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Kyrie. However, AI didn’t need as many moves to get by you.


Yeah AI was the best ever at drawing contact and finishing. This is when he wouldn't even get a foul call. It was also against many HOF centers.


That's because his first step and his crossover was a lot quicker than Kyries. Iverson was a legit athletic freak in his prime.


He was probably the fastest player in the league until he hit the wrong side of 30, and even then he was still faster than most athletic freaks that had just entered the NBA. He had great handles obviously but the only special part of those relative to the other great ballhandlers was his crossover, and he debatably got away with a lot of carries. It was always his speed more than his handles that got him by defenders. Iverson would still blow by most defenders just attacking out of triple threat, while a lot of defenders could still stay on Kyrie's hip if he didn't integrate change of direction into his moves.


That football explosion is no joke


Purely handles, I think it's pretty clearly Kyrie. Evolution of the game. He took what AI did and elevated it even higher. Also a big part of Iverson's handles being dangerous as an offensive weapon was coupling his handles with extreme speed and quickness, which made him impossible to stay in front of. I think the actual effectiveness of handles is also important to think about. Doesn't matter if you can dribble the air out of the ball if it doesn't lead to anything. So in a way footwork that pairs with your handles is important too and I think Kyrie also has the advantage there.


I like your point on the effectiveness of your handle. That’s what matters. I love the AI interview about crossing up Jordan as a rookie. He talks about testing him with a lefty cross, and MJ bit. So he did it again, and drilled the shot. I defer to The Answer- he already said Kyrie has better handles. A big part of why AI was so effective was because he was so damn direct and knew exactly how to attack his guy. He might be getting 20 FTs a game with today’s whistle, haha.


AI got battered constantly without baiting fouls. He'd be leading in FTA today imo


AI wasn't kidding when he said he'd average 40+ in today's NBA not too long ago. He already shot a *shitload* of FTs 20+ years ago. Today? Jesus. With his tenacity and resiliency, he may put up 50+ if his team let him play the minutes and shoot at the clip he did during his career. It would be insane how his game would utterly break the current NBA. *Nobody* drives like the Answer did. He'd make his defenders foul out by halftime in 2024


And so many of those would be and 1


Kyrie is probably the most skilled ball handler in history. Too bad he is just a kook and puts his own conspiracies and ideologies above the love of the game. A.I. was relentless and left everything on the court every night, which was why he was always banged up and fighting through dozens of injuries. His ball handling was ruthless and direct, a challenge thrown down to his defender that he was coming for blood and someone was going to die. Every time he drove into the lane he got smashed and sent back to the floor, only to come back again every time. Kyrie is too selective, precise and methodical to even consider putting his body through that torture. His handles dazzle and amaze, while A.I. is raw and disrespectful.


Bro yall Kyrie haters really trying to keep the narrative going. It’s okay for lebron to talk about whatever he wants to talk about but when Kyrie does it’s front page news and the media makes it bigger than it needs to be. Y’all are talking about love of the game like yall know what that means 😂 he is a professional basketball player who has devoted his life to the game. He’s also cooking in the playoffs and people like you still hate.


Would someone who 'devoted his life to the love for the game' self sabotaged the best team in the league on paper and killed the Nets championships hopes? Kyrie's talent is directly inversely proportional to his 'love of the game'.


He's been great in Dallas


That's at least partially due to Cuban's influence on Dallas media.


Nah it was unnecessary. We're talking about handles. Time and place.


This is a basketball subreddit, the entire place is unnecessary lol


Thank you for your contribution.


It's either directly or inversely*


I prefer to stay on basketball here, but pay attention. It's getting harder and harder to justify forcing young healthy men to take the Covid vaccine.


Haha ya now that 5 billion people have been vaccinated. See how the works?


“I prefer to stay on basketball” ….. immediately talks about a vaccine.


Bad take. We were all there, those of us who didn’t have our head in the sand got vaccinated. The pandemic killed over a million people, many of which could have been prevented, and it probably saved millions of more lives. You can’t rewrite history just because covid is more manageable now.


I cant stand these people who hate on kyrie for his beliefs then they praise ballers who go to diddy parties beat women go to strip clubs with guns and scream and curse on the court in front of kids.


Who does that though? Lol


That’s a nice straw man you built up and knocked down, but criticizing Kyrie for his antisemetic comments is perfectly valid.


What was antisemetic?


I respect Kyrie for standing for what he believes.


They can't let it go. Keep it on the court.


Kyrie has been playing great, got his team on the rise, he seems very focused. At the same time, he hasn’t been spewing random pseudo intellectual conspiratorial nonsense. Could there be a correlation?


I agree that Kyrie is easily the best ball handler. Of all time and that I’ve ever seen after all these decades watching the L. I just try to ignore the other noise and not let it get to me. It’s like Kanye: I love his music and don’t need to ever hear him speak.


God Shammgod probably had the best handles in the history of the game, but unfortunately didn’t have much else.


Why does Kyrie having different beliefs than you make him a kook? If you judged every athlete on their philosophy or actions off the court you wouldnt be a fan of anyone.


JFC. When has flat earth, ancient Hebrew black Israelite lizard people philosophy been accepted as mainstream? If we can't point out anyone's insanity then I guess all our beliefs are all equally viable, and nothing is wrong with anyone.


youre lost.


Explain how that comment is wrong? If I started talking about how elephants are the one true god and drinking their piss would be the only way to get into heaven everyone would be right to call me kooky. You really think no idea is beyond being crazy?


I think kyrie is top 2-3, but he gets to carry and travel way more than anyone before him. If AI looked at a ref, they were going to call something against him.


Kyrie is the best handler I've ever seen it's crazy


AI is the best handler I’ve ever seen. Kyrie is overrated 


AI got away with a lot of carries on his crossovers and hesis as well. He's generally had a decent to good star whistle while Kyrie has had a bad whistle for majority of his career. I think with Kyrie the debatable travels are more centered on gather step interpretation like it is with Harden, which most of the time they circumvent with good timing and smart footwork. I don't remember many players after AI that held the ball in their hand (dangerously close to palming the ball under) as long on hesis and crossovers. The only other guy that comes to mind is Jamal Crawford. A lot of what those 2 guys were doing in the NBA wouldn't fly in international play (granted a lot of what Kyrie and many modern players do with the gather wouldn't either).


I think Kyrie has some of the best handles the game has ever seen. AI was so fucking explosive off that 1st step and his misdirection that made a huge difference. That being said, I wonder what AI would be like in today's game where he could carry as much as they do now and he can't be hand checked during his younger, faster days.




AI himself said it's Kyrie [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88deTFLfJZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88deTFLfJZc)


Shaq thinks it's white chocolate 😂


Shaq thinks bolbol is as good as wemby. Guy does not have a single strand of thought in that gigantic skull of his.


White Chocolate thinks it’s The Professor


I think Tim hardaway is slept on


Tim Hardaway thinks it’s Lou Will.


Lou Will thinks it’s Skip to My Lou


I think Rafer Alston is the end of the line here, well done.


Marques Haynes is here to tell everyone to get off his lawn


Nah, all those pros think The Professor is goofy in all his videos where he “teaches” a pro some streetball move. It’s all over their faces.


They downvoted you, but you’re right. They pretend like he is doing something


Triggering Kenny into shouting about Shammgod.


That's because AI is not LeBron. He's just being humble. You don't toot your own horn when you are the best. MJ never goes around telling people "I'm the GOAT". Joe Montana doesn't go around telling people "I'm the GOAT". Messi doesn't go around saying "I'm the GOAT".


Ronaldo does rofl


MJ is constantly yapping about being the best. Hes a poor example to pull here. Agree with the other ones though


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. AI is known for being super humble.


Kyrie has better handles. Iverson was significantly more athletic.


Iverson is also significantly cooler. Maybe the coolest ever


He was quicker and faster, but Kyries body control is more fluid.


That video of Kyrie leaning will forever live in my head rent free


It’s fake


AI has better handles


As Kyrie's biggest hater, he is the greatest ball handler to ever play in the league and there is no close second place.


Huge AI fan here. Kyrie is a much better ball-handler.


In an era when you can carry the ball yes.


Iverson got away with more carries. If anything, Kyrie gets away with more travels, like most modern players, because they've been so loose with the gather step interpretation.


Nah he didn’t , you blind. They changed the rules because of AI.


True dat


lol I appreciate your honesty. How could you hate kyrie?! He’s so good. Did you hate harden or Westbrook while they were cooking? How do you feel about Luka? Do you just hate everyone that you wouldn’t want to eat dinner with? Or is it just kyrie?


Oh there are plenty of ways to hate Kyrie.


Ok thanks for clearing that up. What’s your complaint?


He promoted an anti simetic film, which is terrible for his rep. And later, he refused to apologize. Forced his way out of the Cavs and left them in shambles. Left the Celtics after performing terribly in the playoffs (they only lost 1 more game.) Left the Nets in shambles, and it could just happen to the Mavs too. And he doesn't believe in God


The fact that you think that believing in god is a requirement tells me all I need to know about you. Scrub Also: holy shit you’re probs a child. Watch games. Fucking clown


You need God with all the cussing you do


Grammar, son. The idiocy of everything you say reeks of uneducated christian. Gross as hell


wdym grammer? Idiocity? The bible teaches peace, honesty and loyalness to a partner


Last one is meh for me but I'd throw on the vaccine thing considering it threw a season or two on the Nets.


He’s an idiot. Literally brings god into everything when it’s not even remotely relevant


Yeah, he's the reason Harden left and the greatest on paper team of all time failed


An absolute disappointment yeah


People keep blaming Harden for no reason. He was the best player on the net, tho


Agree. Besides all they needed was to send some women up from Houston!


That's a big overstatement, they're a (debatably slightly) better version of the current Suns. Both teams had way too much overlap on the perimeter, struggled to defend size, relied overly on older, less athletic players, were below average defensively and were very poorly coached on both ends. A young, long and athletic team that could attack the offensive glass and feast in transition like the Timberwolves would likely also have beaten that flawed Nets team like they did with the Suns. The East was just super weak at that point outside of the Bucks. The Hawks made the ECF for crying out loud. A better constructed Celtics team swept the Nets the very next year, albeit minus Harden, who didn't perform well 5/7 games against the same Celtics team one round later.


Kyrie was a better third option than beal


That's for sure, but Harden hasn't been good in the playoffs either since leaving Houston. Doesn't change that they have all of their eggs in one basket, on the offensive end only.


Not OP, but he ruined my favorite teams best shot at a title or at the least a being a consistent contender.


How long you been a nets fan? Looks rough. Can’t say I really blame you in that one. Personally, when there’s a debate between a massive company and an employee, I make it a rule to always side with the employee. This is a little different though, since this was the state of New York vs an employee, which is bonkers. I don’t understand why New York refused to let him play. It’s not like regular people were getting banned from working. I’m not mad at Kyrie for not getting a shot. Look at Novak Djokovic. It happened to him too. Totally different coverage.


Ever since they moved to Brooklyn. Shits rough man, I felt like they were so close in ‘21.


You guys were the most fun team to watch that year. And your jerseys are looking awful snappy, so you have that going for you.


Kyrie is the current handles GOAT. Obviously AI had all time handles but it was that paired with All time quickness that made him so potent. That and his unrelenting desire to score with Westbrook level irrational confidence. AI was not an efficient scorer, nor a great or even a good shooter, but he had a green light and was relentless at putting pressure on the defense.


Depends what you talking about because I don’t think anyone better than Kyrie at making people look genuinely stupid out there😂


Kyrie. Best handles in the game, past and present.


Kyrie unfortunately


Rafer Alston thinks it’s Cadillac


Kyrie. AI. Jamal Crawford. Tim Hardaway. Steph.


Cp3 is better than all but one of those guys


facts. this is in no order, i would have to put him up there too. i just forgot about him for some reason. i wouldn’t say better than, but definitely great in a different way than all the ppl here.


Kyrie…I’m sure AI would agree


He did




Kyrie is the handles GOAT but AI is the OG


AI is way faster than Kyrie, but Kyrie has better handles


Kyrie. Every day


https://preview.redd.it/neq5rm8rjs0d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0a6236920f3178bb79888d73ce6aab917d37e7 AI handle not even better than J Crossover... Love AI btw


J Crossover is better than Kyrie also


Uncle Drew


Kyrie, no question. Kyrie does things that AI hadn't yet seen in his day.




One of the best when I was growing up




Bob Cousy ☘️


Kyrie has better handles but AI has more influential handles


Kyrie and it’s not even remotely close.


Iirc (correct me if im wrong) ai said he had difficulty driving with his left hand and always crossed back to his right. (Again pls correct me if im wrong im not a 90s hater)


Just watch kyrie highlights


Well Chuck said Kyrie handles was better then his but overall think Chuck is better




Kyrie. Best and most functional. Punching gaps and creating space with the handle. It’s not just for show. No fluff. The best we’ve ever seen and nobody is really close. Iverson was more handle that worked in conjunction with his speed and explosiveness. Kyrie is more pure ball skill.


Kyrie is undoubtedly the goat of handles. He is also one of the most elite finishers in the paint of all time for a guard. Up there with dwade. And up there with the most clutch players of this generation. And he can play as the 2nd option and it doesn’t affect his ability to play well. Actually just one of the best players I’ve ever seen all around. It’s a shame all of that off court shit happened, it truly is.


To be fair, Iverson is also one of the best guard finishers with Kyrie and Wade. It's just that he seems to always have a plan as he avoids contact and always puts up a shot with a good chance of softly dropping in. Iverson and young Wade were more like Westbrook where the thought process is to get into the paint, possibly all the way to the rim, then figure it out once they've left the floor, which results in a lot of wild shots when they don't get bailed out by the whistle. Though it was what made them more consistent scorers because of the ability to get to the line at will.


As an AI Stan, it’s Kyrie obviously. I think he took what AI really showed off and elevated it quite a bit. AI is kind of like Jimi Hendrix and Kyrie is SRV.


Kyrie has the best handles ever, and by far. After him, it goes [in order] Jamal Crawford, Steph, AI, Isiah


You forgot cp3


Raymond Felton


Kyrie - handles AI - Body control




Kyrie hands down. But AI walked so we can ~~run~~ carry.


The discontinued dribble va carry call has changed over the years. As has the gather and extra steps. Iverson was blazing fast, whereas Kyrie has so many moves and is able to react to the defenders reaction mid air. Can’t compare, both were great in different ways. Frankly unless same era hard to compare.


It's Kyrie by far. He is the best ball handler ever, and this is one of those times where it actually isn't that close. Rules help, but AI carried a ton too and he didn't reach Kyrie's level (and Kyrie doesn't actually carry as much as one would think)


Kyrie no question


Iversons main advantage was his ultra fast paced game and a very quick first step and that cross over release combo was lethal. Kyrie has a more sound handle, better footwork and is a way better shooter.


Kyrie it’s not close nothing against AI one of my favorite players ever. Kyrie took what AI did and took it to a new level.


Kyrie is doing things Ai never did on the court. 


AI (eventhough my fav player) said that Kyrie is better. Iverson is mister crossover and kyrie is mister ball control


If the question is who is better player off the dribble, it’s obviously AI. That seems like a more important question than an abstract one about “handles.”


I grew up on A.I. and it's Kyrie by far...to the point that Kyrie challenges himself against defensive ppl....knowing he could go past them




Pretty obviously Kyrie I’d say. AI was a lot more athletic though in terms of speed and quickness.


AI is one of my fav players of all time and I don’t like Kyrie for a host of reasons. I can honestly say It’s Kyrie pretty easily.


AI literally said he is zoolander, cant go left. Gotta be Kyrie who is god tier ambidexterous.


its definitely kryie, but AI’s on court IQ is really underrated. He used his skills in a very effective way.


kyrie could not have played on iverson's era. in today's nba they never call travelling, palming or carrying. there is a video on YouTube showing how Iverson was called for carrying for something 95% less obvious than any handle in today's game.


AI had the better pure crossover. Kyrie got better overall handles and a deeper bag


Kyroe, but i think iverson finished better


Kai better at putting different moves together and getting to the rack. I’d give the win to him




Kyrie handles are 🔥, so was AI, 1a and 1b.


Hard to say. There is more freedom now on how a person can handle a ball, in AI tenure, rules to handling stifled him because it would be called a carry or illegal


Pains me to say this, but definitely Kyrie. Even AI thinks so.


AI the GOAT easy


Ky has better handles but AI was more effective.


Jalen Brunson.


Kyrie. He is the next version of AI with the handles


Kyrie no question




For me it’s not even close, Kyrie. Grew up watching prime AI but die hard Cavs fan and Kyrie has the best handles and finishing package in the history of the game.


Love Ai but it's Kyrie. enough time has passed


Kyrie and its not close honestly. He has the clear GOAT handles. Kyrie is in his own tier for handles like Steph is for shooting.


Kyrie, what kinda a question is this. Ai was an elite all handler and kyrie is the best ball handler to ever play the game, there's just levels tk this


Ai literally said in an interview with Shaq and some other people that it’s 100% Kyrie


AI. they called traveling back then






Kyrie the better dribbler but AI had “better” (not more to be confused with more versatile) ball handling abilities


Jamal Crawford.


Kyrie this is not close imo.


Kyrie, huge respect for AI but Kyrie is so crafty


Kyrie has better handles and is the best player I’ve seen in person. AI could get past people with speed, I’d say he had the higher peak considering Kyrie wouldn’t have been able to win games with those shitty 6ers


Ky has the best handle of all time


The big goat




If they are allowed to carry its kyrie. If they are calling carries it’s AI


There’s no arguing that Kyrie has a bag, but how many players could have replicated his style if the rules allowed more freedom. how efficient is his play style.  AI used more of a straight line approach to attack the basket.  Is that more efficient than kyrie dancing while he plays 1 on 1 at the top of the key.  Kyrie’s style looks more impressive but does it produce the best results. 


Lol every AI crossover from left to right is a carry. What are you even talking about? He carried the ball twice against MJ.


it was still called back then though. Today it's not even remotely called.


AI. There is no way in hell AI would only have 9 points in 2 playoff games.


Learn to read. It says better handles. Not better player, playoff performer, clutch performer etc. Just handles. Foh


AI usually didn't make the playoffs


Didn't realise scoring had anything to do with handles. Also ai would just get 20 points on 30 shots instead


So you're saying Ai isn't as good as history remembers him? I wonder if we're simply being a prisoner of the moment with Kyrie, the way we were with AI? Also, you can't be called the most skilled player ever, and only think that's limited to ball handling.


I'm saying ais scoring ability has exactly 0 to do woth the convo at hand, and kyrie could averahe 0/0/0 on 0 efficiency for the rest of his career and that wouldn't suddenly change his ball handling skills. Just like if ai averaged 100/100/100 it wouldn't suddenly make his ball handling change. And kyrie is the better ball handlers, even if ai is an absolute amazing ball handler. Like as an overall player you can say ai is better he was imo, but as a ball handler nah kyrie is just the better handler. This convo isn't who's the most skilled player, it's who's the best ball handler


Completely disagree, I think they go hand in hand. If you're not a somewhat threat to score it's easier to guard. Also, Scoring is part of the conversation when it comes to "the most skilled guard in the history of the NBA". No one talks about Rondo being in the conversation for the most skilled guard in the history of the game. No one talks about White Chocolate, Or Skip to my Lue.


We aren't talking about the "most skilled guard in the history of the nba" like you realise that I've said this 3 times that's not the convo at hand. Ita who's the best ball handler that's it, not skilled just best handler. Like yes ai is more skilled overall, he isn't a better ball handler.


But you can't separate best ball handler and most skilled when talking about Kyrie, that's what Im' saying. NBA conversations are more nuanced than that.


I mean you can tho. Like skill involves a hell of alot of stuff in it, not just ball handling. Like all apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples. Ball handling is a skill, but not all skills are ball handling. Like cp3 (career wise not currently obviously) is more skilled than kyrie and I think most people would agree, no one would argue cp3 is the better dribbler even if he has amazing ball handling skills


Kyrie not even close. Next question


Kyrie and it's not even close. AI's handle is wildly overrated -- he was an insane athlete who was allowed to carry the ball in a way other players weren't.


Rafer “Skip to my Lou” Alston would be the correct answer here.


Skip a legend but no one has pulled off the wizardry that kyrie has in actual nba games. Bunch of dudes have had insane handles but none have done what kyrie has consistently in nba games.