because bs mechanic), HQ wouldn't have any trouble. Ye WW hits like a truck, but HQ got da bombs :)


That nair loop is the reason I stopped playing 1v1s, the inescapable loops just don't feel fair The game really was balanced around 2v2s


I feel you Iā€™m goin to try 2v2s more I mostly only play 1s


It feels weird at first, but the more you play 2v2s, the more it starts to "click" haha


It's curious how he is seen as simply "S Tier" but WW is hated and seen as busted. At least i can FIGHT against a WW, I'll lose, but i have a chance, but with Bugs, he'll spin you to death without giving you any time to dodge, and when you have a chance to escape, he'll use the bat, that has a giant hit area, so you can't escape from it since the dodge doesn't get you far from him.. so you'll get hit no matter what.


Exactly the fact this guy In the clip let me win this game still after a free stock shows how brain dead bugs is at the moment


I agree so much! As mostly Wonder Woman main Yeah, i win a lot of times but also lose a lot of times with much better player than me (while playing Wonder Woman), also when i play against WW with different character, i lose often but also there are times I win, she need nerf and bigger balance DEFINITELY, but let's not pretend character like Bugs is better balanced than her, while i can sometimes win over WW while playing different character, i almost NEVER win against Bugs because he just spin me to death, and when he lock me in this spin as very clearly seen on video, i practically don't have any chance, with WW i usually have at least some time, Bugs often ring me out on very beginning by doing something like on this video, also this cursed SAFE!


Bugs is even worse in the 2v2, and I think WW gets easier in 2v2


I just played a Finn/Bugs duo in 2ā€™s and I had to put my controller down afterward. Sometimes this game just isnā€™t fun to play.


Too many characters can throw out attacks faster than you can recover from being hit by any given attack. Too many characters have attack loops like this. It's fucking dumb, and is proof that PFG didn't even playtest their game.Ā 


Bugs has two projectiles that can't be dodged, a bat that can hit you if you're behind him (and it doesn't have to make contact), the bag can also be spammed as it requires no meaningful load up. His little fucky ear attack, and tornado shit makes him have more up attaxks then anyone else and it's all spam able


Both these giant projectiles just straight up vanish, as soon as any armor break moves hits it. Jokers flower for instance. Not even worth the frames using the projectiles


Doesn't that mean Superman's fully charged punch should vanish it


No. It doesn't break armor.


Ah, what about him doesn't he get armor when he does it?


Moves that break armor have a purple effect. Moves that gain armor has the character briefly flash white


that sht is so braindead


Im a relative newbie but even with beginner players, Bugs and Joker are hella annoying - As a Stripe main, if i miss 1 attack or donā€™t do enough knockbackā€¦ I am simply screwed


It would seem there are quite a few characters capable of getting easy KOs on someone with less than 70 damage


A good bugs bunny is the most annoying match youā€™ll have that night.


The bugs loop on top of Finn & Steven b e ing my 3 personal nuisance


It is way too easy to knock people up into the blast zone in general tbh, I feel like most characters are able to do it with very little damage on you. All it takes is one move that you cant dodge to trap you in a combo that takes a stock with very little effort


Yeah I agree feels like you get into one combo and youā€™re already at 100 and then it just takes a up air


bro agrees with me confirmed




They really nerfed Quinnā€™s convertibility off her normals cuz they found it too easy but bugs can nair and kill šŸ’€


Deserved for playing Harley


Harleyā€™s not broken tho lol


OK bro


Was your wb ? I wanna see something


I still feel like making map sizes a lot bigger would help fix some of these issues plus more balance changes


1/3 to 1/2 the roster has some shit like this that they can do. Hate people who willingly choose to fight that way. Shouldn't even be possible.


fluff bugs bunny


Why did anyone expect this game to do well? I literally canā€™t get it to run above like 20 frames on a new gem console.


A lot of characters can di out of those combos (for some reason WW and Joker get out of them for free), I guess harly isn't one of the lucky ones.


They really should bring the old Decay system back, i loved that because stuff like this couldn't happen


Gotta love how much ppl were telling me how fucking stupid beta was with the combos and loops when I said I liked it more than full launch but then you see something like this every other day


Bugs is supposed to be a mage, not a Lariat Melee Zangief fighter geez....


Yeah, it's honestly way too good. I try not to use this move too much to at least give the other person a chance. I only use it mostly in 2v2 when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Great to get me out of tough situations. Otherwise, it's way too good in 1v1.


This game got favorites


My friend complains when I play Superman then he does stuff like this to me with bugsšŸ˜“


Alright I'm a profound superman hater for a couple of reasons but first off I'm gonna say I don't hate you for playing him. I just really REALLY hate his jab and his nair because they feel really slow to me so I'm stuck in a lengthy animation and it just grinds the game to a halt, for me personally, don't know why but those 2 moves just really get to me, but play whoever you want, I got hot takes all day.


that feeling when the game isn't fun


Bugs up air always hurts because Velma has to play Operation just to get that shit to hit and he gets a full arc with like a second long active window.


They still didn't nerf this yet?


Someone was doing that to me the other day. It was pretty annoying.


Bugs and taz both need nerfed badly


lol a Harley complaining about a broken character




And people will claim the only issue with the game is "iTs sLoWeR" lmao


Whats the joker combo you keep replying to people about? Curious as a joker player lmaoo


I can send it to you I clipped it


Yes plz šŸ‘€


I got you lol


Busted Bunny


Its crazy how any bugs i fight EASILY whoops me but i cant get good with him for the life of me




As a bugs main Iā€™m sorry


How do you shoot sideways like that


Unfortunately cheese is what kills this game. Nothing you can do about it except CHEESE OR BE CHEESEDšŸ˜‚


You can get out of that if u use DI at the right time.


Thats one of the reasons i played joker so i can buzzer handshake these spammers


I get stuck in this combo against almost every Bugs I play against. He needs nerfed. It's not fair that you can't even dodge out of it.


Literally been happening to me...šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜†


They should make the knock back a lot greater so you canā€™t be caught in it. His up air is a joke too heā€™s got too many kill moves


Bro all you had to do was go right, you went left.


In most cases I'd rather bad characters be buffed than strong characters nerfed, but this stuff has gotta go.


Harley players when they get a taste of their own medicine


I play Joker in smash this lowkey is exactly like his up air loop combo except he'll almost never kill you that early unless he has ArsƩne out.


Lol you can def dodge that. Iā€™ve literally had people try this on me and i dodged out of it and parried them. But actually seeing it happen is hilarious.


You prolly have low mmr and play trash bugs


Lmao nah Iā€™m definitely more skilled than you. I was in the top 1,000 with Finn when the beta was out. Donā€™t try to low ball me cause you canā€™t get around a simple move.


Top 1000 is trash wtf lol I was #11 with Harley your garbage


You definitely werenā€™t if you canā€™t even get past buggsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I won this game idiot


Who cares. You still the one here whining like a damn child. If you won then why complain?? Imbecile.


Cause it shouldnā€™t be in the game tf are you 12 years old or what itā€™s a discussion forum


Iā€™m the 12 year old yet youā€™re the one crying about a match you won. Like stfu. You won so get tf over it. You acting like a child.


You gotta be a kid or a just a loser either or


Feel stupid yet ? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I agree, but I think I have a very small amount of sympathy for any harley players complaining about other characters šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s not even broken ..


I mean, you could have gotten out of that if you use your Dodge or block. You have a full bar


Bro you canā€™t dodge out of that did you just get the game??


Doesn't like every character have a perma stun combo now? This is fucked


That's what i hate in this game. Same with steven, jump and down air


I just had an experience to this. Now I understand why people have said what they said about Bugs.


Black Adam, Superman, and banana guard need a major rework.


Bugs players will say this is skillfull šŸ˜‚


Your DI was terrible lol you need to DI away to get out of his Nair loops and then carefully time the dodge on the bat or risk it and go for a perry on one of his Naira


Making excuses for this insane this should not be a thing point blank period. We found the bugs player yall he wants to keep this in the game


Heā€™s actually right! Do you see how u are right inside him during the second nair? If you DI away from bugs, u end up on the left edge of his second nair, and then the third nair (if u continue to DI away) is no longer true and can be parried or just dodged. Nair into nair is true. But with some practice and good DI u can get out of the 3rd nair or more. Itā€™s still annoying as hell tho so I empathize. And if ur out of dodge meter ur just out of luck. Definitely with some practice this wonā€™t be happening anymore tho! Wish u luck


Shouldnā€™t be a thing just needs to be patched like I said I still beat the guy too so I know what Iā€™m doing you talking to a really good player I know how the game works


Agree to disagree. I think combos that can be DIā€™d out of are fair. Iron giant having multiple true combos that 0-death you regardless of DI, is definitely broken. But nair combos donā€™t feel broken to me. Just feels op, and makes bugs one of the best characters in the game


Bugs is the metaknight of this game. It's absurd and I will die on this hill.


This is the most pot calling the kettle black ive ever seen.


How ?? lol Harley has a loop?? Stop it.


Found the Bugs


https://preview.redd.it/2d9sk73n7j9d1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=05230bd583c0bc590e47c6427efa4ce829b8bc0f Bugs main, riiiiight


Iā€™m mad you posted this to debunk my claim. Wanna run the fade?


Harley doesnā€™t even have a loop and isnā€™t even top tier especially after the nerfs .




Iā€™m better than you




Busted Harley complaining about busted Bugs :D


Harley busted?? You sure you play the game sheā€™s good but busted?? You smoke crack buddy?


Yes, she is op dude. Maybe you can share, your crack seems to be stroonger:) https://youtu.be/ze1_mjutY90?si=-OxScHy8Kux88wt6 Bugs is less OP than Harley imo


Sending a YouTuber was suppose to prove your point how old are you lol was your wb btw I wanna see something


I don't dread Harley players


Hoping the "big patch" next week will fix this and the hitboxes on his Up Air.


Miss the old verison when u could survive on 2hpšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Try... dodging?


You canā€™t dodge it bro stfu did you not read


Spam dodge. You're almost guaranteed a parry unless you wasted your dodges beforehand


You canā€™t dodge that move.


You can. Just involves frame perfect (or spam your dodge button). Just dont do a directional dodge and you will almost always hit a parry


Hes not busted - you just suck lol


Troll alert