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Yes, me. I loathe the online stuff. I actually hate when 2k chooses to included online when completing agendas. Many times I'll choose to just not do it.


That’s me exactly. I don’t have the patience to deal with online trolls. Just play single player myteam.


I haven't tried climbing a season ladder since the first lol. Any progress I make now is by accident.


Well yeah who likes online anymore? A 99 overall 55 badge Michael Jordan is shit. Ben Simmons is the best of you can have.... Oh for the rest of the team you got yao ming tacko fall and manute bol..... Shooting 3's Who cares about Lebron you have manute bol... That's why online's is ass. Not even a hint of realism. If they stop making 7'5 dudes able to shoot like curry it might be different. I want it to just make a tiny bit of sense.


I’m exactly the opposite lol


I have no idea why you were downvoted for that


I’m used to it lol… lotta my opinions are unpopular on here to ppl that think abusing the meta is what’s poppin skill wise lol


Yeah me also, I used to play online 2k19 2k20 but it’s so stressful so toxic and I still can’t get used to the lag it has, it’s so annoying being behind by a second I get so frustrated lol. And unlimited/limited people are so cheesy like just abusing 5 outs and different dribble animations I understand it’s easy ways to score and win but it doesn’t even feel like actual basketball when I play online sometimes like it’s just some arcade type game


It literally is an arcade type game. Ron Artest can play point guard and Shaq can shoot fadeaway 3’s


Yeah I’ll play online like season 1 and 2 but by the time it gets to this point I can’t do it man, the amount of players they make at PG is rediculous honestly the out of position packs kill the whole game in my opinion


especially when u end up having Schroder guarding Ilgauskus


It’s unbelievable that this is still going on in 2k. They should be ashamed


I’m about 98% offline only. Only online if there’s an agenda I really want or need to complete. Most people online are toxic as fuck, and I don’t need that macho posturing bullshit in my life.


Yeah I'm exactly the same


Agreed, not worth it. Offline has less lag and you don't have to play folks that boost and live in their moms basement.


Offline does have lag sometimes though, yeah? I can’t figure out why the inputs are received so differently at different times…


Very true, not to mention the inconsistency from the shot release or lack thereof. With meter, without meter either way it's a pain in the ass. Offline I can usually hold my own up to All Star without the meter. Online I feel like I'm barely beating Semi-Pro


Yeah exactly same here. Really frustrating, bizarrely run game


Same here. I tried playing online a few times but the input lag was unbearable.


Me, I hate the lag online. It makes no sense how I'm wired ethernet with 400 mbps and still get lag. If it wasn't for that, I would play some. Can't shoot for shit because of it.


I'm at 600 mbps with wired ethernet as well and I cant play either. I couldn't believe it when I tried online lmao


Same here. I used to play FIFA Ultimate Team a lot and playing online was basically the same as playing offline. Same with COD, Rocket League, etc. However, NBA is always problematic online - the lag completely ruins the online game for me so I almost never play.


I'm offline except for Clutch Time online. Those games are usually chill and if someone sweats you who cares, it's 5 minutes. I've sworn off Unlimited and TTO is just boring to me


I only play offline as well. The reason is lag. I play mlb the show online religiously. When I fire up 2k online I can’t shoot and I’m too unmotivated to learn my players shots with lag factored in. Maybe it’s a me problem.


Nah. It’s a 2K problem that we all suffer from.


Offline is W


Offline gang 🤝


Play offline 99.9% of the time. This year has been tough with the nerfing of evo cards and miserable rewards. You see people playing co-op getting a reward card three times but with offline you are lucky to get one every two seasons.


Almost exclusively offline.


Exclusively offline for me


I play offline exclusively and love it. Disclaimer: Every time I try to play online, I get an error code and get booted, then spend an hour searching on reddit trying to figure out how to fix my connection. I gave up trying to find a solution


I only do offline because I lag and can hit a total of 0 shots in any online game. Unless a dunk or free throw


Most people in this sub are offline only from what I’ve seen


It never used to be this way


It just shows how shitty 2k has become in the last few years especially.


True. This sub used to be full of people who were competitive about MyTeam, I guess the game has become so trash that all those players left. Now I see mostly people complaining about people who are competitive.


Offline only since 2K21. I had enough of the input lag and the toxicity.


I did all year but I tried unlimited this season and I got artist gilmore pretty easy


yup input lag and impossible players are too much for me, call me a noob and to "get gud" but just how I feel


Tried everything to play online. Fucking with router settings. Hardwired vs wi-fi. Contacted 2k and get no response. Countless hours. Still get booted every time I try to play online with friends or randoms. There are no issues with any other game. I don't get it


I did. I have. For years. But it just feels like hell now. I've barely played this year. I don't know if they're making it worse every year or I'm getting old or both but I don't have the desire to feel so pissed when I'm trying to just chill and zone out and play for a while. I love the concept of offline. I only ventured online for Limited when rewards required it and it wasn't awful probably because so many others were doing the same. I never touch Unlimited though. I wish they had offline that was more chill. There's a larger audience for offline than I think they realize. I'm sure it'll only get worse though trying to drive people to buy VC.


Ya I only play offline. Online is so fucking glitchy and delayed. I have fast internet too. Nothing I try works, online is so glitchy


I only play online when I'm forced to to complete objectives. I think it's BS that they make you do that.


Mindless offline grind strictly for me. No point in getting frustrated with the online meta toxic gameplay online plus that online lag just puts me in a disadvantage when I can't shoot jumpers consistently.


I do. They'll get me online when it's a just play this many games. The connection is always a mess. Doesn't happen to me in any other game.


75% (or so) offline. Just go online for agendas and rng




If there wasn’t lag I’d play online more but it’s super sweaty and u can’t shoot shit in this game alr and factor in lag makes it borderline unplayable if u just want to play for fun


[Here is some numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyTeam/comments/10e6n4z/just_curious_because_of_recent_debates_please_vote/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) on the subject.


I do. I play offline pretty much exclusively for ALL sports games; esp. 2K. I'm 40 years old now. I don't have the reflexes to be good at video games anymore. More importantly, I don't care. Not to mention the servers are often downright atrocious. If I play a shooter online I don't have to re-learn how to shoot a gun. Yet online forces you to relearn your timing. In my mid-20s; I played with a squad for the og Gears of War on 360. Every night after work I'd stay up till 5-6 am playing. Yes I was having fun but I was also trying to get into the top 5,000 for kills. Well, I accomplished my goal. And then I realized that I took very little meaning from it. I get a bigger kick out of cleaning my apartment, lifting weights and going for a walk. I'm happy to be a good teammate, make a decent showing and not embarrass myself when I play shooters online.


Did the same thing with Gears 1. I played it so much I ended up with like 5 copies of the game because the center ring of my discs kept cracking from playing so much. Pretty good chance we've played with/against each other at some point, especially if you played warzone mainly.


Online has been awful the last few years, so yes


Yeah. Didn't play 2k this year, but usually only play offline. The offline content is more than enough to last me 6 months. When I used to play online for challenges, I'd always see people talking what I assume is toxic shit (I play on mute) and have a bunch of pause cheesers. I'd also always have to play some meta lineup or matchup glitch lineup (like all bronze). I'd rather just play offline and use cards I wanna use.


Offli e only.. Too much delay and cheese online


I mainly only play offline, occasionally do some tto But haven't grinded out unlimited since like s2 or 3 I just can't stand how people play in this game, whether it be all giants on a team and only mashing, or just dribbling back and forth till you fuck up on defense. Not to mention the servers are just shit and mixed with variable shot timing it just feels impossible to hit shots certain games


I mostly play offline now due to how bad game mechanics are especially when it’s turned to 11 online


✋🏼. If you need to grind online agendas just send whoever youre playing a msg letting em know you just need dunks or whatever. Be willing to give up the win in exchange. Most are good w it.


height is so overpowered and often overrides anything so offline only for me.


This year the three point shooting online is so bad for me,I only play offline. I hit stuff just fine there. I do a little bit of Play now online, but it feels different for some reason.


I’ve tried a few games online every year, but the input lag ruins the entire experience. Mines really bad, even with fibre 1g. It makes the game feel like a totally different one trying to compensate shooting. I try then end up just playing the cpu for the rest of the year.


i’m like 50/50, I like playing offline because it feels like legit basketball being played, online gets boring once you figure out 95% of the player base’s strategy (tween, tween, set pick, run to corner, fade away 3) but then again it’s hilarious how quick they quit the game when you defend them properly


I'm damn near online only lol. Competition against a real human excites the monkey brain in a way that abusing the CPU can't.


I’d rather go watch paint dry then beat the computer by 200


https://preview.redd.it/i9s60agutx3b1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8276afe6ba6a084ed12d4e2692ccee9cceb300b Just tried online for shits and giggles. This happens every time.


If I HAVE go play online for it, I go into the mic and say “hey bro, I’m going to let you win if you just let me dunk with my SG 5 times real quick” it actually works out more often than not


Omg yes same. Can’t stand people online with all the toxicity and then the lag on movements and shots is atrocious.


ive always been 70% online and 30% offline but this 2k is so boring with every lineup being the same / same. play style just makes it so dull , also I dont like the gameplay either not to mention the delay online is so bad even with ethernet cables direct from the wifi router to my ps5 its still delayed this 2k its either a few offline game or I just dont play lol


Everybody plays the same online and is overall just sweaty af for no reason too many tryhards are there.


Same here, Offline represent


I play offline 100%. Tried to play once, got dc’d in the 3rd quarter and never played again


I despise the online part tbh I don’t even play it tbh idk why I even play normal myteam sometimes😭


Offline only unless I’m afking a reward. The lag is bad enough BUT the main problem for me is no MMR. Lag aside, 1 in 10 games will be someone my skill level, I either lose by heaps or win by heaps, no close games.


I mainly play offline although sometimes I play some unlimited for fun (I’ve only played 5 games this season) and if there is agendas that need to be completed online i’ll do them


I enjoy offline more, although I play online too. Online gameplay and the input lag is terrible. I always feel like I don’t have total control over what my players do. Random reach in and shooting fouls late in the shot clock by the A.I. Hands up defense with the right stick leads to fouls now. Wild close outs from opponents who aren’t in position to contest don’t always lead to fouls. Icons sometimes don’t show up when you try to icon pass. Also lately, shooting feels like it’s gotten worse online. Wide open jumpers take an eternity to get off. Its weird. It’s not fun anymore.


1. You should always know what positions your players are at incase the icons don’t work 2. Wide open shots taking forever literally could be the card you’re using or the stamina on you player, different levels of stamina being gone or after enough dribbles you get different speed jumpshots, I hated it at first but now I still don’t like it but it’s easy to tell which speed you’re getting and just hold a little longer


I do


Online is tedious and toxic.


I’ve solely ran offline for years. Online is all cheese. Guys just running 5 out offenses. No real basketball.


Guilty ad charged


I mostly play single player, my team (TT, CT, DOM, Challenges) but sometimes I will do those draft things online, but most of the time it’s just not fun if you get put against a guy who takes it too seriously and makes the game unrealistic and boring to play


And I also only use my player for mycareer, I hate the park and that stuff even more than myteam online


99.9% offline and have been since I started playing MyTeam in 2k18 (like some, will only fight through online if it's for a significant agenda). Lag makes online unplayable and there's no joy in people just trying to out-exploit game mechanics. No need to feel compelled to run a lineup of 7-footers or otherwise be at a massive disadvantage.


Why not just play my league then?


Because it's so bad it's practically unplayable. A bunch of stuff is literally broken and almost everything else is poorly executed. The UI is bad, the player generation AI hasn't been updated in years, the simulation stats are inaccurate... I could go on and on. MyEras is lipstick on a pig because the mode has been left to die since 2018. But new cards in MyTeam scratches the same itch as drafting players in MyNBA and you get to use lots of cards -- which you usually don't in MyNBA -- and it's still addicting. Level 40, making MT, creating different theme teams; MyTeam is a more consistent dopamine hit than MyNBA since it's so task based. Also games are generally faster depending on the mode which is good if you are busy.


Offline is boring as fuck personally


Offline is too boring and you can win games without having the crazy good cards. So what are you working towards? I play towards making the best competitive team online. Would I like the online gameplay to be more like basketball and less like a video game? Yes. But what are you gonna do


That was my issue, offline is literally boring to me cause I win every game with absolute ease, not even trying to brag about it either it’s just so easy, I did most of domination while doing other stuff and letting the game run until the 4th quarter and then coming back and stomping the team in the 4th


Just bought the game for 6$ I'm definitely gonna enjoy the offline grind. But i bet the online matchup engine is still the same


Learn to actually get good at the game. There’s far more to it then just meta lineups and cheese dribble moves. These guys are only a problem for y’all because you spend most of your time playing against bots who never force you actually get better at the game. You don’t even realize it but you’re relying just as much on cheese tactics that don’t resemble real basketball when you’re playing against bots. The bots aren’t smart enough to adapt throughout the game or from game to game, so you just end up exploiting the same things over and over again. I used exclusively play offline but had started to try play online this 2K because I finally lived somewhere with good internet. I’d get spanked when I played online then go back to play against bots where I was comfortable. What I realized then is that I just mindlessly played the game against bots, I knew what worked and what didn’t and played practically the same way all the time so it didn’t require much strategy. It wasn’t until I learned how to do adapt throughout the game with things like reading the defensive coverage, running certain plays, and changing how I defend. The other day I was playing a guy y’all would probably rage quit on bc he hit 3 quick off the dribble threes to start the game. I run him off the line and force him into my bite. It’s unlikely he’d get a good shot but even if he got 2 I’ll take that over the 3s. On the other end, I notice he’s off balling with his PF so I run off ball screens for Dirk to force him to be involved. I hit a quick couple of threes off this action because he’s camping the paint, then he realizes what I’m doing and starts closing out. That forced another big out of the paint which opens up a cut or driving opportunity. At which point he pauses the game and adjusts how his team reacts to off ball screens. Back on the other end, he starts running pick and rolls to bring my big out of the paint and get better looks inside as well as open up some pick and pop or drive and kick options. He even ran some off ball screens to throw me off guard when I was focusing on on ball defense. Anyways, these type of back and forth happened all game. He’d go on a run, I’d adjust, then I’d go on a run and it ended with a buzzer beater off a set play. You will never get this type of game play experience playing against bots. The only time bots can give you a challenge is when they have better player cards then you. And you only beat them because you’re a human who is self aware and can think about what to do. Offline just isn’t fun anymore once I realized this. It’s inherently unfair in your favor.


little late to the party here, but this post lowkey inspired me to try online soon, so if i break a controller you’re paying for it lol. but also, what’s your strategy if a dude just has significantly better cards than you do? like if my cards simply aren’t good enough to defend his, what adjustments are you making?


Offline is so easy you can player lock go make some dinner and come back to a win lol. So no




Saying I don’t have fun if I’m beating computer by 100


The more you play the harder it gets and if you actually play it might get harder


That makes zero sense lol. It's the opposite, the more you play the easier it gets, you learn how the CPU plays, the patterns, their flaws etc and it becomes super easy to abuse it because of how predictable CPU is in this game.


Last years end game harden grind was so easy I forgot to pause took my dogs on a walk and came back up by 30. I don’t remember if it was hall of fame or all star


Man shut tf up and let people enjoy what they wanna enjoy lol.


When did he say anything about other people? He was just sharing HIS OWN experience with the game lol.


He asked a question i said no I can hand my dog the controller and he’ll win offline


fr why play myteam to beat up on a cpu 😂


That wouldn’t happen if you didn’t player lock


The most challenging offline game this year was the Opal KG grind and those were pretty much easy outside one or two ridiculous matchups


I never played last year, also nobody plays with player lock


I use player lock for some challenges I couldn't complete , I saw this was a good way to focus on certain ones .


Can someone please explain why sometimes every single shot I take registers as late or very late, and then other times every one resisters as early or very early?? It’s not a skill issue for the trolls who we’re gonna type that. I’m nothing special, but I’m competitive at any level on FIFA, MLB The Show, and was at Madden (before I quit playing Madden 3 years ago due to it being the least fun, most money hungry game ever). What the flubbing hell is up with 2K???


me online is bad


Not trying to make excuses but I lag a lot and seems impossible to guard someone with no lag and, of course, lots of hours in the game. I played with a guy from my country and beat him by 6 points and then I played an American and lost by almost 50. Wtf😂😂😂


I forgot to mention that the American guy dropped 3s from wherever he wanted with Lamelo🤷‍♂️


Same here. Since years, I can’t deal with the online input lag and don’t want to


Absolutely. Played online once and never again, much prefer rec for online.


I do too. I’ve been playing 2K since 2K on the Dreamcast and this is the first year I’ve really gotten into MT. I like climbing the ladder and building up my team of players that I love now and when I was growing up. Currently I’m really struggling with winning 8 TT games in a row at the All-Star level. Seems like the sliders are weighed heavily against me. Haha


From the lag to sweats full court pressing you from min 1 I dnt see how people do it


Yup. Never won online but didnt play much. Usually just offline modes or coop with friend.


Yeah I do offline only. Online is full of try hards that rely on cheese and animations. No interest in dealing with that in MyTeam AND TheRec. One or other


Me, I just had crazy delay when I play online so I give up on it


Offline only here, we survive this mode, not play it. Haha. Wish there was more for offline players, I just am not up for online and everything that comes with it (negativity).


my team aint good enough for hero yao ming and PF tacko


Mostly yea. A little online triple threat for objectives. I just completed the season mostly offline.


The only online play I do is Limited and the occasional Triple Threat Online.


I only play offline because my team is not that good so I don’t want to sweat in unlimited


I'm having way more fun playing offline than online even though I play both. Online players are the same thing every game. Spamming fades while using tall ass lineups. Some are beatable while others are just rage inducing. Meanwhile offline is way less stressful.


Def me. I can’t stand the online shit.


I play offline only in myteam


Started out offline only, now pretty much online only once I actually gave it a try and realized it’s nowhere near as bad as people act like


Hate online it's like plating nba jam, abusing size ups n escapes to 3 hunt or rim run...absolutely not basketball imo


Yea online is mid. Bunch of losers with 6”8 + teams & AI defense 💀 + the latency yea I stick to offline gameplay. I have 188K MT & a decent no money spent lineup


I play offline strictly. I don’t think the lag and online play style is worth the rewards that 2k offers. I like grinding for MT and just playing the game in general, getting the reward pack from completing either an agenda or event, and I love to complete sets. Currently, I’m working on buying Season 2-4 players to improve my lifetime agenda and get a sense of accomplishment seeing all the “Complete” sets. Unfortunately, 2k made the Trophy Case Centerpieces worth 750 tokens, so grinding for that Dr.J, Timmy D, and Larry Bird seem to sit at a halt for the moment. Idk, I might just be the only player who likes to do this 🤷‍♂️


I felt that way until I played on line and realized it’s so much better


I play 90% of the time offline, the only time i play online is to complete basic agendas (get 20 dunks in multiplayer, play 1 games of limited).


unless i play with a buddy then yeah


Mainly offline and triple threat coop. Unlimited just got too sweaty.


Every since 21 I quit playing offline but before then I use to always finish the dominations and challenges but how it’s barely rewarding you can legit just buy a player that’s better or on that level for barely any mt


Everyone here is afraid of competition and testing themselves it’s a video game worried about how you do everything else in life if it’s too hard. Soft ass Reddit lol


well people don’t play video games because it’s like everything else in life, it’s an escape. let people enjoy the game how they want to lmao


I would play online if my fuckin shot timing would be consistent 10% of the time if




I just play offline, i hate to play online, people teams are nuts, that's why i haven't finished the trophy case, i don't think i ever going to make it :(


I do!


Yep, me. I hate online play


The online is pay to win, 2k thinks online agendas are achievable and fun with lesser tiered teams/cards the truth is it’s not! Only play play now online coop get a more authentic nba team experience.


I play exclusively off-line... because I'm a cheap basterd and don't buy the online play subscription. So yeah, i don't think it's fair to have online only agenda rewards


Me! The game doesn't work online, does it? I've not played one lag free game on like 10 years. I won't play with giants on defense just to compensate for lag time, its no fun. Also... the mode is more about collecting, organizing, and accruing than it is about playing, right? I'm with you.


The timing is always so different online than it is offline. Can’t stand it.


Yes. Purely singleplayer for me. Currently frustrated how my all DM team can barely beat the Pelicans All-time team for this spotlight challenge


I play online sometimes there’s just too many people who will drop so much money on this game for a god lineup and I’m free to play so I’m always at a disadvantage lowkey


In regards to playing offline, what is this years version of quick through sts? Looking for a easy way to grind against the cpu. Thanks in advance


Don’t have enough time to grind unlimited, and can never find a game of TTO or CT where the shot isn’t terribly off. Literally no reason to play online. The AI is often better on defense also


Yes I've been an offline grinder since the 2k20 spotlight Sims for Kobe. I don't think we will ever see challenges that good and that rewarding ever again sadly. 2k has lost its vision for my team and is now blinded by money and greed. Hopefully they hire some new engineers for the game tho, because there are plenty of ideas that I've had for the game and I'm sure other people feel the same way.


i don’t have xbox live hold so i exclusively play offline game modes. i have 126k xp rn and will get zion on tuesday


I stopped playing after Christmas because I was 99% offline, but 2k kept adding agendas that you absolutely had to do online. It was infuriating. Switched to MLB the show, so much better and so much more rewarding for your time spent playing. Crazy part is the MLB community says this is the worst year, but I’m just like… go try 2k. Lol.


Not to mention how god awful the random shot speed/animations are during gameplay. I want to come back to 2k, just can’t spend $1000s on packs.