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OMG did he go in the washing machine ?! Looks like his fur balled up and melted.


This comment threw me back. He looks just like when my mom threw my favorite stuffed bunny in the wash as a child and it came out looking like this poor bun's fur 😭😂


Yes!!! That’s what I was thinking - at least he’s not being hung on a Hills hoist by his ears, to dry 🤣


What happened here?


Well sadly he is an angora and his fur was growing way to long and it is getting really hot here right now ,so he had to get bald again.


Ah so you gave him an essential mega groom and he disapproved? Good luck!


What do you do with the shaved fur? I bet it would make for amazing roving for yarn spinning!!!!


Important question: what is his name


Looks like the crime scene right before this angora bun bun chose to enact deadly post-shave violence


Careless, doing all that with piles of incriminating fluff probably close by


The bunny knows this sub will acquit.


I have two angoras, and I feel this pic so hard. At least my girl will sit still for shearing.


Angoras are kind of on my wishlist to own at some point. They are so cute! By saying one is sitting still does that mean the other one wouldn't do it? Can you shear them on your own or do you need a second person/ need to go to the vet? Are they shedding a lot? My little ones fur is everywhere. And do they have issues with swallowing their hair? That's a huge issue for mine especially the satin bun and her partner. That fur seems to really build up in the stomach (like a lot more than for the other two- lion head and one with short hair). What do you do with the fur and how often do you have to shear?


Angoras are indeed awesome. My little babay does not sit still, he bites and is constantly mad and tries to escape. First we had a rabbit barber, now we do it ourselves. I do it with 2 persons because it makes it a bit easier, but you can do it on your own. Really invest in good expensive clippers, cause a cheap one will not do it. We shaved him after 3 months, but that is actually too long. Ideally between 1 and 2 months. Brush them regurally cause theire hair wil get stuck together. They dont shed so no problems with that. What i do with the fur is keep or trow away. You can nitt with it if you like. Oh and yes the fur wil get everywhere.


I can imagine. Cutting nails was hard enough.


They truly are a puppy rabbit!


I have felted my rabbits’ fur before and it’s been a really nice reminder of them since they’ve all passed


Thank you! Knitting with the help of my little ones sounds great. Right now only one of them is sitting next toe for it and cleaning the yarn while I use it. Issue is I'm really not sure if I want to anger a bun every one to three month by shaving them and from the answers I guess you never know if the bun likes to be shaved or not. The ones I have right now are even fighting like hell if I try to brush them


Well he is pretty forgiving and after his haircut he cant stop running around, and ofcourse with a treat it makes it a lot better haha.


don't throw away! i want it lol


I actually spin their fur into yarn to knit with so I do a full sheer every 3 months, but groom frequently. My girl Butter likes being brushed out every day. Saucy however isn't a fan of the brush, but seems to tolerate a blowout with the grooming vacuum thing twice a week. I also have a Great Pyrenees so truthfully any loose fur from them is a drop in the bucket. Good clippers are definitely a must. It takes one person to hold and rotate Saucy while the other shears. Butter will stay perfectly still and even lay on her side (not back) so I can get her tummy. Sometimes it comes down to personality. So for fur in the stomach, my breeder recommended papaya tablets and I have heard of other fiber angora owners using them. My vet said he hasn't seen any scientific evidence of it helping, but it wouldn't hurt so take that as you will.


Thank you for your answers! Now I want to have my buns help me knit as well... A bunny plush made by the plush of my bunnies would be so awesome! Mmh my vet told be about pineapple juice against the fur in the stomach. So maybe sour fruits help dissolve them?


Fellow spinner - that's so cool! We would love to have bunnies, but not safe with our current dogs, sadly. I collect and spin the dogs' fur (husky and Newfoundland). Fur is a condiment in our house... Happily, there's a big colony of wild buns nearby, and we see them frequently in the yard, and there are lots of tracks when it shows.


do you guys sell your angora wool?? i want


Frazzled Bun


He may take his wrath out on you, but deep down he knows God's the one responsible for those ears


Rabbit drug addict before and after rehab


LOOK OUT! There is Somimg on the edge of your SEAT! Do you want me to call security?. Everybody, please sit down. Just stay calm here, alright? There's nothing to look at here. Hey O.P, are you okay? Dont worry about it. Everything is fine. Dont stress. I mean, look at him he's just a fluuuu..f... OMG! It's... it.. I... it's a... Lagorworlph. Everyone Evacuate Now! Hurry RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! HE bit the chair & has the hunger in his eyes. Wait, right where you are, O.P, whatever you don't move, not even a sneeze he's looking right at you...I'm all out of golden carrots & mustard. What do you got?


He needed it, it's hot...but you are sooo dead! 🐰🔪 Please tell him he is adorable, before and after haircut! Handsome boi ❤️


OMG what a way to go though!


There is very little rabbit left 🤣


Dat bunny gonna kill you in your sleep! 😄


I love you nakey bun


Oh, you dead




Cut the carrots up for a few weeks...they can be used as weapons, bananas not so much.....


Sleep with on eye open I think your going to wake up missing something too.


They look like royalty. You didn't live up to their standards.


In Borat voice: “What kind of dog is this?” *proceeds to bite off hooman’s arm*


Uh oh. You gapped up the bunny’s fur so now he’s gonna gap up your head. Murdered by a lagomorph dust mop.Goodbye OP.


What an adorable ball of fluff!!


Ngl OP, I would also be contemplating murdering my barber if they did me dirty like this


I feel your pain here. I also had 2 angora and we would shave them in the hotter summer months. They both went from having long luscious coats to looking like the bottom half of a muffin. They were relieved to have less hair but holy shit did they hate haircuts


Turned him into a shitzu






What on earth is this magical monster!?


I love how silly shaved buns look omg. I don't have an angora but a Jersey wooly mix and he looks so funny when he gets his summer hair cut


What type of clippers. I have 2 fluffy butts myself.


I cant really post a link of it, but u know those clippers people use to shave rugs in video's? I use that one for animals. Looks excactly the same, it works amazing.


I will look. Thank you


Does she have a longhorn shaved into her forehead?


He was harvested 🙀


“Look at that hack job!” -the Grinch