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No. Not even something imaginable. There’s considerably higher chancer Reggeaton becomes more popular the American Rap than European Rap ever reaching even second place (and even that is slim). You gotta be out of your gourd. In the US, UK rap is still looked at as inferior and silly. Only a slim minority pay attention to it. 


There's a difference between how the US views rap n what is actually more popular tho..






I feel like rap is played out in general. If you don't listen to rap specifically for lyrics, there's not much to listen for. It's based around spoken word vocals and looped repetitive backtracks. Once you've heard the first 30 seconds of a rap song you've heard the whole thing. I don't get how more people aren't bored of it yet.


I couldn’t have said it any better then that. It went from hardcore gangster rap to just mumbling random shit that doesn’t even make sense. And beefing over who’s a pedophile lol


So thats like saying if rap isnt hardcore gangster rap then its unlistenable? we gotta all be gangsters i agree. You must be the type of person who goes pow pow even in their sleep


No what I’m saying is that I personally used to be able to understand and decipher what the song was about. You know like “fuck the police” it’s very clear and easy to understand. The people that made the music had something to say or a message to get across, people like DMX or Eminem and many others. Where as now that isn’t really the case. Like Drake and Kendrick that shit is lame, kinda funny but very lame.


What you're saying doesn't stand for itself as an argument imo because: 1. drake n kendrick (whether youre at talking about the recent beef or \*not\*) do not represent modern rap just by themselves. There's more to it than kendrick and drizzy 2. You're assuming that music has to have a clear "theme" or point to get across to be worthy of listening to, which is not true because there's great music out there that doesnt do so, like club music made just for having fun or music thats written w a "random thoughts" style of songwritting, etc. 3. You're assuming that lyrics are the only way a rapper and/or singer can control the "vibe" or the feeling of the song and/or get the listener to feel something. Music is not poetry, there's more than just lyrics to it. There's delivery, there's melodies, rhythms, flows, beat choice, timing, cover art etc Music isnt just about having a msg n shoving it down the listeners throat. Some of my favorite songs have become my favorites because of the experiences ive associated w them. If you get this, you get it, theres no point in explaining it further


You clearly don't listen to rap homie. Let me know what are the latest rap artists youve been listening to? also listen to mask off by future its a cool song is just discovered it


No. What are you talking about?


what im talking about below the title lol