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I love this hahaha. Here’s my [big girl](https://imgur.com/a/1Xz18sR) lookin snazzy


Thanks for letting me [draw ](https://imgur.com/a/GR2dSZW)ur precious!!!


That’s so awesome!!!!!


Sooo beautiful 😍


Is the kerchief a religious thing? (She is beautiful, btw.)


I just wanna gift you with the decal I have on my coffee mug: 🌼 I can do all things through spite, which strengthens me. 🌸 Looks like you've got lots of images so far but if you want one more, I'll happily DM you a pic of my best boy! Bonus: He's been through hell and back, just like a lot of us. He is fully blind from trauma, has shotgun fragments in his leg permanently from being shot, and is missing teeth from being shot. And he just keeps kicking ass every day by being relatively fearless and more expressive of love and affection than any other being (human or non-human) I've ever met. 💪 ❤️ Damn, I'm so lucky I get to be his human.


omg i love this remix of a quote/bible verse


Oh! I am down for any combination of spite and cats. I'm in! Sending you a pm.


“I am down for any combination of spite and cats” 😂 This is also coffee-mug worthy!


Not in a place I can send you photos right now, so replying so I don’t lose track of this and remember. I’m all for encouraging artistic expression and telling MS to eff off.


Prince Hank himself : https://i.imgur.com/9QA8Ri0.jpg Also as a fellow hand problem haver, I cant wait to see what you come up with. Doing it is impressive to me :)


I love this. https://imgur.com/a/agcFY8Y


I’m in a similar boat. I didn’t make art professionally outside of freelancing/commission work every so often. I’m also saying fuck it and making art anyway. If I have to be sick and in pain all the time I may as well find some joy in the process of creation, even if the outcome is not as great as it could’ve been in years passed. I will send you some photos!


Hey! I wanted to know I really resonate with you. I have a degree in animation, and was working as a freelancer just before I was diagnosed. I’d already started ebbing away from art, and now I realize it was due to vision and fatigue. I too lost control of my hands and the ability to draw like I used to . [my perfect Cat son](https://imgur.com/a/7AL4SRt)


I'm so sorry homie, as if art isnt stressful enough as it is. It sucks so much, we all go into this because we're desperately passionate in our dreams and goals to work in this field we love only for life to smite the very tools we need.


I feel like I lost a huge part of myself. I have to reinvent my identity. I did upload a picture of the perfect cat son, that is giving me purpose, lol. I just didn’t want to assume you’re still drawing.


nOO no please send it to me, I absolutely am- I just got a lot of dms but i wanna do as many as possible so please feel free to send!!


I edited a photo into my first post, but I just sent you a couple through DM.


I'm 10000% here for spiting this effing disease! Bunny pic headed to your inbox 🖤


My babies lumberjackin' it. (Only draw them if you feel like it. I'm a shameless dog mom who loves showing them off. ). [Sita and Rainey in plaid](https://www.reddit.com/r/Greyhounds/s/p79JhPBmhg)


I use my sketchy (pun intended) hands to make my scribbly art - no one can make art like you - go nuts!


Good golly [Miss Molly](https://imgur.com/gallery/Zs8FkHR)


Awww these are so freaking cool you do great but don't over exert yourself :)


I know I am late to this thread, but if you are still up to it, here is a picture of our precious Boomer, http://brookshire.org/boomer/boomer.jpg, who we lost unexpectedly last year when she was in surgery. Thank you so very much. Your work is incredible.


Hey ..I sent a pic of Yogi to your inbox/chat. He's the dog(not the turtle) 😉


You are talented... I love the doodle of Yogi. Keep it up lil lady. Great Job!!!


You are amazing! Keep kicking butt! Here is my girl Rubes [https://imgur.com/a/KVhr9z0](https://imgur.com/a/KVhr9z0)


https://ibb.co/DVDHdgQ My pooka baby. She passed away on Valentine’s Day and I’m still devastated. She was the best little brown dog in the world.


I think you rock. No, you absolutely do. I was dx in 2007, have always had a similar attitude toward life and the MS and it's hard as f to keep up when you are constantly getting kicked in the gut. Add to that I'm actually stupider thanks to prefrontal damage, so I second guess things I never would have paused about before, including the things I am filled with spite over. Also an artist, not a pro. Also have a tremor. Also pissed off at it. I'm not saying this to make it all about me, I'm trying to say that I hear you. I feel you. And - just in case life makes you forget- you are doing it right. You rock.


Wrote all that before looking at your work. Your stuff is awesome. yeah, you're an artist. Sometimes I am surprised by muscle memory. It likes to pop up now and then and help me out. Your muscle memory has got to be stored in a bunch of places...you have a designing brain, an eye for what makes these animals work, a talent for expressing their tiny emotions, and a ton of other bits and pieces that go into these drawings. MS might manage to steal a few of those parts, but looking at these? It will be hard-pressed to take it all. Keep rocking.


I think this is awesome what you are doing and I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. What we/you’re all going through in some capacity. I think it would be an amazing idea to do this to raise money to donate to one of the societies. I’m looking for all sorts of ideas to help people. Here are my pups Brady and Olive, they keep me sane every day! https://imgur.com/a/7K9nLAM


It sucks that you're having a tough time, but I love your spite-based moxy! https://imgur.com/a/v1CLcEs


I'll gladly send you one


PM'd you!


This so nice of you! I will be sending you a photo of my Akita, Momo. He passed away last year at 10yrs old, and I miss him a lot. Thank you!


I don't know how to do the link-attach thing. Sending message.


I sent you mine and I'm positive that what you send will be way better than anything I could ever have done. Thank you


I sent you a picture 😊


I'd love that got an email?


Our baby. She's a happy Service Dog named Torrey.


This is Backyard Kitty, https://imgur.com/epwfl5D, I never got a chance to give her a real name.


I don’t have many posts…. If you check out my profile, you can see my Doberman, my fluffy Archie, or my baby Flynn… I think they are gorgeous, but I may be prejudiced.


Don't know how to post pictures here but you can find some on my profile


Here is the love my life asking for more treats at grandma’s house. [Oz](https://imgur.com/a/Ntw4Pfb)


sent you a dm :)


https://imgur.com/a/k30sNoK any of these pleaseeee 🙏👍 bird or cat :) been having a shit time with symptoms haven’t we all so would make my week


sending good vibes


I love them!!!!! If I could figure out how to post a pic I would. 


That is great. I need to find a creative outlet. Here are a few pics of my silly boy of you want to draw him[https://imgur.com/a/sGU36ct](https://imgur.com/a/sGU36ct)


If your hands aren't too sore from drawing all these cute pets I'm sure my wife would be extremely touched to see a sketch of [our sweet Mishi](https://i.ibb.co/gP8Js14/808-DA3-DC-E81-A-44-A0-87-E6-C20-DF72-A39-AC.jpg), who sadly passed away this last October.


I love the ones you have done so far. Going to message you a picture of my cat that helps get me through my hard days. ☺️


Oh my this is great! I know you have TONS here to do, but I wanted to add mine in case someday in the future you’re bored and feel like doing another. Your drawings are absolutely terrific! https://imgur.com/a/9SmrKpL


This is awesome. My boy is in his last days, so I will definitely need to send you a picture.


I looked up that IG it didn’t work… Vic in Ga 🤷🏻‍♀️😐😤


What a wonderful talent you have. So wish I was blessed with artistic ability. Love the samples I saw! Outstanding!


Love your work! Here’s my Josie girl, my best friend :) [https://imgur.com/a/xkDR1LY](https://imgur.com/a/xkDR1LY)


Love this I’m Painting a portrait of my tripod cat currently


Your drawings are wonderful


Wow, never let anyone tell you you‘re not an artist, your drawings are beautiful 🍀 (And yeah, I sent you my two fur babies too, in hope you will find time to draw them 😅)


I’m a right handed artist who experiences tremors and dexterity problems on my right side too! It’s incredibly frustrating! I’ve been practicing giving myself permission to make ‘bad art’ and the perfectionist in me hates it so much 😅. Still, I’m like you and I use my innate stubbornness to push me forward. I’m wishing you all the best and if you ever wanna chat, hmu! I’m always down for a new collab lol Also, here’s my cat’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttface_thecat?igsh=emtnZXpjeWEwMDU5&utm_source=qr