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Wasn't a villain arc, vigilante. But I agree. Was too short


*Wasn't a villain* *Arc, vigilante. But I* *Agree. Was too short* \- dragonfire-217 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Underrated haiku bot, he deserves better, get my boy some recognition


Well looked like a villain was a vigilante


So does gang Orca but he's a hero haha


Fair point also I love dekus mask so much!!!


Hori's biggest false advertisement on the planet.... Gives us a badass "if you looked at him you wouldn't have known he was a hero" with the dark Deku costume reveal. Instead of giving us grizzled PTSD ridden Izuku with Aizawa level cynicism we get a cinnamon roll who refuses to kill even an assassin shooting at him... I mean ffs heroes are allowed to kill in extreme circumstances and Nagants attack more than justified it and so did muscular. In addition Nagant literally blows up with his save and somehow neither Deku or Nagant died from a point blank blast!? There was so much death baiting and false advertising where the hero is supposed to lose all hope and resort to extreme measures like killing the scum of Tartarus but instead Hori forces us to have his cinnamon roll and choke on it. Dark Deku will forever live in infamy as the worst bait and switch in manga history.


I mean, trauma or no, he's deku. Marvels been putting Spider-Man through the wringer since I was born and I'm almost 20. But peters still the quippy motherfucker he always was.


Read the comics...he has a nervous breakdown several times along with deep episodes of depression one of which results in him becoming venom. Peter is not chill as you like to think especially if you read the comics he has given up being spiderman several times! Hell he even becomes a villain in some universes like the head of Alchemax in Spiderman 2099. Spiderman has gone through his mood swings and diverged into so many mature themed stories but Sony and MCU keeps rebooting him into a freaking teenager instead of letting him grow like in the comics because his story only gets darker and darker.


I knew it was going to happen as soon as his mask flew off but really 2 episodes


Worst part is the conclusion of the arc! They just give him a bath and all the PTSD and depression wash away.... I'm like... Fam! He's been roaming the waste lands gathering injuries both mentally and physically draining himself. He's lost his direction and you think a magic bath with all the guys in the class fixes this!? What is this a freaking gay harem deku fan fic Hori? He's literally mocking real PTSD and depression ffs. This is why people cannot relate to deku as a person because he's literally not allowed to fall off the wagon, fail or truly suffer! This is why solo leveling is way better than MHA especially with a character like sung Jin woo being a way better character following a similar motif! Sung Jin woo is the weakest hunter ever just as deku is singled out for being a weak quirkless mess. First two episodes we see sun Jin woo die! Then as a player he has to dungeon crawl solo without a crew! Face a new challenge endlessly earning his power ups instead of gimping the system like Izuku did. Both of them end up becoming the strongest heroes ever but sun Jin woo suffered and died! He nearly got corrupted by his power. Izuku never faces his own power and how it can erode his morality in light of his failures. Dark deku is such a disappointing piece of writing.


I'm so glad I decided to watch solo leveling last week and you have to admit deku does look pretty cool in that outfit


If you've read the complete 179 chapters of Solo Leveling it is how MHA should have gone! Sadly Hori lacked the talent to pull off his good ideas. Hori's problem is he is good at pitching an idea but failed to flesh them out and too cowardly to deal with consequences that will occur or reconcile expectations he puts on himself which results in biting off more than he can chew! When Solo Leveling peaked at Jeju Island Arc we see it came to a tapered ending in 30-40 chapters because the Manwha artist clearly understood story better than freaking Hori and not to draw things out so they become stale. Most importantly NO FAKEOUTS in solo leveling. You dead then you dead.


>You dead then you dead. Jin woo technically fake death


>This is why solo leveling is way better than MHA especially with a character like sung Jin woo being a way better character following a similar motif! Woah how did Solo leveling get involved?!


Talking about how to do "OP" OFA like power system correctly. Sung Jin Woo starts out the weakest character like Izuku but he earns every single power unlike Deku who hate a freaking hair. He gained his power by being the sacrificial lamb to make sure his hunter group escapes the dungeon while Izuku did jack. When in the dungeon he uses his intelligence and actually is the only reason why most of the people in it survived and this was without him getting OP powers. Izuku just ran into a slime monster that nearly killed him TWICE in the same day. Sung also figures out his solo leveling and instance dungeons on his own. He self analysed his own power and learned its limits and what he's capable of doing. He also takes massive risks with The Karasa dungeon boss, the Spider Boss, Kerberos and Ingris the Red. All these bosses were beaten by intelligence and risk taking. Deku beat his bosses like Muscular and Overhaul just by "smashing like the hulk" instead of ACTUAL strategy. Sun Jin Woo does OFA's vestige world way better his version is called "Repose" and he is a much more effective user of it while Deku couldn't even materialize his full body in his own vestige world. In every aspect of their mirroring character journey to be number 1 it is sad to see how badly written Izuku is when you put him in front of a character like Sun Jin Woo who is his mirror image but better written.


I can’t agree with everything you said but it is sad that they just didn’t make him a broken character. At that point he should’ve been an entire different person. It sucked they just gave him a nightmare suddenly tried to attack anyone near him, and call it a day. It would’ve been nice if he had visions everytime he spaced out about AFO or Shigi. Making unstable and trying hard to get those feeling under control, have some character development they just skipped all of that, from a shower and one nightmare to everything is fine now💀 Straight bs.. But you will be even more disappointed.. Dont get your hopes up.


I've finished the manga far as Hori has written including the latest one with Dabi's fate. This is why Dark Deku matters so much. No character can prove his virtue without giving into darkness then climbing out of the abyss that seeks to consume them. At the very least Dark Deku arc should have been the vestiges in chaos with the faction led by no.2 taking control of Deku's body. I'd see Banjo as a reluctant ally because he is forced to cooperate to keep Deku alive till Nana and En's faction can wrest the control back from the more violent vestiges. Yoichi would be too busy consoling Deku's vestige which has given up hope in restoring the peace. I mean if you ever see Doom Patrol "crazy Jane" has a similar power system like OFA. She has 64 personalities protecting the core personality who is a little girl called K. Each personality has its own superpower and can take control of the main body to use said power with consent of the primary personality at the wheel. In season 2 when Jane is betrayed by the good doctor Niles or rather finds out she was betrayed we see Jane refusing to come out and he gives up being the primary personality. K feels like Yoichi and Jane feels like Izuku in that season. It's shocking the DC wrote a BETTER script for this kind of power set than Hori did.


22 chapters its not short