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Everyone who's ever died from any disease also had an immune system too


Unless they got measles and it reset their immune system so that even the common cold can kill a person. Which these fuckheads are getting their kids the MMR shot.


And sometimes, in the case of autoimmune diseases, those diseases are caused by a malfunctioning immune system.


Correct and great point! 


Well, they are dead now, so their opinion doesn't matter now, neither does their immune system.


Why are you wearing clothes when you have body hair?


I was going to say why wear clothes when you have skin? But you got here first and this works also.


The skin is technically part of the immune system. WE'VE GONE FULL CIRCLE


Could be an auto immune system problem. It's so good it attacks his nose.


Yes you’re right about that


As if his stupid t-shirt wasn't enough to show the world what a clown he is, he paid for the Twitter checkbox. Just the honkiest-red-nose to top it all off.




Hahaha! Was gonna say the same thing!! 👍


Why wear a watch when you have a circadian rhythm?


Why use lube when you’re busy getting your ass destroyed on Reddit?


Why is he using social media when he has a mouth?


Because it protect us from his ugly body 😂


Why wear a watch when u can see the sun?


Sometimes I like to pretend that my skeleton is me and that my body is my home, that way I'm always home. - Donald "Jared" Dunn


He doesn't. Just a full body Veet rash.


You might have hair to keep you warm. But how else will you display slogans.


It's like saying "I don't need windshield wipers, I have a car!"


"that's a ridiculous comparison! glasses don't inject microchips into your body allowing the government to track you, you idiot!"


Don't you know every pair of glasses has chips in it that emit 5G? That's how I get free internet!


What’s funny is you can basically make up some random crazy idea, some fringe person will be like “this guy gets it.”


Seeing as most frames for glasses and sunglasses are made by one company, Luxottica, you can make up some story about them being owned by the illuminati and tracks every pair.


Illumi-NOT-e For the sunglasses.


Let's start spreading this narrative in the conservative subs and when people are onboard, we can start selling some bogus device that "blocks" the tracker in your glasses and make bank. PM for details.


Thanks to you, I feel illuminated!




This guy gets it


See, these guys get it


Guys, we get it.


We get guys, it


I don't get it.


What a free thinker


I know they are cameras and project propaganda right into your brain. You get so used to it that without them you will just see blure because your brain can't live anymore without the propaganda. Sources : I dream while sleeping with my glasses still on


Add bone conducting headphones to these and take my damn money.


This guy gets it.


Easy counter. Just tell them the air puff test is actually them shooting a tracker into their eye. It's small enough that it won't cause damage, but that's why it feels so weird after.


Oh lord I hope this takes off


No because then they’ll be on the road driving blind with innocent people.


Well the theory is then they won’t pass their drivers test but I guess they probably are sovereign citizens and won’t get it anyways.


Won't matter, only accident I've been in the other driver didn't have her license but she had insurance (I have no idea how). Made the insurance claim super easy in my favor though


Well at least then they can go behind bars. Cant do the mindset “well criminals won’t follow it anyway” spiral of passing laws.


Said on Facebook (or any other social media) because they definitely don’t track you or sell your data 😂


while accessing said social media via their cell phone, which they carry with them at all times. smh.


That's the modern concundrum. There are plenty of actual legitimate conspiracies that real people are trying to warn about and these fucking dimwits just want to chase all the ones that patently and clearly don't exist. Like yes, you're being spied on. Edward Snowden revealed the entire government is spying on you all the time. And most conservatives don't even know his name. They don't give any shits. They think Bill fucking Gates is microchipping them like what the fuck you idiots. And then ELon Musk is ACTUALLY TRYING TO PUT CHIPS IN PEOPLE'S HEADS and he's a fucking right-wing hero. I just fucking can't with these people. I just do not understand how it is possible with so much information to be literally and totally wrong about everything.


Every time I see a person claiming that the government wants to inject microchips into people's bodies, I always want to ask them if they own a smartphone The government doesn't need to put tracking devices in our blood because most people have them in our pockets


Why would the government want to track you? Even if they did, they have cell phones, satellites and cameras everywhere already. Genuinely curious over here.


Yea and when god does its all fine and dandy and definitely not weird he watched you masturbate, but when a government tries to do the same everybody loses their minds


"Glasses don't change your DNA, you Fauci-loving, soyboy libtard." And just to be safe... /s.


It's so easy to gaslight idiots like this. Start throwing back even worse conspiracy theories until they're so confused they don't know which way is up or down


\*adjusts Ray Ban Meta*


"Ummm actually they did clinical trials of glasses for thousands of years so I know they're safe. The Covid vaccine was made in two weeks in Fraud-ci's basement with Biden and Jesse Pinkman. I'm not trusting that!"


What you see through glasses isn't the real world, it's what THEY want you to see.


No, the microchips just let Facebook, Google, Apple etc track you.


If the government wants to track someone, they can do it with satellite based cameras. I'm sure the technology is at a point currently where they could track literally all the people in the US.


This is the same fuckwit who set fire to pride flags, and protested Nike, while wearing Nike, owes money due to being found guilty of libel, and is being investigated for after he shared an upskirt photograph of a female TV presenter. Edited - corrected presented to presenter.


And isn't allowed to see his kids based mostly on what he could just stop himself from saying on twitter.


I thought you were going to say he isn’t allowed to see his kids for a very different reason. I know you can’t judge based on looks but this dude looks like he’s not allowed within 500 feet of schools. And it honestly wouldn’t surprise me at all because the crowd who’s obsessed with accusing democrats of being child predators has child predators in their ranks exposed on a consistent basis.


I'm not aware of him being accused of that. But I wouldn't let my kids near his views either way.


He does seem weirdly obsessed with trans kids. Also got fired from GB News for stating that he wouldn't have sex with a political commentator after she (rightfully) criticised him and his shitty views. He's also a high-profile member of the Reform Party (previously known as the Brexit Party), but isn't allowed to openly campaign on their behalf due to his various issues. Unfortunately, Reform are getting pretty big because the lunatics in this country think the current Conservative Party isn't right-wing enough.


All he needs is an orange tan and a badly styled blonde wig.


Social media really is a disease. It compels some people to say whatever it takes to get views. These people are so desperate for the dopamine hit getting a bunch of "likes" can give.


Spent fathers day last year and his birthday this year burning pride flags in his garden...


I don't have kids but if I did and inevitably one day they come up to me after overhearing some foul language and ask "Daddy...what's a cunt?" I'd immediately present to them a picture of Laurence Fox.


Its also worth mentioning that someone like this can monetize all of this and most likely does very well financially and will never work a "real" job anymore. He is just another grifter. The fact that he lost his kids to this is just a sign how many shitty and awful people there are out here. These people decided making riches off outrage is the most important thing in their lives, even above being a parent.


Absolutely. He's very well-funded from right wing donors, and has received millions. It's easy to laugh when he loses his election deposits and court cases, but the truth is it's not touching the sides of what he's worth, and he won't be paying anything himself anyway. I find it all incredibly sinister.


The only reason vaccines work is because of your immune system. They teach your body to recognize a virus. But then again, these types typically oppose education.


“Why do I need education when I have a brain? 🫠”


Protect! 😂


That's such a good analogy that i am surprised that i have not heard it before.


Why do I need a brain when I have Twitter?


This guy went to an expensive private school for the rich, famous, and children of politicians. Even then, it's selective. There's plenty of private schools, but Harrow has entrance exams. He pretty much is of the opinion that school and uni is a waste of time despite having access to the best education money can buy.


There was an XKCD about this. "You should just get infected, that way you'll have immunity!" "Why would I want immunity?" "So you don't get infec.....wait"


Army General: "I don't need intelligence about the enemy; I have soldiers."


My sister had an immune system. She decided against getting vaccinated. She died from COVID a year and a half ago.


Do any of these numb nuts realize we all have had 4 or 5 vaccinations in our first year of birth? That’s why you don’t have polio fuckhead.


Maybe that’s his point; the earlier ones made him an insufferable twat so he doesn’t want any more. Edit: found a better insult


My favorite one of all time was some senator that post some shit about how if Humans needed to wear masks we would have evolved to have them and the top comment said "Do you were shoes, Senator?" And to this day it lives rent free


I don't trust my immune system, it went rogue a long time ago and destroyed all the beta cells in my pancreas.


It's so stupid because *all* of those of that age *are* vaccinated with something when they were kids, and guaranteed they never got sick from polio and shit.


Lots of them claim to not be antivax, only the covid vax. They aren't very bright and they are also very willing to lie about their position if they think it stands to help them win an argument. Every anti vaxxer claims to have a doctor who told them why they don't need it for example.


"Those are probably why I'm like this!"


Completely immune to generating female attention.


Congratulations, Kevin, you've finally passed Grade 7 science. Now you're ready to learn about how vaccines don't work UNLESS you have an immune system for them to work with!


If he knew how to read he would be very offended by all these comments


Love when people post stuff online. Now everyone knows you’re an idiot. Forever.


Idk about *everyone.* Some people will see this photo and wonder where they can get that shirt.


And I hope they also post it. So there will be no doubt


You also lost to a youtuber in 2021 Laurence. How do you lose to someone who wasn't even trying to successfully be mayor? You also didn't do your forms correctly in 2024, did that loss get to him or something?


No need for condoms either. He has a women deterrent system.


I wonder what these people do if they get bitten by an animal with rabies.


Polio would like to add you as a friend.


In mid 2020, some asshole came into work without a mask and then said he wouldn't wear a mask because God didn't make him with a mask... then puffed an inhaler and pushed up his glasses... Let these people go, and the global intelligence will rise.


Guy is so ugly polio would be a favor.


There was a study recently which showed that accepting the merit of vaccinations requires a certain level of complex thinking that anti-vax people tend to be incapable of. Basically it posited that most anti-vax people are literally just stupid. Edit: The person replying to this comment blocked me lol


Guy looks like he wasn't turtley enough for the turtle club


Less of a /r/murderedbywords and more of a /r/clevercomebacks imo, but yeah... same category as religious nutcases blowing their lids at tattoos 'cus "my body is my temple", and yet they cut their hair...


I believe that vaccines work, but this is a bad argument since it implies that only people who have weak immune systems need vaccines, like people with weak eyes need glasses.


He looks like he's dying


I hate these kinds of posts so much. All it does is demonstrate an intentional misunderstanding of how vaccines work. We pretty much all have a decent layman's understanding of how vaccines work. If you asked this very guy in 2018 how vaccines worked he would have probably given you a fairly correct explanation. Based on what we learned as children we should all be able to intuit that vaccines would not work for someone without a functional immune system. All of a sudden covid happens and all these dumbasses forget that vaccines work *with* your immune system. Vaccine immunity and natural immunity become competitors rather than reinforcements of each other. Don't even get me started how they've all collectively forgotten about vaccine boosters even though they're so common that we all know what a vaccine booster is without having it explained for us.


The black death killed 30 to 50 percent of the entire population of Europe or between 75 and 200 million people those people had immune systems, what they didn't have was a vaccine against the black death.




Yea!! The Covid vaccine was sick y’all!!


I dont need shoes outside, *I have feet!*


I'd prefer external manipulation over internal


I guess infectious diseases that kill people don't exist


Why does he have a skull when there's no brain to protect?




If hips, why belt? If eyes and sun, why watch? If skin and body hair, why clothes?


That comment is so gold.


He doesn’t look very healthy….he looks gray. For someone that’s pretending to be health conscious by not getting the vaccine, he sure doesn’t look healthy..like at all. So to me, he is just rage baiting  by wearing that shirt, kinda like how I rage bait trumpers with no step on snek bumper sticker.


Hope the guy gets polio… perfect T-shirt to cruise with the wheelchair


Why have a bike when you can walk


This dumbass don’t even know about polio, smallpox, tetanus, rabies….


Why he wears a watch when the sun clearly tells you the hours?


Why he wears a watch when the sun clearly tells you the hours?


Someone correct me. I don't get this argument at all, because don't vaccines work by sharing information WITH your immune system so as it knows what to do? It IS your immune system doing it, you're just using a vaccine to use the "appraisal" skill on the virus etc. That's my ignorant as fuck understanding of vaccines.


I guarantee this cunt has had vaccines before. What a prick.


Why have a watch if it’s daytime? Duh!


Let's hope his immune system doesn't find his eyes


Let's hope his immune system doesn't find his eyes


Really cool and really rare phenomena. Idk why you got downvoted


Immune privilege is so interesting, I'm glad someone commented it.


We should really be nicer to this guy. He’s obviously only wearing cloths because he doesn’t have any skin on his torso and lower body.


Clearly has done the Google research :-)


Getting deepfried this one


No vaccine needed. I'm what they use to create the vaccine. /J


If you look at the forehead there is a note that says dumb a—


Why are you wearing clothes when you have skin?




It is weird that you decided not to get a vaccine against a disease that killed millions of people.


You can level a deck with that smile


Some parts of your body self heal and some don’t.


Cuz he can’t see. Duh


How many more years are we going to have to hear about the COVID vaccine? Less than 10% of people kept up to date on the vaccine. So, 90% of the population is currently unvaccinated.


Under vaccinated. Not unvaccinated. We're going to keep hearing about the COVID vaccine for as long as COVID keeps killing people, just like we keep hearing about the Measles vaccine.


Why are you reposting when we've already seen this?


Why do you have a dick if you can't get laid?


Bactine to the burn ward, stat! We need a gallon of Bactine in the burn ward, stat!


Everyone has an immune system, it came free with your fucking sentience.


No birth control needed, because you’re not getting laid.


peace and rip


When you have bad eyes your immune system becomes stronger to compensate.


Some countries taken over by right wing governments have legitimately gone after glasses as useless propaganda.


Why carry a phone when you can dream?




Laurence Fox is a cretin


"Glass are the wheelchair of eyes"- VEEP


Bro has a really good point with the glasses


Well, having feet means you don't need shoes.


Wait until his immune system finds out about his eyes :)


That gap between the top of the kitchen cabinets and the ceiling is really annoying


"2 kinds of people wear sunglasses indoors, blind people & douchebags."


My oldest relatives have true stories of how things were before many vaccines were invented. No matter who you were or how much money your family had, there was a substantial chance some little kids you went to school with or your siblings were going to die before graduation from diseases like polio. Thats just death, something they delt with more directly than we do today. Many who survived ended up handicapped, disfigured, infertile or in chronic pain for the rest of their lives.


No vaccine for being an edge lord unfortunately


why is his middle finger so long


Yeah you have an immune system unprepared and unable to recognize the virus and attack it.


Lets see how the immune system holds up against something like rabies.


I'd love to read whatever conversation/comments followed the homicide.


indeed, meanwhile, nature figured out various clever ways to attack that exact immune system, also, an immune system only knows how to fight something when that something has already been in your body at some point in time. It is possible that the fight is not enough, or is unable to gather enough forces..., then a thing called death happens..


He's got an immune system, no lips though


These people freak out if I eat a sandwich after stroking my dog because of “germs” but will happily play Russian roulette with polio.


Bet he’s also immune from women


Imune system -but we need vaccine


Who will win - a complicated self-preservation system that developed through millions of years of evolution or a variola boy


My guy, your immune system *can* kill Covid, you’re right. The problem is by the time it figures out how to do that, it may have done enough damage to kill you. This was happened to literally *millions of people*. The vaccine simply teaches your immune system about Covid before you get it. That’s it. It wouldn’t work if you didn’t have an immune system.


immunizations don't work if you don't have an immune system.


Why are there asterisks around "need" and "I have an"? That's the real question here.


Walter white done a better job in making his stuff safe and effective than El Fauci. His slogan should have been unsafe and Defective.


It scares me as a dialysis patient since I’m vulnerable. I’m even more worried when I get a transplant and my immune system will be compromised


That's what kills you, the immune system. Cytokine storm.


This doesn't hit quite as hard as the ones with people chastising the vaccine hesitant next to their own obituary. The reverse Herman Cain if you will.


Five years on they are still spamming these dumbass takes. For the 7000th time, IT'S NOT FOR YOU. It's something that has zero negative effect on you, but a positive life-saving effect on others in society, so we do it.


Why wear a watch? Just look at the sun!


I don't like making fun of people's appearances, but I think we could teach him by inserting a floppy disk into his mouth.


Looks like a bootleg version of dr bashir.


I feel like it wasn't a good line and the dude definitely was not "murdered by words"


Why is he playing pocket pool when he has a... actually I don't think he has a sex partner.


realistically, to prepare/make your immune system stronger. also realistically, people like that imo are stupid unless it’s a relegion/lifestyle based


Clearly god didn’t want you to be able to see and definitely didn’t want you to be able to get hard, but millions of Christian’s have zero problem using glasses, taking viagra, or wearing clothing. Shit, clothes ain’t natural. How do gonna tell me that it’s a sin to not wear pants when we weren’t born with pants? Checkmate, Christian’s.


Oh are people still pretending that the covid vaccines were a good idea? I thought even the most devout fauci followers were letting that one go by now...


The same dickhead who claims to not need a vaccine even though he was photographed on holiday at a time you couldn't fly without having been administered a vaccine Also, a couple of days after this photo was posted, he posted that he had tested positive for Covid A failed actor who's not that great at doing whatever the hell this is


His watch is bigger than his bicep


I mean, he's not wrong. Vaccine companies are agreeing now that their vaccines will have adverse side effects. 🙃


Fun fact: If your immune system knew your eyes existed, it would eat/destroy them :D


oka, f*ck urself with a rusted rod and wait for a week