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518 wins (6th most all time for a trio) is impressive


Who were the 5 trios trios ahead of them? 00 Spurs, 60s Celtics, 80s Celtics, 80s Lakers, 90s Jazz? (Idk who the third Jazz would be)


Jeff H.


Lol my brain was like Jeff Hardy never played basketball


Jeff Hardy pulls up for a wild three... BAAAANG!!!! BAAAANG!!! 😂


A Swanton Bomb from way downtown!


Oh what a *SHOT* from Hardy!!


Imagine the celebrations 😂


That’s hilarious 😂


No, but the trio of him, Matt, and Lita was legit.


Hornacek was that good?


He was good enough to stay with the team the whole time. But of course Malone and Stockton are more responsible for the wins.


He was a really good player, basically a 50/40/90 guy his whole career. An all-star with PHX, had 2 WCF appearances with them, plus everything he accomplished in Utah.


To me he was like a Danny Ainge. You look at him and you’re like short white guy can’t be that good, but somehow they just are.


He was a fringe all-star. Like Jazz Hayward.


Jeffy was one of the best supporting players ever. No way you’re going to outperform Malone or Stockton, but he didn’t need to. He just played his game which was 100% rock solid. He would’ve made a great addition for any team, too, which is how he played for Phoenix, but him going to Utah was the topper on an already good sundae.


Would probably be Bryon Russell over Hornacek. Russell was on the Jazz for 9 seasons. Horny was only there for 6 1/3.


Hornacek only played 6.5 seasons with Utah and around 350 wins. Mark Eaton actually played 9 full seasons with Malone and Stockton and had 395 wins. Greg Ostertag played 8 full seasons with them and had 417 wins.


Which other trios had a defensive guy who could barely score?


Any team with Dennis Rodman or Ben Wallace


They’re also miles above Draymond defensively and in terms of rebounding. Not that Draymond wasn’t elite, but those two guys were absolute nightmare matchups. Rodman averaged 18 boards over an entire season lmao.


He averaged 14 their good seasons though


Bill Russell


Lol, nah, Jazz getting Smoked by the real big 3 of Jordan Pippen Rodman , the prototypes to what Kerr coached, props to Steph for going next level (anyone who has Steph off the GOAT list this applies) , you don’t have to be 6’6 - 7’ and mirror eachother (Wilt Mj Kobe Lebron etc. whatever the criteria and what the fuck ever for “mt Rushmore” ) .. name another like him and you’ll only be naming prototypes of certain aspects of his game. I’m not even a GS fan, Steph Curry is 1 of 1.


6th most all time is insane considering how long and how great they played together


Agree. Most all time is Spurs trio with 300+ more wins then 1980’s Celtics.


Makes sense the spurs owned the regular season for about 10 years because of that trio


Also gotta account for the fact that Klay missed two and a half seasons with his back to back ACL & Achilles tear. That being said the Spurs record is insane, and one that I don’t think will ever be broken.


Wasn't it like 22 years of straight playoff appearances?


Yes, but “only” 14 of those years had the trio playing (02-03 - 16-17)


Yes. From 1997-2017 the Spurs averaged 57 wins per season (1133 wins) this is including the 1999 strike shortened season where they won 37 out of 50 total games. Had 99’ been a full season their average wins over 20 years would be closer to 58/59 wins avg. Nuts.


I gotta agree with you there Friendly_Kunt. Had Klay been on the floor those seasons they likely get within striking distance of the Celtics/Spurs.


Now imagine those 80's Celtics if that god damned driveway never existed.


Are you including the KD years?


put KD in the picture and it becomes less impressive


lol yeah you can’t just erase their best player for 3yrs and say those three are the incredible run. Pippen, Rodman, Harper - how did they win a three peat!?


I can't believe the comeback that Irving, Love, and Smith pulled off in 2016.


Sounds like a personal injury law firm


They won 2 titles had 2 finals appearances and broke the wins record without KD so those three did have a pretty impressive run


Steph is better than KD idgaf.


Bron-stans elated at that fact stated that way.


They could have won more games if Klay didn't sit out two and a half seasons and didn't lose his athleticism. Championship? Maybe, maybe not, but they would have won close to another hundred more games together.


they put up some good numbers no doubt. I just have to reserve some of the accolades if we're going to pretend that KD didn't play with them for 3 years. If there's no KD this team may have been busted up a long time ago.


3 finals appearances, 2 wins, record for most win in a season, all happened without KD. With KD they were in the stratosphere, but without him, they're still one of the best.


And Iggy. Best team of all-time. Feels weird to call them a trio when 3/4 titles came with extreme levels of talent on the roster.


We have to start taking some away from Klay’s recent performances though.


Monta Ellis in the background is a nice touch


I remember the time when some dub fans wished Monta had stayed instead of the injury-prone Steph


I was at the game where they retired Mullin’s jersey. Right after the Monta for Bogut trade. Fans were chanting “fuck Lacob” and Mullin literally had to grab the mic and tell people to shut up.


I was there too. I remember Rick Barry losing it. It was wild


That was such a big-brained move too. We needed to tank to keep our top-7 protected pick, so we traded for a good, but injured center. Lost just enough games and won a coin-flip to get the 7 pick to get Harrison Barnes instead of losing our pick.


Bill Simmons wrote an article about that night: [bill simmons article](https://grantland.com/features/how-annoy-fan-base-60-easy-steps/)


This makes me happy to be born in the late 90s


I remember that first year they lost in the second round of the playoffs. They had Jarret Jack and Mark Jackson was still the coach. They were so fun to watch. You could feel They had something special building. I don't know why I mention Jack of all the guys. He was just a solid role player that played to his peak ability on that squad. Their culture enabled a lot of guys to be their best selves as far as basketball was concerned. A little piece of magic.


I used to hate Steph before the dynasty because I was a Spurs fan and every game he’d light Tony Parker up. He’d drop 40 on them with ease.


He was terrible when he left somehow right


My fav was a Monte interview after getting traded, and he said "I knew they weren't going to send me to a play off team." Getting traded to the Bucks lol. I'm pretty sure they made the play offs and JJ Reddick might have been on that squad too.


Monta was the Splash Father. He splished so they could splash.


As a bucks fan, that hurt so bad. I know Steph had ankle worries but imagine an alternate universe where he was sent to MKE and paired with Giannis. (I know there are a ton of variables)


I find it even more fun to hypothesize over which teams could have drafted Giannis. It’s so rare for a player that ends up being so talented to have been so attainable. At the time it was considered such a weak draft where picks didn’t hold as much value as your avg draft. Basically any team could have worked out a trade to jump up and get Giannis. I know there’s that video of Masai failing to make a trade to 12 to get Giannis, but that trade was contingent on the guarantee that Giannis was still on the board at the time of the trade. The video shows Masai offering the Raps 2015 pick. Though the trade didn’t go through I think that it shows if FOs were willing to take some risk there was a path to get Giannis. Also, the Celtics gave up the 16th pick and two seconds to move up to 13 and take Kelly Olynyk. It’s crazy to imagine how different the league would be if somehow the Warriors would’ve made a trade to grab Giannis and you pair him with two of the greatest shooters of all time. Another wild hypothetical is what if in 2014 the Bucks take Embiid at two instead of Jabari? Embiid and Giannis clearly don’t have very complimentary skill sets but that’s just overwhelming talent to put together.


No way the Bucks are in the lottery for the 2014 draft with Steph on their team, that was when he was becoming an MVP caliber player.


Which is exactly why I said “(I know there are a ton of variables)” For instance, what if Steph got hurt that 2013 season? It was just an alternate reality thing.


When drafted in 2013, Giannis was not a lottery pick.


I collected Monta trading cards.. when Curry came along, I switched so fast..






Probably 3rd or 4th or 5th for me. Bird, McHale, Parish. Magic, Kareem, worthy. Duncan, Manu, Parker. Jordan , pippen, grant .


Grant over Rodman?


Yeah cause those 3 were home grown bull guys. Rodman was a already a champion and winner with the Pistons. Yeah I know you could say that About Parish and Kareem but those guys when you think Kareem and Parish you think Celtics and Lakers 1st and then remember they played for GS and the Bucks.


I had no clue parish played anywhere else but Boston


He was on one of the Bulls championship teams.


Brother played FOREVER


Learn something every day they say. He was lackadaisical they say in GS but once he got to Boston and seen how that team conducted Business realized I gotta get in playing shape. I believe Bill Fitch ran him twice as hard as everyone else till he got into good condition. Turns out it was probably the best thing for him. He career did a 180 and he was a easy top 5 center in the league from like 82-92. He was just so solid at everything.


Isiah, Lambeer, Rodman?


With those bad boy teams, I’d put Dumars above Rodman.


Rodman was only really amazing for 96. His production fell off a cliff afterwards


Let’s not forget Lebron, Bronny and AD.


>Lebron, Bronny Highest scoring father-son duo in NBA history. A combined 8,162 playoff points.


Looking at this list kind of makes me want to put them number two.. It could just be my age, but I feel like other than Duncan Manu and Parker, one of the trio is just kind of the best player that you could insert to that spot. Feels like it could have just been anybody Jordan Pippen Rodman could just as easily go in there. Curry Green and Thompson really are all the core of that team. Thompson and Curry are the Splash Brothers. And green is the muscle. You needed it all.


Depends on how much you value drafting and organic teams. For me, because of how successful they were, working through the draft system... top 3 all time.


Surely not ahead of Tony, Tim, and Manu right?


I'd say Duncan-Parker-Ginobili is 1, Magic-Kareem-Worthy is 2, and 3 is a toss up between Curry-Klay-Dray and Bird-McHale-Parish


Where does Jordan/Pippen/Rodman place?


They're up there for sure, but they just don't have the longevity that the Spurs, Lakers, Celtics, and Warriors had. For reference, MJ played 469 games with Horace Grant (including the first 3-peat) but only 199 with Rodman.


I guess they had one less championship together but subtract KD and I think it goes to the Bulls


Not on the list since this chain is saying valuing organic drafts puts them higher. Rodman was like a KD move.


If valuing organically building through the draft, Kareem’s Lakers don’t qualify.


Bird-McHale-Parish for sure ahead. Remember, whilst Klay and Draymond were always there, they were often not the second and third best players on the team. Especially for the Warriors really good years.




This trio is Organic, Free Range, straight from the farm goodness. Not that processed, hormone-filled, pink slime McDonald’s bullshit


Very rude of you to insert the 2021 Brooklyn Nets into this


Looking at the lists of top trios I believe Warriors and Spurs were the only teams that actually drafted their Big 3. IMO that bumps both up a notch.


I like this angle too. They drafted all these guys. I’m not much into ranking but love the exciting basketball we got to see.


So we're just gonna pretend like KD never happened?


How about in comparison to their talent levels. Or maybe our own perceptions. I never ever thought these 3 could be that good. I’m not even sure how good they are on their own. They made each other so good and complimented each other in a way that I’ve never seen in basketball.


#1 shooter #1 baby #1 game 6-er Edit it was supposed to say Number 1 not the way it came out lol


the players, top 5. those jerseys, bottom 5.


Man I love those jerseys, especially Steph's one. That Steph jersey is my favourite ever because he wore it for the OKC game winner. Same goes for the LeBron black sleeved Cleveland jersey since he wore it for "the block". They're just legendary jerseys for me and I think the pure black, sleeved, minimalist jerseys with just the logo being worn for both Steph and lebrons most iconic moments in their careers is so sick.


Awful trend but stuff like that is why the NBA stays relevant and fun. They try new things to keep the league interesting like the painted courts. Fucking terrible decision but it’s better to try and fail then end up slowly dying like baseball


spurs trio is the best! warriors trio is up there 4 in such a shirt amount of time is fucking impressive


WTF Jordan, Pippen, Grant? Jordan, Pippen, Rodman? How are they not mentioned?


Lebron, Teague, Thompson? No? 


Or lebron, Kyrie, Love. Or Lebron, wade, Bosh?


Or lebron lebron lebron?




Larry, McHale, Chief.


Seems they are using longevity and total games won as criteria


Arguably number 1, it's between them and the Spurs trio


Nah. They're top 5 for sure. But having KD for 3 seasons has to knock them down a little bit. Their best player for 2 of the 4 championships isn't even apart of the trio


It’s gotta be #2 behind Manu Tim and Tony


Half the rings came with KD


Top 3 & they ain’t 3


At worst top 3.


This a tough one because I feel like the addition of KD overshadows their greatness to some degree. I’m not saying that’s fair or not, but I think it’s true. Still, they’ve gotta be considered one of the most effective trios in nba history.


eh their competition as the best trio all time imo (duncan manu tony) also had similar stuff where kawhi or robinson were seen as better at the time so i dont really care about that part.


Yup and their last ring came when Kawhi was the best player in the finals. Didnt he win FMVP?


So this might be unpopular because KD is hated but it’s impossible to rank them. From 2017 from 2019, their best player is not on the picture, they were quatuor. He is a back to back finals MVP, he is his prime and one of the best scorer in the history of the game. Klay was the never the second best player on the Warriors and in 2022, Wiggins was the robin with Looney as the 3rd best player.


I mean saying 2016-2019 is being pretty harsh. It's more like 2017-2018 if you're considering the actual legend-defining moments. 2016 the 73-9, 3-1 comeback then 3-1 choke is obviously all more important than the games they played with KD in December. Similarly, 2019 the Houston closeout games, Portland sweep and majority of the finals was more important than Draymond and KD arguing mid game while they're the 1 seed in February. 2022 definitely was more of a "Steph + role players stepping up" legendary run but klay and dray did also still have super important performances throughout that run so I'd still count it. It definitely counts far more for Steph's legacy than the other two though.


Looney was not better than poole or draymond in 2022 lmfao


I mean how many dominant multi-championship trio’s do we really have?…there’s ton’s of duo’s but consistently successful trio’s? Sorry Boston but Pierce/Garnett/Allen got you only 1 chip so they don’t count… Jordan/Pippen/Rodman James/Wade/Bosh Parker/Manu/Duncan


Duncan Parker manu


Bird, Chief, McHale.


Greatest trios: 5. Lebron + Wade + Bosh 4. Curry + Klay + KD 3. Duncan + Manu + Parker 2. Jordan + Pippen + Rodman 1. TT + Shump + nets pick


They are top 3 in my opinion. They gotta be


They're #1 in this current generation.


You don’t make it to 5 NBA Finals as a fluke & I hated them, but they complimented each other other.


*6 NBA Finals


Top 4.




Top 3 easily


Although I am a spurs fan, they are #1 trio after 2003 (when I started watching this game). They have changed how everyone play and how we read the game. You don’t see teenagers shoot many 3s back in the day. Now shooting from half court is acceptable. And they showed that you don’t have to be the strongest or fastest on the court to win NBA championships.


Trío? Second after Duncan, Manu and Tony. Since Green became a starter at the start of the 15 season (first ring), that’s ten years together. Outside of an injury riddled season they get to the finals 6 times, won 4 and even have classic games in the non finals seasons (Curry got a scoring title and a play in showdown, 50 pointers in close out games and etc). Klay don’t go down in 2019 they have 5 rings and maybe KD longer than they did. Like, they did so much in ten years together as individuals and as a unit that they might be first because of the efficiency


They are probably 4-5 for me. Durant was 2x finals MVP for two of their rings. It doesnt diminish the rings but hard to argue they're best ever when they may only have one if Durant doesn't come to the warriors




Those jerseys were trash


Pretty high TBH


2 rings in 12 years. not that high


Russell, Jones, Cousy has to be number 1 right


2nd best, behind GDP


Behind Steph, Klay and KD


Tbh top 2 for me and Im not sure they're two. They legitimately changed the game


Jordan pippen rodman These 3 Bron, Wade, bosh Probably my top 3


Nr 12 because of gaymond


More of a duo


Fucking garbage, they should have won 6 titles minimum. That is how bad takes will be in 5-10 years, Skip and Screamin had nothing on reddit


So we're just going to forget the KD years? Okay... probably just outside top 5 though, 73 wins is 73 wins


Somewhere in the top 5 depending on how you value roster construction.


Draymond is ass, so it has to be pretty low


Maybe top 5? The fact that they all were developed rather than bought says something tho


Not higher than KD Curry & Klay


Right behind spurs and Lakers no?


I don't know about the guy in the middle, but the other two are two of the best shooters ever assembled on a team.


As a trio? Top 6


Easily in the top 5 all time.




Only 1 finals MVP among the lot of em.


Draymond is way overrated


I found the implosion weirdly entertaining, this group is number 1 from a smugness perspective.


Me imagining if Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady and Doug Christie stayed together :(


This looks like two and a half men as far as I’m concerned and I’m still pulling for the warriors


Below Steph, kd draymond


Top 5 all time for sure


Those shorts are too big


Draymond has the skinniest legs


X’ing Kevin Durant out the equation is something you can’t do. He won 2 rings as FMVP in GS. So when you’re talking about the trio’s 4 championships, it’s impossible to annex him from the conversation. You can’t say that with other trios like MJ, Pippen, Rodman or Magic, Kareem, Worthy or Bird, McHale, Parrish or Duncan, Parker, Ginoblii (you can tack Kawhi onto the last chop).


I see a duo lol


They have the best playoff record of any trio ever. Goated


In terms of success around top 5. In terms of natural fit I think it’s the greatest ever. Each player had a weakness that was hidden by the other two and I think if you pulled any one of them out the other two don’t achieve the same success


Out back in the alley


easily a top 5 trio oat


This pic looks so old now 🥲




Exclude donkey face from this now!


No mention of the Pistons? Isaiah, Dumars and Laimbeer or Rodman needs to be on the list. Going back to back is hard as hell


My personal pick is 1 or 2 simply because other than Tim Duncan, Manu and Tony Parker I believe they were the only ones all drafted and brought up by the same team. I like seeing teams develop talent.


Prob around 13th or 16th in terms of achievement’s


Drafted/homegrown, 6 finals, 4 chips, changed the game. Easily top 3, potentially 1st all things considered


Jordan, Pippen, Rodman Duncan, Parker, Ginobli Kobe, Shaq, Fisher Billups, Rasheed, Hamilton Lebron, Wade, Bosh Garnett, Pierce, Allen Lebron, Kyrie, Love Durant, Steph, Klay Just some great trios over the years and one cheat code


Not even the best trio during their dynasty


I'd personally put them in the top 5 trios of all time




Those jerseys should be destroyed from the history books


Top 5 all time for sure


The best shooter in league history. One of the best secondary options and perfect for said greatest shooter ever. And the biggest insecure and weak willed asshole / cheap shot artist ever. In both their roles and in production among the absolutely elite ever and you can’t argue with the results.


Top 3 for me


Certainly a dynasty. In my lifetime I’d rank them behind the Shaq lakers, Timmy spurs, and MJ bulls. Not a knock against them… but they did lose blow a 3-1 lead and then the whole KD debacle


Short hair Klay was unreal


Potentially #1 tbh


Maybe top 3. Hard to rank cuz of KD. 2 titles without him and 4 total. Jordan Rodman and pippin are #1. Grant Pippen and Jordan are probably 2. Then you got Bird, Mchale and parish but that team was deep as fuck. Same with worthy, magic and Kareem. Those Celtics teams with Russell were deep af. There’s also teams like Shaq Kobe and +1 and Ginobli, Duncan and Parker too. Once again, very hard to judge. They were special I’m glad I go to enjoy the 2010s as a kings fan and not as a fan of the warriors or cavs cuz I just got to watch a lot of great basketball as a neutral


Throw KD in there and it's maybe the best quartet ever.


This trio would cook those old ass teams.


Top Ten


top 10 maybe


Won more than bosh, wade and the "king"


Behind the spurs Trio


Somewhere behind Parker-Ginobili-Duncan