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I had no idea this sub was apparently secretly in love with Dillingham for the past several months lol


Look, I am just here to fight.


\***headbutts chest**\*


Me too, I want the smoke


Right? People don't realize this trade happened before we drafted him lol.


people just don’t realize that the sky is blue


Wait, WHAT?!


I love Dillingham and I can't wait to exclusively watch his highlights on offense


How can you resist a worse version on offense and defense of Trae Young???




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They're planning on a Wolves collapse--as they historically have--and obviously don't care enough for Dillingham to worry about sending him there. It's a risk but they clearly hate this draft.


Wolves don’t even have to collapse. An unprotected first and a swap as part of a larger package is great if we want a specific player.


Also notable that the Wolves dont control any of their own picks from now until 2032. They are way over the 2nd apron, so have massive trade restrictions and can't use the MLE. They are gonna get choked out by the new cap rules and not have draft picks to improve.


And they're engulfed in an ownership battle that could gut the team


I mean yeahhhhh but now that Bloomberg joined ARod and Lore they basically have infinite tax money.


You assume Bloomberg cares more about winning than a profitable venture


I mean winning is profitable.


Winning _a championship_ is profitable. Fielding a championship roster almost always requires times to operate in the red. I don't think Bloomberg gives two shits about taking risks, and ARod doesn't have the cash to not run the team as a profit-center


The wolves have 2 good players in their history, kg and ant. Kg led them to the playoffs almost every year as will ant. Baffling trade


KG is the second-greatest power forward of all time


front office Incompetence devin carter does everything better than castle


He literally had an 18 game stretch of making shots in a 3 year college career of missing them. He's a 6'2" shooting guard that is already 22 and might not actually be able to shoot. I'm not huge on Castle, but I'm lower still on Carter


Carter was also making them all the workout settings supposedly


You need to watch more basketball fam in no world is Castle better than Carter


As a shooter, no. As a prospect, he probably is


Not only is he almost 3 years older, Carter is also a worse defender, decision-maker, and passer than Castle. He is a better athlete and shooter, but not enough to make up for the age gap and difference in skill


Of course everyone is overreacting, we are on a low and the timberwolves are as good as they've ever been Today, Ant is Michael Jordan with the Loyalty of Tim Duncan. In 2-3 years, who knows. We have lots of pics incoming, everyone and their mom said this draft was weak till suddenly our 8th pick will be the piece that will push the twolves over the hump. People are so fucking impatient and reactionary


They thought dillingham would put us in play-in contention lol


Honestly? He probably moves the needle heavily in that direction, but barring any massive, unexpected leap of him becoming a good defender when he's been historically horrible, that's all he does, push us to a play-in and into our picks being mediocre instead of good, while also taking up cap space that could be used in adding proven vets. I loved the idea of adding him as an offensive spark plug, but that's simply born from wanting to see the Spurs win games and put Wemby and the boys in some meaningful basketball.


no he doesnt


We've regularly seen very good offense horrible defense players lead teams to enough wins in the regular season to make the playoffs/play-ins and then get dismantled in the playoffs, which is exactly what Dillingham would have brought to the team. The Spurs ended the season going 6-4, adding in Castle to shore up perimeter defense and Dillingham as a dependable offensive spark plug (something this team seriously lacked last year) very realistically could push the Spurs into the play-in over a full season. Dillingham is a fantastic offensive player, and would have made an extremely effective pick and roll/pop partner with Wemby, in a league where offense wins regular season games, that would have made a serious impact.


Being a play-in team is also a negative. Not good enough to contend and not bad enough for a good pick.




Just because a draft is given a perceived weak rating, it doesn’t always mean that it turns out that way later on down the line. Reactionary? It’s been more than a half of a decade before we just even made the playoffs. (It’s easier than ever for bad teams to do it too.) It’s great to play the slow game, but you have a young cost controlled superstar that is antsy to at least improve in standings. (And a fan base.) if this was money and told that good news, you ll get that loan back in 2031. Are you happy? No, because you wanted it now and it will be worth less to others that you want to use it with as it’s so far down the road. (Time value of money equation) Loyalty of Tim Duncan? He stayed, but I was in Orlando when him, T Mac and Grant Hill were making visits and Hill was putting the moves on to join him in Orlando. (They had cap room for 2 max players). Thats when Pop put up the Naval Coat of Arms in the night sky to get David back from Hawaii early to talk to Timmy about staying. The fact that Doc wouldn’t let his gf or wife Amy ride with the team ended up being the only reason. Not sure if that was loyal at that point or Doc finding a way to f up getting his first title then. Dilly wasn’t going to make us a title contender or playoff team. Could we be a play in this year, maybe? Could have been last year if no Sochan PG experiment, Vassell injury, etc. Dilly will help the T Wolves much more than us. Of course, and his greatest weakness gets covered there. Advancing to playoffs would get these guys playoff reps together.


The trade only give out the message that spurs will tank for another year. All I hope is victor not having two consecutive shameful season in his early career.


Yeah, I think the exact same thing and it doesn’t bother him and is on board with the plan. It has to be frustrating that you see your teammates and opponents all in NBA now, and your teammates are worse than when you were in France. It would run through my mind when I see myself and the guys that we are running out there, and I think that he wants to see that they are moving in the right direction. Unless free agency surprises us, it looks like missing play in again.


I love this, all the reddit draft gurus doing mock drafts, watching tape, discussing this pick ad nauseam and then front office does this. This is why I never pay attention before the draft and then root for whoever they pick.


You still need to watch tape if you want to make or have an informed opinion Otherwise you have no idea what you are talking about They fact you got upvoted shows how many people have no idea what they are talking about, but want to pat each other on the back fot knowing nothing


Even if I watched college tape I would not have a clue. That's my point.I think it's very pretentious from some people to be so invested in a process that has so much uncertainty.


We traded All Star Dejounte for 3 firsts and everyone loves those picks now.  We just traded number 8 in a weak ass draft for 2 picks with one of the worst franchise, with bad ownership and locked up contracts for years on 30+ yo Gobert and Kat.  It's a good deal, not great, but good. Better keep your powder dry than getting a bad roster spot


It wasn't two picks, it's a pick and a top 1 protected swap. Just for clarity's sake.


It feels weird for sure. But also, we all know this is a terrible draft, and we got picks out in the future that are unprotected/lightly protected. Let’s see what happens with the cap and assets.


I love the illingham trade. Wolves will collapse in a few years, those picks will be juicy as fuck, and players like illingham who don't play defense don't start on championship teams. PATFO will look like a genius and all the drama queens in this chat will bandwagon onto the team at that time.


What? Ant is 22...you think he is going to suck at 29? Lol!


Not suck, but maybe not be there??


All kinds of other stuff can happen. Team chemistry is a fickle thing, and Sota has a historically bad track record in that department.


Gobert and KAT could be washed by then and they have no ability to improve through the draft. Ownership is also not going to pony up the cash while they fight over the team


We won 4 championships starting Tony parker


Tony was actually a good defender in the NBA. Not elite, but good. https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/tony-parker-defense-rating-per-year. Rob was a bottom 1% defender against COLLEGE offenses. In the NBA? bottom 0.01% maybe?


He shared the court with Tim Duncan though, who's going to improve that defensive rating by a lot


So you're lying for no reason?


who's lying?




Rob makes Tony Parker look like Tony Allen


Maybe, *just maybe,* a professional NBA General Manager knows more about our team, the draft(s) of now and the future, and the league as a whole better than a group of armchair basement Reddit Andy’s! This is a relatively weak draft, and we’re building something consistent and sustainable for the long run. I like this move a lot, really.


What do we see every time a team has a great player rolling into his prime? Sending out a ton of firsts to get established players for deep playoff runs. Everyone on here who is mad we didn’t gamble on a second lottery pick in a shit draft is blowing my mind. This is a great move to stock the war chest for when we need to go all in. I think people just haven’t come to grips with the fact that we are about to start the 2024-2025 season. In a couple of years this could be an near future unprotected first from a team that is likely headed downhill and will get rolled into a package for a known quantity of high value. I think it’s a great move. I wouldn’t even have been mad if we traded both FR picks in this draft.


You think Ant will be going downhill? Dude. Lol! That pick will probably be 25 at best. Ant is 22 dude.


The Wolves have basically locked themselves in for the next 6-7 years with minimal draft assets to improve and they’re hard capped so if their core doesn’t work, they’re fucked.


I don’t think Ant will be on the timberwolves. They have been historically terrible, their ownership situation is a mess, they’re facing financial impossibilities, and Ant doesn’t seem the loyal franchise guy type.


I do. He will. Kat may not be there...but they will be balling. They have the money invested and the ownership that is committed to win. Watch. You just made up some copium for your take. https://www.fox9.com/sports/alex-rodriguez-marc-lore-minnesota-timberwolves-ownership


>copium Great to know I’m speaking with a child. Let’s address my four points. >timberwolves are historically terrible. I’m just going to take this one. >ownership situation a mess. You posted an article where the guys who couldn’t afford to buy the team according to the contract they signed claim they will get the team. Awesome. I’ll listen when they find the money to take the team from someone who has sucked forever and has now decided (according to your article) that he’s not giving up majority ownership stake. I think calling this a mess is fair. >financial impossibilities Towns won’t be on their roster you say… I don’t see Gobert being positive value on his contract moving forward. Maybe next year, but probably not the following year. So now it’s ant and….who exactly? Follow up, have you researched the latest CBA and how it will affect the flexibility of expensive teams? >ant doesn’t seem like a loyal guy >hell nawl can’t do dis >send da video Yeah, this is a high character guy where loyalty takes precedence. I am not saying that the Timberwolves are for sure going to be bad, but I don’t think it’s a poor gamble. In 3-4 years there will still be enough uncertainty about their future to create value for an unprotected pick. Happy to have a real conversation about it. Saying I “made up copium” is a fucking joke.


All I am asking is this: if the decision to trade Dillingham was done in order to transition to a free agent signing/trade that would put the Spurs closer to contention in the next 3-5 years, can we, like, not go to DEFCON 1 if the Spurs front office makes a questionable move going forward? Like if you want to be like "WTF?", go ahead. But like some ppl are just going on full meltdown. Let the professionals do their thing and give it time before making a final critique.


My biggest concern with this is just the assumption the Spurs will be able to grab a star. Is it probable given the amount of assets they've accumulated? Sure, but OKC has an even bigger war chest and plethora of good young players to add in. The Nets just added a ton of picks, and could add more. We've entered into an arms race that has no guarantee to it barring a KD demanding to be sent to PHX situation.




Do you honestly think that 2031 isn’t gonna rolled into a trade package?


Two. We ain't getting Charlotte or Chicago


Why is that?


Charlotte pick will probably fall within 10. I dont trust them improving and be a play in team in the east and conveying the pick for us. Though, i would love to be proven wrong 😈


What happens in their pick falls inside the top 10?


We don't get it


That blows.




I’m not sure exactly how that works. What do we get if the pick falls in the protected range? Nothing?


For the charlotte pick they have until 2025 to make the playoffs otherwise it turns into two seconds, the bulls pick if not conveyed next year is protected 1-8 the two subsequent years and then turns into a second if not conveyed by then


Damn so we go from a first to two seconds? Is that good? Doesn’t seem like it to me.


It’s an ok to great move. It’s not a bad move. Odds are we aren’t missing out on any player we could have drafted at 8. Instead we got good trade capitol or a bet against a typically poor franchise. It’s not sexy but it’s probably fine. Maybe a chance for a great.


Buddy, don’t tell us how to feel.


Sure it's not as exciting as getting a second shiny new player from the draft but I think they're just stacking assets to make a trade in the future for a star hopefully. Whether that's this offseason or next who knows but I trust the front office more than the people on reddit having a meltdown. I really don't see how keeping Dillingham this year would suddenly make us contenders, we're still in the process of a rebuild.


I get the long and strong defensive focus we have going for the roster, but regardless of how you feel about dillingham, He does what we lack. Shoot, playmake, create. The idea of castle in a few years is awesome but as he is now our spacing is going to be absolutely atrocious. "we can teach shooting, kawaii, blah blah blah" yeah maybe, maybe not. Im not saying dillingham is better than castle, just that our most glaring need was (as off yet) completely ignored, and that this likely signals the reports that were trying to be competitive now were misleading. The team is probably planning on being ass this year.. Now I do like castle but he is far more of a project than I think people are realizing. His defense will be elite day one but everything else is either a work in progress (nba level playmaking)or a longshot altogether (Good 3 point shooting).


![gif](giphy|lSnf3m6k9yt1zRSPTb) Time is now


No way we grab Trae after Castle


Traded the next Iverson. SMH.


Analytics suggest Iverson only made bad offenses decent. He made good offenses worse


my complaint is I rather draft an 8th pick that already useful rotational player I wish we get Edey at 8th Spurs Wemby have a sidekick C or rotational young center can be useful I rather trade one of our current roster players except Wemby


For sure


most insightful and substantive r/NBASpurs post. can i post next or is there a line?




A historically small combo guard that can’t finish is far from generational


Lol - if Dillingham was generational, dude wouldn't have fallen to 8. Calm down FFS




Terrible move, inexcusable. Even if it’s a risk you gotta take risks now around Wemby


great move. defense wins championships. 165 lb guard = bad idea.


I didn’t want to draft Rob, I just hate punting the pick down the road to 2030, at least get a pick that’s likely to have value in the near future


I mean what if Minnesota implodes in three years and those two picks suddenly look like back to back unprotected lottery picks that we could swap for a veteran star? I would say that this is very likely.


Then pick someone else dude. Lol!


Yeah, I was a little bit surprised they didn't snag someone like Buzelis. But I guess they figure the picks are a better value. An unprotected pick and a basically unprotected swap. That's... a lot.


He's 20. We have plenty of time


That pick will probably be 20-30th idk why we would do that


i wouldn’t bet on the timberwolves franchise being successful for the next 6 years


Yeah but theres such a low chance that pick will be higher than 9, and the twolves arguably have one of the best young cores in the nba now. Its coping to be so optimistic about that pick


but that draft will almost definitely be better than this one


How can you say you wouldnt bet on twolves being good in 2031 but then assume the 2031 draft will be much better, the bias getting the best of u Nothing wrong with saying this is a strange disappointment move


Because this draft is viewed as the worst we’ve seen in a decade. It’s a bad draft. If that draft is even average it will be better. And we can bet on the wolves not being that good in 2031 cause they have no assets to make moves and are a small market players don’t care about. Kinda hard to build a team in that situation


i don’t know man, i think the bias is getting the best of you


I mean I’m making actual arguments here. You and the bulk of this sub are just being reactionary like we see every year. Rob isn’t a very strong prospect, a future pick gives us more flexibility and has more upside


sorry i was just making fun of the other guy, i totally agree with you


Ah fair enough, I’ve been arguing about this for a while so I’m a bit defensive 😂


cause i used my common sense


Its common sense to assume the 2031 pick will be better than rob dillingham? thats the opposite of common sense and sounds like dickriding


Name all the teams that stayed great for eight years straight. Hint: the Warriors did not


8 in this draft is like 28 in most drafts This class is terrible


Shit I _wish_ White was available at 8


How can you be so sure it’ll be that far? Imagine how we were in 2017 to now, that’s the same amount of time from now until those picks hit. Did you think we’d be in the lottery? Or that we’d still be competing? Things change quickly man, don’t be so sure it’ll be a bad pick just cause they were good this season for the first time in a long time.


We might've done things differently if we knew we didn't have our own picks in all these years. In other words, I expect them to do everything possible not to bottom out, given that they don't own any of their upcoming picks for the foreseeable future.


lmao what