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Been dailying a manual in LA since 2017. Had a mt82 performance pack GT 2015, currently in a mach 1, never had an issues. Some people just complain because they wouldn’t go out of their way to live that lifestyle which is fine. But some of us really don’t care. It’s fun and enjoyable. Plus once in open roads you don’t shift at all. Gets boring almost like an automatic. The city constantly has me shifting which is what I want to do.


I guess I’ll never really know until driving a manual more often myself! Probably just depends on the person


Mustangs have long gear shifts, it's only a nuisance in stop and go traffic. You'll be much more annoyed in a car in which you need to shift gears much sooner.


I can attest to that, daily drive a ZF-5 F350, in 5th gear before 30mph. Every stop sign and red light means rowing from 2nd to 5th all over again


I've been driving manual in LA since around the same time and I love it. Although I tend to just ride my bike or take transit for short trips and take the mustang out on the weekends.


I like it until I get stuck going nowhere on the freeway out here. We have two seasons; winter and fucking construction. The latter one means just throwing out a bunch of orange barrels and narrowing shit down to just 1 lane, never doing any fucking work for like 3 or 4 months straight, then finally dragging the barrels off to the side of the road and opening it back up. Go Michigan, lol. Wouldn't piss me off half as much if the shit actually got properly worked on by the end of it. But I find it absolutely infuriating to spend an hour just coasting home with the clutch pushed in the whole time. But otherwise, I'd agree with you lol. I don't mind constantly shifting in city traffic.


Absolutely. I used to live near Chicago and it was the same exact thing. One holiday weekend I sat in a backup that took 90 minutes to get through what normally took less than 10; they squeezed three lanes down into two, then into one, then there was a sign saying it was OK to drive on the shoulder. They could have just closed one lane and shifted the remaining two over, but no they had to go to one and then back to two. I was in a Ford Ranger with a stick and I got SO tired of working the clutch hundreds of times to go less than ten miles. Not to mention it was 90 degrees out.


lol… 90 degrees. That a November day here. That’s 9 months of the year here. It’s going to “feel like” 110ish today. You guys have wind chill. We have heat index.


Me who has a 24 MT82 and a Mach1 Tremec agrees to the absolute maximum. It’s not as bad as people think it is. I don’t mind driving my cars in traffic at all. Sometimes it can even be fun.


the car auto revs too so you dont even have to feather the clutch/accelerator


Yes exactly. Don’t really need to try all that hard anymore.


That (rev matching) is something I wish my '16 had, but then again the earlier MT82's like mine have better trans ratios and no aluminum shift forks. At least there's a trade-off.


I'm not really referring to the rev matching on shifting I'm saying as I let the clutch out the car will rev automatically so it won't die


Man that's an odd combo, what prompted that decision? And how do they stack up?


Well, kinda a long story but I’ll make it quick. I am married, and I also work from home (now) to start. - Owned 2 V6s (13 and 14) - Traded his for a 15 GT - Sold my V6 - Down to one car for a time - Traded his 15 for my Bullitt - Bought a BMW as a daily for him - hated it - Traded his BMW for his Mach1 - My Bullitt was the daily. Felt bad doing that - So traded my Bullitt for my 24. Which I spec’d. (Ppack, premium, nite pony, space grey Recaros, manual) This happened over the span of 8 years. The 24 was a step up from the Bullitt. Closed the gap between the Bullitt and the Mach1 for sure as far as handling and feel. The Bullitt was awesome and it really felt… muscular in comparison maybe? Idk if that makes sense. The Mach1 definitely feels very track ready in comparison.


You get me! Makes me wonder if some people just talk to talk. It really isn’t that bad.


Maybe they just skip leg day 😂 The tremec is nicer than the MT82 just because of the pedal feel but I’m sure you can adjust it. I will say my Bullitt (19) I had, had a very heavy pedal. The 24 is lighter, but the tremec is so easy.


Yeah both the MT82 and the Tremec are a breeze, I never got to try the updated MT82 but other than having to get it up to temp it was solid and never had issues with pedal feel. The Tremec is definitely smoother!


This 100%. I've owned two Mustangs in manual that I drove for 20 years in cities. The first had a tougher clutch but the second aged gracefully. Wouldn't really have it any other way. The worst part about being stuck in traffic is not moving, not having to press the clutch a few times. Now I'm in a new Mini Cooper S in manual and still loving the lifestyle.


The worst part about being stuck in traffic is not moving, having to press the clutch ~~a few~~ hundreds of times. Know what might be even worse? Being in a car with an automatic that keeps shutting the engine off every time you stop for a couple seconds. What a stupid system. In one good traffic backup your engine might have to start from zero oil pressure and putting wear on the starter as many times in half an hour as it otherwise might do in a month or more. My F150 came with that but fortunately there's an easy way to defeat it (without pressing the button every time you start the truck). THAT must be worse than the clutch workout.


Oh I stay in a lower gear prepared to have to jump on it and shift even in the scenario you described. I LOVE shifting! I had someone also insult and say one time recently when I did just a IG live to say hi as I was driving and shifting, "I am so sorry you actually have to drive your car," like it is a curse or chronic disease or something...I corrected them and said NO I wouldn't have it any other way in a muscle car. Haven't spoken to them since AND they're muted now. Take your negative lazy ass on...I drove my automatic Stang like a damned stick...S197? D3 and O/D off? That's 3rd just without a clutch. Slap it back into regular drive in 4th with O/D still off? Yah...SHUT UP to them uncultured people who buy for clout or commute. Buy a FUN car for once.


Same, in a Mach 1 and despite being in heavy traffic often-ish I enjoy the engagement of it even in those situations


Is it really true that ya’ll can’t order tuners, intakes, and certain exhaust parts online to California? And if so how do yall get around that?


It’s a myth, and I can tell you as someone who’s lived in Phoenix AZ and LA, LA has more modified cars , and it’s become so lawless that everyone doesn’t care about laws like modified exhaust or tunes. Basically if you aren’t driving around Malibu, Palos Verdes, or any Rich community you’re in the safe zone. Plus cops love V8s they have a certain affinity against 4cyl cars. Like Honda civics are always getting stopped by cops out here.


Oh okay. Good to know. Word on the street around my area in the south is ya’ll can’t do shit or order anything for your car haha. Yeah 4 cylinders add unnecessary noise pollution


Yeah , no people here all have their smog guy who they pay off to pass smog , most mustangs here are modified.


Yeah , no people here all have their smog guy who they pay off to pass smog , most mustangs here are modified.


I’ve been wondering the same. I tested out a v6 2014 mustang and it’s crazy powerful. I’m still waiting till I’m in a position to afford a GT, but 400+ hp seems like a lot. Is it hard to manage the power. Coz I feel like I’d be spinning wheels at every other light.


I don't mind it. I find myself alot more relaxed when stuck in traffic because I'm just rolling in 2nd at a good pace as to not have to ride the clutch or brake alot. Once traffic clears I floor it lol


I feel like more people would be better drivers if they were driving a manual. More attentive and smarter driving.


LOL, I somehow doubt that.


Nope. Manual drivers are still stupid. Cheers from Europe.


I stick it un neutral and hope for inclines. That's my "automatic" version in stop and go. 🤣 Sometimes I can coast pretty far.


I mean, with all due respect, how is this different than an automatic?


Not much at all. Fun time comes when you hit the twisty bits.


That is a valid point. Love my stick shift Boss 302 but when it comes to traffic, prefer my autopilot.


Just for anyone reading because it's likely a typo but Break is like when you snap a toothpick. (E.g. I can't, I might break my leg. Or give me that pencil I can break it!) Brake is the object that stops your car. (E g. I applied the brakes so I didn't go off road!)


Oh no, I'm just a dumbass hahahaa


Lol. I wasn't talking shit/throwing shade, so thanks for the reply. I was just wanting to 1up people that might be reading. You're a cool bro;


Owned nothing but manuals... Only time it truly sucks is when you are stuck in long line of traffic and barely creeping up. 1st aaaughh stop 1st aauughh stop repeat a thousand times! Ya that shit sucks?


And this is what I faced every day in rush hour traffic, so I got an automatic transmission Mustang. But now I'm retired so I should go back to manual. 🙂


Bingo and bingo.


You develop certain habits like letting the car in front of you gain some distance so you can hopefully keep rolling in first without stopping. #  😅


And then watching impatient SOB's in the other lane(s) keep cutting in front of you.


my general rule is: if i dont have to slow down for you, i dont care if you pull out in front of me or cut in front of me


I drive in San Diego and it erks me when that happens because they usually cut in very recklessly.




The pain for me isn't even having to creep in those situations. It's more of a: "Fuck, goddammit, I'm am shaving what little life this clutch has left." I've had to help a buddy change one on an MT82 and the shit suck if you don't have a remote mount shifter.


It will definitely wear out a clutches life dramatically quicker... They get really hot in heavy traffic and tend to slip more


I love driving in the city but bumper to bumper traffic (like you're not getting out of 1st gear kind of traffic) in any capacity is tiresome with the manual.


Yeah that’s how it is here in Atlanta for hours and hours every day. It takes over an hour to go 10 miles down the freeway. I hated commuting with my manual but loved it every other time. Now I don’t commute so it’s good pretty much anytime I don’t venture too close to commute routes.


Ow, an hour to go ten miles. Been there done that in traffic jams when I had to drive near Chicago. I was fortunate enough to have a job my last 20 or so years about a mile from home. My commute took about five minutes including parking. I could ride my bike and it was 9 minutes including bringing my bike in to my office.


*Has to push the clutch like 4 extra times in a day* “God driving manual in the city is so exhausting” “Ughh this pos is only getting 18 mpg” “Man the suspension is too bumpy” “Shit ford wheel bearings went bad at 110,000 miles” The average driver yearns for the toyota yaris i swear


I have a cable clutch and don't understand the issue. Guys are basically telling us they have chicken legs 😂


have you seen the average whippled mustang driver? easiest way to gain another few tenths in the quarter is to lose half the human driving it. i swear they practically spill out of their cars


If they only knew that less weight = fast. Thats exactly why S197s can keep up with S550/S650s. They weigh nearly a 1/4 ton less.


Where are our getting this S197s weigh nearly a *quarter ton* less than S550s nonsense? - A 2011-2014 5.0 Coyote GT weighs 3,605 lbs. - A 2015-2018 5.0 Coyote GT weighs 3,705 lbs. That’s a 100 lbs difference my guy. You’re like… way off Mr. “Quarter Ton”. A “bloated” 2024 Coyote GT weighs 3,827 lbs, so the difference between a “light” 2011 GT and a “heavy” 2024 GT is still only 222 lbs. Basically the worst case scenario is still *half* what you claim it is. And the 2024 makes 74 more hp. You’re right, S197s *DO* keep up pretty well. But not because there’s a huge difference in power-to-weight ratio, they keep up because there’s a *minimal* difference. Don’t regurgitate myths.


You probably eat snickers upside down so you can feel the veiny texture on your tongue


I feel attacked


I used to be a driving manual in the city sucks, then my daily (an auto Scion TC) got totaled and the Stang became my daily. It's like Quark and Dukat said in DS9, "...You know what the worst part is? After a while, you begin to like it." "It's insidious!" I often long for banging gears whenever I drive an auto now. City or highway.




your mpg issues are your fault of course


My wheel bearings are still good at 100k miles. Cars have thousands of parts. Not everything is going to last 100k on a car. Even on a (gasp) toyota. Lol


What in the actual fuck is this comment


Motorcraft makes some of the best parts in my experience, I was unaware of any bearing issues and was poking at the average mustang driver not knowing how to swap simple components lmao. Also idk whats done to your car but ive been getting 18.2 in a 5.0, I recommend you use that 6th gear occasionally lol


I have never even once thought, 'Man, I wish I had an auto' when driving in the city. To each their own


I'm 50/50. I don't really go I to the city unless I have to, living out in the boonies and working at a place on the very edge of the city...just on the opposite side so I usually drive around. So when it's early, and there isn't much traffic, I don't mind it (I usually leave around 4 am), but on the drive home, I'm really giving the clutch a workout. As for going into town, I avoid it at all costs. If I'm out and about and have to stop in town, I'm super cautious. If I wake up and know I have to go into town....I drive my charger, lol


Same here. I kinda live in a rural area but have to drive in a city when going to work. Maybe it’s good to have that mix


I'd say you're in a good situation. City near you is probably not like la, san Francisco, or atlanta so even that really isn't going to be that bad. I will say though it's only truly rewarding if you absolutely LOVE the driving experience. Otherwise you're probably going to hate it compared to the ease to use of an auto. If you don't live for literally every single moment you spend behind the wheel id just save up the money and get a second vehicle like an frs or even Miata as your manual car and keep the auto daily. Or before you make a large purchase like a car, pay for some stick lessons and get good at driving it really only takes a couple of weeks. Then rent a manual (fun) car for the day and drive it around on your usual commute along with some fun roads. Will tell you all you need to know. Edit: To answer your question for me it literally never sucks to drive manual except for how much slower it is to shift compared to an auto. My 3v has trouble keeping up from 0-40 with even economy cars due to the reason that shifting from 1-2 in the 4.6 sucks and has insane resistance with 3.73 gears. Other than that it's really not that bad and imo people who complain about it sucking in traffic just arent following people at a distance/maybe just arent as into driving manual as other ppl. Only time its hard is when i feel to fucking tired physically or mentally to even shift which i shouldn't even be driving in that situation so i find another option. Other than that piece of cake


I'm 45. I've never once owned an automatic in my life. I don't mind it. My passengers may tell you differently though lol


Love it. Been daily driving manual cars for 30 years and never would want to drive an auto.


Daily drove mine for a couple years in Chicago. Never felt annoying to me


I for one, absolutely love driving my manual in the city. Where else can you put the auto-rev matching on full display for all to hear and you have to stop at the lights to show case the Jack Rabbit starts. When the shifter starts moving the fun starts happening so yes, city driving is great!


I daily a 2014 Mustang GT track pack with 6 speed and I fucking love it. I'll drive an auto when I'm an old crusty man with knees that don't work. Until that day I'll stick to a manual.


If your knees don't work you get 'em fixed. I'm driving a 6 speed '16 and had my left (clutch side) knee replaced last year. No problems. But I still don't want to inch through traffic with a manual, even if it was a Lamborghini.


City’s fine, but any bumper to bumper traffic SUUUCKS and I would rather be in an automatic on those situations


I just don't like getting stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.


define city. some of these responses clearly live in a one horse town. ‘real’ city, it sucks. but we still have fun where we can.


I don't really notice it until I get in my wife's car and try to push down a clutch to start it.


When I get into my Lexus after driving the Mustang I'm always checking to make sure the shifter is in neutral. Force of habit.


I like my manual, the reason why ive slowed down driving it as much isnt bec of the manual but bec i live in california all my mods r illegal and my cams are fking LOUD. 😀, if i lived in tx, florida or anywhere where i wouldnt be subject to a state reff ticket. Id drive my car nearly everyday instead im constantly looking in the rear view mirror 24/7 for cops. My days off i do drive my car anywhere and i live in San Francisco.


Oh no! Another reason why I’ll never live in Cali haha


Mine is older so it quickly got tiring. I try to enjoy it whenever I can but having a automatic daily is better


I don't really have to contend with the San Fran traffic as much since i work the early morning shift, no traffic headed to work, and very light headed home. So I don't mind it to much.


The Bullitt Mustang was MADE for San Fran traffic. Just watch how Steve McQueen handled it.


I didn't even realize this was the Mustang sub! I stand corrected!


All good!


I don't mind it, but I also have an automatic daily to drive if I'm not feeling it lol


It's a love/hate relationship for me. 🤣 Honestly depends on my mood. Some days I'm having a blast and others, I wish I had an automatic daily driver. But then I'd probably just miss driving the Mustang. I went on a road trip in it yesterday for a work thing. I averaged 28mpg (3.7 v6) That was mostly in cruise control although I did pass through a few small towns with some stop and go. Downshifting and flying around traffic on the hwy is always a fun perk though of having a manual.


Stop and go traffic on steep uphill roads separates the boys from the men


I absolutely hated it. Especially this hill right near where I live that I had to use almost daily Traded in and got a 10 speed. I do miss it. If I ever get one again it’ll be a tremec


Sucks 👎🏻


I have no issue with driving a manual in the city. The people who have problems with it are the people who don't know how to leave space between them and the car in front of them. They are staying right on the ass of the car in front during heavy traffic, moving a little here and there and constantly having to press the clutch. You do things right, and you barely ever have to touch the clutch. There are some days I'll go through an entire barely moving traffic jam and never touch the clutch. As for the rest of the time when it's not stop and go traffic, I enjoy it. All the traffic lights give me chances to go through a few gears every now and then.


It’s like driving a auto but more fun unless I’m driving my 69 Boss because the clutch is heavy but still not as bad as my Peterbuilt


I sold the manual for an automatic when I took a downtown Houston job. After about 6 months of sitting in traffic for 3 hours a day, I got "clutch foot", so the manual had to go, plus you wear your clutches out too fast.


the brake checkers are my kryptonite. every time.


Not a Mustang, but had a Porsche 996 which I drove in and around Charlotte, NC. It was no problem whatsoever and despite constant traffic/roadworks/accidents on 77, etc. Never felt an issue with manuals in cities. That includes London.


where did you get that shift retainer boot?


https://lmr.com/item/LRS-7277AA/2005-09-Mustang-Upper-Shift-Boot-for-Manual-Transmission Think this is it, not my car though


im sorry, i mixed it up. i meant shift boot retainer, not the other way around😅


My Mustang and my daily are manuals and I'm hoping to keep it that way when I eventually have to replace my shit box daily lol


I don't like automatics. I have driven in the worst of traffic (Honolulu and Tampa) and think I have only wished I had an automatic twice since 2007.


I don’t have a Mustang, but I have my first manual car, my 2013 WRX 5 Speed, and I’ve been driving it for almost 2 years every day. In city driving with a manual is so fun IMO. I think most people who complain just aren’t too good at driving manual. It’s whatever’s the most fun to the driver though.


I think most people not liking to drive manuals in the city are referring to bumper to bumper traffic where you're just creeping along for miles.


I do it and have no issue. Not hating and to each their own.


You're not talking about the same thing. I don't mind at all shifting up through the gears in my GT and enjoying the sound of the engine. But inching along through a traffic jam just sucks and has nothing to do with 'not good at driving manual.' At the risk of sounding like the old guy I am, I was probably driving a stick decades before you were a gleam in your father's eye.


No you’re totally right about the last part. I do it but I enjoy it weirdly I guess. To each their own.


Stage 2 McLeod and no complaints. People should stop bitching before they go totally extinct.


The only time I've ever been bothered is in bumper to bumper stop and go highway accident traffic one time. Also, at the time I recently discovered I had a defective master cylinder. My new clutch kit and hydraulics made the pedal a lot lighter after that.


From NYC and been driving stick my whole life. Don't even think about it.


I give you credit. I’m on the island and when I had to commute on the LIE I would want to shoot myself when traffic hit some days.


I don't even think about it. And I've been stuck on every highway.


I find it more relaxing than driving the SUV. Heavy traffic just pick a gear and take it easy until it starts to clear.


I love it! I suppose if I sat in traffic jams every day I might feel otherwise but as it is, I love it!


Ive been daily driving a manual since my first car which was a 1990 Honda Civic four door. I honestly need to focus my attention more when I drive my wife’s Grand Cherokee that’s an automatic. I don’t even notice the clutch, it’s just natural at this point.


These assisted clutches are EZPZ. The stage 2 in my old WRX, in the summer, with AC on? Now that's a fight. Eventually felt like it was going to shake apart


Never minded driving my manuals in any traffic tbh. They’re not as bad as some make it out to be.


I had a 96 Eagle Talon TSI AWD with a manual transmission, it was fun to drive but the crank was walking by 12,000 km. I noticed that if I was turning left at an intersection or even a parking lot occasionally, you couldn't take the car out of gear in the turn. Chrysler changed a clutch spring, a bearing and the cable. They didn't figure it out that it was crankwalk until the oil pressure went to zero.


i’ve never driven a manual in an actual city, but it seems like it could be enjoyable. i can have fun in stop & go traffic on the interstate


Daily drive my Bullitt in DC. Never gets old and I learned to drive on manuals so it’s just natural to me! Occasionally when I’m stuck in terrible traffic i think it would be nice to have an auto but then I remember all the reasons I didn’t buy an auto!


I read someplace that like only 20% of new drivers (or all drivers?) know how to drive a stick anymore.


Honestly at this point in my life, Ive been driving manuals longer than I’ve been automatics. Its just DRIVING now. I admit, I have built my entire life around avoiding Houston traffic as much as possible.


Love it. Live in a large metro with traffic. For me driving a manual enhances the driving experience. Especially shifting up and down through traffic. That's why I love to drive and love to drive manuals.


If I know I'm working a certain shift at work I take the automatic.


I live in Detroit but we don't have real traffic because half the city is empty. I have no problems with it.


Bridge where I live is out for at least two years. Bumper to Bumper traffic everyday but I know the trucker crawl and it gets done


I traded my 2011 in 8 years ago, and I still have that shift pattern burned into my palm. My 2017 has a 6 speed, and it's just fine in the city.


Only when traffic isn't so bad.


I don’t mind it. I love the manual in my 2023 GT Premium. Gearing seems great for 3rd gear cruising around between 20 and 50 so I can minimize the shifting if I want to and I catch a few lights right. Rush hour is what it is. But I don’t mind it either.


I don't own a mustang, idk why I was recommended this but regardless driving my WRX In the city isn't bad at all it really isn't that much work at all I feel like I he people who make a big deal out of it were the kind of people who were never going to learn manual anyway.


The manual on my 24 gt is so damn smooth. The WRX I had sucked compared to this. It's like driving a Cadillac instead of a tractor


Automatic + Auto Pilot for heavy bumper to bumper traffic


I hate how clunky and unpleasant it is to drive my mt-82 during summer, as soon as the day hits 100 degrees+, the whole car feels like it just got rebuilt with sheet metal.


03 Cobra, stiff ass clutch, Houston traffic, wouldn’t change it for the world lol


This isn't a mustang but in college years ago I had a Gen 2 Rav4 awd. Stop and go traffic uphill in snow with a new clutch was fun lol. But I'd do it again. We have a 15 v6 and it's fine. No issues.


22 gt mt in nyc every day so much easier than the older cars I’ve had especially with the auto rev


Sucks driving in Cali traffic.


Most of the cars I’ve owned were manuals, so if I’m just going from A to B then the shifting is in autopilot.


I have a ‘17 5.0. I’ve never had any issues. The only time it’s ever been a problem is when there’s bumper to bumper traffic on my way home from leg day; then, it gets a little tough. Besides that it’s pretty effortless. I could understand a new manual driver thinking it’s a pain, but once it becomes an unconscious and natural action the difficulty leaves and it feels just like driving an automatic in traffic.


Driven manuals since I could decide to get one, over 20 years now. My 2016 mustang was the most fun, and easiest, of em all. I'm told the clutch was a bit heavy but I prefer that. Bumper to bumper traffic sucks ass regardless of manual vs automatic imo. I guess if you've got arthritic legs? **pass**, but otherwise it all sucks the same. I guess if you don't have any kind of leg strength, yeah, stop and go is gonna be rough.


Been DD stick Mustang more than 20 years in city and all over. Love it except dead stop mega rush hour traffic in this heat.


I’ve had manuals for 40 years. Will only go auto when there are no more manuals!! My leg does get sore and cramp once in a while in stop and go traffic that lasts more than 30 min.


I love it. I have never owned a automatic car. Been owning cars since 1970...


Hate it in stop and go traffic. Other than that, no complaints.


In the city isn't bad. The only time I *didn't* like driving a manual is when I would get stuck in interstate traffic. Stop, start moving, shift to second, maybe third, slow down, stop again, repeat. Do that for an hour or two just to get 5-10 miles and it gets old


My daily and my Mustang are both MTs. Don’t mind driving in the city, it’s the bumper to bumper freeway traffic that I hate.


I commute 23 miles to Jersey city, and it takes between an hour and 90 mins. It’s a miserable and slow drive…but I don’t hate driving a manual in it. If anything…you get good practice. If I take my Mustang, it can be easier becasue it has so much torque. My other car is a 6 speed 340, so it’s a little more work. The downside, is the Mustang gets terrible mileage when your average speed is 15 mph.


You’re supposed to read the manual not drive it! These mustang drivers, am I right?


Inching your way through a stop-and-go traffic backup for half an hour is not fun in anything with a manual trans. If you're able to do a little driving between stops it's not bad but traffic jams suck. Why is it the govt wants US and the carmakers to squeeze every tiny bit of mpg's we can out of our cars, but nobody makes them fix the traffic lights so we don't sit waiting at red lights for no reason at all? They should have to actually know what they're doing when they set up the lights. I used to live in a place where you sat at red light after red light while the next light was green and you couldn't get there before IT changed to red. I went back years later and the lights were still the same stupid mess.


I loved mine drove it for 6+ years. Couldn’t say anything bad about MT82


As long as you have your seat adjusted correctly there shouldn’t be any issues. Just have to where the clutch is in all the way when your leg is in the locked position. I don’t see what the big deal is. Either people are weaklings, they have leg problems or they just like to bitch about manual transmissions. Personally, I think it’s the last one.


It's ok unless I'm stuck in traffic or at a stop light on a hill. I'm just an ok manual driver. When cars are on my bumper at a red light on a hill, I get on edge.


I’ve always driven a manual. I drive through Raleigh every morning. Although it’s not city driving since I go the beeline, still backs up because of terrible design, but it’s not that bad.


I hate it TBH. Manual is fun sometimes, but for daily driving its a PITA and I wont ever get another one unless its a weekend car.


I don’t even notice tbh


Extended bumper to bumper can suck, particularly if you are already tired, but unless you sit in an hour or bumper to bumper daily for work it will likely be uncommon enough to discourage buying a manual. Ill also note the newer cars clutches are much lighter than old cable ones.


We don't


Been driving manual in New York City for 30 years…..need I say more


I guess it depends on the person. Any time I've got to drive a manual in the city all I DO is complain. But I like complaining, so take my opinion with a grain of salt 😅. My roomate has been driving a manual here every day for the last decade, and he loves it


Just kinda depends on the time of day. For reference I live in Dallas and traffic is horrible everyday after 3pm. Sometimes I hate having to burning up my clutch by scooting up when traffic moves up so I try to let the car in front of me get some good distance ahead so I can just sit in 1st and go slow, but usually it ends quickly with someone getting in front of me. Overall it's not too bad and I still enjoy it despite living in one of the largest cities in Texas. I like switching gears often and sometimes it's a cool conversation piece with friends or when I go to drive throughs and people see the stick.


Not an issue, unless it doesn’t run right


The most annoying part about driving my manual car in town is when people pull out in front of me, and when they honk because I don’t instantly take off from a traffic signal.


It really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I have a very stiff clutch in my mustang because the previous owner was planning on adding a lot of power. Some people just like to complain


Hate it. Plus I hate trying to drink my coffee and mess with the radio.


I've driven a manual since I was 16. Currently almost 50. Never had any issues with it. I live in a city that has crazy traffic as well.


I live in a small(ish) town with super deep dips, stop signs every block, etc. Frickin sucks driving a manual here lol


Not a mustang owner but I do have a 13 focus st3 with the 6 speed. I personally don’t mind it I actually love it. Only thing that suck about it is being on a hill and drivers getting right on your rear bumper. Gotta love Memphis drivers


I love going through tunnels, under overpasses and between tall buildings in 3rd and give it a little tap on the accelerator after I get some RPMs, just so she sounds all throttley and let off quick once I get to the speed I want so she crackles and pops a little after I've gotten to the end of the area. Im in the DMV so I have urban and suburban areas to terrorize 🤣


I’ve been doing it for almost 25 years now. Don’t really think about it. Just get in and go. It’s just normal to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No issues doing it. Just got to remember that it's a clutch pedal and not a dead pedal in an auto. Gotta keep that throw out bearing happy.


With traffic it sucks. Without traffic I open the exhaust and let the 5.2 sing and e hi off the buildings. I have an auto daily driver aside from my Mustang.


Not a Mustang experience for myself... But Potentially worthy of weighing in? Idk... Went from a manual to an automatic. Quite honestly, it really doesn't feel any different. I feel like the ones who have issues in the city are the ones that just gas and go, brake, gas and go, brake rather than be smooth and at least attempting to keep a roll going.


Had manuals in Balto, DC, NYC, SF, LA . The key to making it livable in a congested city: [light] hydraulic clutch. Old school cable clutch, in 3mph stop and go on a 2 lane road... will drive you insane, aside from a sore left leg. Then again with a cable clutch, you have more sensitivity with engagement (went on the track/strip).


No I hate my damn 5 SPD with 3.9 gearing, always have to use 1st gear for anything slower then 10mph


Keeps me engaged in traffic and holds me accountable to being the most “Defensive” driver, on the road! 10/10 would recommend, if you have a comfortable clutch.


Had to daily (more like weekendly) my manual in Boston. It’s not that bad if you drive off peak hours, but some of the streets out here were tough to navigate with hills and such. Also drivers are generally courteous out here (other than the fucking Uber and taxi drivers) so doesn’t really make it any worse. Driving in traffic was a completely different story, would 100% wish I was in my parents Tesla in those situations. Everyone is antsy and get very close, the clutch would get really old really quick. I hated being in 1st gear so often.


It's fine, I'd keep it in the Normal mode though. S+ is a bit annoying in traffic.


I love manual in city or country. Wouldn’t have it any other way


I was never once bothered by my stick shift car. It was fun and engaging. I would still have my Focus ST if it hadn't been totalled in a front end hit that I didn't cause.


I live in Philly and city driving was perfectly fine and traffic here gets pretty bad


Only time I ever really complain is when I'm stuck in rush hour traffic, or a bad backup because of all the peddle dancing. But driving in the city doesn't bother me at all.


Its not hard. Annoying in the beginning. Later on you dont even think about it


love it. just take it out of gear in stop and go, no problem.


Love it.


Reading these comments, I feel like most people haven’t been truly in bumper to bumper traffic (that shitty GWB/Lincoln tunnel traffic). I got all manuals and it does suck the way people drive between NJ and NY during heavy traffic. Unless you like getting cut off by 20 people merging from the shoulder lane, most of the time you’re accelerating and stopping constantly. Traffic in most other states I’ve experience, you can ride second gear and cruise, which isn’t bad at all


I’ve been dailying a manual since 2015, I had a brz manual and now a Mazda 3 manual in NYC. I’ve gotten used to it and it doesn’t bother me even in heavy traffic. But there are times that I wish I had an auto.


I used to have an old '05 Subaru WRX, and driving it in the city daily was absolutely tiring, especially after leg day at the gym. Despite the fact I loved the car a lot, I'd rather not have a manual as a daily driver if my commute leads me to the city.




Better than driving it in Cape Cod traffic.


I’ve been driving manual for like 2 weeks and it’s not that bad. Most annoying part is obviously having to stop at red lights over and over. Haven’t been downtown and i don’t plan on it


Love it


Nah city driving is actually pretty nice, I have a reason to slow down and get a few pulls in the process. Only thing that kills me is Stop and Go for miles and that’s only bad when drivers slam brakes


In my 20s it was dope. In my 30s it’s lowkey annoying my knees everyday all day. Just doesn’t feel the same as it did at a younger age


I like it a lot! It's so easy to drive with all the torque! I also have 4.10 gears, which makes it even more fun.


I don’t like it, it’s why I went with paddle shifters first chance I got.


We're the minority, but same. My first car was a 5 speed 04 GT. Being my first manual and living in the city it was a nightmare for me. I'm much happier with the 10 speed though I'll admit maybe the 5.0 has me a little biased. But there's been many times where I'm sitting in traffic and extremely glad I got the automatic.


I was fine with a manual Mustang daily until I moved to Austin. I bought an old grandma car (‘01 Town Car) to cruise around in REAL quick.


No, it sucks.


I used to drive manual all the time, but for bumper-to-bumper peak hour traffic that moves slower than a politican's promise... I love my "sports-matic" auto transmission with "manual" shifting feature. Spoiler: I don't drive a Mustang but I felt like the question wasn't car specific.