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Post: Come comment an unpopular opinion People: *Comment unpopular opinion* Replies: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Welcome to reddit


I'd say "Welcome to Internet", but that's accurate too.


And I'd say "anything that brain if yours can think of can be found" but most of these people don't have working brains


Yeah basically this is the thread. It's okay if we enjoy different things guys. We don't all have to be the same!


That's the Internet for you


I've never heard of this anime


Honestly though, they act like itā€™s the end of the world if one person doesnā€™t like the same thing they do.


Solo Leveling, don't worry if you like it. But it's just average. Very average.


Something can still be good and just be a pure hype fest. Not everything has to be some deep philosophical introspection into the human soul to be good


i say this all the time. ā€˜itā€™s okay for entertainment to just be entertaining.ā€™ im tired of ppl acting like itā€™s a sin to like something just bc itā€™s fun


when does it become low effort. if its entertaining to be entertaining and has nothing of substance when does it become ok to call something basic


same. Just another show with cool fights


I affectionatley refer to these shows as popcorn anime. Just turn my brain off, grab a snack and watch the sakuga


I can respect that, as a fan of the show myself. šŸ¤


This. Itā€™s fun for what it is.


I'm saying this as someone who likes demon slayer šŸ˜…


Repetitive on the story cycle of that mid leveling


It felt like Persona 5, but without the fun social bits and cool characters


I can definitely agree although I personally believe when he was coming to the realization that he shouldnā€™t have stayed behind in the double dungeon was one of the most intense deaths Iā€™ve seen in anime. I donā€™t know what it was but that whole scene touched me in a way that an anime death has never touched me before. It really made me feel for him even though we barely even knew who he was at that point


I don't think Jojo is trash. But I just can't get into it. On paper it has everything I love, so I don't get it.Ā 


Sameā€¦ I tried


Some seasons are better than others.


I love JoJo but I can see why people can't get into it.


The writing is really weird and inconsistent with a LOT of plotholes. The author kinda just made shit up as he went so if you like a more coherent story then Jojo isn't for you


This is definitely not my experience. The overall storyline is very consistent and when you stop looking at it from the lens of the series being bizarre, its plot is insanely coherent with an emotional through line that brings grown men to tears


Go search up Harmon beat And go see where you thing was forgotten


Sexy muscle men posing?




Honestly part 1 is very hard to get into its the most meh on my opinion so it's understandable


How far u get? I was like this for a while because parts 1 and 2 were killing me, I hated them so much(part one mostly) but after that is when itā€™s juice


Fate series to confusing. I donā€™t know where to start or how it progresses


Play Fate Stay Night realta nua. Fate -> UBW -> Heaven's Feel This is the best way to get into it. You probably wouldn't like the anime much if u start that first since it cuts out majority of shit. Don't listen to people saying start with fate zero. It spoils tons of stuff from f/sn.


Just wanted to say I agree, and that it's funny that the comments telling you the watch order can't even agree on an order.


For me , Jujutsu. Iā€™m happy that lot of people enjoyed it but I couldnā€™t get into it and yes I know that season 2 is hype


80% of S2 was just basically ppl fighting endlessly


Iā€™d rather have that then useless filler like what MHA did


MHA is a worse anime. The thing is you don't have to tell ppl how each of them fight with each other in such great details while it doesn't really mean much to the plot. People want to see the plot pushing forward faster.


Which is great since that's exactly what the fans of the show want.


Thats why i hated s2. (I love JJK, but more because of the Manga) 4-panel Fights get turned into 2-episode Fights. Yeah, Not for me.


I agree, fighting with no substance is only fun for so long. Of course the cool abilities make it last a bit longer but after awhile I just stop caring about the characters because the author doesnā€™t even give me a reason to


So real. I heard it gets worse after season 2 too, so there's that


Bungo Stray Dogs Yeah, I get it the main character was hated by his orphanage.šŸ™„ but, you donā€™t have to show the same exact flashback every 8-14 Minutes!šŸ˜”


Hahaha BSD is one of my favorites, but I soo agree with you. Atsushi is an annoying MC to me too.


i couldnt get past the first episode because yeah i get all that ^ but where is the plot building. i couldnā€™t understand what was actually supposed to make the anime interesting


literally my number 2 favorite anime but yeah, the flashbacks are pretty annoying, from what I can recall even in the latest season they are STILL showing the orphanage flashbacks


If it makes it any better, those flashbacks do stop showing up consistently.


i love that anime but i have to agree i got so annoyed by that


BSG starts off relatively mid, something to watch when you run out of other shows type of deal. But man does it become great. The last season they put out was one of my favorite things from last year the show really got better each season.


Darwinā€™s Game. Endless plot holes.


never heard anyone like Darwinā€™s game


Believe it or not, Iā€™ve seen it on so many peoplesā€™ 3x3 of favorites.


i really like darwinā€™s game! but i can see how other people may not


I liked it in the ā€œturn my brain off and enjoy the rideā€ way


One piece. It gets off to a great start but the pacing becomes insanely slow about 50 episodes in.


That's fair. Even though I like One Piece, I can admit the anime probably has the worst pacing of any show I've ever seen. Did you give the manga a shot? If pacing is the main issue, the manga's pace is pretty good.


Demon slayer. The animation is cool, especially the CG overlaid on their swords which is unique. But the story is absolute garbage. No character backstories at all, hardly any character development at all. Itā€™s a shiny piece of shit.


No backstories is a wild thing to say when like half of almost every fight is a flashback sequence.


thatā€™s like the only time we get characterā€™s motives and backstory. which in substance the backstoryā€™s are basic ā€œI got hurt so now I have to be strong and defeat this demon for myself and society because I am a heroā€ type shit. It gets old fast, especially when itā€™s recycled as everyoneā€™s driving factor with barely any variation.


I agree. It has the same feeling as violating the "Show don't tell" rule. If we had seen some of the motivation happening earlier in the show, and it comes out in the fight, the motivation would hit harder.




And most of them are after the character dies šŸ’€


Yeah, like what's the point of knowing more about them when they are already dead?! Like the new Halo series, oh look at this new world and all these new characters I'm being introduced to. Here paying attention to what their names are what their stories are...all for nothing cause they all died by the first episode! Couldn't name you one character now. It's not worth the investment or memory storage.


It's not garbage, it's simple:p The ending however... The anime has been adding a lot of extra much needed content that the manga lacked so maybe the ending animated will be better


i hate to say it, but i just couldn't get into demon slayer either.


I've been thoroughly impressed by the animation studio's ability to take a genuinely bad manga with some of the least professional looking art I've ever seen, and make it one of the top dogs.


I can't tell you how happy I am to know I'm not alone, I always feel out of the loop when it wins so many awards and everyone on yt is like "it's amazing! Guys you have to watch it!"


Itā€™s so overly cliche and cheesy at times. One personality trait characters, numerically ranked enemies, sad backstories, extremely noble MCā€¦ etc. That being said I still like that kind of stuff from time to time, but itā€™s way overrated.


Yeah i agreeā€¦ the animation is good though. people acting like itā€™s Yu Yu Hakusho


i'm not new to anime or anything, but i just cant stand 99 percent of battle shonen. i've given the genre an honest shot and i don't think it's objectively bad or anything but i just cant click with it. i sadly cant think of a single one i've enjoyed, and i've tried all of the big ones. it's a shame since it feels like that's what most anime fans like.


Being not-new probably exacerbates the problem. 99% of battle shonen are all the same, but with different characters. And when I say "different characters", I mean the same characters but with different names. OG Dragonball has some pretty slow pacing, and hits a lot of common story beats, but next to things like Black Clover, it's practically bursting with originality. Rant: Our protagonist's world gets shaken up when he becomes part of a wacky group of unique and powerful friends such as: * someone who comes from a powerful family and whose whole life has been dominated by pressure to uphold the family legacy * someone who is a disappointment to a powerful family * someone from a disgraceful family * someone from a poor family Prepare for such wacky personalities as: * weirdly obsessed with younger sibling * absurdly bad cook * prepetually crying about how inspirational the hero is * pervert * powerful girl (but not as powerful as the protagonist, antagonist, antihero, or rival) And such cunning villians as: * Weakling * Powerful, but with a weakness * Powerful, but without a weakness * Powerful and Fast^TM * Related to a hero * Boss


One Piece, Dragon Ball and Bleach, straight off the bat LMFAO, but I love most of em šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t particularly care for Shikimoriā€™s Not Just a Cutie.


Did anyone like that one? (Haven't watched myself, but all I've heard is that it's either shit or mid)


I liked it. Is it the best romcom? No but itā€™s no where near as bad as Iā€™ve seen people call it on Reddit. The relationship and their roles are already established so if thatā€™s what your looking for then itā€™s probably not for you but itā€™s a cool lil series with a nice dynamic and a pretty healthy/no drama relationship. It does get a bit repetitive but I still found it to be enjoyable


I didnā€™t know people deemed it bad ? I never finished it but not cos it was bad, life just got in the way and I didnā€™t care enough to go back to where I left off, but definitely wouldnā€™t call it bad.


Honestly itā€™s probably a vocal minority. Tbh Iā€™ve only seen people talk bad about it the last few months but it seemed to pop up whenever people brought up overrated shows or shows that people didnā€™t like


I liked it, it has problems and I had to put it down for a few weeks. But I liked it, I just wished that the main couple would have more impactful couple moments like in other romcoms. It felt more com than rom, not much of a balance.


Girls were cool ofc but the main character is so bland.


Itā€™s by far the most forgettable romcom I have ever watched. Just watch Milo Murphyā€™s Law and you get the same show but 1000x better.


not gonna lie i thought everyone disliked it (under 7 on MAL and got a lot of shit when airing) and i personally enjoyed it


Same here


Yeah, honestly. The mangaka was someone who did fanart of fandoms I was in so I've been a fan for a while, and I had my hopes up when he announced the manga. Good lord MC was super annoying though, and I don't even know why I hate him; I like the cutie patootie type MC but he irks me


No one did. it was that show that people thought was gonna be the next best thing since sliced bread and it was just nothing


Future diaries


Black Clover


I gave it the try everyone said to. Watched about 40 episodes. It's just.... average??? If you've seen any Shonen battle manga, Black Clover wasn't doing anything ground breaking.


That's why I love black clover. It feels almost like a DBZ reskin but with magic and fantasy. Makes me feel like a kid again waiting on the next DBZ episode to come out on cartoon network. Animation is meh, it's not groundbreaking, it's just a dude that keeps surpassing his limits. NGL when I feel like taking a break from the gym I watch a couple episodes and my motivation comes back tenfold šŸ˜‚


JJK the hype alone killed the show for me and honestly not all that interesting


Iā€™m the opposite lol the hype is what got me into it now itā€™s my favorite anime. I love how cursed energy works and all the different ways to apply it and so on, plus the fights are sick.


How does hype kill a show? Isn't that more of a reason to be, well, hyped? Even if you don't want to buy into the hype, which I can get, I don't see how people liking a show can kill it for you unless you are a contrarian.


Detective Conan. There's rarely ever any plot progression, filler (even in the manga) cases take up almost as much of the series as cases that are important to the overall story, and I'm just unable to get into it because of that reason.




It wasn't trash, but I didn't particularly like it either: cyberpunk edgerunners


THANK YOU. I can't believe it got anime of the year.


Naruto 100%


Demon Slayer. TL;DR: Tanjiro has more influence than he should, and writing decisions for the protagonists and antagonists don't make sense. Visuals are nice, but the series suffers from 'main character messiah' syndrome where the MC is the catalyst for everything that happens. In this instance, none of the upper moon demons have been killed in 100 or so years, but now that 'the special' has arrived, everything is good and the demons are dropping left and right. And Slayer marks, you're telling me nobody got one until Tanjiro joined? But why is Tanjiro the special? Why isn't Genya the special? I'd much rather watch this kid with a shotgun and the ability to eat demon flesh to gain powers than 'Shonen nice boy #5 with a powerful innate ability' The cast is difficult to deal with. Tanjiro is fine, but he's depressingly nice. Nezuko is fine. Zenitsu is annoying unless he's asleep, but because he can win any fight by being asleep, he never grows. Characters who just yell annoy me, and Inosuke makes no sense as a slayer. All of the Hashiras were antagonists upon introduction, which would be fine if that was stuck with, but then it was dropped immediately. The constant 'I'm dying? Quick take my entire backstory!' For every character is so boring. I don't care if John D. Mon had a disability as a child. Why would that excuse their current behavior? Or at least why should I feel sympathy for them? Either have signs that they're just misguided or emotionally hurt throughout the entire arc or just leave them as force of evil type villains. Also I hate how the fandom can't agree on if breathing styles are real or not. You have Genya eating demon flesh, Tanjiro smelling emotion, Zenitsu hearing if people are lying, Inosuke and his radar ability, Kagaya with his foresight ability, and not to mention the entire existence of demons. But martial arts that allow you to summon elements is crossing the line? I have more to say, but this is getting kind of long.


Naruto all the way. It's got way too much filler like a mind-numbing amount of filler and to say "oh you can just skip the filler" that's stupid I should be able to watch the show without having to skip it to begin with the filler should be somewhat entertaining for me it fell flat and the more episodes I watched with Sakura in it the more I keep thinking wow this character is one of the most poorly written main characters I've seen in a popular anime she quite literally makes the regular episodes feel like filler episodes.




Noooo rezero is so good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Itā€™s slow in the beginning but it picks uppppp. Especially season two. Season two, every episode is a banger. Just beautifully made in every way


Trash is something special. It is terrible to one person but it is treasure to others. The treasure I found was Prison School. As for anotherā€™s treasure that I find to be trash, I cannot think of one. Maybe Ajin?


god the ajin anime absolutely sucks compared to the manga


The Prison School manga is even more fire.


Not everyone but a lot of people like this and idk why but bunny girl senpai. It might be because I wasnā€™t in the right mind when I was watching it (I was tired af and couldnā€™t understand wtf my mom was saying to me when she was speaking) but the first three episodes and last three was alright, but the rest felt like they threw shit at the wall to see what stuck. Like when the bunny girl swapped bodies with I think the sister or something, didnā€™t make sense, and all the other random stuff in the middle


if you focus on making the quantum mechanics/adolescent syndrome bs make sense, bgs will seem like a mid/bad anime. If you focus on how those are mere plot devices to drive character development and relationships while commentating on modern teenage problems, then the anime is 11/10 at least for me.


Yeah. The quantum mechanics stuff didn't make any sense lol. But I liked it. The problems it tackled were real. Trauma due to bullying, depression, loneliness and a lot of other things.


Ah yes, Monogatari lite


I'm going to get a lot of hate, Naruto. I don't like it at all.


Hands down Mashle




I can't stand one piece animation


I won't even watch it based on the animation and character style! If I'm gonna investment my time then it has to be something about the anime that calls or moves me. And this ain't it. I hate the animation too!!! The animation doesn't have to be cookie cutter or realistic or crap like that. I love Kill La Kill's animation. It works for what it is., that story. Idk how else to describe what's wrong with One Piece so I'll leave it at that.


I dont have much interest in watching the anime butā€¦ the live action show is actually good and really fun (as long as you accept that they cut down on a lot of stuff from the anime and you expect that it will be super campy. But i adore camp.) I had no interest and even despised one piece until my best friend that likes one piece saw the live action and convinced me to watch it with him.


Wasnā€™t fond of Neon Genesis Evangelion, didnā€™t hate it but it wasnā€™t anything above average for me personally and there were some elements to the story that werenā€™t for me


I tried watching Neon Genesis and Cowboy Bebop. They're both legends I passed up as a kid. I made the right decision back then. Neon Genesis is painfully boring. I'm not sure I can finish it.


Thatā€™s fair Iā€™ve watched both and I personally found cowboy bebop to be a decent watch itā€™s not something I can see as being a certified classic alongside other shows such as samurai Champloo which I thought was a 6/10 at best - feel like Iā€™m missing out on a culture but not all anime is going to be for me


just curious what u didnā€™t like? i understand how its not for everybody but bc its one of my absolute favorites im just curious what you didnt like?


Honestly I never felt the story was anything to die for, wasnā€™t fond of the characters and the conclusion wasnā€™t satisfactory for me - keep in mind I watched this in mid 2023 I believe so I donā€™t remember the intricacies of the show all that well, I wouldnā€™t call it bad as a whole but itā€™s not something I can see as one of the greats in my humble opinion


I hate neon genesis evangelion


As somebody who likes deep, thought-provoking, nuanced media, I've seen so many people online swear up and down that Neon Genesis Evangelion was one of the deepest anime ever made. I watched it, and it's probably the most overrated anime I've ever watched. I'm not a fan of mecha anime for one, the characters are all annoying as hell or I just have a hard time feeling attached to the one's who aren't annoying, the Bible references and themes just for the series not to do anything with them annoyed the hell out of me, the message or moral of the story wasn't really clear, etc. The whole series was just one big eye roll fest for me. I really don't get what people see in it, even after watching reviews and video essays about it after completing the series. SUPER overrated anime imo.




IMHO it's started slow got better and then I lost interest towards the end.


Naruto. Iā€™m not a big fan of the show, but everyone seems to glaze it the second I bring it up.


I like mahiro chan but probably people thinks is trash


One Piece, DBZ, Bleach. I said it.


Trash is a strong word, what's your reasoning for thinking the Fate series is trash? And which one are you even talking about?


Madoka Magica. At every point it is so underwhelming. I can't imagine how it is so popular when literally everything that happens in it is done so much better in almost every other anime.


Almost every other anime *after*. Madoka magica is one of the first genre twist animes that got really popular. It was especially shocking as it was a magical girl anime, which if youve ever watched, are almost always saccharine and sickly sweet fun and innocent romps. Im pretty hard pressed to think of too many anime that is ā€œsweet innocent thing but made dark and edgy and bloodyā€ before madoka that wasnt somewhat niche. Now its super common and kinda tiring imo


Frieren. I feel like all the hype set it up for failure in my eyes because there was just no way it could live up


The hype could only make your expectations higher


I love it, but I agree. It really doesnā€™t help that itā€™s the new king of MAL. Like, *how*? Then again, I feel like the only people who use anime tracking websites like MAL or AL are people who keep up with seasonals and visit forums and discussion threads.


Re:zero, I just can't with Subaru


Damn, this is the first time I saw someone say exactly what I thought. I stopped at Ep 16 or so.


Bros such a wimp it goes beyond human and flawed and reaches brain dead levels


I love Subaru, they make cool cars


Naruto, I've tried twice, one when I was younger, and once a few years ago. I like everything leading up to and including the Chunin exams, but after that everything becomes very tedious to me. I very much like One Piece and especially Bleach, but Naruto has been difficult to like.


I still don't know how my younger self made it through all 700 episodes in just 3 months but I am not lying things do get better at shippuden the anti climatic thing are those stupid fillers godammit


AOT the whole series bothers me, not sure why.


I went into AoT blind and no visiting any anime sites online so no spoilers. One of the best experiences in my life. Had no hype, was new to anime, had no idea what to expect at all, but my friend said it was good.


I'm not particularly fond of it either. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Hunter x Hunter. I saw Gon's rage moment in a clip and noticed that everyone loved the show, so I decided to watch it. Honestly, it felt like the entire show was just filler episodes. There were some good moments, but they were too far and few between. I just don't get it, help me understand.


I like it but not to the level of hype it gets. Like FMAB I understand, Hunter X Hunter? Not so much. Itā€™s not trash but itā€™s not in my top 5, probably not in my top 10 either.


There is a lot of dialogue in HxH and Iā€™ve noticed that a lot of people who have ADD or ADHD donā€™t enjoy the show. Others are just more action oriented when it comes to shows like JJK season 2 where the whole season is essentially just fight scenes. For me I think I just enjoy the progression of older shows where they give you character backstories and develop them throughout the story rather than jumping right into the story and giving them a backstory through a flashback or offer none at all.


Mushoku Tensei. I just canā€™t get past the pedophilic implications of the MC.


I don't think it's implications bro


as a fan of the show, that a fair argument.


Demon Slayer is GLAZED beyond belief


It's just carried by animation Nobody gave a shit about the manga before it an anime


Exactly Ufotable made the show - any other studio itā€™s dead


Naruto. It failed to live up to the hype


I would understand boruto because it's trash but Naruto is a classic


Yeaa u lost me there Naruto created childhood memories


Re Zero


One piece , sorry but not a fan at all


I donā€™t hate it or think itā€™s garbage but I never could get into Evangelion. I really tried to like it and have tried to get into it multiple times and there are aspects of it I enjoyed but overall I didnā€™t really care for it probably because I really donā€™t care for mecha animeā€™s in general. The only mecha animeā€™s I have sat through were Gurren Lagann and Darling in the franxx and Gurren Lagann already took multiple attempts. Back to Evangelion though, Misatoā€™s pretty hot I guess.




One piece and Bobobo Bo bobobo


Jojo and OP


One. Peice.


One piece


One piece


One Piece fs, I just don't like the characters all that much.


H x H The magic system isn't even that good. Everything this show influenced did it better.


One Piece.




dbz, jjba stone ocean, one piece after the time skip etc






For me,it's Attack on Titan. Good show,amazing plot,was in my top 5 of all time. But after splitting it into 100 parts, I lost my hype


I actually got super bored with JJK. I really donā€™t think it does anything new or special except animation.


for me naruto


Attack on Titan, Slime Tensei, Goblin Slayer, re:Zero, Konosuba and Shield Hero. I read the LN and/or Manga of all these before they got an anime, and never watched their animes. I started out liking all of them at the beginning but they fell off hard for me later on. Almost happened with Mushoku Tensei too but I managed to read the whole thing. Assuming they follow what happens in the LN/Manga, I think my opinion would stay the same for their Anime adaptions.


For me it is Re:Zero. Everyone seems to enjoy it but it was a struggle for me to get through.


One piece, dragon ball series, JJK and jojo. Theyā€™re not trash, and I like certain aspects of them but I find them to be very boring and not for me. Comparatively to other battle shounen I never understood the amount of praise they get either.


One Piece


And dragon ball


Easy, Your Lie in April. Watching it with my wife we both couldnā€™t stand it, mostly because of the complete lack of empathy anyone, especially his supposed best friend, had for him despite knowing of his abuse. At the start of episode like five or something they do a flashback and they show the crowd talking about him and how his mom is currently abusing him and the two of us were like ā€œWait, so literally everyone knows about it and nobody is doing anything about this?!!ā€ We stopped right then there. Looked up the rest of the plot online, to see that it was a contrived paint by the numbers dramatic romance. And the constant acting like itā€™s a mystery why he canā€™t play when itā€™s extremely obvious why he would not be able to play anymore is insane. The opening song is a banger though


Naruto, I could never get into it






Dragon Ball z. I used to only know very few anime DBZ is one of those .and I thought animes are boring and have useless action. But aot and death note changed my perspective.


There's watchable trash and there's garbage. I actually think majority of anime is watchable trash (like bad horror movies) but that's it charm. I don't watch it expecting my mind to be blown, I watch it because I like cool fights and funny moments.


One Piece. I got to Alabasta and then dropped it. Pacing is painfully slow.


I used to say My Hero Academiaā€¦but then I actually sat down and watched it šŸ˜…


Demon Slayer. Donā€™t understand the hype that came about from that even a little bit.


Probably Naruto. It was kinda boring every time I watched it because it felt really basic.


I dont want any hate but I really tried watching over and over but I can't seem to like dragon ballsšŸ„²


One piece, so overrated


I'm gonna get so much hate... Dragonball (This includes all Dragonball series)


One peice


Mid Piece.


One piece


Naruto. I watched so many episodes and it never grabbed me like that- no diddy






Naruto and One Piece :ā€¢]


Re: zero. I fell asleep.


Naruto Isn't trash, just can't get into it. I never understood what's good about it :/


Naruto it has no hook and is just a kid with plot armor beating ppl up, like whats the point if you know the main character wont die cuz the godamn name of the series is him. Its just a worse hxh


Not a whole anime but an arc. Ant arc killer hxh for me.