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I’m all of a sudden very nervous for Dave Grohl.


Don’t worry, he’s a beast when he’s got FRESH POTSSSS!!


Not a beast.....THE BEST!








The Swifites have already gone after his daughter for criticizing her (Swifts) private jet usage. I assume this is the rebuttal to that. Edit: added Swift for clarification


Dave can make his hand grow and smack the shit out of someone.




man i love dave grohl’s hair like this in this video, it’s hilarious but very fitting for the context. and i love the “i’m a mess” pin he wears. the hand growing always gets me lol




yeah! the clip is from the music video for everlong (:


I’ve watched the video countless times and I just thought it was an actor that they hired lol


Man just wait until you hear how many roles Grohl (male flight attendant, old woman, young fangirl, pilot, himself, FBI agent who arrests Tenacious D playing the cleaners) and Hawkins (female fight attendant, himself, some others) played in Learn to Fly. Edit: oh, and if you like Tenacious D, Grohl also played Satan in the Pick of Destiny movie and the official music video for Tribute


Dave was legit great as Satan. He also played drums for The D.


>himself, Absolutely his hardest role.


Don't feel bad,in 2013ish this shock jock duo on a local rock radio station in my area had interviewed Grohl and the next day they posted a side by side pick from the interview and a screenshot from the Smells like teen spirit music video on facebook,and said grohl should cut his hair and change his clothes so he stops looking like "the shitty drummer from Nirvana" they pulled the post when I commented that that in fact they were one and the same


Dave: Gentlemen? https://preview.redd.it/8nhvqh8mwf8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92ae7a8fcff9f5954d4145ef47d367e3c4b2c97


I can't help but see early Jimmy Urine from Mindless Self Indulgence: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/msi/images/0/0a/Mindless_self_indulgence.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141024212637


Such a great song AND video. When Taylor's bed morphs into his drum kit...sick.


the song is absolutely surreal, and i love it. nothing quite makes me feel the same way everlong does! the video is… also surreal, cool as hell though


The director Michel Gondry is phenomenal


My all time favorite song. Every version of it is amazing.


The only song I've heard a million times and it isn't enough, if I could only hear one more song before I die it would be Everlong.


Great song but I think I like the Howard Stern Show unplugged version better than the studio version.


There was this girl on the crippling alcoholism sub who said “I met this really cute boy at the homeless shelter the other day. I brought him back to my place. You ever heard the acoustic version of Everlong? It was like that all the weekend. I got chlamydia, but it was worth it” One of the funniest things I’ve ever read.


Took me a minute to realize you meant Taylor Hawkins


"What's up with your hand?" It's gone too long without punching a face!


HAHAHA After which, said hand will get some FRESH POTS!!


The fact that they defend her private jet usage says it all. She’s one of the celebs with the biggest carbon footprints


They don't care about that as long she is still their 30 year old prom queen who acts like she's your actual best friend. I'll admit, she's been quite successful in marketing her parasocial relationship with her fans.


30 year old prom queen lmao I had a conversation with a fan once where I said something like “well, I have heard it’s common for celebrities to stop really growing and maturing when they become successful” She said “well what about Taylor?!” I said “Taylor… Taylor who is like 35 years old? Taylor who just released her 10th album full of high school breakup music? About how every man wrongs her and no one understands her because she’s simultaneously ‘not like other girls’ but also ‘just like every other girl’ that Taylor, right? What age did she start to get popular… about 16… right…?” “Yeah, so what are you saying?” “Nothing, that’s it…” You just can’t get them to see that the only constant in Taylor’s life and her continually not working out relationships, is herself. Hmm… must be all these shitty dudes


They'll defend her because they think she'll hear about their valour and shower them with gifts and/or her vagina EDIT: I regret mentioning the vagina shower


Wait what’s this about a vagina shower


It's called a douche


In French, every shower is a douche.


I will say, it’s a great red flag in the dating scene


You mean when a woman uses her private plane too much? Huge red flag. It’s just so hard to date these days.


Worshipping any celebrity to that extent is a huge red flag. And when it's a musician known for writing songs about toxic relationships, run. Because you keep getting into toxic relationships there's only one common denominator after a while, and someone that looks at that and says "I can totally relate!" that's a big "woof" from me.


But Taylor and her fans are not like the other girls!


Because Foo Fighters don’t also tool around in a private jet. https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/s/i7wlBaYEsC


>her private jet usage I initially read this as 'her private jet sausage'.


Don’t be. Dude has been in the game for decades. Plus I don’t think he gives a fuck about what Swifties think about him


He'd poke at them more if anything.




Fuck, I feel like I definitely saw this before but I don't remember where from. It's real, right?


https://youtu.be/ySlZdASmGCM?si=VUkyD6Ui5ALOHQlw Enjoy lol


Hold on is that a young JB? How did I never notice...


That’s regular jb. Young jb was in airborne


It’d be hard for the world to hate Dave Grohl.


He's not the Keanu Reeves level of nice dude everyone thinks he is. First time I heard how he treated some of the people that got him where he is was an eye opener. Buzz Osborne from the Melvins has some less than favorable stories about Grohl. He can be a dick.


I’ve only read two things about Grohl that would come across unfavorably. 1. His handling of the Nate Goldsmith situation with Color and the Shape; and 2. Foo Fighters got caught up in supporting an AIDS denialism activist in the early 2000’s.


I think the AIDS denial stuff was driven by Nate Mendel, the bass player, but the band decided to go along with it so they all definitely deserve to catch flack for it. But Nate especially


And Nate never apologised or even admitted wrongdoing for it, that’s what gets me. Christine Maggiore ended up killing her daughter by avoiding all known ways to block passing HIV to her and then refusing to even get her tested. I love FF but man FUCK Nate Mendel.


This is the first I’ve heard of this and went down a rabbit hole. Fuck, man. Nate just read Christine’s book and that was it. He was in. It would be one thing if she was a doctor or researcher, but she was in the fucking garment business. I see that Dave threw his support behind Elton John’s AIDS Foundation and others, so he obviously changed his views. Not sure about Nate.


Every 6 months or so I remember her story and get mad all over again. AIDS denialists are a special breed of pond scum.


People get fooled by woo all the time, even the people that debunk it will tell you no one is immune to it.


No one gets to the stature Grohl has without breaking a few eggs, right or wrong. The documentaries on FF over the years have made it pretty clear he’s difficult to work for. I’d be willing to bet, though, that his attitude has gone milder with experience, especially losing another bandmate.


True, but FF is his band and his vision for what art he wants to make. If people are part of the project but don't contribute or, worse, are a hindrance then it's only right they be removed. And I say that as someone not a big FF fan.


He seems like a decent guy. I only like a couple of Fooh Fighta songs, I find most of them terribly formulaic.


I thought the last two albums were butt rock but the first through Echoes are amazing. That first album, Dave played EVERY SINGLE NOTE HIMSELF. My favorite work by Dave Grohl is a Queens of the Stone Age album though.


> Dave played EVERY SINGLE NOTE HIMSELF. Almost. He had one other guitarist play a part on X-Static.


The guy can play the fuck out the drums on Songs for the Deaf.


Two things I can think of. The sacking of William Goldsmith didn’t sound particularly pleasant, but I suppose it comes with the caveat that the Foo Fighters were a solo project transitioning to a full band, which probably comes with some hiccups along the way. The latter is more the band in general, but Nate Mendel has previously had some dodgy associations to HIV/AIDS denialism.


He’s a psycho-level of perfectionist. Watch the Foo Fighters doc and you can see why he’s made it as far as he has, and why he’s rubbed people the wrong way.


I think he is a workaholic guy never seems to stop, if his band isnt doing something then he is doing something with someone elses band.


Buzz isn't really one to throw shade either, but he's known Dave longer than he was in Nirvana, so I've gotta believe what he says if he's going to go that far.


Upvote for anything Buzzo related 


Loved crystal fairy a few years back. What a fever dream that album is


But buzz is an arrogant asshole himself who comes off as quite bitter.


I’m not. She’s powerful but not “defeat the foo fighters and nirvana” levels of powerful


She’s going to release her 1000th variant of Tortured Poets Department when Foo Fighters drops another album to fuck with their album charting


Millions suddenly converging on his location.






Moisturize me




Ya gotta [post the whole thing](https://youtu.be/SLGxJfMCCsQ?si=0ykvMzZa_-5bGSZO) man.


I wish Celebrity Death Match was still a thing, I think Dave takes her He would call in Josh Homme and Jack Black to have his back.


The Swifty's are making moves.


It's not even shade. He's just stating a fact. Anyone who's played an instrument for more than a month knows Swift's concerts are not played live. He didn't insult her, he didn't state any sort of opinion about her or her music. If you don't like the highlighting of the fact that her "concerts" are recordings, that's on you, not Dave Grohl.


I’ve been a professional musician for 25 years, I’ve see Taylor twice at the Rep and Eras tours, and although there are some pre recorded transitions and layers, her band is most definitely playing live.


I think foo fighters and swift are very different types of shows with different audiences though. The Foos are much more music based in their shows and the performance around that is dressing to enhance the music whereas Swifts shows are much more theatrical in nature, they are not just about the music, it’s about the experience as a whole. Both are completely valid forms of stage performance at the end of the day and it mostly comes down to what the audience is seeking out of the show.


Since when is being theatrical an excuse for not singing live? If I go and see a Broadway musical the performers are singing live and backed by live musicians.


She's definitely singing live. But also has back track. Don't see the issue. 


The Eras Tour has a live band, as well as 4 backup singers, who are positioned at the back flanks of the stage, and play/sing live. I don't think she lip-syncs to a "track", I think there are times when her mic is essentially turned down, and she "sings" the songs, but not with her full voice...  meanwhile her 4 backup singers are creating 80-90% of the vocals you are hearing. It's a long show, and I presume there are points where she needs to rest her voice, so the backup singers take over. Then other times, like the acoustic songs, where she is obviously the only one singing. Just like a Broadway musical, it's an ensemble performance, she has her solos, and she has her group numbers.  And that's how she doesn't completely lose her voice, while still giving the crowd the show they want.


Not condoning anything but - there's a bit of context or history to his relationship with Swift as well. It used to be quite positive - ~~her singing with the band on my hero at a concert~~ (edit: Hayley Williams, not her, my bad), to stories about her saving his ass at a Paul McCartney party etc. But more recently turned to shit after swifties attacked his 17yr old daughter horribly after she had tweeted about her ("why can't Taylor just drive more"). She got rape threats and eventually shut her account. With this not being an isolated incident he was allegedly pissed off that swift hasn't addressed her fans and any of their more aggresive behavior. R.e live there's a bunch of comments on the [swiftly neutral post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/1dmm0oc/dave_grohl_just_insinuated_taylor_doesnt_play/) about the same thing with a bunch of stans talking about how she definitely lip syncs to the more heavy pop songs on tour, but sings others live - having both been to those concerts and watched videos back. Edit: his daughter also liked posts saying swifties were making too big a deal about ai porn with swift ([though the rape threat was a comment telling her to take down her tweet about the plane](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/Td3zaTfnSd))


Swifties don’t seem to understand this type of shit is why so many people hate on swift. She and her fan base are so fucking toxic


I genuinely think it's largely her fandom... though I think artists probably should recognize they sort of have an obligation to lower the temperature as needed. I don't know if she has.


Yes, she needs to tell them to chill


They need to calm down.


They’re being too loud


Now they have bad blood.




And those AI deepfakes


I don't. I think Taylor Swift is the queen of her fandom for a reason. She sells the imagine of being a sweet, woke, feminist only when it suits her PR. She happily stands by and lets her fandom try to rip people apart. She encourages it. Hell a huge part of her "relatability" is this "language" of coded messages she's developed and/or encouraged with her fans to talk shit about all the people she's had relationships with. So many of her songs drip with hatred for other women. She's had beef after beef with other celebrity women. She was raised to be a business powerhouse and is now a billionaire who sends her legal team after people who call out her disproportionate contribution to the climate crisis were are all facing... Why is anyone convinced that Taylor herself is not a huge part of the problem? She goes on and on about how she's in control of every aspect of her business, so why do we assume she hasn't intentionally cultivated this mass hysteria for her and doesn't knowingly use it to her advantage?


I don't even know if I consider her really a feminist anymore, she seems to do whatever she can to block other female artists from being able to get the top spot (timed releases to block other album drops, 156 different versions of her albums)


She's a billionaire. That's it. There's only one way to have that much money, and it's stomping on a shitload of people like grapes.


Anymore? She's never been one. She's all about herself. Doesn't care one jot about other female artists.


I’ve never considered her a feminist or an ally.


Has she made a statement about the Kelces both defending the blatant misogyny of their teammate?


Of course not because she only cares about misogyny when it's directed at herself


She herself is misogynistic.


It's her and her team too. She just released a special UK variant of her album to squash Charli Xcx from taking the number 1 spot in the UK. It's petty and it's a "win at any cost" mentality.


It is also her, her latest album is all about her past relationships that her fans only care about the drama that came from it to the point of harassment coming from media and fans towards the exes as they wildly guess who it is about.




She is also constantly releasing variations when other female artists drop to stop them from reaching #1. She did it with Billie eilish and with charli xcx She sure does a lot for female artists… to try to stop them from doing better than her.


I am confused here as I don’t follow the Taylor drama. So you are saying she just drops different variations of her songs to keep the clicks going to stop up and coming female artists from hitting number 1 spots on charts? Not actually releasing new music, just remixes basically?


albums , she has like 40 variations of her newest album. They usually have one new variation of a song I believe , like the acoustic or live version of one song.


Ahhh… that is why there are the fifty billion different color Taylor Swift vinyls which are taking all the pressing quotas then… explains a lot then…


I do wanna say that Billie Eilish is far from up and coming. She's there.


Not even remixes. Taylor is infamous for releasing colored record variations, variations with limited studio recordings or commentary, and limited editions. She’s been getting a lot of criticism from fans of other female artists for suspiciously releasing these “limited editions” just before other female artists are to release anticipated records that would outrank Taylor’s latest albums. Taylor also gets flak from her fanbase at times for later releasing those earlier “exclusive vinyl/record/cd recordings” on streaming platforms after the sales have ended.


Lol have you listened to her songs before? Very much a "when everyone you date is an asshole, maybe you're the common denominator" trend...


I am saying this as a guy who can name only two of her songs, I think it is her fan base. She doesn't seem toxic, unless you consider her silence as approval.


She likes to play the victim card a lot and her public airing of personal relationships comes off toxic at times. I have no real beer with her though. If that makes her happy these guys now know this going into the relationship. Some day you will be the bad guy and publicly aired her view of you and the relationship.


She’s pretty toxic. She has falsely implied that people have done things to her and again stayed silent when her fans attacked that person.


What happened at the party ?


McCartney finishes playing a song on his piano and invites Grohl to play one, he's stoned as hell and panicking because he doesn't play piano and all the guitars in the house are left handed, everyone is looking at him and he has no idea what to say or do... Then Swift diffuses the awkwardness by sitting down at the piano and playing something - which Grohl suddenly realises is one of *his songs* (I forget which one) and they all have a sing along


This reminds me of when Weird Al went to a party thinking he didn't belong and someone shouted, hey everybody look, Weird Al is here, and it was Paul McCartney.


I’m kind of surprised Dave can’t play piano , he played every instrument on the foo fighters debut album


He came up in the 80s DC punk scene, not too much demand for pianists there.


Note to self; practice piano if I ever get invited to a Paul McCartney party. Or bring Taylor Swift. Thanks redditor!


This the kind of practical, real world advice that I come to Reddit for.


Lmao is there a video of this somewhere?


No, just a video of him telling the story. It was a private party.


That’s actually incredibly sweet of her.


Is this in controversy any more? Every pop show with heavy choreography has been piping in prerecorded singing since the 90s at least.


I’m reminded of Mad magazine making fun of the idea that Julie Andrews was actually singing while running up an Alp in The Sound of Music in 1965


I mean Michael Jackson didn't start really using lip syncing till his History Tour in 1995 when he was pretty sick and on doctors orders to watch his voice or he could damage it. Before that though, he was dancing and singing live.


Yeah and it's still the right of people who sing live to call it shite.


There have been videos of her interrupting songs to talk about something in the moment so I’m not ready to accept the claim at face value. Gonna need some evidence, Dave.  


There's plenty of videos where the vocals continue playing while she isn't moving her lips. It's much easier to stop a recording than to sing like a ventriloquist.


If you were actually there it was **very** clearly tongue-in-cheek.


I watched the video of him saying the quote and there was no malice in what he said at all. People making way way too much of a fuss over a simple comment about rock music being generally performed LIVE by a band of people playing live instruments. his comment came after talking about his band making 'errors' live sometimes so he joked and said their tour should be called "The Errors Tour' as opposed to Taylor's '*Eras* Tour'. His comment was a very **very** lightweighted joke about how his band - being a rock band - performs live and screw up sometimes. Taylor's show (to my knowledge) there is no band, there is a LOT of backing tracks and backing vocals. There is a lot less margin for error. It's not saying one is better than another but it's just the facts. Also ffs Pat Smear of the Foo Fighters was at Taylor's show literally on Friday when Foo's had an off night before their Stadium shows. I don't imagine there is ill will. Literally watch the video. https://youtu.be/9F-Cfm7gqwQ?si=M4s_8UDHt2VIBdeT https://youtube.com/shorts/syKfwpjlNnc?si=6jkL9aulFulOsnPm


Reddit and taking comments out of context, a dynamic duo


The 20k upvote r/all thread from the unhinged r/travisandtaylor hate subreddit has thousands of people talking about how this is Dave *ending her career* and shit. Sometimes I forget how dogshit reddit becomes when the high schoolers have nothing else to do.


That subreddit is so funny to me. About once a week somebody posts the same headline akin to "Science shows those who are obsessed with celebs may be dumber overall" with a smarmy caption like "Saying what we all already know." Meanwhile they're all completely oblivious to the fact that they are also obsessed with a celeb, just not in a positive way.


I feel embarrassed for people that would comment in a hate club subreddit. Teenage girls have been like this since the Beatles and Elvis.


>Taylor's show (to my knowledge) there is no band I....what? Have you watched any of her concerts? She calls out all the band members at each one, as well as her backup vocalists.


There is a band at Taylor’s show.


Pat was standing right next to Travis Kelce, too. So they are obviously in Swift’s orbit, apparently as friends.


You can watch the movie of her concert and see that there is a band. I'm sure there's a lot of backing tracks and whatnot, but there are people there playing instruments.


Taylor most certainly carries a band????


Your knowledge couldn't be more wrong. Taylor has a band and often stops the show to talk to fans. Her band is 100% live.


I’m probably going to kick a hornets nest here, but rocking out in front of a microphone and performing a complex choreographed concert are not the same thing. It’s almost apples and oranges. Dave plays love rock music, as you said, and he’s incredibly talented. Taylor orchestrated elaborate concerts with dancing and choreography. Dave’s concerts are focused on music, Taylor’s concerts are focused on spectacle. Different approaches entirely.


Taylor quite literally has a live band with her every night that has played with her from basically the *beginning* of her career. The Errors Tour is a joke that Swifties themselves coined months ago because of all of the mishaps that have occurred during performances. She has a backing track that she sings with but it's very obvious she has a hot mic the entire time - different note riffs various nights, speaking to the crowd or security, interrupting songs to comment, etc. Including a section that is entirely acoustic with her + a guitar/piano only and often doing completely new medleys of songs. Dave's comment was objectively false and minimized her and her performers work and effort.


That's what I'd guess. Also am not surprised that plenty of Redditors are gonna take this to be more serious. I am 100% confident Grohl is perfectly fine with Taylor, and would speak highly about her if asked. Taylor also OBVIOUSLY plays live.


There's a couple of huge Taylor hate club subreddits, and their users spread that shit around, too. Basically it's hard to find any middle ground conversations about Swift on reddit because of the rabid fans and the rabid haters living on the internet.


I don't blame redditors, I blame the "journalists" at theprp (whatever fuck that is and why is it allowed here?) that made a story about this comment.


My wife is a much bigger fan than I but I cannot stand the lip syncing accusations. She has a band, she has live backup singers, and she very obviously sings. It’s not even a second thought. The problem with pop megastars is the obsessive haters think they can understand and critique music just because they listen to it. There are tons of other very valid critiques that you can offer but this is just goofy.


Don’t do it, Dave. We still need you.


You want him to be scared and keep his mouth shut when people came after his daughter? He’s not that kind of person


Scared of what 😂 what are people acting like these people will do?!?


When I saw them live like 10 years ago (amazing show by the way, one of the best concerts I’ve been to) he said something along the lines of “if you see a band with a bunch of laptops up here, all you need is instruments”


I honestly agree with him, but at the same time, I loved Kraftwerk live as well.


Radiohead would like a word. Phenomenal musicians but that doesn’t mean they can’t use electronics/laptops/etc to make great music. I like Grohl, but too often he plays gatekeeper of what “real rock and roll” or “real musicians” is/are.


And NIN. The musicianship Trent /Atticus and the rest of the players in NIN blow away the FF. FF is pop jock rock for the masses.


[Here's Dave talking about that very thing] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWRst2jOhWs). They collaborated on a song for his Sound City project, and he speaks to Trent's brilliance using technology and computers to augment his talent, instead of in place of talent.


But that's a bullshit boomer distinction to make as well. The fact that some artists or songwriters use tech in a different or more simplistic way than Trent doesn't mean it is a "crutch" for them. The implication that most performers who use laptops or whatever are doing so to "hide" the fact that they're not "real" musicians or that they're "not talented" is utterly ridiculous.


Nine Inch Nails is so good!! I heard about them for years, but never stopped to listen to them until recently. Dude makes amazing concept albums. He picks sounds from a wide variety of music genres and blends them smoothly into a single, focused sound. Plus the themes in his music feel like the “adult” version of what a lot of mental health-type artists have been trying to make for years. It’s all stuff that a lot of artists struggle to nail, only this dude was doing this stuff back in the 90s, it’s crazy


You should maybe do a deep dive on 80s and 90s industrial music. Groups like Skinny Puppy, Ministry, KMFDM, Revolting Cocks, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult and so on. Some of those groups have worked with Trent Reznor in the past.


I never understand the hating on laptops or various other electronic tools, even as an electronic musician you need an ear for composition and crafting a song, at least before all the AI nonsense you couldn't just press a button and have it compose a song for you. There are plenty of electronic songs that are much more well crafted than songs made on traditional instruments. Also a lot of the tools that electronic artists and DJs use are still just an array of buttons and when you push them it makes a sound, how is that all that different than a piano? There's of course plenty of amazing "analog" artists and performers and there's shit electronic artists, gesturing purely at the tools an artist uses as an indicator of the quality of their music is dumb as shit.


Also strange Dave would say what he said about laptops considering he's worked with Reznor and NIN in the past.


I mean, Radiohead *also* used instruments, so...


>I like Grohl, but too often he plays gatekeeper of what “real rock and roll” or “real musicians” is/are. Which is ironic considering his musical influences I've seen him list off read like a Rolling Stone or Spin MagazineTop Albums list. The same cliche shit I see people say over and over again in interviews and magazines; The MC5, Motorhead, The Clash, Kiss, etc.


> same cliche shit I see people say over and over again in interviews and magazines; The MC5, Motorhead, The Clash, Kiss, etc. Wait, you don't like that influential bands were influential to a certain genre of musicians?


There are a lot of types of music (some of which use sounds that can't be replicated by live instruments), and there are a lot of things that make a concert fun. The production, dancing, lighting, staging, etc. are all parts of a show. It's silly and short-sighted to think the only thing that matters is the ability to sing live. That might be true for smaller venues with scaled down production, but if I'm paying $200+ to see a show, I expect a SHOW, not simply live music. There's a reason the Black Keys just had to cancel their tour. If you're gonna charge that much money and up the venue size, you better figure out a way to add production value. Arenas and large venues are awful ways to experience live music if that's all you're bringing to the table.


Lol yeah I saw the black keys years ago. Cage the elephant opened for them. Such high energy performance from cage. Then black keys came out and played their music. They make good music, very talented musicians, but the show itself wasn't all that exciting especially in comparison. Not to say that hasn't changed, that was idk like 8 years ago at this point


>Arenas and large venues are awful ways to experience live music if that's all you're bringing to the table. This is a really important point. I saw Guns & Roses recently in a stadium event and it was the worst 'concert' I've ever been to. Basically sounded like they were playing music over the loudspeaker/PA system, from the stands. I've heard it was better right down in front for $$$$, but I don't think I'd go to an arena concert again.


He was wrong then too


Linkin Park laid down live tracks both times I saw them. Sure there were laptops, but it was still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen live. I like Dave, but this is a disingenuous old timey take.


This is kind of lame honestly. If a band has 2 songs that have violin, they may not be able to pay for another bunk in the bus just to have a violinist. It's easier to just have it tracked. Not to mention lighting, pyrotechnics, etc that are all time coded - meaning the band has to play to a click and all the other digital stuff that comes with that. I love Dave but this sounds less like a point of artistic integrity and more like he's getting old lol


A lot of bands just get creative and use other instruments if they don't have the ones on the album available. I saw The Who and Roger Daltrey played the viola solo of Baba O' Riley on harmonica. Worked perfectly.


Totally disagree with him here and I like grohl. lol. Some of my favorite prog metal bands of the last decade all had laptops on stage because it was cheaper and better than lugging around amps and pedal boards.


Laptops can be musical instruments though. 


This is such a stupid "Get off my lawn" energy statement. Broaden your horizons, producing music is an art, no matter the tool you use to create it.


You’re right about producing music, but we are talking about live performance. Totally different subject.


I feel like it’s ok for there to be different types of music and different kinds of performances. Even if it’s all Milli Vanilli fake I’m fine with it. Taylor swift is resonating strongly for a huge group of people, that’s a good thing for them, it’s a good thing for her. Art takes many forms, and that’s a good thing.


Milli Vanilli is a step too far for me, because they were lip-syncing *someone else's voice*.


It was really harsh too, because they could both sing, and tried to several times, but Frank Farian was like, “nah you’re not good enough”. He did the same thing with his first group Boney M, sang the male parts himself.


Key word is "Playfully." He's just fucking around, and people are losing their minds. Chill, people.


was literally there last night - really not that deep as title says it was ‘playful’, i guarantee he’s fully aware of her using a live band and is purely playing to the crowd (a few other little comments all met with some booing of taylor and some shouts like ‘fuck that swifty shit’ near me, so clearly knows his audience) but headlines are headlines my two cents - i think they’re both incredible in fairly different way. the foos, especially grohl, really do sound like they’re putting their entire soul into every song for about 3 hours, most at an incredible intensity (cannot fathom how he can keep those levels and his voice at 55) then taylor’s ability to curate such a polished, quality, high production show for 4 hours, and consistently do so night after night around the world (edinburgh snotgate and all), is also pretty incredible. live music is great, support local venues, fuck ticketmaster


> live music is great, support local venues, fuck ticketmaster fuck yeah. I saw both the Foo Fighters and The Eras Tour in the last year and both shows were amazing. You could tell everyone loved what they were doing and there is undeniable talent for both (and their support of course)


I saw Foo Fighters last year at ACL and the Eras Tour last July. Totally agree - great acts from both. I took his comments to be joking but I guess it was just too tempting for news outlets to report some drama.


I love the foos, I can appreciate swift. There are times though, when due to the nature of having 3 guitarists... 100% grohls guitar volume is almost down to zero.... I watch the clips of them coming out and strumming what can only sound like an open chord and his hands are sliding up and down, on and off the guitar, with absolute no change in tone. Once they crank into the song his guitar gets turned up, but I still think there are other parts in the song when it gets turned back down again when he does more frontman stuff. For me this is a bit like Taylor Swift miming some parts of her live show. Stadium shows are just as much visual spectacles as sound, and I think both artists realize sometimes one has to sacrifice the other now and again when you need to emphasize one aspect.


Not really a Taylor Swift fan but took my daughters and friends to see her. I was blown away how good the show was. She _clearly_ is playing with a live band and occasionally has hiccups that them have to deal with.  Funny enough, her show actually reminded me a bit of theirs. He's a showman and it all pretty much boils down to _his_ showmanship that makes it...a bit like hers. On the other side, my kids also like k-pop and, while it's still a fun show to see, there isn't a big of live music being performed. It all revolves around just a really complicated, well-choreographed dance routine.


The different framing in these headlines on different subreddits is hilarious to me.


You can tell the swifties took this personally judging by these comments lmao


People seem unfamiliar with Dave’s playful trolling. I’m sure he would say a number of nice things about Taylor if he was asked about her directly. He’s just a goof.


Love how this post is about stans/fans of artists, and then you get a comment like this


I am not really into Taylor Swift but people I know that have gone to her shows say if nothing else she puts on a crazy good, live show. I'm not sure why he chose her to single out because there are some actual dogshit live performers and by all accounts that isn't Taylor Swift 


Because eras sounds like errors and he thought the joke was funny


I feel like people are just taking this as rage bait. Obviously he was being tongue in cheek about it. However her fanbase is toxic af so they will use this as some kind of declaration of war.


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Dave right now:


Say what you want about her music but you cannot discredit her tour and performances. The shear amount of work it must take her to get through them is insane and she absolutely sings live.


He also defended her talent not too long ago. She saved him when he was flubbing a performance in front of Paul McCartney and he was impressed with her kindness and gift. It sucks that our shitty fanbase can cause one great to hate on another.


Taylor Swift apparently does cardio while singing to prepare for the Era's Tour. That makes a lot of sense when a single artist is *performing* for 3-4 hours straight. I do think that these two have different performance approaches: I think Dave Grohl's live music is supposed to be more impromptu and imperfect which lends itself to that group of music listeners. Taylor's performances sort of command more perfection aesthetically and performance wise.


Sidenote, Cardio while practicing is pretty common! I remember Beyoncé talking about it as far back as 2010. Chris Brown too.


Can't say I like her music but if what I've read is true she does write a fair share of her music and lyrics, can actually play guitar decently and sing live, so even if there's an occasional playback that's still better than 99% of other pop acts in my eyes. Not the best target for this Dave.


She plays piano and guitar during her shows too