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I don't think so. I believe that BW drafted Rob because the Wolves wanted him. That's why he took his sweet time in the war room to make the pick.


Wright made sure to point out that it was Minnesota’s pick when interviewed


I was listening to a podcast and they said the spurs were wanting salaun at 8 and when Charlotte took him they shipped the pick. If that's true they are looking to add size and defense to the team. Dillingham just doesn't fit for that. Victors defense is so good, they can win games with better point of attack defense in front of him. Long term you want shooting, but you can score off rebounds/turnovers leading to fast breaks.


I'm convinced Castle will learn to shoot. It won't happen right away but he will figure it out. His form is great and he has great work ethic from most reports.


They’re currently fixing Sochan’s jumper, they can certainly fix Castle’s too.


Sochan is a much bigger project there. His form was busted in college. And despite that he has made huge strides. Castle's form looks fairly pure to my amateur eye. It's just a matter of reps and little tweaks here and there.


Meanwhile one of my all time favorite players had an awful jump shot and is still on the mount Rushmore of shooters


I'm wracking my brain trying to guess who it is and I've got nothing. Bird's shot was kind of funky but still technically sound. Maravich maybe? Edit: I forgot what Maravich's shot looked like. Shit was pure.


Reggie Miller


I guess my recall is way off today. My childhood memory of Reggie is him having a beautiful shot. But looking back at highlights that is definitely a weird shot. I guess memory in standard def ages poorly. But as funky as the delivery itself was it was still efficient and consistent for him. No idea how he managed that with his elbow so wide.


That's how I remembered it until someone showed me otherwise a few weeks ago


I guess when to that point someone is the greatest shooter you have ever seen it's a lot harder to question how they are doing it. Then you had robot Ray Allen come along.


Castles two biggest issues are: His follow through—he has a tendencies to *push* shots like you would a floating. How he sets his feet—he almost always shoots off balance even when open and flat footed. From scouting tapes we’ve seen a lot of this seems to be a lack of confidence. I fully believe Castle will be a strong 3rd option on the Spurs before his rookie season ends.


I was thinking he would need a full season to really learn and work on it. If he is contributing at that level by the end of his rookie year I will be thrilled


If you really think about it, who on this team would be option #3 if not Castle? Sochan is destined to be a gadget/glue guy. He’ll get cleanups and some kick outs. I think if the Spurs can get Castles confidence back, he’ll at least shoot well enough that defenses can’t just ignore him.


I certainly wouldn't rule it out. I'm thinking Keldon will be our bench spark plug and will likely end up 3rd on the team in scoring. But I'd love to be wrong if it means our rookie is performing that well in year 1. I also haven't ruled out a decent vet FA signing/bargain trade.


Man, I’m just so down on Keldon. I think mostly it’s my expectation of him being traded. But I think as a sixth man spark guy off the bench he’d be tremendous.


Castle shot 90% on FT the last 10-15 games of the season, he’s a lot closer than people realize


He started the season hurt. He played for a stacked team. They didn't ask him to shoot, so between that and the injury I'm imagining he didn't have significant gym time to really work on it. He did what was asked of him for the team to win and did it well. You could make similar statements about his ability to run point.


needs to get on that herb jones plan


Honestly I want him on the young Kawhi plan but most of those developmental guys from back then are gone.


yeah that’s obviously best case scenario, i just didn’t use him because he’s dead to me (lol) and also a bit of a … savant.


Yeah, why did they let chip England out of the building?


I think part of that was Chip. He wanted a bigger role and probably to be a part of a winning team. He probably didn't want to go through a long rebuild. I'm sure he had some kind of relationship with Presti as well.


His shot isn’t as bad as people think. Like they said at the press conference when you’re on a team like UCONN you don’t have the luxury of finding your shot during a game. Other guys in the draft can shoot 18-20 times in a game just waiting until they get hot.


I feel this too. He’s being comp as a bigger Jrue and coming in the league, Jrue was no where near the shooter he is today.


I'm pretty curious if Charlotte actually loved Salaun at 6 or if they are hoping to get a pick out of us down the line.


Honestly got me a little bummed. I wouldn’t mind trading #8 + hornets pick for #6…


No, the Spurs "picked" him at 8 because that's who the Wolves wanted. They would have "picked" literally any players the Wolves wanted because they vued the 2030+2031 picks more than anyone left.


I loved Rob as a prospect but let’s be real here. He has a smaller frame than jones and jones was a target all season. Probably will be great offensively. He’ll have a great role in Minnesota when/if Mike Conley leaves. It’s a fit that makes sense over there. Spurs do not need another target. Castle offers big upgrades in several regards. - Larger Perimeter defender. We gave up the most 3s last year. A potential upgrade in Tre’s spot will increase our defense in that regard. Has a huge frame at 6’6 1/2inches at 215. Likely will put on more weight in the summer. If he earns that PG he fits that modern PG role. Similar to D white and Holiday. Obviously needs to get his shot better but that will come. - Entry Passer, Cutter and Inverted PNR experience. UConn plays inside out, with inverted PNRs with a lot of cutting with Clingan. This is ideal to pair with Wemby. Not many players will be able to get Wemby the ball better than castle because of his experience playing with a 7’2 player. That experience will be huge. Not a ton of prospects in the draft knows how to be effective on and off the ball will be great since Wemby will be able to find him like he did with Branham, Sochan, Mamu, Jones acting like cutters. Trading Rob and getting those assets frees up caps space for a bigger fish in the future. I think this will end up being more valuable in the longer term. I do not believe spurs tend to move big soon. In the beginning of the summer it seems most people were of the belief we will run a lot back with minor upgrades. I think this move will pay off big in the near future. Much sooner than later as people suggests.


No, we weren’t. I wonder how differently this would be perceived if we traded 8 before the draft started, and then the wolves drafted Dillingham


I remember all the people who were hoping we would trade the number 8 pick for a pick 7 years from now before the draft, they all nailed it Everyone was hoping for this right? We celebrated when Toronto gave up the pick then we celebrated when we gave it up This fan base can’t admit that Brian Wright sucks ass


I mean they turned poetl into an unprotected first and another top-1 protected pick swap. Looking at it that way seems pretty good. All these fans that want them to trade for someone but are now mad they went and got capital. We just saw Mikal bridges go for 5 firsts and he’s a 3rd option. We should just be patient and see how it all plays out.


Yeah I think the Knicks way overpaid on that trade.


He just converted a pick in a weak draft into another pick and a swap. 2 > 1. It’s that simple and the smart fan base knows this.


Don't we already have a swap that year with the Mavs? I get that it maybe guarantees a better swap, but it also means one of those two assets isn't really worth anything. So in reality to me we just traded this #8 for a first round pick in 2031 which is odd. I don't even like Dillingham honestly but you'd think you could do a bit better with that, or get something sooner. Unless I got that info wrong




Maybe I'm being dumb, but how do you move a pick swap? Wouldn't that only be movable as their own pick, in other words the two 2030 pick swaps are essentially one asset?


isn't that 2=2 though? lol


Not sure if joking or serious, but ok.


yeah serious. a swap isn't an extra pick. it's two picks for two picks.


They get 2024 pick #8. (1) We got a 2031 pick AND a 2030 swap. (2) 2 > 1


do you not understand the word "swap"?


It’s an asset. A pick is an asset and a swap is an asset. They’re both assets because they can be used in trade negotiations with other teams. There is an inherent value to them. Therefore, 2 > 1.


you’d have to know for certain the future pick will be more valuable than the 8th pick. we don’t. in any event it’s 2 picks for 2 picks so it’s a silly thing to say while speaking of “smart fans”.


No, we weren’t. Once Salaun was off board they took trade offers as they didn’t want anyone else


He’s like the least Spurs-y archetype (AI, Jamal Crawford, etc)


I doubt it. With Castle at 4 and Jones on a decent contract our PG rotation is pretty much set. Seems like Saluan was the target at 8.


Yeah and they don't want to give up on Branham and Wesley yet, they still will get minutes, so SA already has 5 guards they want to play. Of those 5, Branham and Jones are already poor defenders. I don't see room for Dillingham.


dillingham won’t sniff any minute with our roster. dude is barely 6’1’’ and weigh like a feather. imagine they kept him and played worse defense than branham ya’ll gonna curse him and asked him to get shipped out and guess what? his value is non existence at that time


I doubt it, I think size and defense is their base blueprint and Dillingham fits neither. And we already have 3 PGs on the roster with the addition of Castle. I think they wanted a wing, the wings they liked were off the board, so they punted the pick and selected who Minnesota wanted


When initially trading Jakob, Spurs wanted 2 first round picks then had to end up settling for a single protected first rounder and 2 second rounders. Now the Spurs have traded Jakob for an unprotected first rounder, 2 second rounders and an unprotected first round swap. If we traded Jakob for the rights to Rob Dillingham, Khem Birch and 2 second rounders, I'm pretty sure most people would be equally skeptical with that return as well. Point is - fans are very reactionary because we only receive so much information at a time.


Probably not, it would be an uphill battle getting Pop to play a rookie that doesn't try on defense.


No. You can't play these 2 and Devin at the same time and you're not drafting a projected bench player at 8 even in a bad draft .If you draft a PG at 4 you're saying this is the PG of the future. If you're not sure, then you shouldn't be drafting him at 4.


No, they picked who the Wolves wanted. It wasn't about trading the pick necessarily, its what they got back for it. Knicks traded 24th pick 2 spots back and got a extra 2nd rounder this draft in this draft for just 2 spots. People can't sell me on the idea what the Spurs got for it was the best package. They probably had most of the eggs in the basket of a player selected right before them and were all of a sudden on the clock and decided to trade when Minny called.


Interestingly I've heard no sources or speculation about who they would have taken if the Wolves trade didn't come through. I actually wonder if we would have prevented Knecht from falling to 17.


I can’t believe they didn’t take Buzeilis. Top 5 prospect.


Nope. He's in that mold of an undersized chucker guard with no defense who never fits the Spurs mo at all.


Dillingham is not going to be a great player he was not a fit on the spurs. Basketball involves more than offense.


So he’s not a good player at all? You’re already saying that without even seeing what he can do on the nba level? Never be a scout for any nba team pls


Dude was a bottom 1% defender in COLLEGE. Against a bunch of people most of whom will never set foot inside an NBA locker room.


Ohh man Kid never played even set foot on the court and your already judging him? Are you sure you’re a spurs fan?


You’re putting words in OP’s comments. OP said he’ll never be great and you said he’d never be good. He also said that he was the worst defender in college based on his stats, so he’s not really judging him, just stating a fact. You need to stop being so defensive and reactionary and actually read stuff before replying.


Since the days of the Alamodome Have you ever engaged in a physical contest with someone 20, 30, 40, 50, or more pounds (of muscle) heavier than you? How did it go?


So what do you think about the players on the spurs no Wemby? Do you think that they are nba players?


I would say we have a few good pieces but there’s a lot of house cleaning to do. Maybe half.


So players like Blake, do you think they are spurs?


Starter, no. Coming off the Bench, maybe the jury is still out. But if I had to make a prediction, I would say no.


The vision? The best trade we could make for a lottery pick was a pick 7 years from now Brian Wright sucks


Dont worry, this is all part of their masterplan to win 5 more titles by 2035. /s


Dilingham reminds me of Daris Garland I think you made a mistake trading him. At worst he's malik monk