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Streaming wasn't a thing but windows media player and itunes were. Blood showed up as "[Hidden Track]" on them when you'd upload the album. So technically we did know it was *something*; it wasn't a super surprise for lots of folks lol


This lol it made me laugh when I heard that that was what it was


Well this made me feel old. Windows media player was the shit.


I just remember seeing the track and there being a minute of silence and thinking “they think they’re slick”


hah! that’s awesome


I was listening to famous last words for the first time and sat in awe. As I continued to sit In awe blood started playing. It was like discovering hidden treasure ✨🥲


By listening to the cd repeatedly on repeat as soon as I bought it from Circuit City. And I loved it, and I still do too :)


That’s a name I haven’t heard in many years…


It took me wayyyyyy too long. The CD player would always show “13 songs”, and I’d be like “yeah, but there’s only 12 songs on this album”, and every time I’d play the 13th, there was just silence, so I’d always just skip back to the beginning or change to a different CD. IT TOOK ME A YEAR 😂 I couldn’t be bothered getting up to change cd’s…and then blood played, and after it scaring the living shit out of me, I was so freaking excited about it 🤣


So I originally downloaded the album as mp3s that someone on a forum uploaded (I know, but I was a teenager at the time and my parents would never have let me buy a cd of “satanic” music like MCR). Since I could see the file names, I knew the last one was called “Blood (Hidden Track)” but wasn’t expecting the silence when it started. I assumed it was a defective file and was disappointed, but luckily I didn’t stop it playing and was surprised (read: jumped out of my skin) when music started after a minute and a half of dead air.


Same as most. Had the album and let it play to the end and **surprise!**


I was in the car with my best friend her they're mom. They're mom put on a playlist and after one song stopped playing there was quite a bit of silence. My best friend, thinking it was just a quiet song turned the volume wayyy up. Few seconds later it starts blasting Blood. She turned it down and I recognized the voice so I said to her mom "Is this My Chemical Romance?" Her mom instantly got happy and said, "You know My Chemical Romance?"


And this was only two years ago. Originally the question was "young MCR fans" so I replied, seeing that I'm 14 years old, I'm young.


I left the CD running and scared the living shit out of myself in the middle of the night when it suddenly started blasting Blood lmfao


Same. Had it cranked up loud too!


Same!! Scared the bejeezus out of me 😂


Falling off my bike aged two.


ah yes, painful childhood memories. I ran face first into a tree.


I downloaded all the MCR songs I could get off limewire onto my iPod shuffle and one night I was half asleep listening to music and there was a long pause so I just figured it was a corrupted file or something lmaooo but then Blood started playing and I IMMEDIATELY woke up so confused and excited because I uncovered a brand new MCR song. I looked into it later and realized it was a hidden track. So cool!


Sometimes when that song comes on shuffle I forget i’m listening to music but then get so scared when that piano starts playing haha


dude same, sometimes i even take off my headphones for class and hear a faint sound coming from my backpack before realizing Blood turned on.


I didn’t have the CD; I bought the album on iTunes and Blood was not a hidden track.


sadly my descovery of blood has a very cringy story. so i was like 10 listening to a villian deku (bnha, anime themed) playlist. so yeah,,, i was listening to that 1 playlist, and became obsessed for a few weeks. it was a youtube playlist so it was only like 45 minutes long. one of the songs on the playlist was blood, and since i listened to the playlist on loop for a few weeks, i became familiar with the song. the song was edited so geraeds voice was deeper, and so there wasnt a full minute of slinence in the beginning, otherwise it was the same. so yeah, thats how i descoverd blood.


that’s such a unique story, Blood is pretty awesome.


glad someone found it cool.


I fell asleep listening to the album on my CD player and blood woke me up. I was like wtf is this.


I can’t imagine what that was like


Lol in hindsight it makes me giggle. Probably showing my age saying I had a bunch of CDs and a portable CD player 😂


you reminded me of my early childhood, portable cd players and cds were my life.


Lol good times before iPods… carrying around that giant book of CD’s 😂


Hidden track after thinking the album was over. Surprised, started marching. It was amazing


that sounds great


I don't remember specifically because I bought the album pretty close to when it came out, but Whenever I've seen hidden tracks on an album my instinct was to fast forward until I got to the hidden track. I'm certain that happened with Blood.


Honestly, I discovered blood due to YouTube. As a kid blossoming into a fan of MCR, I really only listened to them either through watching the YouTube videos of their music videos, or listening to my sister blast the emo hits of yesterday at 3am (on a school night I might add!!!). So basically, never owned a physical album, I stumbled upon bloods video, and didn't know it was a secret until I listened to TBP on Spotify years later and wondered why there was a minute and a half of silence before it came on...


I’m old lol 39, and used to always buy cds and a lot of bands(don’t ask me who, I won’t remember) had hidden tracks so I would play it until it stopped to see if I found one. It was awesome when I heard Blood. It made me laugh and so happy. It always felt like a special little moment for fans.


Thanks for sharing! It sounds like that was a great experience.


I had Spotify on shuffle while doing chores, so when it suddenly stopped I thought it was just loading and I couldn’t try to skip it or something. Then it started playing and I really enjoyed it


I was listening to the CD on my computer and noticed there was more tracks listed than what the album case showed


Probably post streaming but I remember trying to listen to a preview on Apple Music and just getting silence, and having to go look up the song thinking the app was just broken


it seems a lot of people assumed something was broken or messed up, my chemical romance was really out there confusing people.


First day I got the disk, after Famous Last Words, the disc didn’t stop, and the timer on the CD player kept going, so I let it go to see what happened. We were in the car. When it finally started playing it startled me and I jumped.


Yes, this exactly!!


Ok this is way different from the other comments, but it was actually the 1st mcr song I discovered.. MCR was all over my YouTube recommended and I didn’t know why. For some reason, the Blood music video was the one that mostly popped up on my recommended so I finally decided to click on it… I was very confused. But it was funny. Then I listened to Helena. Instantly hooked. Now theyre my 2nd favorite band.


Just played it in the car (through a CD player lol) and barely noticed the gap until it played out of nowhere.


It doesn’t play on Spotify for me sometimes!! Is that intentional??


it has a minute of silence before the song because on the record it was a hidden track, meaning you would have to wait until after the album finished to hear it :)


I had a little toy karaoke machine that would play cds so you could sing along. I played the cd on that and usually I’d skip back to the beginning. But one day I was doing something else and the cd had stopped, so decided I’d play it again when I got around to it. As soon as I heard the song I called my best friend to tell her about it, because what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?


A YouTube animation tbh


I was listening to the album and there was a music pause. And suddenly gee started singing and it gave me a shock of my life


I feel asleep listening to TBP and woke up to Blood playing. Scared me.


I was listening through the black parade while playing a game when the music stopped and I didn’t realise it. After a break I heard blood play lol


Streaming didn't exist but CD players had track numbers on them, so the player displayed more tracks than was listed on the back of the album. Then, when I put the CD into my computer, I could put all the tracks on Windows Media Player and then my MP3 player from there.


YouTube. I would click on one song after the other to learn the lyrics. That’s how I eventually found “Blood” lol


I couldn’t be bothered removing the CD and thought it had stopped… then it started.


I cut my arm once :(


Driving home the day I bought the cd, taking time to hear the whole thing. It came to the 13th track and it was nothing, so it threw me. I thought maybe it was a different kind of media at the end of the cd that my CD player was trying to play, like a video file or something, but by the time I was getting concerned the piano part popped in. Btw, I nearly swerved off the road the first time I heard "cause I'm such an awful fuck“ and had to hold down the skip button to rewind and make sure I heard correctly.


It was on streamming, but blood was in fact the first mcr song I ever heard, and I find that really funny


Baaack in the day my father and I used to travel by car a lot and I always was in charge of music. One day TBP was on and we we’re talking so I wasn’t paying much attention when famous last words stopped playing and few minutes later the blood notes hit and I was like what the FUCK is this. and that’s the story of how I obsessed over a 1m30s song for months.


Put my cd on after I got it on Christmas Day when I was 12, let the record play out, shit myself when blood came on.


My friends started playing it. Was at a park with them during the summer, I knew a few MCR songs such as House of Wolves. I started singing Danger Days, and my bff said she wanted to show me a new song. Went home and got the CD player, and realized there was a hidden track. I actually liked it a lot.


I had no idea blood was even a hidden track because I was a bad child. 🤣🤣 I was so confused when I eventually moved on to Spotify and there was nothing but silence. The one I had completely removed the silence so the song just started.


It was 2017 and I was scrolling around YouTube during my creepy pasta phase. And that’s when I stumbled upon a really bad animation of Jeff the killer with the song “Blood” in the background, and I watched that video religiously for the next month. 4 years later they’re my favorite band.


I kept listening to the cd and heard it. Thought it was good and a bit silly. 10/10 quickly became my fav track for some time.


Pretty sure it was the mv on youtube cause I couldn't get the CDs or Records


I found out by burning the disc to my computer in 2006 and seeing it pop up in the tracks section on iTunes!


Blood was the first My Chem song I ever heard. My mate recommended it to me and I fell down the rabbit hole. I fell in love and haven't looked back lol


music.ly like back in 2016 a cover of blood by some chick was a trending sound and I remember looking up the lyrics like what the fuck is this?? then shortly after I discovered more by mcr and became obsessed lol.


Torrented the album and Blood was a part of it


The Black Parade Came out when I was like 13 so I just listened to it on my CD player and so it just played after the last song. I was like ?!?!?! And instantly in love. Me and my bestie sang each other all the time haha.


When i first got the Black Parade CD, i remember letting in play and it going to silence then coming back a couple minutes later, i loved it so much i was my ringtone lol


fell over in the playground when i was about four and this red liquid fell out of my knee


saw it


I would just play my CDs on a loop, so the first time I listened when the album came out.


A read somewhere (on a blog most likely) that you had to really listen to the "silence" after Famous Last Words. So I got the CD, played it on my sister's discman and listened to every single word as if it was the gospel truth and then blood came up


I'm pretty sure I fell asleep with the CD in and the jump from silence to something else woke me up. The same way I found most hidden tracks back in the day 😅


like a purist I was reading vampire books and listening to the CD


YouTube 😂


Listening to the CD back when it first came out lol.🩸🩸


There was a repeat button on my old boombox that I would always keep switched on so the CD would just start over when it was over. The first time I listened to The Black Parade there was a lot of silence then the plucking piano scared the absolute crap outta me.


I remember listening to the album on my moms Walkman and the track changing/counting (I don’t think there’s audio until like the 30s mark). I was obviously delighted hahaha 🖤


Bought the album digitally for my youngest a few years ago. We always skipped ahead not thinking about it. We were driving with my oldest one day and I was all “I don’t understand why it does this”. I got a “Mom, be patient. You’ll see.” Then Blood finally starts, and holy shit what have I been missing! It is the most fantastic song and is honestly my absolute favorite MCR. I sing it very loudly and emphatically every time it comes on 😂


High as fuck on a back road, me and my boyfriend at the time were just chatting, didn’t change the CD.


I became a fan just before they dropped/as they were building up to TBP, I was gifted the CD that year (probably for Christmas). I had a big-ish radio that played cd’s and had a connection for iPods and stuff that I used to listen to music in my room. I remember Famous Last Words finished playing, but the number on the player’s screen went up instead of back to 1, but there was silence…i hung out wondering if there was something special about the disc (can’t remember if i thought it was unique to my disc or only on certain discs), may have even messed with the volume a bit trying to hear the “hidden” track….and then Blood kicks in and the joy that emanated from my little teenage self was palpable lol i can’t emphasize enough just how happy hearing Blood for the first time made me 😄 honestly, it still brings a smile to my face and a twinkle of mischief to my eye 😅


It was about a year ago when i became an mcr fan i was listening to Spotify and i noticed that there was a song called Blood but it said “hidden track” so i was like “oh cool” and i played it and i thought my headphone wire broke again so i switched headphones and it still wouldn’t play so i played it through my speaker and it wouldn’t play either and i sat the for like 5 seconds trying to figure what was wrong and it started blasting Blood in the middle of the night and it scared the shit out of me lol


I had been listening to the CD in my room as usual and wasn't quick enough to restart it. I got really scared at first because I wasn't expecting it! 😂


..i heard it? p quickly became my fave track off the album


Stole my sister’s CD and listened to it from start to finish, and when it ended I was in the middle of drawing, so I didn’t get up to change it immediately. The miniature heart attack I got when it started up after a minute and a half of silence was well worth it when I was able to actually listen to the absolute banger.


First time listening to the album as a whole and while I was processing, it started playing. I was very unprepared.


Dozed off for a nap listening to the CD and woke up to it playing, I was very confused 😂


I was listening to TBP and heard that the CD was still running after FLW, so I waited


Because my dad ALWAYS played it in the car.