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Weird seeing the Frenchman in any jersey other than Charlotte.


I lauged


I cied


No you crid


Ha! Well done, dick.


Tony Parker led the league in points in the paint multiple years.... that little floater was nasty.


one of those automatic makes like kareem’s skyhook or jordan’s turnaround jumper


Like yelling Kobe when you’re throwing out the trash?


My 3 year old does that now


I always tell Simmons because I know I'm gonna brick.


You yell Simmons then pass the trash because you thought you were going to get blocked by the fly near the trash can.


ok I love Tony and I love the tear drop but… let’s hold on now lol


Remember he got FMVP over Duncan. Let him cook.


Or… let’s not. Tony Parker was that dude and definitely was crucial to that team. No Jordan or Kareem but I mean those are top 1/3 players of all time.


Exactly. Tony was him


u obviously never played 2k11-15 tony parker was a CHEAT code


pound for pound one of the most unstoppable scorers when he was on. if he wasnt in SA he would have easily been a more prolific scorer


I recommend the 2007 finals where he was Finals MVP. That's the year he got the jumper from the corner of the glass down perfect and would just shoot that same elbow shot all day until you over stepped then blow by you for the layup.


Best spin move in nba history


His spin move against Lebron in 2013 Finals to take Game 1 was tough. 😮‍💨😮‍💨


From the floor for the win? Never gave up the dribble? Mon dieu.


I remember back in the old days of first take (1st and 10), they were talking about who was better between Chris Paul and Darren Williams. Skip bought up Tony Parker and gave some good stats to back it up. Thought he was crazy to bring up Parker, but the more I think about it, Skip crazy ass was on to something.


And rings… people seem to only care about rings when it’s MJ vs Lebron vs Kobe lol


I need to see the stats because he played in shaqs era; all be at the end of it


*albeit fun word


Just looked it up. He never was number 1 but did crack the top 10 in 08-09 at number 6 which is impressive. I love how the top comment is just a lie and everyone just rolls with it.


No way I’m seeing a stupid meme in real time. That is cray zee.


Tony Parker has never even been top 5 for points in the paint in a season, let alone led it. 


This. What people are confusing is that there are several seasons where he led the league in points in the paint, DURING THE SEASON. 2006 especially, the first half of the season he was cooking and, I believe, led until the all star break. If I recall, that season, it was bouncing between him and TD for the leader for a while Still a huge feat considering that those mid 2000s PITP were dominated by big men.


Prime DWill was a force. I'll still take PRIME CP3. Rondo is very underrated though. I loved watching him at his peak.


I remember back around 2007- 2009 there was legitimate debate about the best PG in the league Dwill vs CP3. Then there was Tony just like casually winning on the spurs and rondo posting like wtf stat lines of like 8/10/15… like what?


Wild time for sure.


Then we had the Derrick Rose season. It’s like remembering your old high school sweetheart


For a hot minute it was Nash/cp3/deron as the point guard trio at the top, those were good days


People forget that DWill was ranked the best PG in the league in GM polls in 2010. Above Chris Paul. But to be fair, I think Paul was battling an injury around then.


I remember around 2010 I thought DWill would be one of the only players the Warriors should trade Curry for if they got the opportunity. Of course this was year 2 of Curry and Williams in his absolute prime. To me, it's crazy how Williams had such a short prime and was out of the league by 32. His isn't even fourth yet and he is out of the league for many years. Longevity is not a given in the NBA. Williams was great and rivaled Chris Paul as the best PG from that time.


I'm a Jazz fan and he was legit better that season. Bigger, stronger, and was dishing out dimes like wildfire.


Yeah, watching them play against each other too...DWill always dominated the hell out of Paul and bullied him.


For sure. Injuries and moving to Brooklyn where it didn't fit his play style is what got to him. If DWill stays in Utah, his career could've been very different. He regrets it.


Got Jerry Sloan fired too.


Pains me to have to put Rondo at 4 cause he's one of the purest point guards ever.... But what CP3 almost got every big man he played with the Max. Tony Parker was a killer on a multi championship Spurs team and Dwill was 🔥 in his prime.


Rondo was the best player on the floor multiple times with and against the Celts big 3 and the Miami Heatles.


Bulls win that 2015? Series when up 2-0 if Rondo doesn’t break his hand Edit: 2017 bulls


Tony Parker had the best system too. I see CP3 as easily #1. Dwill was so underrated, only voted 5 times to nba in stacked West. Rondo... I think was never a franchise player but really good pg.


Agreed. Good take.


Also there was a trade which spurs offered tony for cp3... If cp3 won a ring or two... He easily couldve become 2nd or 3rd best PG without a doubt imo. Probably most overall skilled overall pg we've seen but just unlucky


Yeah, these are 4 great players but for me it’s 1a/1b with Paul and Parker (total Rorschach test on what you value, i.e. consistent individual level v championship/playoff performance), then D-Will, then Rondo.  To me there’s no doubt that in a vacuum Paul is a better player than Parker, but you can’t take away Parker being not just a 4 time champion but a Finals MVP, which is a hell of an accomplishment.


I get what you’re saying, rings and playoff performance is important, but prime Paul was significantly better than Parker. Saying they’re 1a/1b is just wild to me. I think the rings/playoff argument falls short when it’s a team sport. Parker spent the entirety of his peak playing with one of the game’s best players and the best 6th man of all time. Meanwhile CP3 had guys like Peja and Ariza. When he finally plays with a Duncan tier player late in his career (KD) he takes them to the finals.* * correction: KD came to Phoenix after the finals run


Point of clarification: CP3 went to the finals in 2020-2021. The suns traded for KD in the 2022-2023 season but didn’t make the finals.


Ah, shit. You’re right. Thanks for the correction.


I still agree with everything else you said. If you put cp3 on the spurs and Parker on the hornets, it’s a completely different story.


If you put Chris Paul on those Spurs teams, I think he’d be in the point guard GOAT conversation the same way that Tim Duncan is with the PF GOAT conversation


I think CP3 would be in the conversation with the same teams he was on if he didn’t get hurt so much. 


Well what’s blowing me away is that Rondo is last to many of you. Best rebounder, best defender, highest volume and most creative passer while also winning 2 chips. Deron Williams was never winning a title even if healthy, and Parker was not nearly the defender Rondo was. I understand putting Parker high, but he also was just a contributor and not a main catalyst outside 1-2 playoff runs.


Rondo could competently defend 3 positions in his prime


He was special and had that dawg in him. Loved watching him.


Prime DWill??? That’s fuckin crazy cause the guys prime lasted about as long as my toddlers temper tantrums. Maybe half a year


Nah, look it up. He was elite level from 07-11. 5 great years averaging about 19 pts, 11 assists, and 1.2 steals game while leading Utah to the playoffs on good runs each year. He upped those averages in the playoffs and always showed out when we needed him. In 2010 he was beast mode in the playoffs and basically all year.


I hated Tony Parker but this thread is discounting him massively. He lead the league in paint scoring I want to say multiple years and would dominate in the playoffs


He had that AI thing going on. My mind could never comprehend how somone that short could consistently score in the paint. He was essentially like Trae Young, but played defense as well.


Yeah he and Paul were basically the debate for which was the best active PG when their primes overlapped.


Tony Parker was great, but he was never in the conversation for best active PG


1. CP3 2. Parker 3. DWill 4. Rondo


Yeah, I saw this post and thought it was silly. CP3 is in discussion for greatest PG of all time and clearly on a higher level than the other three. Parker is on the second or third tier as far as PGs, but still one of the best ever. DWill had the biggest dropoff of the four and Rondo definitely had the best career of the two of them, but DWill as so good until he just wasn't. I could maybe make an argument for national broadcast Rondo being above DWill. I think at some point in his career, all but two of Rondo's triple doubles happened during national broadcasts which was funny since the majority of your games are not nationally broadcasted.


And it's no knock on rondo, he was great


DWills prime was short but at the time DWill vs CP3 was a discussion people were seriously having


The best I saw CP3 play was probably when he almost single handedly beat the Spurs while on the Hornets. He never seemed to have peaks/prime, just consistently a top 1-4 PG pretty much the moment he stepped into the league.




A lot of people taking prime Rondo over prime DWill. That's wild. Rondo needs capable scorers around him, he can't be a first option. Prime DWill was not as strong of a defender but he didn't really have any holes in his game. Rondo was always a poor from long range and at the ft line.


Rondo was also an elite defender in his prime. He was All-Def 4x and finished in the top 5 for DPOY 2x.


But he never led a good offense. Outside of year 1 and half of 2 the Celtics had a trash offense. That shouldn’t happen with the Big 3 and him


"Doc Rivers"


Correct lmao. Rondo doesn’t get a pass (no pun intended)


I really do believe if Rondo stayed healthy in that 2017 playoffs, people would view him much much differently.


Three Alphas season? 🔥


Yeah as a Celtic fan Rondo is one of my top 5 favorite players but prime D-Will is so underrated


You sort of just answered why people chose DWill over Rondo. DWill never had the amazing players in their prime that Rondo got to play with. By the time they played with DWill in Brooklyn, they were over the hill.


Rondos prime came post 2010 finals run and mostly during the Heatles era. KG was 35, Truth was 34 and Ray left. Then Danny Ainge never really found guys to put around them either. Mikael Pietrus, Marquis Daniels, Courtney Lee lol So it’s not like Rondo had their big 3 in there prime either, he was the best player on the team for a while


Dwill was better at scoring, but if you have to pick one for your team there is no scenario he is a better choice than Mr. Triple Double Rondo


To say there’s no scenario where you would take DWill is wild. Process sixers, no way I’m talking Rondo there. Who is rondo going to set up to score?


Rondo is the only one of these 4 who went toe to toe with peak Lebron and outplayed him. When he turned on the gas he was a force on both ends of the court.


This is what I was thinking, if we weren't concerned about longevity and had no clue what the rest of the roster would be comprised with, I'd take dwill. Dwill was a bucket getting PG. Whereas Rondo felt more like the PG version of Draymond. I think you can make a case of either depending on the needs of a team.


CP > Parker > Rondo > DWill


I’d switch Rondo and Dwill. But other than that this is my ranking.


Agree and I’m a jazz fan and still put dwill 3


saying you're a jazz fan in this case like it makes you unbiased when you agree to put dwill higher is confusing me haha Edit: you're *


Uhh jazz fans aren’t the most fond of dwill..


Prime Rondo was an absolute monster, but I guess it depended on what you needed more on your team. If you already had a go to scorer or a big man that needed service then Rondo was for sure the pick. If you had defense and needed a scoring guard then for sure D Will.


But Williams was just as good a playmaker as Rondo… calling him a scoring guard when they had just about the same career assists and Williams had just as many 10+ assist seasons isn’t fair to Williams…not to mention Rondo got to play next to some great scorers and Williams in his prime was feeding Carlos Boozer.


Oh yeah, I don’t want to make it seem like D Will wasn’t a great facilitator in his prime. I’m just of the mind that if you have scorers then they’ll want their shots, so a playmaking PG that’s also a scorer might undermine that a little while Rondo was a pure playmaker that was possibly the best defender at his position in his prime. Rondo is also a more proven playoff performer, but as you said he did play on stronger teams as well.


Respectable opinion. I’d keep Rondo there though because he was one of those dudes who really stepped up in the playoffs.


If we're talking just "primes", swap Dwill with Rondo tbh. But yea his career was better tho


Some of you have never seen prime DWill and it shows. If this were about careers I’d agree, but prime DWill was a top 10 player in the league. Something Parker and Rondo never were. And DWill didn’t have have Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, KG or Paul Pierce to play with.


Parker gets criminally underrated whenever these things get mentioned. You don’t win four championships as one of the key pieces by being good or pretty good — and his peak was better than Williams and Rondo, I have no doubt. He has more All-NBA appearances than Rondo and Deron Williams combined — and that includes three 2nd team appearances. Parker: - 4 Championships (all as the starting PG, three as one of the team leaders) - 1 x Finals MVP - 3 x All-NBA 2nd Team - 1 x All-NBA 3rd Team - 6 x All-Star - 7 x Top 15 MVP Award Shares (9th, 15th, 8th, 12th, 5th, 6th, 12th) Deron Williams and Rondo Combined: - 2 Championships (both Rondo, one as a starter one as a bench player) - 2 x All-NBA 2nd Team (both Williams) - 1 x All-NBA 3rd Team (Rondo) - 4 x Top 15 MVP Award Shares - 4 x All-Defensive Teams (Rondo)


This is the exact opposite of what the actual post is asking. This is them All-Time for their entire careers, which isn't the point.


I think it brings up a good point I have not seen elsewhere. Parker got a Finals MVP in a finals with 2top 10 players of all time.


Yes, but also TP has better MVP finishes (and other shorter term accolades) than either DWill or Rondo, so the point still stands even if this particular post didn't read the homework assignment.


I’m more listing this out to spark conversation and respond to those who drop Parker to last on the list without little conversation or consideration.


TP shot almost 50% for his career not mentioning 4 Chips and Finals MVP


Chris Paul, easily. Williams was no joke though.


There was a legitimate argument for a few years about who was better, Paul or Williams. There was never any question like that with the other two. Paul/williams/Rondo/Parker


TP is a monster that is undervalued because of who he played with and where. DWill was good but he is a distant third behind cp3 and TP, with Rondo trailing just behind him. Mainly because as a point guard you have to have the capability of being a first option, and I don't think Rondo was ever first option capable. Not like the other 3 were


DWill is distant third? Tony Parker never had a 20-10 season like DWill. Parker had a MUCH better career but not a better peak than DWill.


Rondo was a phenomenal point guard who saw the floor and had amazing defense. He didn’t care about scoring as much as the others did. Although Parker was just amazing.


Parker, CP, D Will, Rondo


Debatable, but not wrong.


Screw logic give me rondo all day every day I loved watching him play




CP3 DWill TP Rondo I don't think there is too much debate personally.


I didn’t think so too but then I read the comments


Paul, Williams, Parker, Rondo. I think D-Wills best is starting to get lost to time. 20 and 10 on good efficiency from just about everywhere on the court. He and Paul legitimately were going back and forth as the best pg in the game in the late 2000’s. Parker, as much as I love him, gets a bit overrated by the Spurs success. His best was around 2012 and while good I don’t think he reached quite the heights of Paul and Williams. I love Rondo too but he just had certain limitations that kept him from being great.


This is mine too. I could see switching Parker and Williams, but Paul is best and Rondo worst.


Parker Paul Rondo Williams


Easily Rondo is the 4th best of the group . The others is hard . I want to say Parker but look the team around him . CP and DW never were on amazing teams but both in there prime


It’s hard to rate Tony Parker individually because he was a key, but not the main, contributor on a team that emphasized selfless play as much as any team in league history. And his team success outshines his individual stats. But can anyone really argue that CP3 wouldn’t have been better if he somehow ended up on the Spurs?


Prime deron was the best, but his prime was the shortest and he did the least. Great player derailed by situation and injuries.


You have CP3 twice


Parker is severely underrated here.


Parker so tough


CP3 > TP > Deron > Rondo


CP3, D.Will, Rondo, Tony


TP, CP, Rondo, D Williams


In order with stats and ring count from "prime years" 09-14 Parker 19 7 and 3. 50.4% ( 1 ring 09-14) 08-13 CP 3 19 10 and 4. 48.5% fg (0 rings) 08-13 DWill 19 10 and 3 46% fg (0 rings) 09-14 Rondo 12 10 and 5. 47.9% fg ( 0 rings 09-14) P.s. Edit: I'm a celtics fan and it pains me to put Rondo last. I do think he's the best passer on the list.


just here to say anyone putting rondo anywhere but last is insane


Parker, Paul, Williams, and Rondo


1. Tony Parker 2. Rajon Rondo 3. Deron Williams 4. Flop God


CP3 > Tony Parker > D Will > Rondo


In all seriousness Chris Paul is getting disrespected like crazy even being on this graphic.


Parker, Rondo, Paul, Williams.


Parker, Paul, Deron, Rondo


Disrespectful to have CP3 in this conversation lol. It's CP3, a significant gap, D-Will, Parker, then a gap, then Rondo.


You’re clearly too young to have seen Tony Parker play……


TP9 CP0 D-will Big gap Rondo


My rankings: CP3, Parker, DWill, Rondo.


One has a bunch of championships and a finals MVP. Soooo…. 1 Tony Parker 2-4 who cares?


I like Rondo a lot, but he’s clearly last.


TP for sure is #1


Parker, rondo, Paul, Williams


For me: Tony Parker Chris Paul D. Will Rondo


Tony is a HOFer with 4 rings, Paul is HOFer with no rings, Rondo is rondo with 1 ring and Williams has no business being in a picture with the other 3


Parker, Rondo, CP3 & DWill. Rondo did more little things to get the W than CP3 but I do think CP3 is the most talented of the bunch


1. Tony Parker 2. CP3 3. Rondo 4. D Will


CP3 > Parker > Rondo > Williams


CP3 >>>>




Tony Parker > CP3 > Rondo > D-Will


Rondo, williams, parker, Paul


8 built like a brick shit house.


2020 rondo opens up a can of whoop ass


They are already ranked by picture 1-2-3-4


Rondo Paul Parker me Williams


CP TP Rondo Deron


In PRIME only, 1.) CP3 2.) Williams 3.) Parker 4.) Rondo On career its Parker, Paul, Rondo, Williams


Darren Williams cp3 Rondo Parker


CP3, TP, RR, DW.


Prime Rondo because he was an A+ defender when locked in.


There's only 3 squares up there


Rondo was a beast in the playoffs


CP3, Deron, TP, RR - there's no debate for any other arrangement




1. Parker 2. Rondo 3. Paul 4. Williams


Paul Parker Rondo Williams


Cp3, tony, dwill, rondo


I'm a celtics fan and I really think this has to be Paul/Parker. Rondo was really quite the playmaker and teammate, but not on the same scoring level as parker/paul who were no slouches as playmakers either.


CP3>Rondo>Parker>Williams Chris Paul and Rajon Rondo are basketball geniuses Tony Parker was an integral part of a great team Deron Williams was a talented player who ran Jerry Sloan's system and isn't in the same league as these other guys in terms of intangibles/winning Rating talent levels w/o career context GOAT HOF Perennial All-star All-star seasons


Tony Chris Williams Rondo 6’2 185 shooting 59% from 0 to three feet for 15 years is amazing.


Parker > rondo > cp3 > deron


Paul,Williams,Parker,Rondo Based off of skill alone.


1) Paul 2) Rajon 3) Parker 4) Deron


Left to right top to bottom


1. CP3 2. Parker 3. Rondo 4. D-will


Cp and TP both in their own category. Don't compare the other 2 to them.


Parker, rondo, Paul, Williams. Actually why is Deron Williams even on this list lol


DWill, cp3, tp, rondo (Check their head to head records)


Come on his is easy The numbers are right there Ranked: 3, 8, 9, 9


I've seen Tony Parker be the best player on the court in route to winning a championship so this is hard. Is staying healthy in the playoffs a skill? But for me it's CP3, TP, Rondo, Williams.


Prime cp3,Tony P,D-Will,and then rondo


Chris Paul averages a layup every 10 games


Prime cp3 was the best PG in the league for a stretch. Can’t say that about the others.


All I know is Tony Parker gets too much credit for being on a superbly crafted, superbly coached, clockwork basketball Team =/= player Awesome player absolutely But you can't suggest that like every single aspect of that spurs situation outside maybe tim and pop (Kawhi, Buford, parker, Ginobili, etc.) was near the absolute peak of their position or role If they were those teams would win 60-70 yearly and a bonkers amount of chips, seems safe to say Parker was very good and in the perfect scenario


1. CP3 2. Parker 3. Rondo 4. D-Will Any other order is wrong


Parker was so clutch efficient during clutch Rondo witty and smart deron Williams In Utah was really the best out them 4 cp3 hall famer but hurt when it counts or doesn't show up or his team fails him




I'll take pepé le pew IF he's lobbing it to frankenstein, & I also got The Fonz on my team coming off the bench.


Tough one, my gut says Parker has to be first, Williams easily last, and I love Rondo and he has two rings, but CP might go ahead based on huge stats. Hard to pick between those two. In their primes I think I would take Rondo if I was assembling a team as I liked his size and the fact that CP3 needs to be the total floor general to be his best self, whereas Rondo could just slot in around others.


CP3 is overrated and will retire ringless.


1. Cp3 2. Dwill 3. Parker 4. rondo


Harvey Specter got the Nets to cheat the salary cap in 2013 and triple Deron’s pay. You only do that for the PG goat.




Very much depends on team composition and what you need. On a good team I’ll take Rondo in a heartbeat because in addition to the talent level, he can be a nightmare matchup against any of these other three. If I have to try to build a team around one of these guys it’ll be CP3.


This is actually a tough one. Williams had a short peak, but was arguably the best PG in the game when he was peaking. Rondo was a floor general and tenacious defender that would give you everything on the box score except for scoring. TP was a champion and FMVP with a floater that was almost unguardable because his timing was so weird and his movements so shifty. And CP3 is basically the perfect point guard you’d want on a team; efficient scoring, willing playmaker, few TOs, decent defender. I think you’d go 1. Paul, 2. Williams, 3. Parker, 4. Rondo but I feel like any of these guys have an argument that could move them up or down a spot or two.


1 CP3 2. Tony Parker 3. Dwill 4. Rondo


This sub is too young to appreciate prime Tony Parker, this is coming from a lakers fan no less.