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So she watched that video too. Incredible.


Lol that is some rich sarcasm


I was just thinking that the entire planet saw it so...


He doesn't seem like the type to hide that shit. I assumed he went pepper jack on anyone at anytime.


You got that right, he's not. There's been chatter in other spaces throughout the past decade, that have hinted at that. Anonymous stories would come out every now and then about Diddy being the devil reincarnated. Him making people do shit to/for him.


Some people didn't believe it then because of how fucked up some of it was, but it's proving more and more true now.. like people cannot say the same heinous shit about you for a good decade or two, and none of it be at least *somewhat* true.


Katt Williams on MJ


Who is up in the next decade you reckon?


So did we all


Was reading Cudi’s Wikipedia page and apparently the lawsuit from Cassie said that Diddy tried to kill Cudi by blowing up his car. HOW DID I MISS THIS?


Cudi confirmed.


To focus your vitriol on this make-up artist is beyond idiotic and only serves to protect the true villain. Just stop.


OK and she did fucking nothing until now because? Oh yeah... money and clout.


The article posted is a mess of ads but in the full interview, she says she hid Cassie at her home for a few days and got a doctor friend to treat her after she saw Cassie with a black eye. But she & Cassie were too scared to go to the hospital [source ](https://www.complex.com/music/a/backwoodsaltar/cassies-former-makeup-artist-says-she-saw-her-badly-bruised)


This guy had someone's car blown up. He killed a guy and then got rich off of his murder. He has raped so many people. Why shouldn't she or anyone else be terrified of him?


I feel like yall are ignoring the fact that Diddy is violent and has attacked people for getting on his wrong side plenty of times. I’d imagine most people are talking now cause he’s unable to get them. at best diddys gonna get you fired and blackballed and at worst he’s blowing up your car.


At worst he's killing you and then profiting off it.




An intensely violent man who is worth billions of dollars and has dangerous criminal connections and who legally employs you therefore knows all of your personal information… idk that it’s that simple


It’s easy to say that when you’re not actually risking a rich and powerful murder coming for you


And your career and livelihood. People like Diddy are everywhere. They’ll make sure you don’t work. They’ll have multiple labels black list you. It’s not as easy as you’d think. Speaking as someone who went through something similar.


To be fair diddy strapped a bomb to Kid Cudis car, he is really dangerous. It's not like you could call the police, quit and stop worrying about yourself.


This is such a shit take of a situation you have no information on. Keep virtue signaling bro


"I wouldn't have been too scared" is what they are thinking. Without realizing that Diddy wouldn't have absolutely murdered her


Y'all realize you don't have to report this shit on Twitter right? Anonymous tip to the police is absolutely an option


I would not feel safe reporting shit to the police if my livelihood and especially my life was at risk doing so. A person with that much money, influence and power it’d be next to crazy to do that. But you keyboard warriors keep on thinking you know best and would’ve done in that situation.


Yes, because the police have historically been very helpful in abuse cases.


Until Diddy gets arrested and there was only 2 people in the room at the time, and process of elimination in this case is eliminating the witnesses


You're on a hip hop sub in the year of our lord 2024 talking about the police as a viable option


Music sub and sorry but redditors need a reality check sometimes. Y'all are suggesting girl just stay getting her ass whooped and don't realize it


-Conveniently ignores the cop domestic abuse statistics


If a woman wants to get her ass whooped, she should call the police


Well, where the hell were YOU, tough guy? You're not afraid of Diddy, so go and do us all a favor and beat his ass already. You have as much power as that make-up artist, now mosey on down to where he lives, get into his house and solve that problem already.


The heat is on him and people feel relatively safe to come out and share their stories. Behind his shiny suit facade is a deranged criminal.


Everybody acts like they're a super hero until it's them. What was she gonna do? Like legitimately. What is it you were expecting her to do to him? Square up? Make it to the 5 o'clock news? Tell the police? Diddy beat that girl up and down the hallway of a hotel and that shit didn't come out till last week


Probably because she was afraid of retribution. Duh.


Afraid of losing her job? Where she worked for someone she witnessed assaulting a woman. And then doesn't help said woman at all. What a fucking brave woman /s


Because they would’ve killed her?


Lame & limited world view. Dudes just keep telling on themselves lol


It's possible that everybody that works for Diddy has to sign an NDA. Now that it's no longer a secret, the makeup artist might feel it's fine to talk about it.


I don't know the law, but I am assuming an NDA would not be enforceable to prevent an individual from reporting a crime they witnessed.


It's not enforceable as a matter of public policy. But that doesn't mean the makeup artist is willing to take that chance.


Not a lawyer either, but here's a possible reason-:Just like the rape "exceptions" for abortion, there has to be a standard beyond someone simply asserting something happened. Otherwise, someone could say whatever they want & just claim the exception. So it's not really an exception if you are dealing with powerful &/or litigious people/institutions. Puffy & his expensive lawyers would refute that a crime was committed, then force arbitration/trial that drags the victim through the mud and punishes them financially (gotta hire a lawyer to fight his dozens of lawyers) to determine if a crime was committed.  If, at the end of it, you can't prove a crime was committed you would be liable for the penalties in the nda and puffy's legal fees plus possibly a defamation suit. Ndas might have some good uses but it seems like they only exist to protect bad actors from accountability 


An NDA on physical abuse? What the fuck is going on in the music industry? Oh wait, I'm still waiting for that Chris Brown shoe to drop. How some of these people slip through and are forgiven is mind bending, how did he side step #metoo?


When does the possibility of someone suffering great bodily harm supercede diddys NDA


The makeup artist probably didn't want to get embroiled in a lawsuit with Diddy. She'd go broke.


Female witness claims they saw an violent act perpetrated onto a female by a rich and powerful person who is has been proven to be violent towards women Reddit: *buT wHY didn't shE tell aNyone at The tIMe?!* Really, Reddit? Perhaps think outside the box a little on this one.


He's s POS


We get it. Diddy is an abusive gay rapist.


Diddy has a makeup artist?


Yeah that’s what I’m hung up on. 


Not sure why that's surprising for a performer who regularly appears on TV, stage, red carpet, and other media/photography, all of which usually involve male grooming makeup. Once a celebrity is at that level of wealth, it isn't unusual at all to have regular artists that they use or have someone permanently on their payroll. Source: I'm a makeup artist. Just because you don't *see* makeup doesn't mean dudes aren't wearing any.


We all did…




6 months ago her confession would've gotten nothing accomplished but black balling herself from the industry


Everyone knows you shouldn't speak up unless someone else already has. /s


Downvoted by the MeToo's. It's literally the name lmao.


eh. that says more about diddy and his immense power more than what you’re implying here.


I don’t blame her. Since the 90s there have been stories about Diddy running with real gangsters who he had on the payroll. Shit he’s dad ran with the legendary Frank Lucas, if you don’t know who he is google him or watch the movie American Gangster starring Denzel Washington. The hood knows Diddy was behind Pac’s murder, shit supposedly Biggie was afraid of him, he’s been beating/threatening people left and right, stealing money, stealing beats and a bunch of other shit for decades. No one has said shit because of what they know about what he could do. The guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that man has bodies on him. Suge Knight even said he was a fucked up guy who knew how to play the public and eventually he was going to get found out. Edit: Shit, side note, when Cassie first brought her lawsuit against Diddy months ago, most people didn’t believe her, people called her a gold digger and shit. Shit changed after the Feds raided his house and then the hotel video came out.


She claims she hid Cassie at her home & had a doctor friend look at her. But she was scared to do more than that. [source ](https://www.complex.com/music/a/backwoodsaltar/cassies-former-makeup-artist-says-she-saw-her-badly-bruised)


I need a reddit filter that I can throw a phrase into and never see another story with that phrase. 'Diddy' would be an easy start.




No, drs only have to report if children are victims or if a patient says they are going to harm someone else.


We all did


Does anyone think Diddy had Biggie killed


And nobody did anything


Is he still hiding out on a private island?


Me too.


Oh, time for some popcorn.


Now everybody wants to talk about it. Where were these people before the statutes of limitations ran out?


what's pretty shitty is that the video was suppressed and held on to when it could have been used as evidence in 2016... then all of a sudden teehee look what i found?? soooo fishy


Yea so did I. Everyone saw the video


Didn’t we all?


Wow you think he really did hurt Cassie? If only we had video evidence


Maybe someday soon, Sean will have somebody Diddylin' him while he sleeps in his cell…


It’s so wild to continually see this kind of thing in discussion — we see diddy hit Cassie to where she’s down on the ground, then continue to beat her, quite easily could’ve been incapacitated by the blows received, then dragged back to a private place by her abuser. Thousands and thousands of women die this way every year. Domestic violence kills people. But yeah guys he’s really *actually* dangerous didn’t you know? He blew up *kid cudi’s car*!!




Seem to be a lot of people coming out after the fact. Where were y’all at the time?


She didn't report it before now? Definitely part of the problem and is now reading the tea leaves and is saying something.


Watching a video does not make you a witness dummies.


But said d nothing till now


i mean.,...we all witnessed it at this point like why did you not speak up sooner lol


Hurting Cassie sucks but we’re getting off track here.