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We don't need to compete next year but we do need to put out a competent starting line up. We can't have next year where we start 3 more guys alongside Wemby who are all so below average from 3 that they're left wide open and he's facing constant packed paint, double and triple teams but he and Devin develop bad selfish habits bc why would they pass out of the double team if they can't rely on their open teammates ...while Vic is also missing out on All NBA bc voters don't wanna include a dude on a sub 40 win team. Next year is important to Vic and Devin's development too, not just fringe dudes like Malaki and Blake.


That's the one thing that PATFO apologists keep omitting: spacing needs. We need S H O O T E R S. If we start next season with the same lineup + Castle, we are going to run into the exact same issues. Please at least get a decent shooter in FA to make the lineup more balanced.


Simple: I don’t care about our shooting next year. I want guys who we think will be playable in the playoffs in 3 years. There will be opportunities to acquire shooters in 2025 and 2026, and there was an upward trajectory in the team’s shooting pre-and post-all star break (33.9% pre, 36.4% post). I don’t blame them for banking on internal improvement for shooting, at least this year, and expect real dramatic moves starting in 2025


> There will be opportunities to acquire shooters in 2025 and 2026, and there was an upward trajectory in the team’s shooting pre-and post-all star break (33.9% pre, 36.4% post). And this was with McDermott traded to Indiana before the break.


Man I hate it you can't play 4 below average/non shooters in the nba in 2024. This is what most apologists don't get


They had McDermott they could have gotten Knecht.   They probably could have traded up a spot or two to get Shepperd if they really wanted.  For some reason the front office doesn’t think it’s necessary.  Or they think the guys they have will eventually become better shooters??  Maybe they’re playing Brahman and Wesley and champagnie and jones in hopes that once the shooting clicks then they also have experience playing together?   


The Spurs spacing is going to suck next year. We’ll probably always have 1 non floor spacer on the floor in Castle or Sochan. I expect to have their minutes staggered to keep 1 point of attack defender on at all times and avoid having 2 non floor spacers share the floor simultaneous more than necessary. It still sucks. It makes life harder on the other guys and it’s going to lose us more games than we would if we had shooters in those spots. With Castle and Sochan both playing that’s a guarantee short of the unlikely event one or both turning into good shooters over the summer. The Spurs aren’t going to start 3 non floor spacers. Another shooter is going to start alongside Devin and Victor. Who that is, Champagnie, Keldon, a new guy, I don’t know. I would guess Champagnie at this point. It also remains to be seen if even 2 non floor spacers are going to start. Tre Jones made good improvements as a shooter last season. Maybe he comes back from the summer a valid floor spacer? If he doesn’t maybe you only start 1 of Tre Stephon and Jeremy. Everyone knows the spacing is a huge flaw in the team. Again, is it worth trying to patch with a reasonably expensive FA or trade acquisition? I don’t think so. I don’t like making guys play through the bad spacing but I dislike even more trying to patch a flawed roster of projects we’re developing. Castle and Sochan are those projects. Branham and Wesley aren’t as meaningful of investments at this point. Even if you add a great shooter to the team, like when we still had Doug, we’d still be giving minutes to Sochan and Castle. The spacing sucks, and it’s going to suck until those guys learn to shoot or the Spurs get rid of them. The Spurs will bring in more shooting like they did last season with Osman, and I think they’ll be a little more concentrated on a better short term stopgap than Osman’s shooting was, but there’s not a lot of sense in over-allocating a spacing solution to a fundamentally flawed team of floor spacers. The Spurs are not going to make that drastic a move until a year from now when they potentially give up on Sochan and start to shift towards win mode and away from accumulate asset mode.


I don’t think people realize that last year was not a tank but an evaluation of what we need going forward while also us not being very good. The FO has blatantly told us what we’re going to do the entire time, but for some reason everyone stays surprised? We just added Castle that is going to add so much defensively, with things that you can’t teach, and good upside… this fills up a need. Truthfully, I’d rather have more assets instead of Dilly for a potential Garland or even Trae… that fills up a need. Relax y’all. You’re all so worried about Wemby leaving too, when it seems like he was very involved with this decision.


the casual reactionaries losing their shit are cracking me up 💀🥱


Our fanbase is driving me nuts. PATFO literally said that the first half of season was an experiment. Duh. They put Sochan at PG. Also, Pop literally said, "We just let Wemby play however he wanted, without any coaching, so we could get film and data, and have a baseline that we could use to shown, coach, and build off of." More importantly, everyone needs to quit sleeping in this current squad. Are they contenders? No. I also don't think they were tanking... but I wouldn't be surprised if the mandate was, "We're going to be casual on most games, but we're also going to crank it up against the big teams, and see what this squad can do." This is more than apparent with the fact how they stepped up and won against top teams, like OKC, Nuggets, Wolves, etc...


Nice write up. I agree. I have the feeling next offseason is gonna be the big one. This offseason, I’m just hoping they can sign a good shooter. I think they use next year to watch for improvement on our young guys and make final decisions about who on our squad is staying and who needs to go. I think we’re looking at 32-38 wins next year. Next year’s class looks pretty talented, so hopefully we can get our hands on someone good. There’s currently 4 2025 prospects I think have star potential, so a top 4 pick would be amazing (although maybe not likely). If a really good star becomes available for trade next offseason we should go for them, and then look to be a playoff team in 2025-26


Yeah, I think 32 to 38 wins is a good projection for next year. I'd be happy with that. It'd be considered an improvement over the past year, especially if there's clear growth from players not named Wemby.


All I want is improvement. I do not want to see us be a 22 win or under team for the third year in a row. I want to see results that indicate progress is being made with our young core.


Guys they were on pace to be 30-52 after ASB and improved. Adding the best defender in draft, how is that not being better next year??


Because he’s so bad at shooting he might be unplayable.


I mean he’s basically the same % as Jones with better psssing and far better defense


Better passing wtf


Here's the thing - you know what helps player develop? Spacing and playmaking. Look at the mess in Detroit - it's all because they lack any spacing and it makes it harder for their best young players to be exceptional. Look at what HOuston was before FVV joined them? That's why Jalen Green stagnated. Having good spacing helps guys like Jeremy and Devin and Wemby develop. This talent acquisition model only works if you are missing a superstar. We are not there. ANd at this point, I am not sure what Brian Wright has shown to make us feel he is the one to get us there.


Jeremy *is* the biggest part of the spacing problem. One non floor spacer, particularly one as unskilled as Jeremy, already mucks up your offense in the modern NBA. 2 of our biggest developmental projects are the spacing problem in Castle and Sochan. You can’t practically solve the spacing around Victor Devin and Jeremy while still playing Jeremy and Stephon. Even when we had another elite shooter in the equation in Doug the spacing was still problematic. Removing Sochan and Castle would be the easiest solution to our spacing problems. Theyre important developmental projects so that’s not happening. If you want to argue they’re bad picks I won’t even deny you holding that stance, but there’s no practical realistic way to solve the spacing short term *and* maximize our assets long term for when we’re ready to compete. You trade for elite shooters to help offset their spacing problems, you eat into assets that are valuable in the future. It sucks to make guys develop in non-ideal spacing, but that’s what they’re going to have to do. Either that or stop playing Jeremy and Stephon. If you hate those picks I won’t say you can’t, but moving forward with those decisions in the past, and the investment both are, we have to live with the spacing. I don’t think it’s going to damage guys’ development as much as you insinuate. We do need to be proactive at limiting ourselves to one non floor spacer at a time as much as we can. Zach Collins needs to get back to post Jakob-trade 2022 Zach Collins. He may not even be on the team by the start of this season to be honest. Hopefully Sochan and Castle and Tre show up in training camp and have become valid floor spacers, or close to it, because we can’t fix the spacing around projects when the projects themselves are the spacing problems. Of course it sucks that we have bad spacing and it makes it a less healthy developmental environment but throwing assets to bring in great shooters isn’t going to solve the problem long term. In a year or two we can start throwing great shooting into the equation if it’s still as problematic, and someone like Sochan may not be on the team then.


Oh no!!!! You mean to tell me we're not going to go undefeated for the next five seasons? Awe Geez, our fan base is really gone down the shitter. Lmao.


When is this magical trade happening Also furphy for cash considerations is embarassing


The Spurs picked the same draft and stash guy they were going to with the 35th or 36th pick. Like I said, expect the Spurs to take back bad contracts for draft picks. What do the Spurs do? Trade out of the 1st round for draft picks. Draft and stash with their first 2nd round pick. There’s an enormous indication the Spurs are preserving cap space. What for? Don’t be surprised if we look back two weeks from now and the Spurs took on a bad contract with that cap space for more future draft picks. I’m trying to prepare people for that now so they don’t act like it came out of nowhere two weeks from now. Expect a star trade in 1-2 years. Unless our young guys totally break out and we get two homegrown all star level players next to Victor. Rather than 1-2 years, when a specific player becomes available. Better, when a player becomes available and his market is depressed for various reasons. The problem with trading for the stars that we could attain now is they’re too old, too expensive, or not good enough. The opportunity is not now.


All of these mean nothing if the Spurs can't find somebody to trade with using these assets. In fact sometimes the role players we need are in contending teams that don't have any use for picks, so these assets will do nothing to entice them to give up their players.


Why would we be trying to poach role players from contenders for picks ? The purpose of picks would be trading for stars or quality role players from midling or tanking teams, in addition to developing our own guys and utilizing FA.


Because the best role players and stars are in those teams


The Mavs got role players from Washington. This year the Bulls and Nets have indicated they're sellers.


Not always lol. Its circumstantial. And you realize 90% of big trades happen with mediocre or bad teams selling off their guys right


I agree - they keep showing us they can’t bring in players and the fans are in denial. They won’t spend money & they don’t care if you spend your money watching shit basketball. They show us every single year that they can’t use assets, they pissed away a lottery pick last night to save salary. Welfare team.


They good news is that every offseason at least one all star player gets pissed and demands to be traded.   Hypothetical:  What’s to say a prime Anthony Edward’s is not that guy in 5-6 years?  For Minnesota,  Their own (probably lottery) pick is much more valuable than another teams pick (that is all the sudden a lte 1st because the other team got Ant and is now better) Point it:  there will always be someone to trade, spurs just may have to make the deal juicer.  Someone posted that spurs have 14 picks in the next 7 drafts.  They could literally trade 7 picks for a player and still have their draft in tact


I think the spurs tanked last season because I don't believe pop forgot that good point guards are important for great big men. Spurs are good at finding undervalued role players. I think the spurs will tank this upcoming year because 2025 draft is a good one and 2024 was so bad they traded away 8 for assets in 2030/31, betting that by then Edwards will be or want to be a Laker/knick/Celtic whatever. The charismatic ones always want bigger markers. Keep in mind tank does not need to bottom. The lottery means you just have to kinda suck...like giving tons of minutes to a rook point guard for "development." You don't have to be abominable, just lose a lot and ideally have multiple swings for draft position that the spurs do. They'll hang around in this zone until they can draft a #2 future top 20 guy to pair with their future top 3 or top 2 guy they have now. They have to do it through the draft, as those guys dont usually choose to go to San Antonio in free agency and don't want to stick around if traded. Their best luck has been foreign origin, developed in the system to become a value added asset in the league, a Pop trained Spur. Spurs are in no rush. New players never make a push to leave until well after the first extension and international origin players tend to stick around, relative to the Americans. Nail the 2025 draft, reap the rewards for a decade or two. That's the play. Patience.


Spurs have to capitalize though on Wemby being good enough to lead a team in a deep playoff run while still being in a rookie contract. Not very often that happens and imo you have to capitalize on it.


He came to one of the worst teams in the league. We can try to accomplish that in 2026 or 2027 if the right star becomes available, but his rookie and upcoming second season, it’s not realistic to turn one of the worst teams in the league into a championship contender in 1-2 years.


He is only in his 2nd year, and the team as a whole is only in the 2nd year of a rebuild/retooling. There is time. Rebuilds typically take 3-4 years once a franchise cornerstone is gotten. The goal is not immediate success. The goal is consistent success long term. It's my main argument against a Trae Young trade. Trae would absolutely improve the team, but at the cost of losing out on a lot of future assets, and eating up cap space. The team would be stuck in first round exit limbo, forever having late round draft picks, and no cap space to sign solid players. Up until the point Victor leaves.


And now the FO has 3 non-spacers starting next to Wemby so this team will just be dogshit instead of in first round limbo.


Did you not comprehend or just not read "were only in year 2 of a rebuild?"


It’s gonna be even more years of a rebuild with the way this team is constructed but continue.


My brother in Texas. We have like 4 potential FRP next year, and 2 FRP the following year. The opportunity to add talent depth will be there, with out going all out on adding one talent.


Bold prediction/ spicy hot take incoming:  what if wemby leads the team in 3 pt attempts.     He can lurk in the perimeter waiting for the ball, or just pull up whenever he wants.  Saves energy for defense


Got 3 more years to capitalize off that.


OH SHIT!!! It’s DAF86!!!


Yeah said this earlier, best thing we can do is 1 more year of tank. Try to be a bottom 3 team to guarantee that top 5 pick next year in a loaded class. Then we can really exit the rebuild with another top tier talent.


Hear me out, wemby will single handedly drag us to the play in. Even if pop runs point sochan. Doesn’t matter at all. Wemby has adjusted to the nba, we need winning guys around him now or were gonna be stuck in mediocrity. Yea set your remind mes


Spurs aren't going to be good next year cuz Brian Wright is an awful GM.




Draft Bronny tomorrow Sign Klay Thompson Sign Chris Paul Is that entertaining enough?


It’s hard to spend taxpayer dollars on a new arena for a team that doesn’t try to put a good product on the floor. They won’t invest in the talent to win or be competitive or even give paying fans a decent night of entertainment- I was a hard yes on the arena until the Spurs decided to show an unwillingness to improve


If you don’t want to give any public money to the Spurs, regardless of the product they put on the floor, that’s great with me. You’d rather they make some moves to make the team slightly better this year at the expense of future moves that could push great teams over the hurdle to champions. Maybe the former is what’s best for you, but the latter is what’s best for the Spurs. I can say from my own perspective as a Spurs fan, I enjoy the product that is the team making more calculated championship focused moves. I would not enjoy watching slightly more competitive teams this year knowing they were only built at the expense of future assets that can be used when we are ready to start competing. I think making moves to be a little more competitive (but still not championship competitive) in the short term only succeeds to appeal to shorter attention spans. I’m optimistic Victor doesn’t have that short of patience or attention span. I do not want to test that beyond another year though, and I hope that we are still fighting for a playoff spot in spite of the transactions we make when the new league year opens.


I think the public should be as committed to winning as the spurs are And the Spurs are not trying to win basketball games