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The Postal Service have one of the most beloved albums of the 2000’s and they only did that one album, and it’s still one of my all time faves.


The only released one album, but recorded two EP’s that never saw the light of day because they weren’t happy with them. I’m an audio engineer, and was help on one in like 2008. It was good, but it was more Death Cab than Postal Service. Probably breaking an NDA here, but I don’t think anyone really cares anymore, I’m long out of that industry. Underneath The Sycamore and Unobstructed Views were two tracks that were originally demos for that EP. Very retooled for Death Cab, but were originally Postal Service tracks.


sort march dog scary thumb vanish drunk placid automatic cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This would make sense given Ben Gibbard’s songwriting influence in whatever project he’s involved in. It’s a shame they never put out the subsequent music, listening to the Postal Service now, and the sound still holds up today, it doesn’t sound like it came from 20+ years ago. They were definitely ahead of their time. But what do I know, I’m almost 35 years old and experience fun things older people do like sore knees.


lol I’m 35 too and have the same experience, I will say their first ever reunion show at coachella in 2013 was one of the most magical experiences of my life. Never in a million years thought I’d ever get to hear those songs live and they absolutely nailed them, plus it was my first ever experience with MDMA so it made everything that much more special. Really really cool experience that I’ll never forget


Coachella memories. Daft Punk. Oh my fucking God.


That’s crazy! Super cool you got to be involved in it, I wonder if it had gotten released would your career have a different trajectory?


Oh, not at all. I worked with a lot of big bands and artists that saw releases. That’s just how it is now, it’s kind of a dead industry in 2024. The second I got my BA everyone was able to do it themselves on their computer, and then COVID hit, and when was the last time anyone drove past a recording studio that wasn’t owned by a major label? I saw the writing on the wall years earlier. Started from scratch, did the corporate office thing, kept getting fucked over and taken advantage of by contract and temp to hire, bounced between jobs and going back to the studio, then that closed permanently and here I am 4 years later living at my moms again and doing Uber Eats and DoorDash because it’ll pay better than a 9-5 in an office (not by much though), even with a killer resume. San Diego is impossible and the job market in this country is so dehumanizing.


That’s wild dude what a fuckin rollercoaster, and as a musician myself I totally understand what you’re going thru. The golden era is long gone when it comes to making music now that everyone can do it themselves unless you’re already a huge name. I feel for you bro, only thing I can suggest is a trade/blue collar job. I got lucky and fell into auto collision repair just out of high school and that’s been really good to me but it’s hard work, but it’s been able to fund my hobbies(music etc) so it’s hard to complain. But I could imagine what that would’ve felt like to think you were on a solid trajectory and then the world pulls the rug out in multiple way. I have two friends that have degrees in audio-engineering, one now works for Columbia in some music program, and the other travels around setting up recording studios or runs sound for whatever venue happens to hire him, it’s not steady work at all. Good luck out there bud, and hey, at least you got to work with some talented artists, most people can’t say that.


Ben Gibbard himself even said that another Postal Service album would only end up being disappointing. I don't agree necessarily, but I get where he's coming from. "Give Up" really did come out at exactly the right point in time to be incredibly charming and beloved.


perfect is good. done is better. Artists are generally their own worst critics. Adding imposter syndrome and/or fear of failure only exacerbates the problem. If I were in a position to give Ben Gibbard some advice: make art for you. When you're passionate about what you're doing, people will appreciate it. Even outsider art brings in outsiders. Don't ever worry about disappointing the "real fans" because they don't even know what they want until you make it.


I’m gonna see them in a couple of weeks. Death Cab is playing too. The entire Transatlantacism album. Looking forward to it this one.


This might be the craziest thing I’ve read because what do you mean I’ve never realized they only played off that one album


The La's. That album was great from start to finish, including their hit, "There She Goes." It is one of those albums that you can put on and just listen straight through. Every song is a treasure. There was no followup album. The group's founder had such a terrible time with the music business and with the creation of the album that he hung it up. He quit altogether. It just blows my mind that somebody can be so talented, create something so amazing, then just say, "Nah." I still can't believe it. I have listened to that album more than any other.


It’s a 10/10 album


Such a great album. A journalist found Lee Mavers a few years ago and interviewed him. He lives in a semi in Liverpool. Makes music in his shed ( that we will never get to hear ). A shame.


Wolfmother set the radio on fire for a long time and then fell off the face of the earth


That album was 2006!!!! Fuck I didn't expect Wolf mother to be the thing in this thread to make me feel old.


I’m always amused when people way younger than me start to realize they’re getting old, then I remember how old that makes me!


They have some songs that are worth it on follow up albums, but I think the lead guy fired everyone else and they definitely fell off


Their second album Cosmic Egg is also really good. Not as good as their debut but I had it on CD and listened to it constantly. New Crown has a couple of kick ass tracks but I haven’t listened to anything after that. The only original member is Andrew Stockdale so it’s kind of his whole thing now.


The rhythm section toured with dm koala doing kid koalas album-the slew. I saw them live and it was one of the coolest shows I’ve seen.


Operation Ivy


New Radicals lol. They literally released one album and broke up but it's an album with no skips on it so I can't complain.


Agreed. One amazing album, then poof - gone forever.


I read somewhere that the lead singer hated being the centre of attention and disbanded the group to go back to writing and producing for other artists.


Elastica The La's


I still listen to Stutter all the time


Elástica went from a 5 stars to a 1 star album.


Temple Of The Dog


It was a tribute album to Andrew Wood from Mother Love Bone, but it's one of my favorite rock albums of all-time let alone grunge specifically. Plus, "Hunger Strike" is basically a preview of Pearl Jam but with Chris Cornell singing backup too.


Eddie sings backup for Chris on Hunger Strike. That’s the first time Eddie’s voice was on an album. Eddie got on the album because Chris Cornell was trying to sing the parts Eddie ends up singing and wasn’t getting it right. “I feel this shadow presence over my shoulder,” Cornell recounted. “And there’s only one mike, and the chorus comes around again, and he sort of moves his shoulder in just to let me know he’s got a plan. And I don’t know him. We had said hi… So he hit the “Going hungry,” I sang the high part and then he hit it again. All of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought, ‘Fuck, his voice sounds incredible in that deep register.” Imagine the balls on a shy Vedder to walk up on Cornell, who was the biggest star on the scene, without asking, and fucking crush that part. It takes a special person to put themselves in that situation and have it work. On top of that, the album was Cornell’s tribute to Andrew Wood - the guy Eddie was replacing! It speaks to Eddie’s “I got you” mellowness and clearly just trying to serve the song vibe.


Eddie kinda sang background to Chris


I think it’s because they waited 25 years to do a tour to support the first album. They should fire their manager.


Above by Mad Season too. Both great records that didn’t get much recognition initially because they were made to process deep emotions and heavy subjects, not make money


Toadies- Rubberneck. Loved those Z-Rock days!!!


He’ll yeah, I remember when I graduated in 94, we got a new “alternative” station. Before that it was 50s/60s oldies, 2 70s rock stations, and a pop station. It was awesome to finally hear “my” music on the radio, and not my parents or girlfriends’. First heard Toadies “Possum Kingdom” on there! Instant classic. Also came out during a time my buddies and I went camping at the lake almost every weekend. The lake themes on that song were perfect! You got me listening to the album now. Backslider is an awesome song!


Sex Pistols – Never Mind The Bollocks Kosheen – Resist Terrence Trent D'Arby – Introducing The Hardline According to Terrance Trent D'Arby Lauren Hill – The Miseducation of Lauren Hill


Lauryn Hill could've had multiple great albums if she would just get out of her own way.


At this point if you go to one of her shows and are somehow disappointed it's your own damn fault.


It's like people who buy NBA 2K games every year.


TTD (Sananda Matreya) I have to disagree - Symphony or Damn was fantastic


Have you watched any of the docs on Terrence Trent D’Arby? He crazy.


He needed someone to act as a conduit and channel his madness into making brilliant music; but then he let it run loose and thus it all fell off.


I think he wanted to be worshipped. Like actually worshipped.


The man could sing though. Such a great voice.


The Refreshments - Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy


Their follow up wasn’t terrible but, shades of the previous. Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, their follow up band, still plays a lot of Refreshments songs live.


Spacehog's Resident Alien is EXCELLENT and, while "In The Meantime" was a big hit, that album should have been a much bigger deal than it was.


I’m in disbelief that two people have quickly mentioned appetite for destruction. Use your illusion 1 and 2 were a HUGE, inescapable success


Yeah dude people are tripping... Sure Appetite was MASSIVE and a phenomenal album, but Use Your Illusion 1 & 2 have nearly 11 million total combined sales and the Use Your Illusion Tour had an attendance of over 7 million people across 194 shows around the world. And during their hiatus from that tour, they went on a Co-Headlining tour with Metallica who were promoting the Black album. If anything, they were at their absolute peak during the Use Your Illusion era.


Yep, I like UYI 1 and 2,: November Rain, Don't Cry, Civil War, Estranged, and You Could Be Mine are all great songs.


The Lies album also sold north of 5 million copies and has some great songs on it


People forget Patience was on that album. If someone wanted to argue that's GnRs best song, I wouldn't say they're crazy.


Those people certainly wouldn't be one in a million.


It's a shame Velvet Revolver didn't put out more stuff


November Rain has to be the second or third most played GnR radio track after Paradise City and Welcome to the Jungle.


No way that Sweet Child O' Mine is not their biggest hit ever.


Shit, missed that obvious one.


Chinese Democracy was really good too. Fight me.


The Knack - Get The Knack They were supposed to be "The next Beatles", but they are only My Sharona. The album is pretty good. ​ Edit - maybe an unpopular opinion, but Television only made one good album, but it was fantastic.


Good Girls Don’t


Also "Heartbeat".


Marquee Moon is incredible. Great album to trip to.


I love all 3 original Knack albums. I may like Round Trip the most out of those 3, but I don't think anyone else heard it, lol.


Adventure is a very underrated Television album. Lacks some of the urgency of MM but still slaps




Get Born was an absolute banger.


The Wallflowers - Bringing Down the Horse


Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!


I know yours isn’t an uncommon opinion, but I still wanna say Some Loud Thunder is a great album.


“Satan Said Dance” alone absolutely rips


Sex Pistols Never mind the bollocks. They were basically one and done.


They weren’t even a band for a full year and quit in the middle of their one and only tour


That’s fuckin punk rock man


Let's be honest, Maroon 5 - Songs about Jane.


Came here to say exactly this. The second album is okay at best (I think Kiwi is really good honestly) but Songs About Jane is so good it’s almost like Maroon 5 as they are today could never have made this album.


I could not agree more! I was a teen when Songs about Jane became super popular. It's not only a genuinely good album, but it's also nostalgic for me. I was lucky enough to see them in concert for that album. I don't think I could be paid to see them live now.


I was a huge Maroon 5 fan for a long time, then I didn't listen to them at all for like 5 or 6 years. Coming back to them, yea Songs about Jane is incredible and everything else has aged horribly. I still love some some singles like Makes Me Wonder, but as a whole album Jane is all I ever listen to


YES. Amazing album to pure trash almost instantly


Spin Doctors - Pocket Full of Kryptonite


Underrated album. Jimmy Olsen Blues was one of my favorite songs for a while.


The band fun. finally hit mainstream success with Some Nights and completely disbanded.


They were young


They're one of my favourites, but The Fratellis and Costello Music.


They went flat for a couple of albums, but I really like their last two. Jon Fratelli's second solo album bright night flowers is an absolute gem of an album.


The Stone Roses debut album


I will not tolerate this slander against 'The Second Coming' lol


The best throwaway gag in Shaun of the Dead was whether or not to chuck Second Coming at the zombie.


For real, I love Second Coming just as much as the debut.


It's worth it for Love Spreads alone.


But as a whole, the album isn't nearly consistently as good, so as per OP, it fell off a bit. That 4 year battle with their label didn't help.


Clearly proof it's hard work to follow up near perfection...


Frou Frou were one and done.


The Postal Service Them Crooked Vultures


I don’t think Them Crooked Vultures were intended to be more than a one album band. However, that album was amazing.


It seems like they’ve all expressed an interest in revisiting the project, things just haven’t aligned how they would need to. IMO if any Grohl project would be disqualified from this would be Probot; that is a band that was never meant to be more than a one shot.


Both side projects though. IDK about TCV but Postal Service never even tried to put another album out.


Weren’t they both supergroups? Rare for a supergroup to do multiple albums.


The only example of a supergroup doing multiple albums that I can think of is Traveling Wilburys. 


Foo Fighters and Audioslave are technically supergroups, but seem to be the main project of most of their members.


Even Queens of the Stone Age could be considered a supergroup at times. 


Urge Overkill


Do you mean Saturation? Not their first album, but yeah, that's an all time favorite of mine. And between the rock radio and MTV exposure of Sister Havana and then the Pulp Fiction unearthing of Girl You'll Be a Woman Soon, they were poised to be big. Exit the Dragon has its moments, and View of the Rain is amazing, but that was not the kind of album that could capitalize on all that momentum.


Slint - Spiderland.


Neutral milk hotel. In the aeroplane over the sea. Just an amazing album. One of my favorites


I love Avery Island esp Naomi but I will not fight you that Aeroplane is a better album


This is *the* example from Indie rock.


Came here to say this. Can’t believe it came out 26 years ago.


The Darkness-Permission to Land


Lit - A Place In The Sun. Lots of fun front to back, definitely one of my favorite 'Y2K' eta pop/punk albums.


Bush - Sixteen Stone. Amazing album followed by a very mediocre run.


Sneaker Pimps- Becoming X 🔥🔥🔥


Violent Femmes debut album


"Hallowed Ground" is also a pretty great album, but I don't think it produced a single song that most people would recognize.


Country Death Song is so good imo. It's their darkest yet best album.


I never really thought it was meant as an album that was supposed to sell hits either. It's more personal and the writing feels very anti pop in its direction.


Why Do Birds Sing is a great album.


And The Blind Leading the Naked too.


They had quite a few great albums. Then some that were pretty inconsistent but, the good songs are pretty pretty good.


Reading the Violent Femmes referenced as a one hit wonder makes me want to cry.


There’s a basically unknown band called WU LYF that has one album and it’s awesome start to finish. They describe themselves as “heavy pop,” totally worth a listen.


Milli Vanilli Girl You Know it’s True


Gotye Fun.


I do enjoy Fun.'s first album, *Aim and Ignite,* but it still sounds a lot like the lead singer's early work with The Format. But yeah, considering how successful *Some Nights* was, it's kind of wild that they haven't done more together.


It's been rumoured that Nate and Jack do not get along at all.


I've always been a fan of the first Candlebox record. They were a later grunge band from Seattle. Their other albums are ok but the first one is still a banger.


idk, always thought they were too preachy. came off as "christian rock/grunge".


Frampton Comes Alive. 


As a solo artist perhaps. He had been in several groups prior to that coming out party


Spin doctors. Pocketful of Kryptonite was phenomenal. Then ….. 🤷‍♂️


It's just earlay earlay earlay


I say that all the time when someone asks what time it is. It’s not late! No! No!


Bloc Party - Silent Alarm The Avalanches - Since I Left You


All of The Avalanches albums are great, Since I Left You is still probably the best but their most recent is my favorite album of the last few years.


I dunno I'm a big fan of the next two Bloc Party records as well - I love them as much as the first one, they're just different. They definitely fell off with Four though


Disagree on Bloc Party. A weeekend in the City is one of my favorite albums of all time. Their third album also has some bangers. Everything after that isn’t very good.


I loved Bloc Party at the time


Black tide light from above.


Wow I forgot they existed. Thanks for the reminder.


Not a band, but Lauren Hill…


And before that, the Fugees.


The Outfield - Play Deep Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience


I'm sure you know the story behind the Gin Blossoms' rise and fall from grace. Really kinda sad.


Yeah, for obvious reasons, they were probably never going to be able to recapture the lightning in a bottle that fueled their first album. But man, what an album it was.


I personally enjoy Congratulations I’m Sorry on the same level as NME, but after that the Gin Blossoms fall off in my book. The post-reunion stuff is missing the magic of the OG records.


Mad Season


The presidents of the united states of America


Musicforthemorningafter - Pete yorn


Television - Marquee Moon They did a second album, but people hardly bother with it.


*Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome*


I might say Billy Squier- Don't Say No He was massively talented and then it just... didn't go off. But every song on that album was a banger.


His rather…metrosexual…music video for Rock Me Tonite seemingly killed his career.


A really shameful chapter in music history. His music rules and he has an all time great voice.


capitol cities-in a tidal wave of mystery. they've not done much outside of that but its fantastic all the way thru


Live - Throwing Copper was massive. Probably half the album was played on the radio at some point. They had a few minor successes after that but all their biggest songs are on Throwing Copper.


Evanescence Their first album is great.


The second album has an amazing first song (call me when you're sober), then the rest is just ok


Foster The People


Their first album was great, but they've had a few hits since. I'm a huge fan of Sit Next To Me.


I thought supermodel was a great follow up to torches, even if it didn't get quite a much airplay as the first album. They did kind of sputter out after that though.


Cracked Rear View by Hootie and the Blowfish?


fact spark tidy husky dinner grey enter concerned vase whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blind Faith - Blind Faith Thunderclap Newman - Hollywood Dream New Radicals - Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too The Good, the Bad and the Queen - The Good, the Bad and the Queen The Postal Service - Give up El Vy - Return to the Moon


Jellyfish - Spilt Milk




Never understood why the Wallflowers couldn’t keep the momentum of Bringing Down the Horse going. Not sure if they meet OP’s criteria, because they kept making good music, but were never in the atmosphere of that first album again.


Crash Test Dummies.


WTF???!!! Boston's second album was just as good as the first! "Don't Look Back", "A Man I'll Never Be" and "Feelin' Satisfied" all made it to the Top 100. That's the same number of hits as their first album.


"Just as good as the first" is clearly not true - Boston's first album was legendary. But their second album was also very good, so you're right that calling them a one album wonder is inaccurate.


Yeah the first album is much better


I like to the third album as well. And Corporate America.


Corporate America really stinks, but Third Stage is okay.


Yeah I was thinking that myself about Don't Look Back. It's really a great album. But that first album now that's a masterpiece


I as looking for this comment.


"Songs About Jane", Maroon 5


Jeff Buckley - Grace Such a phenomenal album start to finish. He was working on the second album when he died. Definitely one of those “oh what could have been” artists for me.


Yeah I think he gets a pass on this.


They had a couple other hits, but Third Eye Blind self-titled was enormous.


That album can just be put on and played all the way through. Motorcycle Drive By is one of my all time favorite songs


I wouldn't call them a one hit album though. Like you said, they have other hits and albums. Blue is amazing. Maybe not as big as the first, but definitely not one hit album in my opinion.


Jagged Little Pill. Nothing Alanis put out before or after came remotely close to that album’s success.


Pretty hard to beat an album like that.




Quiet World by Native Construct. Some Berkely students dropped one of the greatest progmetal albums and then disbanded after teasing their follow up album. Such a shame. If you like chaotically beautiful rock opera style music, highly recommend. It is just absolute insanity. And if you hate harsh vocals it is like 90% clean vocals (and dude has a beautiful voice) and the harsh parts are relatively short and spread out


Foster the people amazing first album


Wrens - Meadowlands. It gets better every time I listen. Too bad perfectionism murdered the band after that.


Kula Shaker - K


Stars, Set Yourself on Fire. They have done other good albums, but not as good as that one, and they really kinda disappeared from widespread national attention. I hope they still do stuff, but I haven't followed them in years, and I haven't heard anything.


"Entertainment!" by Gang of Four Absolutely groundbreaking post-punk record that helped define the sound of the entire genre, while tackling themes that directly struck the heart of modern capitalistic societies. Very rough and jagged in some areas, pristine in others. Songs range from catchy rock out hits to borderline experimental. The level of musicianship on display is nothing to gloss over either. A must listen record, one of the best of it's era, any era. If you have a friend who's into indie or underground music, there's a good chance they have a lot to say about this one. Sadly, that's their only record I can praise. Could never get into any of their other work, personally, and that seems to be the common experience among those who revere "Entertainment!" as much as I do. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entertainment!# If you've never heard of it, it's the best album you've never heard of. Don't take my word, check the reviews and you'll see numerous perfect scores.


The Dissociatives


David & David "Boomtown"


Not a lot of rap getting mentioned in here. I remember everyone loved Mike Jones for like a year when "Who Is Mike Jones" dropped. After that nobody really talked about him. Definitely not on the scale they were in 2005.


Leading to people in 2024 wondering: Who is Mike Jones?


The Magic Numbers — "The Magic Numbers" (2005) was quite universally praised at the time, and the album was all round solid, four decently successful singles... not sure what happened to them since then. In the US, one might consider a-ha "Hunting High and Low" as another one hit album. Although they're still active (on and off) and recently released a new album ("True North", 2022), I think most people aren't aware of them still releasing wonderfully consistent music in the nearly 40 years since their 1985 debut.


It looked like Franz Ferdinand would be because the drop from FF to You Could Have it So Much Better was insane IMO, but luckily they still made some great music after getting that one out of their system.


Haircut 100. Brilliant album then the band lost Nick Heyward. The follow up has some good moments but was no hit. They’ve reformed and are touring this year.


A Flock of Seagulls - A Flock of Seagulls is 1 banger after another, it’s held up very well over the years, and the Flock never really came close to it again. Part of why it’s such a strong album is probably because it’s a combination of their first four singles, released a few months apart, along with all the b sides. So each song on side 1 is them trying to come up with some thing really hooky and catchy, and you can totally hear it. Meanwhile often kinda channeling a Gary Numan-esque dystopian sound quite well. [Check it out!](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4SuaJourlowHUI6fjZ35nlsWxqKCz2xH)


Foster the People. Their fist album was incredible. I listen to it often to this day. After that they faded to obscurity.


Semisonic - feeling strangely fine. Used to listen to it front to back everytime i put it on. Still do. Dan wilson went on to write some of the biggest hits of the last 20 years (e.g. someone like you - adele) but even with a recent release the band Semisonic never struck lightning again.