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Something to consider, a lot of us that are adults do not dress the part. I’m a blue collar worker in my 20s, you’d never know I was a fan of MCR unless music was being discussed.


yeah, i suppose this is fair, i mentioned in a separate comment as well that i don't dress the part either because of my strict parents. i babysit kids and sing disney princess songs at birthday parties for pocket cash; i definitely understand not looking like a fan of MCR 😭 i suppose that's why i try to bring them up in conversation when i can, although it's still turned up no luck :')


It’s like me and One Piece. You just gotta Trojan Horse it into the conversation


I wear my MCR shirts along with my cowboy boots and hats to the country bars/dance halls…get alot of curious looks lol


Country-mo? My Chemical Square Dance?


I'm Not Ok-dokey


House of Coyotes


You’re my kind of people


Heck yeah love yeemos


That’s kinda sick


I’m old and I wear my MCR shirt one a laundry cycle. I don’t get many people commenting, but I do prefer it that way.


And some of us only partially outgrow that, in that I don't dress as my teenage self anymore (almost 20 years ago now, man I've gotten old) but I still dye my hair crazy colours when I can be bothered to. I'm also bigger than I was back then and can no longer fit into a majority of my merch. And some I used until they were shreds and had to get thrown away, haha. I'd say it might more likely be because the band isn't really played on radio or such anymore. No new music in forever tends to do that. And while both Frank and Gerard have done their own things musically, they haven't reached everywhere. These days if you want to listen to MCR you probably more or less have to go out of your way to do so, rather than back when I was a new fan when they hit you in the face if you just peeked in the direction of alternative music.


I second this, I’ve been working in banking for the past 15 years and before that was in the Army (Black Parade got me through Iraq) and am just now wearing an “emo haircut) you couldn’t tell that MCR is my favorite band from my dad bod or dad wardrobe (jeans and a graphic tee) unless I’m wearing my MCR hoodie.


Yeah I have to wear blue jeans and a white shirt 5 days a week and keep a "neat and natural color" hair style for my job. It's jarring to my old friends because for a decade I was THE alt kid with the crazy hair and knee high boots 🤣. I miss it but even the thrift stores are expensive these days and my boss wouldn't appreciate if I showed up with snake bites or whatever.


You're just experiencing what it was like to be an MCR fan in 2004


LOL fair :)


Omg real


Legit went to my first show at 12 in 2007 and felt I had discovered such an unknown band 😂 until that show


I lived in a rural part of Atlantic Canada and found them off much music (Canadian MTV equivalent). Never got a chance to see them until the Toronto shows


Hello fellow Maritime MCR fan! It took me until 2022 to see them when they played Montreal. It. Was. Everything.




This, too!


Same here. Just jump on this subreddit once in awhile and interact. It’s the closest thing I’ve found. Ha. Also, welcome. I’m an older fan, but it’s great to see that their music still stands the test of time and is drawing in younger fans as well. Music brings us together!


LOL yeah you're right, i'll just start lurking around here for now :P it is very great indeed! although i've not met MCR fans in real life yet, MCR blogs are still popular-ish on tumblr with people my age. it's definitely not dead on that website, i find a lot of community in other teens who like the band there! kids are still just as obsessed as they were the year i was born, it's just changed hands to a new generation :)


I'm 30 and when I wear my MCR shirts, I get the most comments on it from men between the ages of 25 and 35, which kind of surprised me. I also see a lot of MCR shirts at local shows. 


this is so interesting to me because i've always thought the fanbase is mostly girls and women


It is. I went to four shows on their last tour and it was still screaming fangirls everywhere lol. It was probably 80% girls in the audience.


which is awesome! many great bands blew up because of fangirls


I agree


I think women/girls, queer people, and trans people still make up the bulk of the fanbase, men are just more likely to strike up a conversation with me over it for whatever reason (although when I wear my Pool Boy shirt it's mostly alt femme and androgynous presenting folks who comment on it.) One theory I have is that male fans have fewer chances to fanboy about them because there's still a bit of a stigma (for millenial dudes especially) around liking any 2000's band that got labeled "emo". So it might be the only opportunity they have to gush about how good they are irl without any backlash. I got talking to the groom's BIL about MCR at a wedding last summer. He's in a punk band and disclosed his love of 2000's pop punk to me like he was sharing a shameful secret.


> One theory I have is that male fans have fewer chances to fanboy about them because there's still a bit of a stigma (for millenial dudes especially) around liking any 2000's band that got labeled "emo". So it might be the only opportunity they have to gush about how good they are irl without any backlash. that actually makes sense. that’s kind of how i felt about mcr for a bit, until i realized, people are gonna hate me anyway. of course, this stigma is more ingrained in millennials than me, gen z.


really interesting take! :))) thank you


MCR is kinda like dad rock already but for younger dads


MCR is more like mom rock.


makes sense MCR is the only rock band i associate with women in their 30s


i second seeing a ton of MCR shirts at shows! i've lived in rural midwest towns my whole life (i turn 32 in a month) so only when i'm in actual cities and/or at shows do i see anyone wearing MCR merch. but it seems like if a discussion about music starts, just about everyone likes them. i work with someone my dad's age and we can go on and on about TBP because of his kids lol. i still regularly wear MCR merch but it's rare anyone compliments it just because of where i live. i will say i see a lot of younger people on twitter hyping them up and there were soooooo many teenage fans at the reunion tour. it was awesome to see. so many people who listen to them now were either born in the mid 2000s or around when Danger Days came out.


I'm nearly 28 and wearing mine today. I also work at a kindergarten and the kids LOVE it. It's from The Black Parade so they're always fascinated with the "skeletons" on my shirt :')


Alone in their rooms lol


LMAO yeah, fair enough...


I just became a mcr fan and I’m in my 30s. Mcr is great gym music. My current favorite songs are “this is how I disappear” “boy division” “thank you for venom” and “bulletproof heart”


i'm glad you're getting into their music! :) those are great songs, i love boy division LOL


I am 54 years old... I had heard of the band in their hey day, but never really knew much about them. I am more of an 80s music guy. That is until my sons, now 18 and 20 started listening to them in high school. My younger one is the one who REALLY got into them and bunch of his friends are fans too. I started hearing them more and more, obviously because of him. I really got into the lore of The Black Parade album, and before I knew it, I was a fan... Maybe not a hard core fan but still. My son and I even went to see them in Oklahoma on their first night of their US tour a couple of years ago. So the fans, of all ages, are out there.


I should also mention that about half of the shirts my son wears seem to be MCR swag.


your sons have a cool parent! thanks for sharing :) it's nice to know kids my age still like that sort of music


i'm here and i am obsessed i tell u


😭 you're not alone dude


omg yayyy


Currently 30, been an MCR fan since I was around 14 years old so over half my life now!


I’m right there, 28 and I first got into them in fifth or sixth grade while watching the Helena music video on MTV ahahahah. The black parade dropped shortly after that and my mind was blown !


Definitely relate, I feel like I interact with MCR fans more on Tumblr than in real life.


Me. I'm the MCR fans


All of them


Really? I’m a senior in hs too and I’ve seen at least 3 people I don’t know wearing an mcr shirt. I have a friend who’s super into them and a couple other friends who really like a few songs of theirs. I’ve also talked to a couple people who were big fans at one point. I didn’t realize liking mcr was rare amongst teenagers and stuff.


i'm realizing after all that it might just be where i live! everyone here seems to be into rap (which is fine by me but not my thing) gotta love toronto


They’re not hard to come across, they’re just past your age bracket. MCR is a 20 something years old band, most of us, OG fans are older and don’t/won’t interact with teenagers for obvious reasons. There are many young fans as well, as you can see from 80% of the posts in this sub.


Honestly it’s probably because of your age. MCR is becoming a “dad rock” band because the band is 20 years old and mcr hasn’t released music in a decade. I’m only a few years out of high school and I had the same problem. Luckily my long time bff is also equally obsessed with them and my college bff is also into them (but not obsession level)


yeah you're probably right... but that's okay i'm sure someone out there will find me and i'll find them!


You’ll find them dont worry


MCR blew up while I was in high school. I’m 35 now going on 36. Just because I don’t dress the part doesn’t mean I ain’t about that life 🤣. I think a lot of their fans are older that’s probably why. 


YUP WE OUT HERE! 35, diehard fan. Saw them several times as a 15/16/17 year old and hated their weird moment with the whole marching band stint. But I digress.


Most of us are in our late 20s-early 30’s lol


i find lots of alt people know them and the staple songs but no one i’ve come across is actually obsessed w them😭 devastating fr


this, yeah!! it may be because i myself don't dress alt (strict parents) but whenever i bring them up to other alt people i get the "oh..." look and i can't tell if it's because i don't look like i'd like mcr or because they don't like mcr LMAO




I have one friend in a huge year that likes mcr then again I don't have many friends....


whatttt?? thats sad 😭😭 even in my small town i knew a lot of mcr fans!


maybe it's a canada problem LOL


Trust me they are everywhere


i will keep looking :))))


I bought the Danger Days vinyl at a Barnes & Noble yesterday and the cashier said "hell yeah MCR"


they are in my basement


set them free for me pls


Oh, they do exist, you just have to search well. I live in a medium college town in the south of Brazil and the emo scene is alive and well here, I just had to make a good sweep on social media until I found the guys who host emo parties, then I attended the parties and made friends. Good luck!


this is lovely, thanks for letting me know :)))


Sometimes I see them at work with band tees and it's like 🚹👉🏽 👈🏻🚹 I've only run into two so far


We’re all in our 30s and finding out we’re neurodivergent.


LOL 18 and ND and i feel this :)


My sister introduced me to MCR, so when I want to talk about it, ill talk to her


Actually, just last weekend I met someone at the store who asked me if I like MCR, I was wearing the jacket they sold at the Decay tour, and he said he had the exact same one 😄 I've been wearing it pretty much every day since the concert happened here so it's mostly a matter of luck. I read in one of your comments you have parents who are strict about dressing so if you can't wear anything that shows you're a fan, your other option is just to talk about it to everyone and wait for luck to be on your side! In the meantime, yeah, we're here lol


thank you so much :) this makes me feel a bit better about it, i always feel like i'm not alternative enough because my home situation prevents it, but until i can express myself someday, i'll just keep loudly loving the band until i find others who do too! ❤️


Tbh they're probably just not who you would expect. I've personally met quite a few fans among the Christian homeschoolers in rural Oklahoma. We're everywhere.


how interesting! i'll try harder


In the same boat mainly because my town in conservative asf


I feel you, I wish I was born much earlier to experience the fandom in its prime. The only fan I came across in my hometown was an Uber driver playing 'Welcome to the Black Parade' and 'Famous Last Words'


same here 😭😭😭 this is so messed up... the uber thing is pretty funny though


Im a few years older than you… but I got into them the same age as you did. First discovered them in third grade (long story) and became a serious fan in sixth. Until well into high school, I had a max of 1-2 friends who liked them at any given time. I feel old writing this, but I used to go to shows so cheaply in middle/high school. Saw groups like Frank Iero and the Patience, Palaye Royale, or the Longshot for like $20-30 and would always get there super early and meet people in line. Concert tickets have gotten ridiculously expensive since the pandemic. I shelled out $400+ for WWWY cos seeing Parade performed front to back is on my bucket list, that’s simply not possible for most people. But the best advice I can give is to go to similar shows even if they are local bands. It’s super fun and who knows, you might stumble on the next big thing and meet some likeminded folks. Earlier this year, I managed to find out about Green Day’s subway show and met some great people there and also camped out to get into their record release show (for free!) a few days later. Doing crazy shit like that is fun cos everyone is in the same boat and you all automatically have something in common.


i'll try my best!!! i'm in canada though so it's a bit harder to find such bands because i feel like they're pretty distinctly "american" somehow? but i'm sure canadian counterparts exist, this is really helpful advice :) thank you


kinda of in the same boat man. only two people who like mcr who i still know. are my sister and one of my friends. but we hardly talk about the band, so i just kind of enjoy them by myself. also, i don’t really dress the part for alternative.


yeah i get that :') here if you wanna chat about em


I’m 26 and I’ve been a fan for about 14 years! We’re out here.


Idk, I found MCR in 2005 and most other MCR fans I've met IRL were about my age if not older. They are still my daughters favorite band (she just turned 18).


Most of us all are now adults in their 20’s. And don’t dress the part anymore. (I beg to differ) I still dress like teenage me just less edge. But no I am now 27 years old and works at shitty jobs. But still am a die hard fan. I would literally sell my kidney to see them live. (Sad emo cry).


Im 33 and been a fan since Three Cheers came out. A lot of us are older :P


Omg I’m a freshman in college and I felt the same in high school! Fortunately I’m at an art school, so if you don’t know MCR you’re in the minority lol


!!! that's so great :) there's hope


Where are the MCR fans? Dressed in business casual and at their desk job 9-5 🥲. A fair number of fans are likely in their mid 20s to late 30s, because of when the band was big. So while i know there are younger fans, a lot of the hardcore Do or Die fans are wearing work appropriate outfits and hitting up shows from other emo bands when we can!


:'))) it's still nice to know you're all out there


We’re all 30 plus! 😉🥰


Bro I don’t know how to tell you this but MCR fans couldn’t find each other when Welcome To The Black Parade was in the top 10. What hope do you have?


I’m a 46 year old mom and you’d never guess I’m a huge fan without seeing my tattoos that are usually hidden under my shirt sleeves these days lol. My kids are in high school and have a decent amount of friends who are fans of MCR also. Their school is tiny and there aren’t many kids like them, so they found “their people” at local shows and School of Rock.


i'll try my best to do the same! no idea where to start finding local shows but thank you for the reply :) your kids have a cool mom!


We’re here


White Collar worker in my late 20's (who just got married this weekend). Every now and then I'll wear my MCR shirt I got at Riot fest, but I dress pretty plainly. Die hard MCR fan though - in my top 5 bands of all time. Makes me so happy younger generation is still appreciating MCR. Gerard Way is one helluva writer


congrats on your marriage! mcr never dies :)


Start a tribute band as soon as you can. We'll come like ants to sugar.


HAHA i'll work on it, been practicing my fry scream ;)




Meowdy. It's me..


hiii :)


I live in tampa Florida and I'll see people wearing their merch here and there and it's usually teenagers but like many other comments have stated not many of us dress the part now as I myself am 24 and I feel like im still a young fan considering I discovered them in middle school the year they broke up. I do still have all eight of my MCR shirts but it's rare that I wear them out as my style has changed alot but I be sporting at home. I do feel you though because I don't have any friends who are fans of them and it sucks not being able to really share that with someone that's why I like this subredit.


I tend to think a lot moved on after the break up. But the sliver of hope that they may just put out more albums sits in the forefront of my mind. After all, there's only one note you need to play to resurrect/activate some killjoys.


where do you live 😭🙏 not asking for specifics like the genral area some places might not have as much


😭😭 you're good dw, i live in the Greater Toronto Area, so around toronto, canada in a smaller suburb but not actually IN the heart of the city which is around 1-2 hrs away


im not quite familiar with that area but mcr is near around a 20 year old band still pulling in new fans although like most bands from that area but maybe most people haveny been exposed to mcr can you describe the area and what the people are like?


Do they not have a hot topic where you’re from?


we have both hot topic and spencer's! recently though, both have pivoted to selling a lot of hello kitty stuff (which is cool for people into that) so i actually rarely see more "edgy" people there now LOL it's a lot of people who like cute things


Yes they definitely have! I thought maybe if there weren’t places to buy band shirts nearby that might explain not seeing any MCR fans😅 hot topic is slowly going back to their roots but in a really weird “cosplaying as an Emo person” kinda way


yes i've certainly noticed them trying to cash in on the alt resurgence but it looks extremely manufactured-in-a-sweatshop, thereby defeating half the point of being emo/punk/alt


I am 22, became a fan about a decade ago. Me and my friends had kind of an MCR/emo awakening in middle school, so most of the fans I know are from that group of people. Thankfully we are still friends and got to see them live in 2022! If only our 12yo selves could see us now, Lol. I’ve noticed many people I come across have heard of them especially in the alt community. I’ve also noticed there seems to be a link between alt and queer kids (i use “kids” loosely) having a particular fondness for MCR. Growing up, every emo queer kid had some sort of positive opinion of them. Not sure how universally that actually holds up, it may just have seemed that way to me since MCR was such a big part of my teen years. For reference, I am in California.


I dunno, I was at #MCRLA3 a year and a half ago and the place was absolutely crammed with rabid MCR fans…


Just yesterday I walked into a Chipotle and there was a tall skinny guy wearing those horn-rimed glasses, short hair, and a t-shirt that said "My Chemical Romance - Newark, NJ" with an MCR logo in the middle. Totally not the kind of MCR fan I saw during my high school days between 04 and 08. I guess fans have just grown up and dress normally. Heck, I saw MCR in Cleveland, live, and everyone looked like they just came to rehearsal, dressed in plain t-shirts and jeans. Even the drummer had short hair. The band themselves seems to have matured, and I think the fans have to.


lots of us are in uni or in the workforce, give it a few years and you'll find your people!


Go to an emo club night


44 year old director of product in tech space- but I will totally geek out if I see someone in mcr merch but they would be surprised to know I’ve been a fan since early 2000s


I've seen two people at my college wearing MCR t-shirts. One from Three Cheers and one from Black Parade.


alternative adults frequently are undercover


I mean, all of my staff listen to MCR *but* we're also all around the same age. I'm 27. We're "elder emos" lol.


you probably just have bad luck lol. either that or the mcr fans in your area dont prefer to dress alt/wear merch so you have passed by them without ever noticing.


Like all of my friend group listens to em and we all dress like lol alternative weirdos I promise we are out there.


how did you guys meet if i can ask 😭


The first one in our group I met through an old mutual friend. The rest of em I only really met through him and his friends. But if you can going out to local shows and events can be a good way to find your people.


I am here! Unfortunately I am now in my mid 30s with two little heathens and feel the struggle daily from all the abuse I’ve put my body through the years and years of concerts and abuse to this “Elder Metal/Core/Emo chick” I still have a fun shelf from those times with the throw back bands and it brings me so much joy. Don’t toss stuff. You’ll be so happy you have it one day.


I love my Black Parade shirt collection but I’m 37 and just don’t wear black everywhere anymore. 


I too am a senior in hs and before the 8th grade, i used to go to a different school. I had also been a fan of mcr since around the 6th grade and had, up till then, never met an mcr fan in my school, It wasn't until the third term where i met this person from the grade above me who had basically the same music taste. 1 single person. i then moved schools and met a bunch of other people who weren't downright fans but have at least listened to a couple of songs by them. moral is, just wait till you go to uni, you'll meet all sorts of much more interesting people who will also share the same interest in mcr as you. trust.


thanks dude :) i'm looking forward to uni


you’re just probably not encountering fans *your age* because the fans are generally older and they’re not generally talking to high schoolers they aren’t related to


i’m a jr in high school so i understand lol, just slap on some mcr merch and you’ll find the fans


i'll try but i post on socials to their music and nobody has commented 😭😭


We all grew up but inside we are The Black Parade


What country do you live in? Bc I have the same issue, there aren't many alternative people here and the ones who are, don't even listen to mcr. My area is a pretty left wing place, aswell. It's so strange too because I swear that MCR is one of the most known bands from the 2000s and that should count for something but so far I haven't been able to find any killjoys😭


completely get it, i'm in Canada, specifically the Greater Toronto Area, wbu?


Oh wow that's far! I'm from New zealand, kinda makes sense tho the areas seem like they'd be similar.


Exact same age and situation as you, my obsession with mcr peaked around 8th grade I’d say, stopped listening to them almost all together, but I still enjoy alternative music and rock has consistently stayed in my music preferences (and I still think mcr is an awesome band) However 1. I never really dressed like an emo/pop punk enjoyer, so nobody but people who were already friends with me ever really knew I was into mcr. It’s possible that there’s fans out there but you’d never really know it 2. Since mcr stopped making music together there was only so many times I could binge the songs (which was a lot) before I inevitability moved on to other bands. It’s possible that some people where you live used to listen to them but maybe aren’t actively listening anymore


i think the age thing is big, their fans are a little older now. maybe try to talk to people about emo music in general, scramz and screamo are having a big moment right now and Im sure people into that would love their earlier stuff. maybe you can put someone on! best of luck!


I'm 30 now and they have been my fav band since my teenage years! Recently got back into drawing and Gerard is one of the people I want to get better at drawing, because I've seen so many fan art on Tumblr that are just AMAZING, especially the MCR fans, probably the band's world building and Gerard's art style are very inspiring I think Tumblr is a better platform for fandoms, more interactive and intimate, less isolated, and the fandoms are always alive. People are still pumping out fan art everyday. If you follow the tags there, you'll definitely find people who're still active mcr fans


LOL yes i still run a tumblr blog about mcr and have for years :p i have friends there but not in the real world and whatnot which is what this was mostly about, but anyway, i'm glad you're drawing again! keep it up


I feel like MCR was big when they were together like when I was in Jr high and HighSchool. That was 2007-2013. And we dressed the part lol. What is today's alternative was yesterday's Emo. I think because they aren't active (until the reunion stuff) not many younger kids listen to them. That is unless you had parents who liked them! I didn't get to see them live until the reunion stuff in LA the second time and I saw them twice in a row. I have also see Gerard when he did his solo stuff and also Frank when he toured with his band. I actually met Frank, he is very nice but also very tiny lol. Anyway, just know that there are people out there and as you get older you will find those people to talk to! (:


so cool that you met frank! i agree alternative is way different today than it was back then, although if you saw some people you'd be surprised, there's a huge community of teens who look like they time travelled from 2004 on this website called spacehey (it's programmed to look a lot like old myspace!) and thanks, i'm sure someday i'll find the community i'm looking for, but all these amazing replies make me feel far less isolated ❤️


Omg that's so cool! I remember having a myspace lol. I will say even back then, we were few and far between I went to a college prep high-school where there really was only maybe 10 of us out of 400 people. Just continue being you and the people who like what you like will come out of the wood work! And of course being online helps a bit! (: So glad there are people who love them the way I did when I was young(er)!


I’m in that situation but if you want to be friends with me cuz they’re all I talk about 😭


LOL awesome, of course :) feel free to pm me for my insta or discord ❤️


I had a similar thing when I was in high school. I was big on Nü Metal and Grunge between 10-18 when Emo, Pop Punk, and Metalcore was all the rage in alt music. Most classmates were listening to rap like Drake, J Cole, etc. I didn't have any friends that really listened to Nü Metal or Grunge all that much. You'll have more opportunities to meet people who are into the same music as you in college and when you start going to shows. Now I listen to a lot of different genres and know a bunch of people who listen to even obscure bands with 20,000 monthly listeners on spotify with me. Do things you love, and in time, you'll find others like yourself!


i hope you're right! i'm glad you found your people


Thanks! Like anything, it takes time. High School is such a small fraction of your life. I don't really speak to most of the people I went to HS with. The only person I speak to with some consistency is my best friend, whom I knew way back since Pre-K. But even he wasn't really into that music/scene. Give it time, and get involved in the community! Most of my music friends I met after I turned 23 when I was out of college and had more free time/money to go to shows and things like emo nights/90s night.


I understand you very well. My circle doesn't share most of my interests either, and it makes me very sad. I'm used to going to concerts or productions alone, but sharing my obsession with something or someone would be great, but alas....


i get that feeling don't worry :') you're not alone


I'm in the UK lol


I live in Italy,i feel you....plus the band now isn't really active anymore and a lot of fans are grown and probably outgrew them.


You're just in the wrong era. 😜 But it was like this when I was in highschool as well. I liked The Cure which were a band that were popular twenty years prior so no one but me was really listening to them. My Chem aren't currently making music so unless you discover them by accident, they're not really in the airwaves as much as they were 10/20 years ago. I'm sure there are fans closer to my age around, but they probably dress differently nowadays, lol.


Wait till college, when I went I met other fans


I graduated high-school in 2016 and there was only one other person I knew who listened to them even when they were on the radio and stuff too at the time. Might just be your area


maybe it is the area after all... i'm canadian so maybe that's why LOL 😭


I’m still in high school myself and the only mcr fans I’ve met irl are my P7 teacher (I’m Scottish but I think that’s 5th grade) and my current history teacher. Other than that I haven’t met anyone else but haters. this girl in my class called mcr ass and said that their only good song is “teenagers” but when I recommend them some songs like “mama” and “helena” they were like “nope I already know they’re bad” like? ☠️ That girl is also THOSE tiktok nirvana fans😭


ahhh :/// what a shame


I'm 30, and maybe I got lucky to have been in public school when it wasn't uncommon to dress "emo". I had plenty of friends who loved MCR just as much as me. These days I see an MCR shirt every once in a while, but not like I did back in like 2006. As for me, idk if people would assume I like them or not. I've got tattoos, blue hair, and a nose ring, but I'm also a stay at home mom and dress in a wide variety of styles lol.


As the name implies: MCR (Mars, Croatia and Rivendell)


A lot of us are old now 😭 I’m 26 lmao 😂 all but one of the people I know that love mcr are my age and older.


I mean, we’re mostly grown ups now. Haha.


i’m 30 and have a bunch of friends irl who are fans, mostly people i went to school with as a kid and teen. MCR fans are out there, they just might be a bit outside your age bracket unfortunately


Idk think you just got unlicky


When’s the last time you found a Deff leopard fan


Some of us are pushing 40 and don’t leave the house 😅 but I did recently finally make take the plunge to the red and black hair I coveted as a teen when my mom refused to let me dye my hair, and when I go back to the office in the fall I will be fully embracing my spooky office aesthetic as a federal government employee 🖤❤️.


Might change once you can go to bars. There’s Emo nights now kinda like how there’s goth nights


I’ve met a ton of people who at least listen to them but I suppose it really depends on your country. I’m from the US specifically not too far from NJ so maybe that’s why I know so many fans


i know! it’s so frustrating to be the only one in my friend group who listens to mcr or ptv or like anything like that


I’ve been a fan since 2006. It was not cool to like MCR. I dressed the part (emo haircut, skinny jeans, band tee, eyeliner, converse/docs…) and I got bullied mercilessly for it And I know it was that way for a lot of fans. So not everyone is comfortable showing their colours or volunteering that info to everyone. I do wear an MCR shirt now cos idgaf what anyone thinks, but I don’t dress like an MCR fan.


So have I mcr has been my favorite since 5th grade but it is not a big milestone on my part cause I'm only a half a year older


i feel the same way! i go to a super small school and i’m 99% sure im the only person at that school who actually likes mcr—aside from one teacher who gushed about seeing them years and years ago when he saw me wearing a tee. in my opinion i think it’s unfortunately just the stigma. all my school friends (who i would like to consider pretty chill and accepting for the most part) laugh whenever i bring them up, even the ones who used to listen to them. not that you can’t find anyone out there, though! there are plenty of ways to find alternative people in the world and outside of school i have some longtime friends who i can go to whenever i need to ramble about mcr. i say the best thing is just to unabashedly enjoy what you enjoy, if people are going to be rude they’ll be rude, but if you express what you like freely people might start to realize it’s not so bad.


Probably at The Eras Tour. I'm not even kidding, the former emo kids in their 30s around me have been embracing everything we all hated so hard on as teens to prove we were not like the other girls/guys. It was bullshit and it got suffocating and restrictive as we all grew up got jobs got married. The "hating things is my personality" got tiring silly and honestly infantile and cringe. It takes so much energy to hate and using my time for that...? ...in this economy?


this is a good point! i don't spend a lot of time dwelling on things i dislike, i've always been very distinctly me and happy to be just that and like the things i like :p