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Make sure it isn't a sign of a wider problem. When I get like that, it's usually because I'm depressed, I'm actually burnt out or I've knocked my reward system out of whack.


I definitely think my depression has something to do with it. Summer is when my normal depression teams up with my seasonal depression and I’m 100% burnt out. I’m going to a concert tonight because I’ve had it planned for a few weeks before the Musicial Burn Out so I hope it helps.


Sounds like it's your low point of the year. January/February absolutely fucks me, might as well stay in bed. Look after yourself, good food, good sleep, exercise, see friends, nature, meditation, the usual shit. Hope you feel better soon.


May I ask how old you are? I was always a huge music lover, born in 1986. I soaked up what I could from my parents, friends and older cousins as a kid, got a Walkman in grade 6, was regularly seeking out my own music by grade 8, had a sizeable CD collection by grade 11, then burned CDs like crazy once downloading took off. Once at university it went into overdrive. I went to almost any concert I could. Filled up my 60GB iPod Classic (still miss that thing). I noticed the first slowdown about a year or two after university, which was to be expected because I was being exposed to less of it. Around 2013 was the last time I truly fell in love with an album front to back. Still, I had a fairly steady stream of new or relatively music I was hearing and getting into. In 2016, I went to a big music festival with my fiancée and about 10 friends right before my wedding. Looking back, that was more or less my farewell party for music as the massive degree of focus it had been in my life. It coincided with my favourite genres of music (garage rock post punk revival, electronic rock, alternative, indie rock etc.) largely disappearing in terms of cultural relevance. I remember being so excited in university waiting for the major music festival lineups to come out. In 2017, for the first time, I realised they weren’t really interesting me as much anymore. I was 30, music was moving on, and I was no longer moving with it. Fast forward to 2024, I still listen to music, but mostly when running. I only have one massive Spotify playlist I actively add to these days, and it’s largely driven by songs I Shazam off Netflix or sometimes hear after I play a song and the algorithm does it’s thing. I sometimes wonder what new music I would be listening to if I was 17 right now. Maybe that dream pop stuff? That’s kind of interesting to me. Not sure. I still have my iTunes library on my phone, unlike most people. But it’s all filled with pre 2017 stuff. Anyways, all that to say is that it could be depression but it could also just be a part of getting older. Music actually helped me through depression when I was younger, whereas now I’m not sure it would.


Summertime sadness is real.


What show are you going to and what bands do you usually like? Sometimes when I feel burnt out I switch to a new genre I’ve never really explored and end up enjoying it a lot


I got to see D.R.I! It was an amazing show that I totally recommend people go and see! I’m into rock, like all types of it and 90s gangster rap




I’m actually going to a show tonight! I’m hoping it helps


did it help?


It did a little bit actually! It was amazing. I’m probably gonna just not listen to music for a week or two to play it safe


Try to find some stuff you think you would actively dislike or is very far from your typical genres if you have any. Listen to some really bad music for a few days (a remarkable amount of what you might think would be bad music can be ok..even appreciated), then try some new stuff from bands you like or whatever kind of music you prefer, classical, whatever.


Maybe check out some genres you've never really listened to before, or find new ones you haven't even heard of. A change of pace and some novelty might reignite your interest.


Pretty much all genres are like this


Nah, there's no way in hell that you're familiar with (as an active fan/listener) mumble rap, country, death metal, and pirate shanties. NO ONE listens to all genres.


You’ve described my brother in one sentence but leave out the mumble rap and replace it with Run The Jewels and juggalo shit lol


Dude this is where I was at about 20 years ago. I was just in a rut. There's so much music out there of all types, new and old and very old, that I promise you have never really done a deep dive into. I don't have a specific solution for you, just saying you're normal. This will pass.


Im not sure Ive ever experienced musical burnout. Ive been listening to music all day everyday since the day I was born, literally, my dads a prog musician.  If you mean your search for new music is at an impass my only advice would be to look for playlists. There's mainstream like Spotify or bandcamp and then there's pirate radio and indie playlists. Often what Ill do if I like an artist is to check out their label which then leads me to finding similar artists I like.  If you just don't like music anymore, that I can't help with.


I like music, it just doesn’t tickle my brain anymore.


Sometimes I feel not interested by listening music. Two or three weeks, maybe one song, but no more. After a while my desire for music is back. I’m enough eclectic with music. I like Iron Maiden but I like something absolutely different like Pat Metheny. That is just an example. Don’t worry that will be back.


dude you may be depressed seek some counselling music isnt supposed to just fade from your heart its really supposed to do the opposite


I am most definitely depressed. I was diagnosed and put on antidepressants that didn’t work and even had a counselor at one point, just didn’t have insurance anymore :(


Stop listening to the algorithm. Switch to real DJ curated radio. I made this change recently and it's totally revived my excitement for music.


There are human djs on the radio again? Really?


I listen to KEXP, KCSM, and Point Blank Radio all day. It's wonderful.


I cycle between different sources of media. Talk shows, music, tv shows, movies. If I do too much of one I just do more of the others until I want to do whatever it is I was sick of again.


I mean, yeah sometimes you are having a rough time and music just hitting that same level. I just call them slumps and in like a few weeks or a month I find some new artist or music genre that I really dig and that fixes it for me. I normally just listen to podcast when I’m in that mood!


Just don’t listen to any music. One day at a time, whenever you catch yourself automatically opening Spotify or reaching for a cd, just don’t. Sit in silence instead. Live life with no soundtrack. When you feel it’s been long enough, set aside an hour and listen to an album you’ve never heard before from somebody whose other work you’ve enjoyed. Slowly work your way back in, and make sure it never becomes compulsive.


Listen to Bad Brains


In my case it comes and goes. I’ll play some tunes and think about how great it will be to play music every day again. A week later, numb again for another 6 months. Apply that to every hobby, interest, or relationship. I hope you find your spark!


The Symposium - Soft Love


If you smoke, light up a bowl and watch some billy strings live stuff on YouTube don’t judge it just cause it’s got a banjo and a fiddle! But seriously depression sucks and could absolutely be the cause of not feeling what you used to, go for walks(if able), get off your phone for a while and try to re connect with yourself, hope for the best!


I mean, yeah sometimes you are having a rough time and music just hitting that same level. I just call them slumps and in like a few weeks or a month I find some new artist or music genre that I really dig and that fixes it for me. I normally just listen to podcast when I’m in that mood!


I go through this sometimes. I just step back from listening for a few weeks. Go on walks without music, try some activities you usually do with music without it and then revisit after a break. It sucks trying to force enjoyment from listening when you’re just not feeling it


It just sucks because it’s such an integral part of my life :(


IglooGhost, Serph, and Mouse on the Keys cured this for me. My personal favorite album of all time is One Big Particular Loop by Polyenso. How do you get out of a musical rut? Talk to other people about music. Find out why they like the music they like. It’s other people who make music feel alive 🙂


This is me as well. I catch some artists and try to listen to their whole discography. Sometimes I take a break and listen to some podcasts now (I never did before). I think I'm just getting older too.


Eat mushrooms (or do acid) and listen to "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" by M83. That'll snap you out of it.


Listen to The Beach Boys. Friends, Love You, Sunflower, The Smile Sessions, Smiley Smile, all of it


It's called depression. The only thing that ever worked for me was going to the gym.


Dunno if that’s your case, but when i got depressed for the first time, i took zoloft and it totally utterly killed my musical habit. It took months with another medication for music to start making me feel anything again


Take a break. I know musicians who walked away from playing and listening, because they were burned out by it. They’ve all come back, but the longest break was ten years.


Take a break and get some fresh air and peace and quiet. Sometimes waiting is what makes joy so much better.


Stop listening to music till you feel like it again.


It happened to me about 10 years ago. Only recently got the feeling back. What are you listening to? MP3's? Flacs? cds? vinyl? My love for music is very much tied to physical media. I don't stream.


Pick something you didn't like in highschool, math, English..ect... And study it.


Live life. The best music u make is the shit you can FEEL!


I feel the same way, but I had a couple brain surgeries a couple months ago. They warned me I might be a little different. I assumed maybe my sense of humor or mannerisms might change but music just kind of bugs me now. Now I've turned to podcasts and horror movies to fill that gap. This is just my vent for the day more than anything relatable, but the idea of never enjoying music like I used to is pretty depressing. Learning new genres and bands was a passion of mine, and now it just doesn't do anything positive for me. Really sucks, don't know if there's really a good way to deal with it other than finding a replacement enjoyment and/or taking a break from music altogether. But it sucks man, like someone already said, it's probably a sign of something else going on, but that's any easier to deal with too I suppose


Listen to Ween. They cross such a wide range of genres and they do it well. Ween will heal you. Hail Boognish.


Give your ears a rest. Embrace the rest, they will be fresh and open to hearing new and different things. You’ll hear something and your ears will be like dayumj


This might say more about me than it could help you, but here goes. I’m 40, grew up listening to moms country stuff, dads classic rock and funk stuff. Then I came into my own with 90s alternative, metal, emo, post hardcore, etc. I too got extremely bored with whatever was happening in music. Then I started gravitating toward the bands with female vocalists (and lyricists). I found an entirely new appreciation for the music along with the alternative point of view regarding similar subject matter that I’ve been used to.


I’ve stopped listening to music after I unsubbed from Spotify after their fiasco. And I unno, I don’t miss it. Once less sub for me to worry about tbh.


I'm a bit late to the party. Was/am in the same position - was a passionate metalhead for years but over the last decade I've been more reserved and experimented with other genres until I got introduced to kpop and am an avid fan now. I still listen to metal just not as much. Sometimes things wont click like they used to. You can use this as an opportunity to try new things.


I’ve seen a lot of these sort of posts recently and I have a theory. I think endless music at your fingertips because of stuff like Spotify completely devalues music. I just skip through shit all the time now, kinda like how I do for Netflix. Over abundance of choice is a real problem. Our monkey brains aren’t good at dealing with that. When I went into a record store with a limited amount of funds, my purchase would be considered. And a lucky dip felt more important and exciting. It’s all lost to over saturation. That and I’m 37 so I feel like a good chunk of music is written by young people for young people. When a lot of lyrics are about being a disillusioned youth, failed first loves, etc…I can’t help but feel like I’ve heard it all before. But yeah, just a few theories.


I go through this. I went on a six month Lana Del Rey bender, then just had no interest in listening to much music. I got back into podcasts for a little while, and then eventually heard something and found myself back into finding music. Now I’m finding less interest in music again, so probably back to podcasts soon…..


I like watching concerts, makes me feel more connected with the music when I can get another sense involved. Try this one on for size: Grateful Dead, Truckin Up To Buffalo, 1989 https://youtu.be/26Z2PK8Ao10?si=tNFrb5oCNQwlMo-a


Exactly what I'm feeling these days.. Trying to avoid listening to music for awhile and just read read read. Might be the perfect time to meditate again while I wait for my fav artists to release new music. I tried listening to random playlists on Spotify but it just wasn't working. It just made me upset. Lol


Simple, stay away from music or actively listening with intent and Soemthing will catch ur ears and enthuse u again. I stayed away from metal and newer music in general from 2011ish to maybe 2017 when I discovered NAILS and the new wave of lo-fi/indie/bed room music that came out like Soccer Mommy and Puma Blue


Smoke a little weed and listen to something new in genres you have liked. Weed can open up the mind and remove filters so you experience more directly.


Listen to 100 gecs


I said a cure to my musical burnout, not to end up hating music


Try generating AI music with Udio using some lyrics you make up on the spot. It’s really fun to hear songs with your words. Even if you just copy and paste your post here as the lyrics 😂 Might have a different flavor being so personalized.