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Curry and West come to mind as having the best arguments if I had to pick 2. West has 10x All-NBA 1st Teams, and 4 All-Defensive 1st Teams, even though All-Defensive teams didn't exist for the first 8 seasons of his career. He averaged 27/7/6 for his career, and 29/6/6 in the postseason, including leading the playoffs in scoring 4x. This all without the 3-pointer, which he absolutely would have been able to shoot well. With the 3-ball, he'd absolutely be a perennial 30/6/6 player playing great defense. That's an argument for being top-10.


I’m glad to see someone is finally giving Delonte West his due!


I love David West, he was on the Warriors too.


I really needed that laugh this morning 🤣


Lebron’s mom agrees


Why did I think Jerry West was like 6'6" this whole time?


If I had to guess, probably his high for a guard rebounding numbers without being someone who has a ton of highlight reel dunks that screams freak athleticism for a guard?




He’s talking about Jerry West, not Westbrook. Westbrook couldn’t sniff top 10 all time.


This is an all-time comment lol


what was the comment


He somehow thought the comment he replied to was talking about Russell Westbrook instead of Jerry West




Jerry West lol


Lmao rip


Lakers legend Bronny James


Curry is arguably the most lethal offensive player of all time. Not much of an argument to be had here, he's definitely top 10.


Curious, over which one of LeBron, Jordan, Kareem, Magic, Bird, Wilt, Bill, Shaq, Kobe, Hakeem? Edit: completely left Duncan off this now top 11. And thank you for the award kind person, I hope you like Tim Duncan.


Did you forget duncan orrrr….?


I literally did, and to make it worse I have him 6th on my list so now my crime on Reddit is even worse than forgetting him. I bet that unhinged Kobe guy attacks me now! But actually thank you, I have Steph 12 and confused myself only giving 10 guys. Duncan exclusion was indeed a mistake.


That’s the problem, there are 14 top 10 players ever lol.


I mean I think you take curry over Kobe at this point but I also don’t think Kobe is top 10. Steph and Kobe are both top 15 though.


I'd take curry over kobe


Put their careers next to each other, curry just doesn’t stack up to Kobe


kobe was just another good player. curry literally changed the nba and how game was played. lightyears ahead of kobe


Curry played on the most stacked team of all time and still had fewer rings and FMVPs than Kobe And he was just another good player? Lmfao you don’t know who Kobe was


kobe was all time great. like a jordan or lebron. one of the best. but again did he change how the entire game was played. did kobe have other teams chaning their entire approach to the game. no.


Why is making teams change their approach a qualifier here? If Michael Jordan 2.0 entered the league now would they not be a top 10 player? Crazy distinction to make.


And yet he still won more. So who gives a fuck lmfao You never saw Kobe getting hunted on defense in an NBA Finals game the way Steph was getting hunted


I’m sorry but Kobe isn’t on Michael or Lebron’s level. He was inefficient as all hell. It wasn’t until he got those two rings being the ubdisputed leader I gave him his flowers.


Definitely over Kobe and Hakeem. He’s in the same tier for me as the other guys you mentioned + Duncan, sans LeBron and Jordan who are in their own tier above the others.


Over Hakeem!


Easy, he replaces Kobe. Curry changed the NBA. Kobe was a worse Jordan.


Kobe was a more skilled Jordan with less athleticism




Lay off the drugs.


Bottom of that list in descending order Bird Hakeem Wilt Shaq Curry Kobe Magic Duncan Bill Kareem Jordan LeBron


I’m putting curry over Hakeem and Bill


*not saying I have this take* but arguably wilt shaq and hakeem


steph is not top 10 period.


Steph goes above Bill Russell, Wilt and Hakeem. A case could be made to put him above Bird too. All this to say, each of these is a GOAT to some people but having said that, when it comes to top 10, nuances need to be checked. Wilt has less championships and constantly came up second best against Bill. In contrast, Curry has more rings than Wilt and also, has the same number of rings as LeBron who was his direct competitor for this era. Bill Russell even with his rings played in a league with much fewer teams, played at a time when the players had day jobs. It doesn't make sense to include him. Hakeem couldn't win when MJ was around. He has 2 rings. Steph has 4 and won when everyone was around. Steph is the only Unanimous MVP in history. Best ever regular season record. The greatest offensive talent of all time. No other player has impacted the way the game is played.


This is the worst basketball take I’ve ever read in my life.


… wow. Steph above Wilt? 😂


Yeah wilts lack of success has to count against him at some point. He was a marketing stunt by the NBA for most of his career. Plenty of guys in the NBA average 50 if they didnt care about winning and everyone around them was told they had to force feed them the ball at the pace of play in the 60s


Holy shit this is a terrible take


You must be a young fan Russell is undeniably greater than curry and it's not even close. More chips, mvps, dpoy (if it existed he would've won 5+), and stats per game. Also a player coach for several chips. There really isn't an argument for curry over russell, if you know anything about Russell's career. If you say Russell's chips are diminished because x, then you have to say the same about 3/4 of curry's chips as well. 1st came against a severely injured cavs team, 2 came as part of the most stacked team of all time and kd won fmvp. 4th he deserves full credit. Hakeem not winning chips while Jordan played, has nothing to do with Jordan. They played in different conferences, and never faced each other in the playoffs. The unanimous mvp is overblown. His 2016 run was an all time season, but let's not pretend it's the best, nor the first to warrant a unanimous mvp. Voters have purposefully left players off ballots simply due to not liking them. Media awards are 50% production, and 50% politics/narrative. Best record of all time is great and all, but he ended it with the biggest choke job in nba history. "Don't mean a thing without a ring" as Jordan said Greatest offensive player ever is a bold claim, especially factoring in playoffs. I'd argue Jordan, lebron, jokic, mikan, shaq, luka, and west all being better offensively in the playoffs just off the top of my head. Curry objectively performs worse in the playoffs, while most top 10 players perform better under pressure. The greatest offensive player ever doesn't go for a pathetic 17pts on 31% in game 7 at home, during their peak season like he did in 2016. He's also 0-12 on go ahead shots in the last minute of playoff games for his career. Not once has he put his team up in the last minute in the playoffs. That doesn't sound like the offensive goat to me. Curry changed the league, but not more than players like mikan and wilt. Curry changed the leagues shooting tendencies. Mikan and wilt literally changed the fundamental aspects of the game, and rules like the shot clock, and goal tending are due to their dominance. Curry was never dominant enough to warrant rule changes. In terms of greatness, curry becomes less great as you consider more context to his career, especially his chips, and the fact he had the worst choke job in nba history. With that being said, he's definitely a top 10-20 player ever.


>Russell is undeniably greater than curry and it's not even close. Plumbers & firemen


curry plays against podcasters and youtubers. See how dumb that sounds? You can only beat who's in front of you


Oof! Steph is amazing and all, and I don’t think he should be discounted, but this is some high praise even for him!


I'd put him above Hakeem, Bill, and Shaq. I think he's on par with Magic, Bird, Kobe, and Wilt.


Wait are people really putting Russell on the same tier as Shaq and Hakeem now? These same people have Russell below fucking Kobe and Wilt?!?! This is nonsense.


Russell is a legend, but let's not get carried away. He achieved more than any player in league history, but that doesn't automatically put him in the goat conversation. There were 8 nba teams in the 1960 season. I would rank Bill Russell alongside Tim Duncan at the tail end of the top 10. He was the best player on the best team, but Havlicek was arguably their best player for many of their winning years.


What the fuck. This sub has lost its mind


Curry isn’t over any of those guys lmao


Bill shouldn't be in the top 10. Winning all those rings is incredible, but a smaller league where all (most of) the top talent in it was concentrated on one team with him makes it pretty easy. His biggest rival was Wilt, who outplayed him in their matchups. He won MVPs because he was the face of the franchise that was absolutely stacked. As a Celtics fan, I want him top 10. As an NBA fan, he's not.


All the old heads will tell you that Wilt never played up to the big moments and left a lot to be desired in clutch situations.


I consider those Bill titles to be 0.5 which is still 5.5 which is still GOAT convo level. We consider eras in this convo. So he shouldn’t suffer cuz of his. He’s not MJ or LeBron but god damn.


Sure, but that's the same reason Cousey, Petit, and other old players that had solid careers aren't considered top 10 (arguably not even top 25) players of all time. We can say we don't take into account eras, but it is important context that we can't overlook because it's "unfair" to them that the game has evolved and become more competitive.


The dude won the title every year except two. Both years he lost in the playoffs to the eventual champs. One in which he was injured and lost in the Finals to Hall of Famer Bob Petit, and the other in which he lost to Wilt’s 68-win team, the best team ever at the time, in his first year as player-coach, where Wilt purposefully adjust his game to specifically play more like Russell in the playoffs. I mean, even his two losses are staggeringly impressive.


That’s simply not true. Go look at the teams he beat. He was winning series against Laker teams with both Elgin Baylor and Jerry West. He was beating Wilt Chamberlain. He beat the Knicks team that won two titles a couple years later. He won in leagues of 8, 10, 12, and 14 teams. The guy just won.


This is absolutely laughable


What defense do you have for Bill that isn't "MVP and championships" while he was on the best team in a small league? He wasn't even the best player in the league at the time. Wilt outplayed him.


MVP and championship is like.. by far what’s used the most for the goat debate, but okay. He’d be a 6x fmvp and 6x DPOY lol, 11 rings, 5 mvps. Only one other player had 5 mvps and 6 fmvps, I wonder who that is. And that guy that was so much better than him? Also top 10 lol


He would probably be a 10-time DPOY tbh.


Lol do you need something more than “he was the best player in the league and his team won the title every year?”


Curry is the greatest one way player of all time.


Fairly comfortably


Jerry West (25) is higher on the all-time scoring list with fewer games played than Curry, who is 30th on the list. Curry is absolutely not in the conversation for most lethal scorer of all time. 1 finals mvp out of 4 rings makes it hard to be in the top 10 conversation too.


Definitely? Umm...no. definitely an argument to be had


Steph Curry, Jerry West, John Stockton


Bro tried to sneak Steve Nash in 🤣


dont even think hes top 20


Isn’t Barkley like 6’4


Michael Jordan is really 6'4"


I"m new to this conspiracy theory. MJ is 6'6" dammit!


Was going to echo this rumor (which I think when brought up to MJ himself he didn't exactly deny). So OP should change the title to 6'3" or shorter...


Barkley and Jordan sure look the same height: [https://images.app.goo.gl/Ecqp9APWB5N6232y9](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ecqp9APWB5N6232y9)


Wasn't Barkley actually 6'4"?


That was my point lol


Curry stands above them all. He changed the game




Top 10 influential players at LEAST. Not unlike Curry he also changed the game.


AI, agreed.


Top 10 most polarizing maybe, and a very fun peak, but a career 42.5/31.3/78 averaging 26/4/6 with 3.6 turnovers is just not a top 10 career.


Payton Pritchard /s


Half court GOAT


You know it!


Whew good thing you put /s


Well with my flair I didn’t know if people would think I was a complete fanboy or some shit ya never know on Reddit lol


Top 10 PPs in the NBA, hands down


as a suns fan and nash believer, putting him on this list is insane. No chance you deserve to be top 10 without a ring. curry has to be the only one worthy


Lol thank you.


Curry's probably top 10, people are just really wary of putting a nonretired player in there. He underperformed in 2015, and if Lebron isn't getting that fmvp then I don't ever want to see anyone on the losing team win the award ever again, but he was definitely deserving of fmvp before Iguodala, as great as Iggy was that series. He also has some of the most impressive offensive metrics of all time and arguably the most impactful offensive player ever, and can dominate on and off the ball unlike any player ever. In terms of purely being an icon of the sport, I'd say Curry is only behind MJ, Russell, Kobe, Lebron, Bird and Magic as he was the main proponent in ushering in the 3 point era.


Ok now tell us who to remove from the traditional top 10 lists. Hakeem, Russul, Kobe, Duncan....?


Wow never seen anyone spell Russell as “Russul”


Curry is above Bill and Duncan.


1 MVP & 4 rings w/1 FMVP vs 2 MVPs & 5 rings w/3 FMVPs Nah, he ain’t taking Tim’s spot. Try again.


This is such a tired argument. There is more than just trophies to why Curry is better than almost every player ever. Every GM in the league would rather start a franchise with Curry over Duncan right now.


Well yeah I mean Tim Duncan is almost 50


“It’s the only argument I need, Sean!”


People aren’t wary of putting non retired dudes in there. LeBron?


You can generally be wary but still put a monster like Lebron in there considering how exceptional and long his career is


This. Being wary doesn't mean you don't do it, it just means people are general cautious and/ or hesitant to. Lebron has been in the top 10 for a while now and has only been moving up.


MJ and Kobe are both apparently in the range 6’4.5” - 6’4.75” so maybe one of those two On a serious note, 6’2” Steph breaking into the top 10 all time is just something we will never see again. Unreal skill and work ethic. League’s lucky he wasn’t a genetic freak athlete.


If Curry was a freak athlete he probably wouldnt have worked as hard to be such a shooter.


Curry is 10 for me


Kicking…magic or Kobe out of 10?


Wait why would Magic be kicked out? Isn’t he almost always in the top 6 in basically everyone’s rankings?


I’m trying to understand who else he is kicking out of top 10. Same comment can be said with almost all top 10


Maybe Duncan, Bill, or Wilt?


Kobe easily.


Curry and West. That’s it.


Jordan and Kobe were both under 6’5 without shoes.


Yeah but they don’t play barefoot.


Yeah but shoes aren’t part of your body


The Answer


I love everyone in this thread talking about barefoot basketball to try to cheat the question lol.


I personally have Curry 11 so probably him


ISIAH???? TOP 10????? ask Jordan about that




He never said Zeke was top 10, but he didn’t say Zeke is the second best player to ever play the PG right behind Magic.




Absolutely not Nash cuz he has no ring. Laughable.


Curry\\Isiah for sure. Nash never played a final, so you can't put him there. He just wasn't shooting enough. He was barely taking 12-13 shots a game like a Ginobili type player.


Isiah Thomas has no argument to be top-10 all-time.


Isaiah for top 10 players of all time?


Jerry "The Logo" West is beyond Isaiah Thomas and I'm an IT fan. Jerry was the best guard in the league for a while.


Magic averaged ~13 shots per game for his career too.


Yes- but! When you make 9 finals and win 5 rings as the clear cut best player that supersedes both being a 20+ PPG scorer.




John Stockton


Stockton was legit. Incredible consistency over a long career. AI deserves a mention. That man was a problem. Curry, West, Isaiah, and Nash are excellent candidates.


None of the above


Nigga, curry & also west as well




Michael Jordan. He is under 6'5 without shoes


nash ain't 10, maybe 20-30


The obvious answer is clearly Muggsy Bogues.


It would be laughable for anyone to try and argue for IT or Steve Nash to be in the top 10, I can hear a conversation for top 25


Some of you have legitimately lost your minds, the only player 6’3 or under that has a top 10 argument is curry. I saw AI, Nash, IT, Jason Kidd, Westbrook,Stockton, Jerry west y’all are smoking crack bro


Steve Nash. It even close to top ten. I’d put iverson and wade over him.


Jerry West. If that man had any luck he could have gotten a few more rings and he would be in goat conversation. Just literally ran into a tremendous team that knew how to beat the Lakers the best.


On this list, only Steph


julian newman🔥


Yeah the answer is Steph and isiah


There is no case for Isiah. He is top 20 at best. Argue me otherwise


3 time all nba first team, 2 time all nba second team. 2 time nba champ and 1 finals mvp. And did it all with a much less talented squad around him. Dumars great player but by no means Durant. Rodman was great but defensively. Everyone else was just a role player. That would be my argument.


Fair argument. However I must say, I’m a Detroit fan and I still don’t see the case. Let’s not forget they had guys like Bill Laimbeer controlling the paint and Vinnie Johnson coming in off the bench. He was the best player on a well rounded team. Magic is the only PURE PG to lead a team to a championship as the #1 guy in the modern era of basketball. Curry is the only non traditional PG to lead a team to a chip as the first option. Isiah led his team but they were a very well rounded team without a true superstar. Statistically he just about compares to a top 10 PG of the game today. Magic and Curry have unmatched statistics…


You need a team to win a title. Magic had an incredible team. Kareem - he was better than Laimbeer (by a ton he scored the most points ever by the time he retired ffs). Worthy is certainly much Bette than Vinnie Johnson lmfao. 6’9 scoring machine without flaw. Cmon meow.


No doubt. But regardless, Magic and Curry have broke records which puts them in that top 10 tier. Isiah won 2 chips, but statistically he wasn’t anything special, he was the best player on the best team at the time. Similar to when the Pistons won in 2004, Chauncey may have been the best player/Finals MVP but he gets no respect. Largely in part to him being slightly the best player on a very balanced team. For these same reasons, people can make a fair case for Timmy D not being top 10. He was the best player on the best team but he wasn’t miles ahead of the rest of the guys. That’s why TP won a finals MVP and on a lot of nights Manu or TP was there guy. When u look at the advanced stats and accolades u can make the case for him being top 10. That being said I’m okay with people not having him there because he didn’t purely carry that team- like a prime Kobe, LeBron, MJ or Bird have done in the past. They had good teams, don’t get me wrong. But for 2 of Kobe’s chips, and all those other guys chips there was 0 question of who the best player on the court was. Pau Gasol or Scottie Pippen weren’t about to win finals MVPs.


Also, I don’t think at any given time people considered Isiah the best player in the league. No MVPs… 5th was the highest he ever finished in MVP voting: therefore there’s 0 case for him being top 10. Magic, Bird and Jordan were always better players than him. To be in the top 10 you had to have been the best player in the league for at LEAST a season.


There is 0 argument for Isiah being ahead of Bill, Wilt, Kareem, Magic, Bird, Jordan, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, Duncan, LeBron, Durant, Jokić, Curry and even Giannis therefore he can’t be a top 10 player of all time.


I can’t put isiah and Chauncey in the same sentence, that’s where you lose me. And magic was like 6’9 btw, I believe the thread was about 6’5 and under.


Bro I’m not saying Chauncey has as good a career but their numbers at their peaks are damn near equal except Billups shot better percentages. Just admit it homie, Isiah got no case for top 10😂


I mean shit, they both have 0 MVPs and their best seasons both equated to 5th in MVP voting… they’re not all that different lol


Curry is there in my eyes, personal opinion downdoots be darned..


Both Stephen Curry and Jerry West have very solid arguments. As a Canadian, I do love to see Steve Nash pictured above however I don’t think he has a solid case at all. He may have won 2 MVPs but he never even made an NBA Finals. It’s hard enough to make an argument for someone to be in the top 10 when they haven’t won a championship- let alone when they haven’t won a conference championship…


Only Curry




curry at #9 all time. my top 10 is mj, lebron, kareem, tim duncan, magic, bird, kobe, hakeem, wilt, curry, shaq


My top 10 consists of (not necessarily in this order) 1. LeBron 2. MJ 3. Kobe 4. Kareem 5. Wilt 6. Magic 7. Shaq 8. Bill Russell 9. Timmy D 10. Hakeem, KD or Curry


Pretty much just Jerry West. Bob Cousy was better than Curry. You people and your recency bias…


Oscar Robertson.


Oscar was 6’5


My bad, read it wrongly. Thought it said 6'5 and under.


Things would be so different for Nash if a convicted ref didn't ruin his chances at an fmvp in 07. Nothing's ever certain in sports, I've seen too many missed layups in the NBA to not understand this, but Utah then baby Lebron in the finals was as sure of a thing as ever.


Having IT and Nash in this post is wild. There are 10 guys in the league now I’d take over both of them. It’s Steph and only Steph unless you want to include West but he obviously doesn’t stand a chance against modern guys so he doesn’t touch my top 10.


Assuming it’s prime Nash the only guys I’d take above Nash that are active now are Giannis, Jokic, and maybe KD. If it’s prime current players, I’ll add in LeBron and Steph


For me, Steph is the greatest/2nd greatest pg of all time. So I'm comfortable putting him in the top 10.


Chris Paul and John Stockton according to Career Win Shares.


all those win shares but none in the finals. find a better metric


Jordan and kobe were like 6'4 by modern measurements right? So those are pretty good shouts...


Modern measurements cut off 2”?


Jordan was 6'4 to 6'4.5 with no shoes. Same with kobe. Same height as Mathurin in today's NBA, or jalen williams.


No way Kobe was 6’4 lol


[https://www.celebheights.com/s/Kobe-Bryant-5718.html](https://www.celebheights.com/s/Kobe-Bryant-5718.html) "I'm six-six, but my kids are quick to remind me that I'm actually Six-Four and a half without shoes."


Haha damn that’s gold


Mate, you know damn well that's not what's being measured


Curry is the only one. The next closest would be Isiah, and he's not close.


Isiah over West?


Jason Kidd is listed at 6'4" and has a significantly better argument than Nash. Anybody putting Nash over Kidd career-wise is a moron. I say this and Jason absolutely isn't top-10 all-time


I think I would give an edge to Kidd overall, but to act like him and Nash aren't damn close and it could not go either way is weird to me.


Yep they'd float in the 35-40 range on most lists. Prob never more than 5 spots apart from each other. Pretty wild a guy would say "significantly better argument" about 2-time mvp. I mean you better be bringing LeBron and Jordan cases. Cuz Kidd's accolades do not exactly stack up. And that's what people use in this discussion. Regardless its totally moot as neither player would ever be in discussion for top 10.


No he doesn't. Inb4 you talk about Fi ask appearances in a weka east and finals win as a roleplayers


Weird, I guess thinking basketball is trash


There’s no debate here


While he doesnt make my top 10, he is close and would have a reasonable argument, he is 6'5 but i think if you took the shoes off we could talk about The Big O?




Chris Paul > Nash bc defense and better scorer in the clutch


Curry is top five all time. If everyone is shooting 3s because of you, you should be considered as one of the GOATs.


Well no. It doesn’t make him better at basketball


If he is not, why is everybody learning from him?


He shot threes well. It changed the game. I got respect for that, but no, that does not make him better as a player. U could argue he was the most influential ever, doesn’t mean he is the best


So the people who change the rules of the game or the way it’s played are the goats? If so, you got Mikan in there right? Wilt? Shaq?