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The cheapest, ugliest animation is during the Shusuke Amagai arc, specifically the episodes with the generic ass villains (ninja, messed up teeth bandit, big muscular bandit) wielding the bakkoto. So those episodes of that arc, specifically. The only saving grace is Yoruichi coming to save Ichigo.


Am a guy is such a great villan


Was ok. His whole plan falls apart if he just asked Yamamoto what happened to his dad.


No idea what you're on about, his names am a guy that makes them a 10/10 no context needed


oh ok


I honestly enjoy the filler arcs in Bleach but do get annoyed how it detracts from the proper storyline


Boruto I actually did quit the anime


just the entirety of boruto


just finished naruto. that bad?


If you read manga then you should skip boruto anime and just read manga


no i only watched the anime. i skipped all the filler tho so ill probably skip boruto filler as well


You should, but till ep 64 fillers are good , after that they just fall off


Boruto is like 70% filler I believe. It has around the same amount of filler Shippuden had, but with a lot less episodes


It's not that bad lol. The hate bandwagon is absolutely insane, and I can guarantee that 99% of the people that hate on it have never read a single chapter or watched a single episode. They literally just hate it because that's what they're "supposed to do". The anime and manga are both good, but also very different. It's obviously the same main story, but they have two different continuities. The manga can at times feel a little barebones, and only focus on a couple characters. Meanwhile the anime gives a lot more screentime to side characters and such. Contrary to what some people might say, the Boruto anime has very little filler. It's just that they have a lot more content than the manga, and lots of people think if it's not in the manga it's automatically filler, which isn't true. Some of the anime canon arcs are adapted from novels and such, while others are entirely original. Basically: If you like anime more in general, watch the anime. If you like manga more in general, read the manga. If you don't care, but want a more focused story with only a few relevant characters, read the manga. If you don't care, but want more breathing room and more screentime for side characters, watch the anime.


This is anecdotal but myself and a few friends were all BIG fans of Naruto and each of us binged the hell out of the anime but when we hit Boruto the momentum slowed for the beginning episodes and eventually we all just stopped watching all together. IMO in many ways from the art style, world, story, etc. it felt like the show lost all of it's "teeth" and that was one of the biggest things that made it cool. The nerfing of Naruto was also annoying (it wasn't necessary like a lot of people claim)


I stopped watching exclusively because making half of the older kunoichi fat just felt ridiculous to me. Like it makes total sense for everyone to age, but you are really trying to get me to believe that these people who spent most of their life exercising nonstop at absolute peak physical condition just let themselves completely go and stopped training at all? Maybe one of them but they went too far lol. As a fitness enthusiast i just know that someone who has been in peak shape would not let it go so far as they age


Yea, that and some of the redesigns really bothered me as they felt like a downgrade. I think the only thing I really liked about Boruto was the teaser for the future where Boruto was older.


The episodes focusing on side characters were boring imo. Manga is fine. I didn't even realize it was filler at first.


Icl I normally hate fillers and skip them but for some reason I watched almost all of the Bkruto ones up until like ep 200 and for the most part I liked them


No. Just use a filler list. Most of the anime after the beginning is peak. You just have to skip the filler episodes


the entirety of boruto is not bad lol


Every part of Naruto, Shippuuden, and Boruto has thee most cursed fillers.


Yes. But it kept it relevant and in the big 3. Getting broken into seasons kills hype so that is why we don't see any anime on the level of Naruto or Bleach anymore.


Actually I would disagree cause ppl love the anticipation of waiting for the next season. Like right now I’m excited for OPM season 3. The smart move was what they did with Fairy Tail which was waiting til the manga was at the end and continued from where they left off. Naruto killed the show with one episode fillers, Bleach actually was okay cause there were arcs. Getting a new season is like getting a present you weren’t expecting.


That's you but fandom has moved on. They moved on from attack on Titan, MHA, chainsaw man, demon slayer, spy family, jujitsu kaisen, etc. None of them have ended but hiatus killed the fandom. I would say attack on Titan was the first to start this trend.


Well yea the fandom will have to move on eventually, it’s just that fillers can make or break it, depending on what story they decide to tell. Some are crap, some show in between arcs, and some ruin the original plot. Most ppl watch the anime if they are already reading the manga, or vice versa which gets them into the manga. There are so many series that this wouldn’t affect anime.


They move on after season 1 though


Ppl are more likely to take a break, than suffer through fillers.


I disagree because all those popular anime I named don't have the same size fan base they once did.


Is there any anime fandom that would ever keep its entire fanbase. Ppl will move on regardless. Sticking around for fillers could destroy the energy of a anime.


I seriously loved all the bleach filler, even the bount arc. Fight me.


Same. We one of the few I guess lol


The ending of the bount arc bothered me


The Bount arc didn't had a very good story end but the op/ed with the dolls singing was so great it makes it good IMHO


I liked all of them for the most part it’s just annoying how it detracts from the middle of main plot lines I think a great viewing experience of Bleach would be to skip all the filler and then watch them after you finish the series


Bleach at least had some good animation and story plot even if it was redundant. I could stomach it compared to Naruto and Fairy Tail.


Is bount arc the vampire or the swords coming to life? Ngl I watched bleach when I was in middle school and didn't even know what's filler and not, and everything felt like it's peak. I've tried to binge watch it recently to refresh myself for thousand yr war.


it wasn't bad, it's really fun filler, a little useless, as filler tends to be, but i feel like people overreact about how much filler there is, like dude, just follow a filler guide


Does 80% of Akame ga Kill count since it's not in the Manga?


So if it's not in the manga then its filler even if it progresses the animes story?






Yes and no, it’d be more so alongside the line of anime original since it’s still canon to the anime and actually pushes along the story. You *could* call it filler but that wouldn’t be the most accurate since filler is usually something that doesn’t contribute at all to the anime and can easily be skipped without missing out on any essentials.


Thank you everyone else just said "yes" with no elaboration


No problem.


Abhorrent slander, that show is amazing (both the manga and anime are peak fiction)


Shit ruined my heart for the next month. Even now, I can't say I'm fully recovered.


Same here, when i heard the manga has a happier ending i immediately read it, i still like both endings though


I was planning on reading the manga out of cope for a better ending, too, but instead I rewatched the first few happy episodes and then stopped there and made my own happy headcanon. I'll get around to the manga version some time tho


After reading the Manga I can say that the anime is shit. 90% of characters get killed before you can even have an opinon on them and the only like 3 character actually live long enough for u to get an opinion on them.


I like the anime because it feels like more of a tragedy, adds impact in the make events imo. And the sudden deaths worked for me because it felt like anyone could die at any time. One of my favorites of all time tbh.


It would be more of a fan fiction, less filler lol


Naruto when he was traveling to the Village Hidden in the Clouds on boat


god the boat arc was just the worst ever


it really was. i stopped naruto for a while cus of it


If you thought that was bad, imagine being a Berserk fan during that Boat arc.


lol all I remember is guy sensei throwing up episode after episode


I'm so happy I have no idea what you are referring to. Was this in OG series or Shippuden?




Oh yeah. I skipped the ENTIRE ending of the OG series because of the bad filler, and then stopped watching entirely after Pain attacked the Hidden Leaf Village. So glad I stuck to the manga.


Didn't know what filler was back then lmao, so was forced to watch kinda


lol good trolling


Like people criticize the fillers as if Bleach wanted to have filler arcs lmao blame studio pierrot and not bleach like bruh the fillers are skippable so judging an anime for the filler is litteraly dumb....


...Filler arcs deserve to be criticized. It's literally just a stalling tactic so that the production committee can keep making money off of an IP. Also, "blame Studio Pierrot?" Were they the top company in Bleach's production committee? Was it them that decided to keep the series going non-stop while animating a full year of filler? Or is it, perhaps, Shueisha and the other investors that pushed just as hard for it? Also, the argument that "fillers are skippable" is the dumbest argument. You can skip it when you binge a decade later, when you watch the show live, you have 52 weeks of filler.


I’m sorry for your loss that’s a lot of fuckin time I’d hate to spend hoping something necessary happened.


Have you watched one peice? The filler is bulit into every episode, there is episodes that cover 1 page of the manga. Bleach having skippable filler is a great part of doing it this way


I'm even a one piece fan, but this is so true. The dressrosa arc is something like 1/3 of a chapter per episode. Absolutely insane.


I don't watch One Piece, because I don't like filler. I can read it in 1/5th of the time instead. If I wanted to watch One Piece, I'd just watch One Pace instead, which is probably still around twice as long as reading it.


Depends on what you're calling filler. Are u referring to certain arcs in the manga as filler? In those cases, I believe Kubo has mentioned that Shounen jump didn't want him to stop the series so he began to write BS. For the early part of the anime, that was just the norm at the time since the source material wasn't completed and you catch up too fast.


Plus, one of the filler arcs, the Zanpakuto Rebellion, is often praised by Bleach fans


For real I think the way they did fillers for Bleach was better than how they did it for naruto. Bleach fillers were like one season long so you could just skip the whole arc meanwhile during the ninja war arc there was a filler episode like every other episode. One minute we're getting actual story progression next we're watching pakura of the rust or some irrelevant ass character then we're back to the regular story before going on fillers again.


True lol


I blame Aizen for not planning to avoid fillers. He was taking hella breaks so the fillers had to be implemented


The Zanpakuto filler was probably one of the best filler arcs in anime and by far Bleach's best filler, coming in second was the one filler arc that occurs past Aizen's defeat, evil clones of the Gotei was at least amusing at parts. Also let's not forget how terrible parts of Thousand Year Blood War are, and that was due to a LOT of corporate meddling and Kubo himself litterally being sick most of the time.


Bleach filler is decent imo . Naruto shippuden filler is a chore




The bount arc of bleach or the infamous “filler hell” arc between part 1 Naruto and before shippuden


Whats the bount arc even about I didn't watch the full thing


Artificial vampires who can't have kids get sad and keep trying to go back to the Soul Society even though the shinigami keep murdering them whenever they try.


ahhh i liked the fillers after naruto vs sasuke. Just more screentime for characters I really liked. The Gennou episodes were fire. Yakumo episodes were great too. Raiga episodes were heat.


I actually liked the more comedic stuff like the Bikochu arc and the multitude of impostor episodes. As for the rest of the arcs they really vary in quality.


Anything involving Rock Lee was entertaining and Laughing Shino is honestly so hilariously absurd.


Filler hell from end of og Naruto


I remember watching that episode where Jiraiya took Naruto and Sakura to Orochimarus base to try and get Sasuke back thinking something would happen. Even though the filler list explicitly stated it was FILLER


Naruto is basically 50% Filler


the Bount Arc was the worst piece of shit but I made past that and Bleach became my personal favourite anime


I was having so much fun with the soul society arc that I thought "fuck it, might as well watch it even though it's filler". Ended up dropping the show for almost 2 years after watching like 15 - 20 episodes of the bount arc lol. When I came back I just skipped it.


I was reading the manga and knew the greatness of the next arc. I watched 1 or 2 of the bounts and took a break for a year and it was still fucking on the bounts.


Yeah, it was trash.


bount arc was 100% enough for me to quit bleach until i got old enough to learn what a filler guide was


Zanpakuto arc was garbage Beach arc was the best ;)


I don't know how you could dislike it, the Zanpaktou arc for me is amazing. Being able to see the relationships of each and every captain with their zanpaktou was nice. I enjoyed it, but the Bount arc? That put me to sleep lol


Also Shunsuei's Zanpakuto spirit appears in canon proper so can we really call that arc filler. Technically yes it is, but considering both Ninja Girl and Pirate Concubine/Wench (nick names of Shunsui's Zanpakuto spirits from CAPSLOCK BLEACH if I remember right) appear in the canon story.


The zanpakuto rebellion arc was fire. Wym?


Boobie buckets 😆


Yesssss 😂


You like the bount arc more than the zanpakuto rebellion arc?


Nah that was garbage too


Getting to see the Zanpakuto spirits designed by Kubo himself was cool, but yeah, the story was boring and cliche. Everyone always just talks about the spirits but never about the actual story or villain because of how forgettable they are, but still say it's great.


Zanpakuto rebellion is better than the canon stuff lol


I respect your opinion, but for me it was bad


I actually enjoyed most the filler for bleach. Only thing I wanted to skip were the little one off episodes and the bount arc. Which I did.


Nah, I’d skip


The Bount Arc was exactly where I stopped watching Bleach too. I just remember those vampire dudes being lame as hell and never watched any episodes afterwards.


Anyone ever catch the talking ostrich filler of Naruto? Even as a 13 year old, that made me want to die from the cringe.


I randomly caught it after I stopped watching Naruto. It was actually kinda hilarious to me, but also soul crushingly boring. How do you even make that combination?


Excluding Boruto, I'm going with Bleach too. The bount arc was so god damn awful that i ended up skipping all filler in the show just because of it


🟥⬜️⬛️🟨, is this answer your question


Bount arc


If I hear the word bount one more time


still struggling thru that chimera ant arc in hxh. i love the anime but never find myself finishing it for this exact arc


Actually it was Bleach. Anything with Lurichiyo-sama. I think she had two filler arcs actually. Absolutely insufferable


the Bount arc from Bleach or the goddamn boat arcs in Naruto. boring as shit.


Hey if it makes you feel any better Naruto is longer and has even more filler then Bleach Shippudon is 500 episodes and 300 of them are filler based or just not from the manga at all


Bount Arc and I did quit Bleach. That arc was ungodly boring.


Bro I despise the bount ark not only did it make a filler look important but they put in non cannon characters in the cannon story


Boruto and the filler with this girl during the I think arrancar arc


Got to be the soul eater filler ending for me shit deserves to be done right.


Boruto just makes up its own story and doesn't even follow a source material


Naruto and bleach


The Naruto part 1 filler where Konoha genin are looking for a bug that can track people down by scents given to it. They had a piece of Sasuke's clothing and intended to have the bug find him (at this point he's gone rogue with Orochimaru). At the end of the arc they finally end up finding this ultra rare bug and the first thing Naruto does is rip a giant fart in its face. Leaving it to permanently only follow his scent. 5 episodes of absolutely nothing 😂 [Here's some visual aid lol](https://twitter.com/kakashisfinest/status/1329113378460033025)


The filler of case closed


Naruto. Most of the first anime was Filler. Seriously! Why?! I got annoyed by how much filler there was. I actually considered quitting Naruto. It took me this long to realize since I was a freaking noob with Naruto and I didn't know shit about it


I don't know if it's filler but by the third time King and Diana's relationship had a zenloss reset I gave up on seven deadly sins.


Boruto, I wanna watch some cool or funny ninja shit not slice of life of an annoying ah boy and also they butchered Naruto’s character


Naruto Episode 192 Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise was so frustratingly bad I quit the anime and started pirating the manga...🤷‍♂️of course this was before it was localized so I was actually pirating the anime too, but none the less it was still trash. And all of the good fights being stretched out with flashbacks but that garbage episode was the last straw for me.


The fourth great ninja war


Bro thinks it's filler 💀


He is talking about the great filleromi


You guys know you can just skip filler


Idk I’m a completionist so unless it’s recap I usually force myself to watch it


Gross lol, I could never


not when you’re watching it as it’s airing 😭


When it was coming out weekly and you don't know what filler even is back in like 2002, you just know this arc is boring as hell


Bount arc is definitely up there. When it got effectively repeated in canon while re-toggling Ichigo's powers *again*, I quit the show.


Skip the filler and watch it


Just read it. No filler, better art, better pacing and the Shonen Jump app is only $3 a month. Once you catch up to TYBW, watch that instead.


The point is they repeated the filler *as canon* and repeated another annoying plot device *at the same time*. Skipping the filler wouldn't fix that.


>The point is they repeated the filler *as canon* and repeated another annoying plot device *at the same time*. What are you referring to?


The group introduced after Aizen's defeat is suspiciously similar in power method to the Bount. Also, the whole 'losing abilities and regaining them through unusual means' thing was interesting... once.


You mean the fullbringers? At least Tsukishima and Ginjo were actually interesting, and the arc itself was half as long as the bount arc, and was meant to bridge the gap between the arrancar saga and the blood war.


Love Dragon Ball Z but damn the filler is over 9000


I know it’s a popular one but the bount arc In bleach it made me drop the show and I’ve never gotten around to watching it again. ( this was before I knew what filler was)


The only redeeming aspect of the Bount arc from Bleach was the Beat Crusaders OP. Other than that; All Bleach filler was terrible and pointless. The beach episode though; It delivered on what it set out to do 😎


Everything after the pain arc in naruto, lol


There's this 5 episode filler arc in the 80 episode filler hell at the end of Naruto part 1 where Naruto and some other people are assigned to protect a trade caravan (that is also hiding a disguised princess) and I swear it's soooooooo fucking boring. Even now having rewatched it a few months ago I'm not too sure if anything actually happened in it. It didn't make me wanna quit cause ik there's a lot of peak in Shippuden but damn if it wasn't torture.


I call them the crazy 88 fillers, lol. Did that one have Naruto using his Rasengan to deliver mail or paddle a boat? Those Crazy 88 had him using it for some new dumb purpose almost every episode.


Yeah both of those happened in the ninja courier episode.


Lol. OK, that checks out. You’ve unlocked some of my old forgotten memories.


A filler arc in Boruto where they encounter a curse mark man who repeatedly warns them that he can't control the curse. When he goes berserk, they act surprised. It was too stupid.


Bleach fillers are funny, you have the Bount arc, which is one of the major reasons why people moved away from Bleach and it got so much hate, but you also have Zanpakuto rebellion arc, which might as well be canon being as rad as it was


I love bleach, but I can say that the fucking filler is the worst thing ever


Admittedly there were a few that were good, but I understand where you’re coming from.


Actually, some of it was actually more interesting than the canon stuff at one point, lol. That Zanpakuto arc was interesting, never watched it in full though. I also liked that temporary Captain for Squad 3 in that other filler arc. Hated everything else though, lol. What was her name, Rurichiyo? Couldn’t stand her and her guards. That arc has the typical One Piece filler pitfalls.


This is a tough one for me because two of my favorite anime of all time just happened to be two of the most filler heavy anime of all time. But if I really had to choose, it would be the Naruto paradise life on a boat arc


Bleach filler doesn't even compare to the shit naruto has. THERE IS FILLER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MADARA FIGHT BRO, LIKE WHAT????


I’ve seen some really bad ones, but… -That one where Yumichika was baking a cake in Bleach is where I drew the line, lol. Never finished that one. -The random Hancock and Buggy filler sprinkled across the Marineford arc. -Fishman Island filler where Luffy had to use his Red Hawk more than once against Hordy. (These two in One Piece were so disruptive and seemed to completely miss the point of what they were animating that I questioned if Toei was the right choice for the series, despite all the great stuff they had done before.) Incidentally, this is when I left the anime behind for a few years. -That one where Naruto was using his Rasengan to paddle a boat. Such low hanging fruit, lol. Of course the worst stuff I can remember would be from the Big 3, lol.


The shipuuden war arc I actually did quit. I just asked my friend to spoil the ending for me


This is an extremely controversial take the G8 arc from one piece I just didn’t enjoy it that much


Idk why bleach gets so much shit when I’m pretty sure it has less filler then OP/Naruto.


Bount Arc in Bleach. Boring as fuck


I’m glad nobody said anything bout dbz, that filler’s peak




Captain Amagi arc by a country mile.


The Bount arc.


Where's the anime we're supposed to be comparing too?


The bount are was literally what got me to decide I would never watch anime filler again


I think starting off on anime I was kinda conditioned by American cartoons where usually their regular episodes often felt fillery... but by the time I had finished Bleach and realized what filler was and how much time was wasted watching filler I knew better and was able to skip the like 60% of filler that was Naruto lol. Though I would say Naruto's is worst because it's so sporadic and rapid fired in bursts while Bleach filler at least either had sectioned off seasons you could skip cleanly... or filler that actually wasn't exactly terrible.


Take your pick of any of the filler from Naruto and Shippuden outside of the "What's Under Kakashi's Mask" episodes. Those are gold.


Probably the bount arc


Naruto, Boruto, and One Piece all have a obnoxious amount of filler episodes.


Frieren by far The entire show is filler and it's not even good filler almost every episode is the same, even when they decide to have some action it either lasts 20 seconds or it's still 90% talking, I get it's a slice of life but man that doesn't mean nothing important can happen, my real life is more eventful lmao I forced myself to get through it because a friend of mine said it was amazing. We aren't friends anymore.


Do you know what filler is sir….?


I don’t think he does. Lol


I mean I think I do lmao From my understanding, filler is a part of a show where nothing really important happens probably to fill an episode quota or something until they can get the plot going again, it's like the side content of anime


Nah, filler is content in an anime that isn’t in the manga


I've been lied to my entire life by my own assumptions. Damn.


Dw bout it, just don’t confuse it for anime only content which is content that isn’t in the manga but is canon in the anime like most of Akame Ga Kill is anime only while most of (og) Naruto is filler. Filler also tends not to add anything to the plot of the show. At best filler could be really entertaining and on par with actual episodes while at worst it could be the most dry and unbearable experience.


Got it, thanks for correcting me bro have a good one


You too!